is this pdf ai a good way to learn basic c++ and game design?
Posted by ChrispyGuy420@reddit | learnprogramming | View on Reddit | 2 comments
i found this ai
and decided to feed it a bunch of coding and game dev/design books. now im having it teach me everything in those books because i couldnt stay awake long enough to read them all. i know it wont be the same as getting a real teacher, but this is $20 a month and im broke. anyways, here is the list of books i gave it
3D Game Programming All In One
C++ Programming Language, 4th Edition by Bjarne Stroustrup
Beginning C++ Through Game Programming
Game Design: Theory and Practice
Coding for Beginners in Easy Steps: Basic Programming for All Ages
C++: The Complete Reference
The C++ Programming Language
The C++ Programming Language, 2nd Edition, Volume 1
The C++ Programming Language, 2nd Edition, Volume 2
and here is the lesson plan it was able to make with those books
Lesson 1: Control Structures and Functions
1.1 Control Structures
Introduction to Control Structures: Explain the importance of control structures in programming.
Conditional Statements:
if, else if, else
switch statement
for loop
while loop
do-while loop
Break and Continue Statements: Discuss how to control loop execution.
1.2 Functions
Function Definition and Declaration: Explain the syntax and structure of functions.
Function Parameters and Return Types: Discuss passing parameters by value vs. by reference.
Overloading Functions: Explain how to create multiple functions with the same name but different parameters.
Inline Functions: Discuss the benefits of using inline functions for performance.
1.3 Practice Exercises
Write a program that uses conditional statements to determine if a number is prime.
Create a function that calculates the factorial of a number using recursion.
Lesson 2: Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) Concepts
2.1 Introduction to OOP
What is OOP?: Discuss the principles of Object-Oriented Programming.
Key Concepts:
Classes and Objects
2.2 Classes and Objects
Defining Classes: Explain how to define a class and its members.
Constructors and Destructors: Discuss the role of constructors and destructors in object lifecycle management.
Access Specifiers: Explain public, private, and protected access modifiers.
2.3 Inheritance
Single Inheritance: Explain how one class can inherit from another.
Multiple Inheritance: Discuss the implications and use cases of multiple inheritance.
Base and Derived Classes: Explain how to access base class members from derived classes.
2.4 Polymorphism
Function Overriding: Discuss how derived classes can override base class functions.
Virtual Functions: Explain the concept of virtual functions and their importance in achieving polymorphism.
2.5 Practice Exercises
Create a class representing a Car with attributes and methods.
Implement inheritance by creating a SportsCar class derived from the Car class.
Lesson 3: Advanced Data Structures
3.1 Introduction to STL (Standard Template Library)
What is STL?: Discuss the importance of STL in C++.
Containers: Explain different types of containers (vector, list, deque, set, map).
3.2 Using Vectors
Dynamic Arrays: Discuss the advantages of using vectors over arrays.
Common Vector Operations: Explain how to add, remove, and access elements in a vector.
3.3 Lists and Deques
List: Explain the characteristics of a doubly linked list and its operations.
Deque: Discuss the double-ended queue and its use cases.
3.4 Maps and Sets
Map: Explain how to use maps for key-value pair storage.
Set: Discuss the properties of sets and their operations.
3.5 Practice Exercises
Write a program that uses a map to count the frequency of words in a text.
Create a list of integers and demonstrate various list operations.
Lesson 4: Exception Handling and File I/O
4.1 Exception Handling
What is Exception Handling?: Discuss the need for exception handling in robust applications.
Try, Catch, and Throw: Explain the syntax and usage of try-catch blocks.
Custom Exceptions: Discuss how to create and throw custom exceptions.
4.2 File I/O
File Streams: Explain the use of ifstream, ofstream, and fstream.
Reading from Files: Discuss how to read data from files.
Writing to Files: Explain how to write data to files.
File Handling Best Practices: Discuss error handling and resource management.
4.3 Practice Exercises
Write a program that reads a list of numbers from a file and calculates their average.
Create a program that writes user input to a file until a specific keyword is entered.
Lesson 5: Templates and the Standard Template Library (STL)
5.1 Introduction to Templates
What are Templates?: Discuss the purpose of templates in C++.
Function Templates: Explain how to create and use function templates.
Class Templates: Discuss the creation of class templates.
5.2 Using STL Algorithms
Common Algorithms: Explain the use of algorithms like sort, find, and accumulate.
Lambda Expressions: Introduce lambda expressions and their use with STL algorithms.
5.3 Practice Exercises
Create a function template that swaps two values of any type.
Write a program that uses STL algorithms to sort a vector of integers.
I'm not really sure what the point is of this AI tool and your process because the information you provided is basic information that any book, YouTube video, course, or article goes over.
With that said, the only way for you to learn C++ is to actually practice it. So, to that extent there really isn't any point in using AI because you have to do the leg work at the end of the day to learn/practice.
To all following commenters: please, do not bring up the old circlejerk jokes/memes about recursion ("Understanding recursion...", "This is recursion...", etc.). We've all heard them n+2 too many times.
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