Is Russia Using North Korean Type 73s?
Posted by harmlesshistorian@reddit | ForgottenWeapons | View on Reddit | 11 comments
Posted by harmlesshistorian@reddit | ForgottenWeapons | View on Reddit | 11 comments
Either Russians are testing Type 73s that were shipped from NK or there's a possibility these are Ukrainian Type 73s captured from cargos in the Red Sea by US Navy that were from NK as shipments to Yemeni rebels
harmlesshistorian@reddit (OP)
That's a very long shot but who knows in this war.
Well, there were reports of Chinese AKs and RPGs in AFU, but who knows what were the items in those confiscated cargos.
Doubt it, considering that they probably have PKMs to last them 3 world wars. Its probably for North Koreans, due to weapon familiarity.
We thought they'd have enough tanks to last 3 world wars but they're scraping T-55s out of the mud at this point.
I'm sure they still have PKMs, but I doubt that they have practically infinite amounts.
Tanks are way harder to maintain, guns just have to be kept in storage properly. I really doubt that any successor state of USSR is going to run out of small arms any time soon, they simply produced alot in and since WW2.
Not that I disagree with the base of your argument because it's 100% true, but I would like to point out that DPR/LNR conscripts has to be given mosins, and there are numerous images of 7.62x39-chambered tetanus hazards coming from crates.
Weapons are more easily created and stored but considering the general corruption and lack of care I imagine at least 20% of their "on the books" stock is either missing or unserviceable.
harmlesshistorian@reddit (OP)
There is a train of thought that there may be a limit to the number of available PKs as they were originally to be a company rather than a section level weapon. It's an interesting theory at least.
I men really depends on if these are meant for north korean troops at Kursk or are just surplus that russia bought because attrition and maintenance is even worse
harmlesshistorian@reddit (OP)
Took a look at the images that appeared last week. Hope you guys find it interesting. Ian has a great video on the 73 showing the action.
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