Help please. Ending old server to new server.

Posted by krazykatz911@reddit | linuxadmin | View on Reddit | 1 comments

Thank you in advance. I am definitely not an expert by any means. I have a hybrid vps centos server through a big web company. Centos is at end of life. So they built me a new server with almalinux. The new hybrid vps server is a cookie cutter design so I need to make sure all my server ini and conf files are the same before deleting the old server.

What config files should I be looking for to copy over to the new server. I don’t want to run into any issues.

Also the old server has a ton of pearl modules installed (most all from when they built it for me). The new server has just a handful. Is there any way to know which I actually need?

Nameserver Selection - Which selection is best? PowerDNS or Bind? old server was bind?

mod_suphp is not installed but mod_ruid2 is on the new server, I can't use SUPHD with Mod_ruid2 on.

I may have some other questions. Thank you so much for your patience and help.