Hayes 2400 Baud Modem
Posted by edogg01@reddit | vintagecomputing | View on Reddit | 11 comments
2400 BAUD = max download speed of 0.0003 MB/s that's 3/10,000th of a meg or 0.3 kb/s or 300 bytes/s ⚡️⚡️⚡️i found this in my parent's basement, plus a PCjr too and a bunch of software and games. Photos to come in the coming weeks.
What a cutie pie. Half the size of a 4800 baud modem because it only has to hold half the bits. /s
Woah Hayes like the Hayes AT command set?
edogg01@reddit (OP)
What should I do with it? I have too many things to sell them individually on ebay and not enough time to handle it all. Should I bundle up all the PCjr stuff and sell as a package?
Very cool. Talking about speed, my Commodore 64 had a 300 baud modem, so eight times slower. Here’s what it looked like —> https://www.pagetable.com/?p=1679
Not a Hayes compatible. An actual Hayes.
We've all heard of the Hayes and hoped we were compatible. I've never seen one in real life either.
Hayes set the standard originally. But by the time modems hit their peak, US Robotics was the one to have.
Is it in the shape of an RJ-11 plug?! That rules, if so.
edogg01@reddit (OP)
I didn't know what that was but i looked it up and the answer is yes. Phone jack.
That’s too funny. Enjoy the PCjr, looking forward to pics. It was my first computer so I’m interested to see what software you’ve got for it.
edogg01@reddit (OP)
DOS of course, Lotus 123, quicken and then games. King's Quest, Liptocoe, F19, M.U.LE., Earl Weaver Baseball, 4th and Inches, Tapper, Hangman, MS Flight Simulator, Sim City, Sim Ant, a bunch more. 🙂