When to start applying on airline apps?
Posted by navigate2me@reddit | flying | View on Reddit | 12 comments
CFI/I here at 1300 hrs, I know airlines were taking a while to reply to applications, so I’m wondering if I should start applying everywhere? If not right now, when would it be worth it to pay and get on the app for me? I’m just short on the total time, I have the other requirements done already.
Thank you!
I just recently removed my ago restriction but already submitted my apps to the majors. It’s never too early to do it and after all you have to do is update it since the heavy leg work is done.
Now is fine but nobody is getting calls for a 121 with 1500 these days. Even 2000 isn't raising eyebrows unless there's a good amount of multi and, even better, turbine.
stop spreading lies, people are getting cjos day after hitting 1,500 hours at republic
Yeah thats not true
Everybody just past the 1500 hr threshold who's NOT a cadet that has gotten a call from a 121, raise your hand.
Yes it is. Many peers of mine here at spirit are not getting calls and they have way more hours than the OP.
That’s because the regionals know those guys will be risky for CA upgrade or short term DEC because they’ll bounce the second they can.
This is a copy of the original post body for posterity:
CFI/I here at 1300 hrs, I know airlines were taking a while to reply to applications, so I’m wondering if I should start applying everywhere? If not right now, when would it be worth it to pay and get on the app for me? I’m just short on the total time, I have the other requirements done already. Averaging 80hrs a month.
Thank you!
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Now, but don’t expect much. Spirit FOs with 121 time aren’t getting calls back let alone 1500 hour peeps. Times have changed
You can apply whenever you want.
Update your times once per month and hope for the best. You’re not going to get a call for a while, but persistence is key.
Take your time filling the apps out. Spell everything correctly, don’t forget things.
Doesn't hurt to start putting them in now if you want but don't be surprised if you don't get any responses until you at least hit 1500. With how the industry is right now you might not even get responses at 1500 hours.
If you’re flying actively, start working on your profile, adding your hours and then just keep updating it. They can’t call if you haven’t applied.