[-] Bruarios@reddit I gotta figure out how to convince the wife to let me put it in the living room as a conversation piece
[-] commanderklinkity@reddit Ok so I've kept putting off buying a demilled one due to price, knowing I would one day. Sir I think you just sealed the deal
[-] anicesurgeon@reddit Here we see the part of the internet where the Waff takes a shoulder fired explosive delivery device and turns it into home decor. [-] BantedWaff@reddit (OP) That was not me. That was one of the US boys. Couldn't you see the US wall socket? Mine would have some flower painted on or some Slavic shit carved in)))
[-] BantedWaff@reddit (OP) That was not me. That was one of the US boys. Couldn't you see the US wall socket? Mine would have some flower painted on or some Slavic shit carved in)))
I gotta figure out how to convince the wife to let me put it in the living room as a conversation piece
Ok so I've kept putting off buying a demilled one due to price, knowing I would one day. Sir I think you just sealed the deal
Here we see the part of the internet where the Waff takes a shoulder fired explosive delivery device and turns it into home decor.
BantedWaff@reddit (OP)
That was not me. That was one of the US boys. Couldn't you see the US wall socket?
Mine would have some flower painted on or some Slavic shit carved in)))
Hell yeah.