Creamed tuna on toast

Posted by nowaytheyrealltaken@reddit | shittyfoodporn | View on Reddit | 17 comments

Creamed tuna on toast

I’ve never had it, and it’s one of the relatively few foods I would not be open to trying.

Some context: I was an unexpected 5th child. My sister is about 10 years older than me, and my brothers are several years older than her. Times were tight when they were growing up, and mom had 4 hungry kids to feed, and a small budget to do it. So she made this…stuff. You can’t knock it; plenty of protein, some carbs, and some veg. Plus super inexpensive, so it fits on the menu!

The stories I’ve heard. Every time it was creamed tuna on toast night, the boys got together to see what they had done recently to justify this kind of punishment.

No pictures survive of those dinners. I had to look one up (pulled from a very generically named “food” website) which is the photo shown.

I know there will be folks that talk this up like it’s a beautiful culinary creation. I am truly happy you enjoy it! I have 40 years of stories that tell me eating creamed tuna on toast is more like surviving a really bad fight. From the looks of that picture, I will agree and remain blissfully ignorant.