Location request: Where was I on New Years Eve c. 2001/2002? Rave in a series of underground tunnels?

Posted by ModernMuse@reddit | budapest | View on Reddit | 12 comments

Helló Budapest!

In 2001/2022-ish I was in your amazing and vibrant city, on your beautiful bridges, seeing your spectacular sites, and drinking Unicum in bars while playing a lot of table soccer. I've always remember Budapest so fondly.

The location request is for a new year's eve party I attended that I seem to recall may have been under the castle or very nearby. I could be wrong on that, but it was very much in the central city. Regardless, it was a rave-like scene held in a series of (literal) underground tunnels with lights and dancing and DJs throughout what seemed like a labyrinth. It was smokey and boozy and a really awesome party.

I distinctly remember hearing twice that night that this party was the last to be held in this long-used and very old system of underground tunnels and/or catacombs. Do you know where this was? Thank you.