4080 Super for $950 or hold out for Black Friday?

Posted by FallenArtemis@reddit | buildapc | View on Reddit | 96 comments

So the ZOTAC GAMING GeForce RTX 4080 SUPER AMP is on sale for $950. I'm upgrading from a 6600XT that I bought for $500 during covid because my RX580 was taking a shit. Since then, I upgraded to a 1440p 144hz monitor and I like to play on my 4k 120hz TV, so I'm wanting to upgrade to the 4080 Super. Is $950 as good as its likely going to get for this card, or should I continue to hold out for Black Friday/Christmas to see if any better sales happen? Or should I just purchase it and keep it in the box until sales are over and return it if there's a better deal?

I also don't know much about this Zotac card or Zotac in general, I'm not sure how much brand name matters nowadays. I appreciate any help, thank you so much!