Advice on moving to Dallas?

Posted by Nearby_Sock8316@reddit | askdfw | View on Reddit | 34 comments

Hi all, I (24M) have recently accepted a job in Irving, TX around the University of Dallas and Las Colinas. I am currently in the process of looking for apartments and not really sure what areas to look.

I would love to be in an area where my commute (5 days in office) would not be super long and with heavy traffic. Ideally 10-20 minutes. That said, I would also love to be in an area that is lively with lots of young professionals. I have not researched a lot, but my predicament is that being close to downtown would be lively but way too far from work. At the same time, staying in a more suburban area would be close to work but maybe skew a little older with less things to do. I understand no neighborhood will be perfect, but curious on your thoughts and where you would choose to live?

Any other helpful advice regarding moving to Dallas would be appreciated!

TLDR: Moving to Dallas, want a balance between 10-20 minute commute to Irving, TX and to live in a lively, young area.