Storing a 55 gallon barrel of potable water -- anything I should be concerned about?

Posted by 09232022@reddit | preppers | View on Reddit | 19 comments

We have several packs of bottled water and a rain barrel with some various water purification methods. We also have a very small creek in our backyard, but it's seasonal, usually only running in the spring and a couple days after a rain in the summer or fall.

In the event of a long term water shortage, I do want to have a kept large supply of water set aside. My idea is 2 food grade 55 barrels of water. The only place I can keep this is in a non-ventilated garage that gets rather humid in the spring and summer.

I know I should probably dump it and refill it from time to time, but is there anything else I should be concerned about?

I think my question is actually "if I put potable water in a sealed food grade barrel and go to drink or in 6 months, is it still potable or do I still need to purify it?".