Weekly "everything else" If it's in the spirit of prepping, but not "news" or "intel"
Posted by AntiSonOfBitchamajig@reddit | PrepperIntel | View on Reddit | 28 comments
This includes but not limited to:
- Prepping questions
- Rumors
- Speculative thoughts
- Small / mundane
- Promotion of Sales
- Sub meta / suggestions
- Prepping jokes.
- Mods have no power here, only votes, behave.
This will be re-posted every Saturday, letting the last week's stickied post fade into the deep / get buried by new posts. -Mod Anti
https://www.nu.nl/binnenland/6336153/opvallend-veel-russische-schepen-voor-onze-kust-die-varen-er-niet-voor-niets.html Russian ships at Dutch coast
MRE prices at the local commissary have went up 25% to 16 dollars (US).
My son just told me chain letter comments threatening with being cursed are making the rounds on Scratch (programming for kids thing).
With magical thinking in kids, I could easily see many of them clicking nasty links of there are threats or promises of luck. Chain letters used to be a thing like 25 years ago but we may have forgotten to warn our kids against them. Heads up for the online security risk.
Everyone should check out Roblox use as well, a company recently released a report about kids playing Roblox are exposed to high pedophilia/ grooming risk:
Roblox: Inflated Key Metrics For Wall Street And A Pedophile Hellscape For Kids
Warnings of various chain forwards should be warned of when giving children and adolescents access to electronics. If seen some Jesus loves and this ignoramus really needsyour help ones that yank the heart strings.
US Free Covid Tests are available again: https://special.usps.com/testkits
Thank you
I've been having really bad luck with verification codes today. I've had delays with two separate email accounts (one Outlook and the other Proton) in receiving verification codes from two different, unconnected websites. The codes came about two hours late in each case. Now I'm trying to get a CIBC code through my phone number and it's not appearing on time either.
Is this sub just fear mongering that acts as if it’s helping “provide intel?”
I do wish that repeats would be taken down.
Prepping is so that you're not caught with your pants down when SHTF. If you can get a head's up on SHTF, then you can not be panicked.
SHTF: my well pump and water heater broke and I had burst pipes the day before I needed to go get back surgery and an overnight stay at the hospital. I already had a stash of gallons of water and enough canned food, snack pack crackers, shelf-stable milk, tons of fluffy blankets and a bed set up in the livingroom, bathing wipes, and a pill organizer ready. Just had to set gallons of water next to the sinks before going into the hospital to survive the 2 days between getting back home and having running water. Had to also use the water jugs to wash myself with the antibac soap the night before the surgery. Annoying: yes. Panic: no.
If you can get the head's up on flooding in Southern EU, you can connect the dots to figure out, oh, I haven't prepped for that. If I like olive oil I should buy a little extra now because the harvest will be terrible next year so prices will go so high I won't be able to get any later. If you don't care about olive oil, I guess it's just news that doesn't matter to you. It's to check you have prepared for what's happening in the future.
Normalcy bias and denialism aside
Wow. We've got nothing. Hoping that is a good thing.
Somehow I don't think that is the case.
On another thought, I wonder how many accounts under political control are scaling back their posting? Seems to be fewer fear-mongering posts in non-relevant subs since the election.
I see constant fear mongering on all media still lol
What fear mongering? It's intel. Intel is raw, unfiltered, and needs to be taken with a grain of salt.
I mean almost everyone speaks in hyperbole online
It dipped off substantially last week, but now seems to be ramping up again. They figured out their new media strategy.
This sub seems like it's getting hit hard...
Not in this subreddit lol. I'm getting tired of it. Just as bad as junk flyers in the mailbox. At least those can be saved for kindling.
No real prepping this weekend; it's the lull between the growing season and when I start eating all the things I put in jars earlier in the year. Taking a break and bedrotting pretty much, and maybe trying to hunt down some DVDs online that apparently don't exist.
Told ya
Told ya.
Was putting a gallon of purell hand sanitizer in my Amazon cart and saw that 6k sold in the last week. During the last pandemic research was able to verify that the Amazon " sold in the last week " numbers are correct. Sale story when I put masks and other prepare items.
Sentiment re: immigrants/muslims in Brussels https://www.reddit.com/r/Belgium2/comments/1gu180e/how_can_people_like_brussels/
(People on here gave me lots of pushback when I mentioned the tensions in Europe in another thread, but it's there and increasing)
Sweden's Civil Contingency Agency (MSB) published a new brochure "If the crisis or the war comes". Sweden takes preparedness seriously and puts out information on multiple topics from prepping for tuesday to prepping for doomsday.
The situation in the world has greatly deteriorated since the previous leaflet was sent out in 2018. War is going on in our world, extreme weather is becoming more and more common. Terrorist threats, cyber attacks and misleading information are used to harm and influence us. Sweden has also joined the NATO defense alliance. Against this background, MSB was commissioned by the government to produce a new version of the brochure "If the crisis or the war is coming".
Link to downloads in other languages: https://www.msb.se/sv/rad-till-privatpersoner/broschyren-om-krisen-eller-kriget-kommer/pa-andra-sprak/
u/antisonofbitchamajig wasn't sure if this qualifies as postworthy. It is a good resource and acknowledges a very real possibility.
AntiSonOfBitchamajig@reddit (OP)
It's not a breaking news thing, but a publication.
Lots of traffic on the road because of train strikes in the Netherlands this morning. People online making jokes about how they are going to watch the next riots (with popcorn). Endless talking back and forth about whether or not there was a jew hunt and how to define it by politicians and media.
Hearsay there is a bit of oil found near Cyprus (worth a quick google if you have interests there).
They say there is free speech on X/Twitter, but I made an account there and went against the narrative a bit and after proving twice I was not a spambot, I got some kind of temporary virtual gag that I could not contest. The thing that I think triggered it was this: some guy mentioned hooligan chants "Hamas hamas alle joden aan het gas" (hamas hamas gas all the jews). Which is offensive, sure, but the jews they refer to aren't Jewish, just anyone who supports Ajax (the Amsterdam football team) regardless of ancestry. Because that club is from an area that had a lot of jews living there. There are even people now who wear the funny little hats with "Ajax" on them to a match. That same line of outrage is continued now and Geenstijl made a post about it explaining https://www.geenstijl.nl/5179901/morele-paniek (they are a right wing news blog). So I suspect X is aligned with whoever wants the narrative to be that jews should move to Israel. Because I definitely didn't spam. Could be anyone from neonazis to zionists.