Are we having tough conversations with our parents?

Posted by PickleFlavordPopcorn@reddit | Xennials | View on Reddit | 296 comments

My 80 year old aunt texted me this morning to alert me that my 74 year old father is overweight, which he has been for a few years now, and seemingly encouraging me to sit down and talk with him about this. He's had a heart attack before and is mildly diabetic.

I do not know when this role reversal happened and I am at a loss for what the hell my responsibilities are. He's slowing down for sure, but still active and cognitively able. He doesn't drink or smoke. Twinkie's and ice cream are his last vice. I'm 41 but in many ways I'm still a kid in his eyes and he would just as soon listen to my advice than take sky diving lessons.

Is this my role now? Is it what's expected of me? To hover and parent my parents? Is it my job to prevent his Untimely Death by Cinnamon Roll if that is what he chooses from his own sound mind?