Antimatter Wing Holster Fitment
Posted by Kind_Aide825@reddit | Firearms | View on Reddit | 22 comments
Super easy to get in my holster. Loosened the tension screw a turn or so but other than that it works with most light bearing holsters.
I don’t understand. Why do you need that? Is that something you made?
It's like a gas pedal, for more accurate shooting
There is nothing about that thing that makes you shoot more accurately. Recoil mitigation sure, but nothing to do with accuracy.
Kind_Aide825@reddit (OP)
Exactly. More specifically it’s for faster follow up shots and quick shooting. Used a lot in competition shooting and more recently has been making its way to the concealed carry market. Made by a company called Antimatter Industries.
I don't know how it's in USPSA, but IPSC either forbids the use of gas pedals or allows proper ones in standard and open. There is no reason to use a flimsy one.
There is a reason to use a “flimsy” (folding) one and that’s fitting it in a holster. Limited, limited optics and open allow them. But OP doesn’t look like they want to concealed carry a race holster
Kind_Aide825@reddit (OP)
I’ve never done competitive shooting although it looks really fun and I bet it would push my skills. This gas pedal does look flimsy but it’s really not. I’ve played around with it and pressed super hard on it and there’s no give whatsoever. Very impressed with the build quality. This product isn’t meant to be used in a competitive way, from their website and product videos it seems they had a concealed carry use case in mind.
I need to give that a try... I got the other one that doesn't fold up and it made my holster rather bulky. It's nice in theory but that takes away from the carry ability for me.
I think this would be better.
Kind_Aide825@reddit (OP)
It’s great, love not having to get a different holster
I love mine on my 43x. Once the ramjet comes out it will probably replace my 19 build (cut frame to fit the full size antimatter wing) as my daily carry just due to weight alone.
Fitment doesn't mean what you think it means.
Kind_Aide825@reddit (OP)
A fitment is a peice of built in furniture. A window seat, recessed shelving, and window frames could all be called fitments.
The quality of fit an object has with another is just fit.
Kind_Aide825@reddit (OP)
I didn't know that, thanks
No problem, a little of companies in the gun industry use it incorrectly, i think hammy3dprints is one. So you can't be blamed too heavily. I never hear this word used like this outside of law enforcement, military, and gun guys. My best guess is some retired special forces turned social media gun influencer used it because he liked the way it sounded and it took off from there.
What until you see the lowered car scene. They invented the new use of the term.
Kind_Aide825@reddit (OP)
I bet you're right, it definitely sounds more tacticool than saying holster "fit"
What holster and clips you using?
Kind_Aide825@reddit (OP)
I have a Werkz holster and I run Ulticlip Ultitucks on all my holsters because it gives me versatility in what I wear while still being able to carry.
I think im becoming one of those gun snobs because I hate everything in this picture.
Kind_Aide825@reddit (OP)
That's alright, I found what works for me and I'm practicing and getting proficient with my setup.
Now that’s cool.