Id be really curious for an honest and logical explanation of how you think that just because we tried a few things that didn’t work we should stick with the system that glorifies selfishness and slavery.
Have you ever looked into any attempt at communism outside of soviet influence? Did you ever read about the Chilean communist experiment and how that only „failed“ because the US and other countries ordered an embargo for no reason and also manipulated local politics for years?
How come it didn’t end like that in chile, greece or yugoslavia?
If capitalism is so good how come people are starving all across the world? How come the world bank has to define extreme poverty as less than 2$ a day and still over 700 million people live like that? Can you explain that? Because I see plenty of homeless people even in glorious capitalism
Those people aren’t helped by bezos getting a 9th yacht
None of those countries were really Stalinist communist. They still had freer markets than the Eastern Bloc though very regulated. Their standards of living have skyrocketed compared to the bad old days. I just don’t see a lot of people who lived or live under communist dictatorships who are clamoring for more of it. The fact of the matter is that true communism is incompatible with the real world and every attempt to reach it has ended in misery and bloodshed one way or the other
You notice how we went from all communism bad to stalinist communism bad and back to real communism is impossible?
Why do you think that something like communism but improved would be impossible? Why does it matter what it’s called if it’s better?
I could list 90% the aspects of communism as envisioned by marx and 90% of people would agree it is amazing ideas, as long as I don’t call it communism
Communism is impossible because it ignores human nature. Because it ignores human nature, it has to be forced on people. You can wish for something to be possible all you want but you can't ignore human nature
Guess we should never try anything else ever again, this is as good as it gets, why bother trying to improve
I wonder if there’s a word for this. Capitalist realism? Maybe there are interests out there by a class of people that differ from yours and they’re very invested in selling this idea that nothing could ever be better than what we have now
The main issue is that we're directly competing with other capitalists in foreign countries.
Long story short, capitalism is probably not the best "comfort of living" system, but it's the most "short-term efficiency" one, and short term efficiency is all you need to win a generational war.
Who will take a 50 years hiatus on development (and military production), just to see if you can live with 4hrs of work per day?
ok but who makes the decisions that affect how we work? it certainly isn’t me. It’s my boss’s boss’s boss and they are competing with everyone else. I can’t afford to work 4 hour days and pay my bills
Have you ever worked at a large company? Over half of the staff is literal smooth brain crayon eaters that make me wonder how they even got the job. The idea we would all have an equal say in the company direction and management is some straight socialist daydreaming. These people can't even decide what color crayon they are gonna eat today.
The reason we don't see large worker co-op companies isn't because it can't be done, it's because it's inefficient as fuck at scale. Sure you can do that at some family owned bakery with 6 employees, but it doesn't work well when it's thousands of employees. Half the country is one step above mentally disabled.
Unions are the best bet in that regard. Too many stupid people who literally need leadership to be useful. Unions provide the benefits of collective bargaining without letting the average idiot into the boardroom.
It's stupidity all the way down, but also all the way up. I'm not claiming that managerial or administrative roles are redundant, but plenty of people who should never be in any position of authority sit in those roles.
People usually dont want to risk society collapse for something thats been untested. Unless shit hits the fan very badly, at that point may aswell try something different
It’s too bad there’s no steps we could take towards challenging the power of capitalists without completely upending society in an upheaval of revolution all at once
A ton of countries in the EU already do that tho, and what they usually do is either move their company abroad (literally can create a company in Estonia from your pc) or just go live elsewhere since they have the money. Some will stay ofc but over time less and less people will invest in a highly taxed country imo
I’m all for experimenting with new possibilities, but anti-capitalists have been pushing the same failed and/or utopian ideologies for generations. Come up with something different and better, then we’ll talk.
Capitalism can improve and does improve. We went a long way from 7 year old boys working in deadly factories. Poverty has been steadily decreasing in both relative and absolute terms.
Anyone saying this should be torn down is an either an idiot or an enemy.
So said the feudal monarchs in the 16th century, so said the neoabsolutists of the 19th century and probably so said the bronze age emperors in the 12th century BC. Systems are never eternal.
> The current economic system has, in some form of or another existed as long as civilization.
What on Earth are you talking about? Modern capitalism is pretty much built on the back of a bunch of 16th century European traders, and around them the engines of the modern financial world were assembled.
"Trading goods and/or services on a market" isn't capitalism. "Using money as an exchange medium for goods and/or services' is also not capitalism.
The defining characteristics of capitalism include private property, capital accumulation, competitive markets, price systems, recognition of property rights, self-interest, economic freedom, meritocracy, work ethic, consumer sovereignty, economic efficiency, profit motive
None of this is all that unique to modern times. Of course I'm not saying that there's no difference between ancient Rome and today... but they're most definitely the same species of economic systems.
But compare that to the (theoretical) system like communism and you can see what I mean.
Neither classical slave economies nor medieval feudal economies had a concept of private property (because it was all owned by the monarch and leased to his vassals) open markets, complex pricing systems, meritocracy, work ethic, consumer sovreignity or economic efficiency.
They're 'the same species' like a rock dassie and an elephant are.
We aren’t in a capitalist society. We are in a mercantile economy, moving quickly towards feudalism.
Most of what American’s voted for is not capitalistic policy, but corporatism. Tariffs go against David Ricardo and even destroys competitive advantage. Adam Smith preached the ethos of “Do no harm. When harm happens government should intervene and only then”. Shit he even wrote a book on cancel culture before The Wealth of Nations.
Fun fact: “Invisible Hand” is mentioned more in On Moral Sentiments than The Wealth of Nations.
People don’t understand what capitalism actually is.
We're not moving towards feudalism. You don't know what feudalism means. Most people ramble on about feudalism when it has a very nuanced and complicated definition in the field of history.
We're definitely moving towards some sort of feudalism. You can talk about freedom, but if you need to work 5 jobs to just keep the running water on, the guy paying you at any of those 5 jobs, is basically your master.
It's not feudalism though, you can say it's comparable to feudalism but capitalism is also comparable to feudalism in some ways. it's reductive. We're not moving to a system of vassals and fiets each having personal contracts to their Lords and then to the king now are we.
Also what you're describing is just capitalism as it was intended by capitalists. Not that there's even anyone who has to work 5 jobs just to live, talk about an overexaggeration...
I mean, we are. There are also people who do have to work an absurd number of jobs to support themselves and their family, I've known people working at least four.
What happens is people take a bunch of part time jobs and fill in all the hours they possibly can, including weekends and nights, plus side jobs (house cleaning is a common one) and things like Uber and doordash. When you're going for eighty hours or more a week and part time jobs are all trying to avoid getting close to full time or paying any OT, you end up just getting more. Five is a very extreme case, but it's close enough to what I've seen that somebody has almost certainly been there.
The point is the number of jobs is irrelevant, the total hours is what's relevant. I have 2 jobs (3 if you include my startup) and I'm still under 40 hours a week.
Even in that ridiculous hypothetical, he isn't. Under feudalism, you had to do what your master said or he would slit your throat - legally. Under capitalism, voluntarily enter a contract (that you are free to leave whenever) and do a job for a temporary period of time.
Good job supporting your argument with facts. Don’t forget to pay your tithing to Jeff Bezos. Weird how Peter Thiel has involvement in both Facebook and Twitter.
Funny how corporations are now buying up farmland. Here in Canada e we used to have land trusts. Now we have hedge funds.
You’d be the kid who thinks becoming a Knight would earn you respect.
Feudalism isn't "when rich people own land" that alone already tells me you know nothing about the topic. The key factor about feudalism is that everything there is no central government but everything is based around intensely personal contracts.The serf has a personal contract to their lord, the Lord to their king. And these contracts are inheritable. Also not all feudal societies even had serfdom. As you had a transition from feudalism into government everything became codified into more central laws and the king gained absolute power because they were the sole person in charge of governance.
This explanation also loses a lot of nuance but that is the basic gist.
So kinda like Billionaires who control the means of production, media, housing and fields kissing the ring to the Leader? Hoping on calls with foreign leaders?
Tell me, how do I scale a business without using Google, Amazon, Microsoft or any form of media? Even B2B is heavily reliant on these companies.
You're still not getting it. Rich people owning stuff isn't the definition of feudalism. Capitalism has been more like that than feudalism was.
Also I'm not sure how needing the services of big tech to scale a business is inherently bad. I also started a software business and if anything their services save me a lot of effort and money.
People owning a lot of important business is not "feudalism".
Unfreeze peasants could not be liberated. They and their children were forever stuck in service to their lord absent their lord freeing them. They could not even move somewhere to find a nicer lord.
the key aspect of Antarctica aren't freezing temperatures, the key Aspect of Antarctica is that it is located on the south pole.
Same with Capitalism: they key aspect of capitalism is private ownership over the means of production, just like how the key aspect of Socialism is worker ownership over the means of production.
In its entirety, as was philosophized from the Founders? No. We don’t even have free trade as it is. So competitive advantage has never been fully realized.
And most people don’t take Marx’s work on labour and objective value seriously.
Why hasn't it been tried? Surely there must be a way to take over some little country somewhere and make it perfectly capitalist. And since that definitely works in real life that country would quickly become the richest country ever and could just buy all the other countries?
Because it’s a global thing. Like I said Free Trade = competitive advantage and allows for greater specialization. Capitalism needs to be global because no country has every advantage.
Oh so it has to be world wide implemented for it to work? How about if socialism works just fine as long as there are no capitalist countries to invade them and ruin everything?
I would agree with that, I think going 100% to communism or capitalism is stupid, capitalism with elements of socialism, a republic with elements of democracy. Using the best of all systems is the way to go.
Eh mixed market economy is the most correct term imo. If we throw in an emotionally charged keyword then I think light fascism (in its original conception) is the most appropriate way to describe how the Western world works.
I agree that all Western economies are more corporatist which we should definitely strive to get away from. Crony capitalism is a cancer. More capitalism is the right course, not less.
Proper capitalism in theory, isn’t terrible. But we are never going to get there and are only moving further and further away. But regards would rather meme than read.
So the key is to try and move in the other direction through less government interference and regulation. The smaller the government, the smaller the opportunity for corporatism, crony capitalism and corruption. We will never achieve any perfect system because humans are imperfect. Capitalism is the only system that accepts that humanity is flawed and does not try for a utopia that will never happen. Libertarianism, communism etc are all impossible fantasies
> The smaller the government, the smaller the opportunity for corporatism, crony capitalism and corruption
And the easier it is for that small government to be subverted and what few checks it can put into place removed so that capitalists can monopolise and agglomerise all into neofeudalism. Market mechanics are great, the incentives the market creates for capitalists is abhorrent.
Yes. I’m so far as that the regulations aren’t protecting from harm. Chevron being overturned is net bad for example. But a lot of the lower regulations can cause more harm than they’re trying to prevent.
I prefer a social democracy, because it’s capitalistic with a safety net.
Chevron was allowing bureaucrats power that should be in the hands of elected representatives. I think this is a net positive from a democratic perspective. I think all western nations are all mixed economies or social democracies already, just a matter of where on the scale
The same bureaucrats confirmed by Congress? The real answer is to time limit recess appointments. Because both side abuse them. Congress isn’t going to enforce rules, because that’s what bureaucracy is for. Laws vs regulations.
In reality I think a lot of people don’t know how government actually works.
But yeah, some of the Right wing stances around regulations does stand on more solid ground than many will admit. Like I said, as long as they fit the “protect from doing harm” is the guiding principle.
“Capitalism sucks but it’s the best possible system” is a lie perpetuated by the rich and powerful in order to stop people from even considering the idea of making a system that is less beneficial to them
Communist regimes rely on a vanguard system to implement Communism. You can't just create communism, you have to build it. Just like a "healthy" capitalist system, you can't just shove a Walmart in the Australian outback and expect it to work, you have to create systems to support the movement of capital.
Corruption was rampant in the Russian Empire before the Revolution, the USSR just continued it. Many communist countries modeled itself off of the Soviet system this corruption was more or less just apart of the equation.
But you can't say the soviets were bad when at the same time the American and European countries were also electing conservative head peices that due to backhand deals dismantled the social safety net for millions of people. Except that corruption is seen as buisness as usual in a capitalist world
Before people call me a commie I'm pro-capitalism. I don't want to live under communism. But an issue in western, and especially north American education is that they assume Communism is bad because it's communism
I think that you typed this argument where I criticized Anon's "Corrupt democracies" point and you probably tought that I also crticized the authoritarianism in the Soviet Union. I agree with your points, and I would like to state that I wished to point out that corruption was also rampant in communist regimes.
The core of the socialistic economy is deeply, incomparably more anti corruptive than any market economy could ever be, because the socialistic economy has two separate contours of money - no-cash money of enteprises and investments, and cash for household consumption. And it was impossible to directly convert one into another.
So the main reason USSR was privatized is that enterprise owners were pissed as fuck to be able to consume just several times more than their janitors. They also had the opportunity to be shot or get jail for embezzlement. Just imagine that Todd Howard and Nadella were jailed for 25 years for selling a Bethesda to Microsoft. Or they shot Intel's board of directors for defective chips. Who would like that? More on that, they had no opportunity to transfer ownership of the enterprises by inheritance. In short, elites don't like socialism.
Humanity was doomed to never reach the stars the moment people started having such thoughts, We believe we are at our potential best or at our most efficient but we arent instead we are not even close, If we were efficient 95% of all human problems would have been solved
But what can i do in the end I'm only a single person in a world of billions I can't change jack shit about humanity that would last more than 5 years
All of the things you dislike about capitalism come from government involvement. Capitalism isn't an ism, it's nit a political ideology with tenants, it's just the accrument if money sans government. Everyone does it. Socialists redistribute wealth, as we see in the west today with working class tax dollars being distributed to rich elitists who run the government.
We're you to limit the governments power, it wouldn't be possible.
You can't just create communism, you have to build it.
Yeah, the communist theory says you have to first do a revolution, then establish a "dictatorship of the proletariat" and build out from there (optional: first spread this revolution and dictatorship to the whole world).
This dictatorship of the proletariat takes the form of former revolutionaries taking all the positions of power and eating each other so the strongest dogs win.
The strongest dogs then find themselves in a position of complete power. They have mansions and yachts, limos and planes, servants and bodyguards - but of course an important figure with full support of workers and peasants deserves all that.
However, they no longer have any incentive to build communism. Why would they want to give up these obviously limited resources and the ability to use labor of others (did I mention servants?) and build a classless society?
Believe it or not Mao actually did try and create the classless society, and it was even worse than the system you describe. As an example, literal children (Red Guards) were deputized with the power to execute counter-revolutionaries - often including overly strict teachers.
That's not really why the Cultural Revolution happened, it was primarily so Mao (and the"Gang of Four") could retain power after the embarrassment of the great leap forward. Most Chinese and English sources I've read lay the blame almost solely at Maos feet, and other figures within the CPC (especially my boy Zhou Enlai) were trying to do their best at damage control while Mao let teens with guns run rampant through the countryside, killing teachers and destroying pre-communist landmarks.
I don't wanna be one of those "that wasn't real communism!!!!" nerds but the Cultural Revolution was a thinly disguised attempted coup by Mao and his most fervent supporters, not an attempt to achieve "real" communism.
There's no way he actually wanted or pursued the classless society. He rode limos and private trains and had a special service dedicated to supplying him young girls as concubines. Then there was a horde of his ministers, generals and commissars, not so lavish but still way above your normal Wang.
The dictatorship of the proletariat is to a democratic socialist state as the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie is to the bourgeois liberal democracy. It exists to systematically keep the opposing class out of positions of power. Capitalism does it, and when socialist haven’t been strict with crushing capitalism before (ie Allende in Chile), it leads to a coup by a foreign power or subversive social democrat, then fascist elements developing.
Bullshit. First, labour parties exist in the civilized world, they influence the policies and often rule in actual democracies. MPs, judges and other positions of power are routinely assumed by children of plumbers and cops, and don't live lives that drastically removed from the "bourgeoisie" they represent. Then, under the penalty of non-reelection, the "bourgeoisie" parties actually try to make the life of bourgeoisie easier - lower taxes etc. In healthy countries they find a reasonable balance between workers' and businesspeople's interests and track it as the situation changes.
Under a "dictatorship of proletariat" said proletariat is corralled into collective farms and forbidden from quitting from factories, being late for 20 minutes gets you docked a day, and repeat "offences" of missing work get you jailed. Whenever workers and farmers get tricked by a "workers' and farmers' party" they end up worse than they started, and much worse than those that don't. The "dictatorship of proletariat" is the effected by people who haven't worked a day on either land of factory floor, who despise the dirty plebs and make themselves a very comfortable life in comparison.
Alliende drove Chile to the brink of an actual famine- happens every time too. Greedy farmers fault of course, nothing a little prodrazverstka couldn't fix.
Pro tip: don't try pushing Marxist bullshit to those who grew up in the soviet bloc. They heard stories you can't imagine from their eyewitness grandparents and won't buy them.
The problem with any revolution is that the group who is most capable of overthrowing a government and the group that is most capable of establishing a functional government don't have a lot of overlap.
Don't know, Soviet government was well-run (can't be said about Soviet economy). However, not any revolution has the stated goal so incompatible with the incentives of the leadership.
Late Soviet senior leadership (think ZILs and former Graf residences) was 2 generations away from the revolutionaries. Plenty of regional leadership (Volgas and gated communities) were even younger and further removed.
This complete disincentive to proceed with the stated goals can't be found in "bourgeois" revolutions like the French, American or what not.
But you can't say the soviets were bad when at the same time the American and European countries were also...
Yes you can!
Both things can be bad, and one doesn't have to talk about both at the same time to be accurate, fair, and intellectually honest. Coffee and tea can both be shitty when prepared poorly. If I talk about how someone can fuck up coffee, I don't need to balance it out with a thorough comparison to how tea can be fucked up.
My point was more to educate than to criticize. Again, I pro-capitalism. I just think there is a lot to learn from Marxism and communism that us (North America) tend to shun because we assume communism is bad.
Both systems have deep flaws. But North America vilifies one to the point of using it as a political boogey man. My issue is in that. So when a lot of people claim. "communism bad" it usually comes from a place of ignorance.
That's fair. I guess that the main thing I keyed in on was the idea that one couldn't criticize. That's actually been a particular avenue pushed on by anti-ukraine Russian propagandists online (citation required, FWIW).
Judging from your response here, that's not at all how you intended for it to be read. I think we're both pushing for people to be critical of all real-world systems regardless of how one would classify it or what ideal system one ascribes to. Ignorance is the problem, and it's against human physiology to recognize and avoid the tribal classifications that we're handed.
This is how normal conversations should go , it's just being chronically online where people are extreme about everything makes us assume that everybody is like that.
Unlike communism, capitalism isn't a system, it is isn't driven by ideology or rules. It is just the natural order of things, humans doing business organically, without regulation
I dont think that you get what Capitalism means. It means that the means of production are owned privately and that prices (which are just informations of how scarce one product/asset/ressource is compared to other ones is) are found out made by market mechanisms. It doesnt necessarily need money, it can be direct barter, too.
It's not even prices what is a concern but relative prices since most economic models tend to normalize at least one price to 1 and a barter system perfectly allows that. It just accomplishes it in an utterly inefficient manner.
But, you know, a reddit comment with over the top hiperbole is not a source for reliable and precise information and one would hope that the almost cartoonish response would be enough to avoid a "well actually..." comment but alas, here we are.
The free market does not exist. This natural order argument is very false. Why would we ever need a government to oversee the economy? Which the US government absolutely oversees the economy, and bails out big business at the expense of the taxpayers every time.
Thats assuming that all cultures come to the conclusion that trading capital/excess for other goods and services is a natural progression where in history and the anthropological record, the idea of excess is a relatively new this.
You live in a capitalist world, you learned from a young age how to view the world through markets. You understand the world from that viewpoint. It looks very natural to you that capitalism is not an ideology because we as human naturally evolved from trade to eventually grow from trading sticks to virtual stock exchanges.
You grew up in it so to you its natural, but to understand it you have to look out of your bias and apply that same logic to other places on earth.
But thats a view point. Thats an exact definition of an ideology and system. Its a layered idea that comes together to explain a phenomenon.
Also, assuming that capitalism is "natural" and "organic" and what humans do "without regulation" is historical revisionism. We have known since trade was invented that without regulation we get bad products and bad actors. Its why feudal systems had guilds and why in todays society we have government watch dogs. Just as communism can never exist due to human nature, capitalism in its purest form would collapse under bad actors. You can say that the "system" would correct its self as people would vote with their wallets, but we dont even do that now. We've known for a long time that unregulated markets make bad products.
Communism is bad because it requires force against people's will. If people decline, you have to force them, which us akin to slavery. Communism only works with automation because you need people to work in a system of redistributed wealth while distributing the working classes wealth to non workers.
You are explaining what is called Vanguard Communism, which is what the soviets used. I won't be the one to say "it's not real communism" because real communism does not and will never exist, but you are explaining a moot point that can be attributed to any system that deals with labour. Communism isn't the only one with blood on their hands.
Capitalism famously has choice, but the choice is pointless. Of course I have the Freedoms to choose not to work, choose not to engage in society and even be a freeloader. But I really don't. While it is much better than the Soviet system in which they'd exile you, put you into forced labour or kill you, the capitalist system forces you to comply to their system as well.
While yes you have a choice, that choice is the equivalent of a kid stomping their feet at their parents. I can choose not to work, but the reality of the system and the maintenance of my Freedoms and rights require I do.
If I don't work, I starve, I loose shelter, I get thrown in jail. The coal miners of west Virginia famously got slaughtered for refusing to work. The Winnipeg strike ended with the RCMP. Right now we have a wave of elected conservative officials deticated to forcing work, criminalizing homelessness and making it easier to force people back to work.
While yes I'd rather be in this system than the soviets, to say that the communism is bad because it forces you to work is historical ignorance.
Communism is bad, because it is a bad idea, it is so utopian it CANT work, at least as long as humans arent "perfect" And there is any type of scarcity.
Communism is one of those things that only works in a perfect world. In reality it' easy to exploit for those up top just like any system.
Resulting in the people living in forced poverty that there is no escape from.
At least I'm capitalism as shit as it can be you van rise up in some way. Even if that way involves being a shit person.
You gave to build both systems. You can't just have communism or capitalism. It's all how you build those systems that create the systems that allow corruption
American style capitalism is very different from India style or even European. And Europe is full of many different kinds itself.
Just like communism. The soviets were very angry at the Liberal Cuban communist regime and the democratic Belarusian Communism to the point they had plans to assassinate their leader. (it may not be Belarus, it was one of the Iron Curtain members that bordered the Soviets, please correct me)
Thats Vanguard or "Leninist" Communism. Communism in its purest form has no government and instead labour is allocated through "soviets" or workers coops. What you are talking about is the evils of how communism came to be form the 18th century on, which yes, is bad.
Communism in of itself though is supposed to be run by the collective, not an individual.
I agree they have to be built rather than adopting an already broken system. However i also believe no system is infallible and immune to corruption of some sort.
Capitalism, in its most pure form, only exists in a world with equal access to capital, no knowledge asymmetry, and perfect competition.
We dont live in Capitalism right now. At least in America our economic system is best described is state supported Corporatism with a weak social safety that is just enough to dissuade the populous from revolting.
MFW i try to be a snarky asshole and somehow end up proving myself to be the dumbest person in a conversation that includes someone who used an incorrect term.
Discussions about capitalism Vs communism/socialism are really a red herring in most cases - both are just methods of allocating capital and labour. Neither is explicitly better or worse. They have different strengths (most obviously fostering competition Vs cooperation) and aspects of each should be used in situations that require those strengths. Society rarely benefits from the extreme, and Soviets were extreme purists. The modern Chinese version is far more effective.
Capitalism for cars and socialism for healthcare. I don't care if the rich guy has a nicer car than me, but when we have the same disease and he gets to live but I have to die, that's where I draw the line.
The biggest problem is that there is no perfect option they all suck but there is quite literally nothing better which most would agree as the perfect option
I mean people like Allende tried to do things differently and seemed promising, but then foreign powers coup them because they don't like being challenged.
Also yes. Basically there is no right option because the masses are pretty dumb and influencible.
Maybe a massive education reform could do the trick after a few generations. Maybe cutting profit out of basic societal funtions like we did church from state.
But what do I know. Much easier to keep comparing each other to one another while we all collectively sink.
Yes that is what i mean humanity is too lazy to actually change and the people that can actually influence enough people for such changes dont want to because that would not benefit them
To be fair socialist countries are on average less corrupt than free market countries ie the Nordic countries, New Zealand etc. Wether that would be true if they had a more free market is unknown.
A lot of leftists believe in government/private partnership economic policy. Which is kinda of what America has, except in America and many other free markets, the companies absolutely bend the government over the barrel due to cronyism ie the massively inflated prices US citizens pay in health spending, nearly double as a % of GDP, while having worse life spans and general health than most countries in OECD
They're a blend of socialism and capitalism. So is the US, it's just more capitalist-leaning. If a country were full capitalist they wouldn't have publicly funded education, health care, criminal justice systems, emergency services, etc. Essentially, there wouldn't be a government. And there wouldn't be taxation. This is what libertarians promote. Everything would be privately owned and run. Companies would determine everything, including the rule of law. Everything would be geared towards monetary profit for the oligarchs in charge. And things would be far worse than they are now.
I'm not a commie, and social safety nets are, in fact, socialist policies. That's why I said they're a blend of capitalism and socialism. I understand your reading comprehension might be low but please try harder next time.
Socialism is worker owned means of production. Social safety nets have nothing to do with socialism. It's crazy how stupid yet confident commies are when defending their beliefs.
Again, not a commie. See my response to the moron who said communism isn't authoritarian of you don't believe me. Socialist policies are anything that is publicly funded and publicly available. Anything that is, in theory, equally accessible to all citizens is a socialist program. Thus, SOCIAL safety nets are socialist. That doesn't make them inherently evil or incompatible with capitalism. You can still have a country with capitalist AND socialist policies. Going fully one way or the other is a recipe for disaster.
It's crazy that commies like you have taken the braindead economic analysis of conservatives of old where any government spending is socialism and are now espousing it. I suppose it makes sense that idiots would gravitate to simplistic explanations like "durrrrrrr gubment spend = socialism!!!??!". The fact that you think pointing out that social safety nets and socialism both share the root social and are therefore the same thing demonstrates that you are suffering from terminal brain damage.
A BASEball is a BASEment.
Soc dems have brains. Socialists are braindead redditors and twitter users like you. Luckily for me though, the lives of all people who espouse the ideas that you do are entirely inconsequential and you will have no real impact on the world. Please learn words.
What Dragon said. The extent to which an economy is state (comm unism) or private (capitalism) is a spectrum, just like how under Stalinist or Cuban communism some private trade was allowed or turned a blind eye too
While i really really hate the word whataboutism, its appropriate here. Just cause communism is not perfect and is prone to corruption, it does not invalide the points made in the greentext
literally fucking HOA's fall apart due to corruption but somehow our communism will totally work this way. it hasn't fucking failed miserably every single time it was attempted at all.
And they're definitely known for their affordable housing.
Cus if you place the bed in the right corner of your 1-room squarepartment and crawl to the top of the bed you might not get woken up by dripping water from the ceiling throughout the night.
True. But it would never ever work in reality. I truly don't understand how you can be an anarchist. Who is going to prevent violence, oppression, theft, fraud etc etc if you don't have a central authority with a monopoly on violence? Imagine you live in a stateless society and your neighbour decides they want to steal from you - who's gonna stop them? Are you just relying on the assumption that people are inherently good-natured? Because if so, I suggest you read the news
no, the argument of anarchism is, if your neighbour tries to steal from you, you shoot him. if he shoots you, the community - whether through a council or whatever, agrees on a punishment through direct democracy. the reason there's a circle around the a of the anarchist emblem is to represent ORDER; an anarchist society isn't necessarily an anarchic one, and there's nothing to say an anarchist community can't have laws. the only rule is those laws have to be mutually agreed upon, rather than imposed from a community representative.
You just described a really ineffective government.
Who enforces the punishment? Who determines that the neighbor you shot was actually trying to steal from you? Who determines what constitutes property that can be considered stolen?
Who makes the laws? Records them? Interprets them? Enforces them on those unwilling to follow them? Who resolves disputes? What happens when you can't get concensus on what laws there should be? Who keeps the neighboring communities from coming over and taking things?
How is the council selected? What are their powers? What happens if the council decides something that people don't agree with?
See, this is why nobody respects anarchists. Communists at least have an idea that works on paper, anarchists have an idea that would fall apart under the idle questioning of a 5 year old.
the council isn't "selected", it isn't a representative democracy but a direct one, a la zapatistas or rojava. people have a mutual interest in maintaining the peace, most of the time. those who don't are outnumbered by those who do, and have the motivation to fight for it. that's the principle of anarchism; am i claiming to be one? not necessarily, but it's an ideology that's hopelessly misrepresented and misunderstood.
aye, that's the weird thing about soviets. their initial form was extremely decentralised and libertarian socialist, bordering on anarchosyndicalism, until lenin dug his heels in. he was a bit of a cunt
It's funny how simmilar communism is to the concept of heaven. Imagined utopias that are made to make you content with any ammount of suffering caused in reaching them.
You’re not wrong, but you’re mistaking what OP said. Communism is defined by Marx as a stateless, classless society. The problem with communism is that, as you said, it can’t exist because enforcing it would, by definition, make it not communism.
That is of course true, but I meant to hint at socialism.
As communism cannot be achieved by definition and by practical means, I think it's safe to equate the connotations of communism to those of socialism. Meaning trying for communism will always lead to totality.
I hope I got your comment right, but feel free to correct me.
On paper, communism is a society where everyone is equal and everything is publicly owned. But how do you prevent power dynamics from occurring naturally? How do you prevent one person from taking all the food and not distributing it to everyone else? You need a government to enforce the equality. And that's where communism runs into trouble, because governments are run by people who are inherently greedy and selfish. When everything is publicly owned, that means the government, which in theory is equally accessible to every citizen, must have full control over everything. Giving the government absolute power is the definition of authoritarianism. Thus, I'm sorry to say, in practice, communism is, in fact, authoritarian.
That's the marx definition. He left out a lot of important details for how a country would actually be run. Hence why the USSR used a Marxist-Lenninist structure upon its founding. It offered the specifics for how a country would be run and provided an actual governmental structure. You can't have a stateless society today, you will simply get invaded by an actual nation state with a regular army so you need to field an army yourself. Fielding an army requires a logistics structure and a mechanism for taxation and wouldn't you look we just described the basic foundations for a state government.
I'm a communist, I don't like your disingenuous perception of how communism is supposed to be implemented. At the most basic level a mixed economy is the only functional system. A truly free market economy would destroy itself and a truly communist system would just get invaded immediately. Actual societies need to fall within this range. The US being more towards free market with some government regulations and such, China being closer to free market than centrally planned but with large amounts of government owed industries, and the Soviet Union being even closer to the true idea of communism but still being a far cry from it. If Marx had lived to see any functional communist states he probably would have been disappointed.
To enforce communist policies one must be authoritarian. You cannot risk someone not doing enough while retaining the same benefits as those that do more or you enter into a much faster race to the bottom.
In a capitalist country, for better or worse you can choose not to work, be a bum, and fuck off. In communism that's not allowed. It sounds like a good thing till you realize that it results in death penalties or gulag instead.
Who doesn't know the ruling class of the states which implement the system that has neither states nor classes. Same stupid shit as everytime: authoritarian state capitalism = communism.
That’s a fallacy. Just because iPhones were invented under capitalism doesn’t mean an analogous device wouldn’t have been invented were another system to have been the dominant one instead. It could’ve been SovPhones with a little beet with a bite taken out as the symbol.
you truly are desperate and reaching for answers on that one. Look at technological advancement under capitalist vs communist countries since 1950 and you can clearly see that what you're saying simply isn't true
The great thing about that statement is that you can replace the word “communism” with literally any other ism and it will still be true, including capitalism.
They don’t, though. The Black Book of Communism included metrics such as Nazi soldiers who died on the eastern front and a decline in birth rates (something that happens no matter what as countries industrialize) in eastern bloc nations as “deaths due to communism”. Capitalism, being the dominant world system for a good while, thus has a far larger kill count simply due to being more widespread (and also being the system in place for massive death events such as the British occupations of India and Ireland).
To clarify, I am not pro-USSR or CCP or whatever stupid acronym red fash wanna call themselves. I’m just here to clarify a common misconception.
Doomers have always been wrong. An Assyrian tablet from 2800 BC said
“The earth is degenerating today. Bribery and corruption abound. Children no longer obey their parents, every man wants to write a book, and it is evident that the end of the world is fast approaching.”
The average american can’t afford a 500$ expense, the average woman doesnt have bodily autonomy, the average young white man is mentally unhealthy, the average young black man is poor.
The average young person can’t afford a home.
The minimum wage does not pay to live.
You’re cherry picking examples while ignoring shit like climate change and the rise of christo fascism that wants to take away the rights of everyone.
Oh sorry I forgot, more and more christians imposing their views on others is okay because they aren’t rapidly growing the number of christians.
Please tell me how you would describe the fact that christian nationalists are forcing their view on others on a scale like they havent in centuries other than the rise of christo fascism?
Historically speaking, the trend of religious extremism among christians is extremely downward. Did you know that only 70 years ago there were still religious genocides between groups of christians?
It’s fascinating to me how uneducated the average person has to be if they can ask a question, never recieve an answer and still fall for your bullshit
I tried engaging with you like an adult but I see you want to talk like a politician
Oh right I forgot, we judge how bad something is not by how morally wrong it is but by how it affects the most populated state.
Forgive me, I didn’t realise that the real problem we are facing in the world is actually population decline just like in china, because they are the most populous nation in the world so by your logic we only need to take them as a measuring stick.
When did I say shit sucks because I can’t force people to do what I say? Also who is this „we“?
I said that it’s fucked up how innocent women are gonna die because of christian abortion bans and you say that doesnt matter because christianity is on a downwards trend.
Actually the poverty thing may not actually get better from now on. The reduction from 80% to 10% was mostly due to Asia's industralization. Now that it's on the way of erradication, the remaining 10% is from Africa, which is actually getting slightly worse these years
Boomers could afford a house, a car and kids on a single wage of a husband working in a factory. Millennials and Gen Z can't afford a 1 bedroom apartament with an office job.
Not really. The average new home built in 1955 was approx. 1,000 square ft. There was no AC and one bathroom. Far lower standard of living compared to today.
Quality of life doesn't matter when I can't afford to have it. I've lived in pretty miserable conditions in the past while working full time with decent pay. I can only afford better living conditions now because I have 5 friends all paying with me.
Like I said. I LIVED in pretty miserable conditions. I had no Internet I had no AC or heat other than a barely functioning kerosene heater that did NOT heat the space. I was making 19/hr at the time.
I didn't see a question mark, I thought it was rhetorical, my bad. I was just clarifying the point I made. Why are we both wasting our time in the roots of a greentext reddit post? I'm drinking tea now and reading dawg let's move on
Just the internet and gps alone is a major quality of life improvement, but things that didn't exist obviously weren't obtainable. Almost seperate points, the person you're responding too is basing quality of life on what existed at both times and their obtainability. Really the biggest QOL improvement in history and ona global scale is artificial fertilizer, but most people don't give a shit about its obtainability, just the food that comes from it
Regardless of those factors, housing costs have gone up to a ridicules degree. I did the maths for me to buy my grandfather's house which he bought on a single salary. Adjusting for inflation, my mortgage payments would be 7x higher than what he paid in the 60s! That's the crux of the issue here
Boomers could afford a house, a car and kids on a single wage of a husband working in a factory. Millennials and Gen Z can't afford a 1 bedroom apartament with an office job.
Capitalism rewards effort and ingenuity. People will be greedy no matter the system. Capitalism allows people who are not part of the ruling elite to achieve success
Capitalism rewards commercialization, not ingenuity. Don’t conflate the two. If ingenuity decreases profit, capitalism shuns it. Why do you think light bulbs lasted longer 100 years ago? Or cars? Planned obsolescence is a concept uniquely created by capitalism and spits in the face of concepts like “ingenuity and effort”
Just like capitalist nature, they sold you a dream, and you bought it.
Planned obsolescence was invented by engineers to better tell when stuff needs fixing: make one unnecessary part fail slightly before the more important shit and when it breaks, you know it's time for some deep maintenance.
You made this up. The term “planned obsolescence” finds its origins in mid-depression Britain to describe a method for manufacturers to encourage consumers to start purchasing.
That's incorrect, it is essentially the same, just used to ones advantage. Think about it in the example of an elevator: if this thing breaks, it could cause deaths, so it makes sense to design a certain non essential part that suffers similar strains to other vital parts of the machinery in a way that makes it deliberately break earlier than those vital parts. But when it fails, it only results in a red light and maybe inoperability till maintenance.
The concept of obsolescence is not limited to maleficent economic conspiracies.
…huh? Capitalism rewards being born with rich parents and punishes everyone for not, except an extremely small number of lucky people. What world are you living in?
Humans will always be greedy. It is better that skill and drive are rewarded rather than that someone decides who should get what. Believe me when I say that no matter the system those on top are living good
Yeah but until recently there was no doubt that each generation was better off than the last. Millennials/Gen Z are the potential exception to the rule. We’ll need to see whether that lasts or whether it reverts to the previous trend.
Define better off? We have the potential to be better, have a world of information at our finger tips, have access to the best healthcare in history and more. Just havr to play the game right.
I mean wealth-wise. Right now millennials have less wealth at their age than Gen X did at the same age, but the 2008 financial crisis has a lot to do with that.
Looks like Gen X may have had less than Boomers, though.
Boomers also coincidentally were born into the only advanced industrial economy that hadn't been blown to absolute smithereens in the last few decades.
Taking the average life expectancy and general health of every boomer, how well do you think they lived? It wasn’t very good for folks who were gay. Or not of a certain ethnicity. Or were suffering from illnesses that nowadays are treatable.
There were fewer people (higher living standards attract immigration), therefore lower demand for housing
Houses were crappier (full of asbestos and lead, less insulated); the same was true for most other products
Osha and environmental standards were less demanding
Boomer had far fewer retirees to take care of; the fact that we can afford to have a giant army of unproductive old people is itself a sign of our wealth
The greentext doesn't start with the boomers, it starts with medieval peasants, and boomers were obviously much better off then those
Yeah that didn't make much sense. It's a difficult question to tackle since medieval Europe spans 1000 years and there were different systems of serfdom, but you were typically tied to a plot of land, owned by a lord, regulated by a contract where a portion of your income went to the lord, another portion went to the state and another portion went to the church.
Serfdom was fucked. You don't just pack up and leave.
Serfdom developed as a result of the black death, which halted the migration of westerners (mostly germanics) east.
Eastern Europe always had a lower population than the west and so the nobles tried to create peasant-friendly environments to attract new people. This worked well until the plague freed up agricultural land in the west.
And so the nobles realized they no longer profited from this benelovent attitude and gradually established serfdom.
This rumour needs to be abolished. Yes, they had more non-working days than us, but they spent their “off” time working in their own homes - cooking, cleaning etc took a lot longer then than it does now.
You couldn’t just put your washing into a washing machine, you had to take it to a river, clean it, hang it, etc.
You couldn’t just turn the stove on, grab whatever you needed from your fridge, and cook a meal within 30 minutes.
Similarly, there weren’t supermarkets to peruse easily purchased goods - many lived far away from any accessible market and either had to travel to obtain their produce or otherwise grow it themselves - all of which takes a lot of time.
So yes, they did technically work less at their jobs, but all of the luxuries that come with modern day living were not available to them so many of the simple tasks took much longer which is also work for them.
Yeah being a woman sucked major ass. Cus women were in charge of watching over kids, cooking, cleaning, washing, making new clothes at nigh usually. Men lived better lives than men do today. Albeit they did work a lot more physically demanding tasks, they did have more leisure than a modern man. Maintaing a house isnt that hard and wasn't that different than today( only major work would be if you got leaky roof, same as today). Pr maybe mice chewed the wall so you gotta patch your wall with more mud and reeds. Also yes they grew all of their foods, because that was cheaper and faster.
Just right off the bat, I would be an infant mortality statistic because of a routine medical procedure thst would have been impossible in medieval Europe. This is absurd.
I mean you wouldn't really get a consciousness if you died as a newborn. So yes higher infant mortality. But people generally lived a better life in the mediaeval age( not women though, but reddit is mostly male so yeah).
So we should have less non-working days just because our chores became easier? The point you’re making is mute because it seems like you’re in favor of increased workload because our home care became less of a time issue. Instead the loss of time for our ease of home work, it should instead be used to enjoy the commodities that new inventions allows us, going to movies, reading a book, even spending time with family. It shouldn’t matter that they did have more days-off than us because their home chores were such a time sink.
Chill, I wasn’t making an argument - what I said is evidenced throughout history.
I don’t disagree with the rest of your comment - less time should be spent working, which is why I’m heavily in favour of the 4 day work week which has been proven to increase productivity.
Serfdom was about giving away a percentage of your harvest, not clocking in a certain amount of hours every day. A medieval peasant had more days off than some poor minimum wage shmuck today
Boomers could afford a house, a car and kids on a single wage of a husband working in a factory. Millennials and Gen Z can't afford a 1 bedroom apartament with an office job.
I had a few point to get into, but I can see from your profile that you are MAYBE 13 at best, so now I realize that this is all coming because you haven’t even gotten to the point where you actually have to have a job and rent a place in the first place. Your only experience with the real world is hearing people complain about it in echo chambers online.
When you move out of the massive cities, which compromise the most desirable and heavily competitive housing markets there are, you find that rent isn’t some impossible challenge to pay.
I managed to afford an apartment, college, and putting away some in saving while working 15-20 hours a week. And now that I have an office job I rent a wonderful 2 bedroom with a view of the river, a front porch, and a 10 minute walk to work and downtown. And all for $750. Sure, I could split it with someone if I really needed, or moved into one of the MANY cheaper apartments in my city, but I didn’t need to.
You can do that in MANY places in the US. Anywhere that keeps the population under 500k really. Not everyone lives in Los Angeles or NYC, and when you don’t, life becomes a hell of a lot more affordable.
TL;DR, you don’t get to have an opinion on the state of the economy until you’ve paid a few bills, come back when your balls have dropped.
I, and all my friends as far as I know, can absolutely afford an apartment/house with an office job. In fact, I rent a 3/2. Are things more expensive now? Yes. But are people, young people especially, usually bad with money, which contributes to not being able to afford a house, car, etc.? Also, yes.
Ok then show me a country that didn’t fail at capitalism? How come the fact we have a recesseion every 10 years and huge market crashes all the time isn’t a failure in your eyes? How come all the capitalist countries that fall or are in civil wars aren’t a failure of capitalism?
A country has a US backed coup and mouth breathers call it a failure of communism but when people in the greatest economic system in the world in the most economically powerful country in the world can’t afford to pay for rent, education or medical expenses that’s a success?
Please elaborate on your glorious view because Id really love to share it but it’s a little difficult to look at a system that says: „it’s morally right to be a selfish asshole“ and think it has any merit what so ever.
And before you ignore any of my questions and bring up how capitalism did inventions that’s not true, people invented fucking fire without capitalism and the internet was invented by an oh so evil government.
Got it. What do you think needs to happen to achieve your vision of government? Can we achieve it through democracy or does something more accelerationist need to happen?
Marx was a 32nd Degree Freemason of the Orient. The CIA et al., at the orders of the International Cabal, manufactured the communist revolution and also propped up Hitler and funded the Reich. They play both sides of the ball buckaroo
Which part? I believe it is common knowledge that Marx was a member of the Masonic lodge. Doesn’t necessarily equate to conspiracy, but this is historical fact. In addition, it’s well documented that the American Intelligence Community, which in itself is essentially an extension of British Intelligence, manufactures both sides of numerous conflicts. There are plenty of documents which are now public due to FOIA requests that demonstrate the CIA’s tendency to engage in this type of behavior to further the aims of the controllers.
If you seriously doubt this type of stuff, you should do some research about how the world actually works. These are some things off the top of my head that may briefly mention the two things I claimed in my previous comment. I will try to find more specific references for you later if you’re interested.
Saussy, F. T. (2001) Rulers of Evil: Useful Knowledge about Governing Bodies Harpercollins.
Springmeier, F. (2002) Bloodlines of the Illuminati. Spring Arbor Distributors.
Thomas, M (2007) Monarch: The New Phoenix Program
Mullins, E. (1985) The World Order - Our Secret Rulers: A Study in the Hegemony of Parasitism. Ezra Pound Institute of Civilization.
Be Bolsheviks
Have this opinion
Overthrow Russian Tzar and take over country, prevail in bloody and brutal civil war and make peace with Germans in WW2. No more war.
Implement communism on a large scale
Massive bureaucracy determines cost of goods, leads to massive inflation or scarcity of different stuff as government determined values of goods are wildly off
no incentive to make more of scarce things as value doesn’t change, and no choice but to make the same amount of abundant underpriced things, so both scarcity and inflation prevail
Food is in the scarce things category
Farmers aren’t incentivized to grow more food so say fuck it and don’t
Millions die
Government seizes farms and forces peasants to work them
Be in Communist Russia
Peasants must work and can not leave if they feel like it
Millions still starving in cities producing valueless bullshit
Country only economically afloat by still participating in macro-capitalism with Europe
One day in field with my boy
Rest for a minute and smoke our last bit of tobacco out of his pipe
”Kinda seems like this shit ain’t really working, yfm?”
Wake up next day
Get hauled to gulag
Die of malnutrition
The Soviet Union… was not socialist… it was state capitalist. Stalin was a dictator. The working class had next to no rights. That’s… not socialism… it’s not communism… they were capitalists. It’s just that the state ran the capitalism.
I think we can all sorta agree that the Soviet Union did not work. It doesn't mean that socialism couldn't work with other models. It's an example of a failed socialist state just like the Congo is an example of horrible capitalist practices.
But but capitalism caused the “good economic systems” to fail. Look, it says so in the green text so it must be true. 4Chan users are the smartest people in the world.
north korea is basically a monarchy lmao. vietnam and laos are closer to socialism, but they allow a sizable amount of free market activity and in practice allow very little legitimate autonomy for the workers through trade unions and such. main reason they exist is because they are useful geopolitical tools against china. same reason america supported the khmer rouge. bolivia as a "socialist" state is simply too young to really say what will happen with it.
Marx was a 32nd Degree Freemason of the Orient. The CIA et al., at the orders of the International Cabal, manufactured the communist revolution and also propped up Hitler and funded the Reich. They play both sides of the ball buckaroo
Yeah, thank the gods for the gift of communism! It's common knowledge that socialist and democratic governments have never done any mass killings like that holocaust thing that libertarians made up. Free market is the manifestation of sin. The signals that building or renting space is not worth your time or money(high price) is a lie, and it's actually just pure greed, the capitalists want those empty houses for themselves to ..... because they cost literally nothing to maintain, and the money that they could sell them for is better than what you can spend it on. If you want housing prices to be lower, you need to create more laws and obsticles for developers so they don't just greedily create more space to live in. Eat shit rich people, and hail central planning!
If that's your takeaway you are blind. This post explicitly states the only system preventing capitalism from completely killing off humanity for profit is the state. I'm not saying that that means we should increase the size of the state, but if we want more equality between people and less government interference in markets and daily lives we should somehow limit the influence capitalism has on society.
Boomers could afford a house, a car and kids on a single wage of a husband working in a factory. Millennials and Gen Z can't afford a 1 bedroom apartament with an office job.
First of all, take a history class or an economics class. Preferably both.
Second, despite inflation (which is largely a product of bad economic policy), even the poor have access to things that the ultra rich 100 years ago couldn’t imagine.
Yeah all the history I'm reading seems to show the US backing military coups, conducting political espionage, and otherwise using it's power to topple fledgling socialist governments. (Contra affair, Bay of Pigs and current Cuban embargo, 1973 Chile coup, Venezuela sanctions, Vietnam war, the list goes on.) If socialism is such a bad system why doesn't the US just let these sovereign nations fail on their own merit instead of constantly destabilising them by force?
Pointing to the Cuban embargo as an example is essentially an admission that the socialists can’t thrive without the help of free market capitalism. Not the “gotcha” you think it is.
So a gigantic super power intentionally restricts a country from trading freely and allowing them to obtain the resources they need to grow, and you think the opposite of doing that (AKA doing nothing) would be the same as 'helping' them? I don't think that's the gotcha you think it is mate.
Also Cuba is thriving (as much as is possible) in spite of these restrictions. During COVID they sent their doctors around the world to help fight the disease and their researchers developed their own vaccine in isolation that was effective for their own population.
Cars being so integral to countries like America are absolutely a product of capitalism, and it’s actively killing the planet. So you’re right I guess?
"Good system" ... "socialism" XD afordable housing and free health care aren't socialism, anyone outside of america who is against socialism knows what it is
Capitalism is the only system that abides with human nature. Unless humans become literally PERFECT, even casting away our sense of self preservation UNIVERSALLY, Capitalism will remain the only viable system. So basically the conditions for anything other than Capitalism to function are impossible and not even worth pursuing.
A lot of failed socialist states fail because they use the Soviet Model. A lot of others fail because of Juche, which is essentially trying to be completely independent from other countries. Some consider Europe to be socialist, but it's objectively just toned down capitalism with welfare. I'd say out of all the examples of communism/socialism in practice, Vietnam and Yugoslavia are the better ones, and just about every time a democratically elected leader in a poor country is too leftist, they get overthrown by capitalist backed coups. Also, there are capitalist countries that are poor as shit, so it isn't just a commie thing.
As for the bit about capitalists fighting it, the U.S. (which is very influenced by corporations) has interfered with Latin America so much under the guise of stopping communism and socialism. Actually.
-Backed, practically primed the grounds for the coup Salvador Allende, a democratically elected politician.
-Sponsored the coup of Jacobo Árbenz Guzmán, another democratically elected leader who was making land reforms and trying to get workers better conditions. Unfortunately 'ol United Fruit had some profits to make, and the U.S. had to pop in to union bust.
-Widenly speculated that the CIA backed a coup against Thomas Sankara, a far-left African leader who lowered the infant death rate dramatically and gave medical care to thousands of burkinabé. He also helped make Burkina Faso into a food efficient country.
-Although it doesn't completely block out trade, the economic embargo on Cuba made it much more difficult for Cuba to trade with others, combined with the collapse of the Soviet Union it would make sense for this to have some sort of effect on them
-There is evidence of the backing of many, many right wing dictators, including Carlos Castillo Armas, Augusto Pinochet, The Somoza Dynasty, and encouraged Argentina's 'dirty war'.
Pretty hard to do politics normally when they keep you on your toes, right? Like even as someone who's not necessarily socialist, it seems like they don't exactly have the same starting ground as the capitalists.
Damn. Did anon ever mention he was for authoritarianism? There sure have been a few attempts at non-dictatorships, but the CIA tends to make sure they get removed, Anon just might just be Allende-pilled.
Ok, any event, time, or place you can point to? Can you point to several smaller events that build up to 10s of millions? Do you have any idea of how many Europeans were actually involved, boots on the ground? Can you even name any names of perpetrators or victims that myself or others can look up?
Politics that happened decades ago. Because the specifics are not taught because of said politics. Even so, the average person has no interest in reading the histories. You can look into it, be very surprised by it, but there is far more risk to openly speaking contrary to the narrative for obvious reasons. It is not a PC thing to do and there is has been no benefit in doing so. Now that we have the internet, not only is it easier to find these sources and discover the truth, but it is easier to talk about it, so people have been slowly waking up to the fact that the history of colonialism isn't what they have been told since now clapping back against the narrative is useful when combating things like CRT.
Secondly you don't have to dig very deep into the history and specifics of colonialism before you realize that it is far more complicated than expected and it happened in a very unexpected way. Most people don't realize that it was mostly a private venture, done by very few people, for the sake of the empire or their king, but also to enrich themselves in the process. There were no European armies conquering continents. We didn't subjugate and enslave whole nations, we helped willing allies stabilize their regions, established trade, educated them, built infrastructure and share our cultures and left.
Thirdly, there were atrocities. Just like all of history, there are good guys and bad guys, but no where can you find millions of people dying because of colonialism, not even a million if you add up all the things that the Europeans were responsible for over the course of the entire colonial era.
The Bengal Famine alone killed upwards of 3 million. Its estimated that Britain's 100 year occupation of India accounted for over 100 million deaths. You can split hairs about what caused those deaths, if they were intentional, if some of them would've happened regardless even without colonial rule, but the fact of the matter is even very conservative estimates are looking at tens of millions of deaths for one region on one continent that can be attributed to a colonial ruling power, it's pretty easy to say that the colonialism body count is several times higher than that overall.
Looking at the comments op is probably salty he has to live in parents basement and cannot buy a house out of spending all day on reddit. The fact you can even complain about the system shows how much better you have here then in the socialist/communist utopias you think about
Except compared to the prewar era, it was. Commie blocks were great, the governments industrialized and modernized the countries and put public infrastructure that wouldn't be affordable under capitalism
Ah yes, try to tell us more about how we benefited because of communism while every day we can see how much potential was lost due to over 40 years of soviet ocupation
Declining standards of living every generation is not true at all. literally just started this generation, and we still have plenty of advantages over older generations like medical advances and accommodations for disabled people, civil rights.
Average communist experience:
-become communist government
-kill political opponents and members of the public
- starve
-government fails
-complain that it wasn’t real communism
only quality of life measurement is whether i own a house. not life expectancy, educational attainment, literacy, violent crime rates, real median wages, global starvation rates, etc etc etc
This is the same thought process (just on the other side of the spectrum) as the morons on the fringe right who were boasting when Putin allowed people to come to Russia to escape the “woke utopia” of the US.
Capitalism is the worst system that exists... except for all the others
Id be really curious for an honest and logical explanation of how you think that just because we tried a few things that didn’t work we should stick with the system that glorifies selfishness and slavery.
Have you ever looked into any attempt at communism outside of soviet influence? Did you ever read about the Chilean communist experiment and how that only „failed“ because the US and other countries ordered an embargo for no reason and also manipulated local politics for years?
Communism always ends in gulags, misery and starvation
How come it didn’t end like that in chile, greece or yugoslavia?
If capitalism is so good how come people are starving all across the world? How come the world bank has to define extreme poverty as less than 2$ a day and still over 700 million people live like that? Can you explain that? Because I see plenty of homeless people even in glorious capitalism
Those people aren’t helped by bezos getting a 9th yacht
None of those countries were really Stalinist communist. They still had freer markets than the Eastern Bloc though very regulated. Their standards of living have skyrocketed compared to the bad old days. I just don’t see a lot of people who lived or live under communist dictatorships who are clamoring for more of it. The fact of the matter is that true communism is incompatible with the real world and every attempt to reach it has ended in misery and bloodshed one way or the other
You notice how we went from all communism bad to stalinist communism bad and back to real communism is impossible?
Why do you think that something like communism but improved would be impossible? Why does it matter what it’s called if it’s better?
I could list 90% the aspects of communism as envisioned by marx and 90% of people would agree it is amazing ideas, as long as I don’t call it communism
Communism is impossible because it ignores human nature. Because it ignores human nature, it has to be forced on people. You can wish for something to be possible all you want but you can't ignore human nature
And you dont think believing that human nature isnt cooperative or kind and instead selfish and greedy is kinda fucked up or depressing?
I think humans are all of those things. That is the real world and to deny it is silly
Capitalism is so good guys. To prove this I'll site how good I have it over here, and ignore the permanent damage everywhere else on the planet
Guess we should never try anything else ever again, this is as good as it gets, why bother trying to improve
I wonder if there’s a word for this. Capitalist realism? Maybe there are interests out there by a class of people that differ from yours and they’re very invested in selling this idea that nothing could ever be better than what we have now
The main issue is that we're directly competing with other capitalists in foreign countries.
Long story short, capitalism is probably not the best "comfort of living" system, but it's the most "short-term efficiency" one, and short term efficiency is all you need to win a generational war.
Who will take a 50 years hiatus on development (and military production), just to see if you can live with 4hrs of work per day?
“We’re competing” lol. No you are not. But maybe your boss’s boss’s … boss’s boss is competing with other capitalists.
ok but who makes the decisions that affect how we work? it certainly isn’t me. It’s my boss’s boss’s boss and they are competing with everyone else. I can’t afford to work 4 hour days and pay my bills
Maybe you should make some of those decisions. Have a share in the workplace, you know? I wonder if we have a term for that.
Have you ever worked at a large company? Over half of the staff is literal smooth brain crayon eaters that make me wonder how they even got the job. The idea we would all have an equal say in the company direction and management is some straight socialist daydreaming. These people can't even decide what color crayon they are gonna eat today.
The reason we don't see large worker co-op companies isn't because it can't be done, it's because it's inefficient as fuck at scale. Sure you can do that at some family owned bakery with 6 employees, but it doesn't work well when it's thousands of employees. Half the country is one step above mentally disabled.
Unions are the best bet in that regard. Too many stupid people who literally need leadership to be useful. Unions provide the benefits of collective bargaining without letting the average idiot into the boardroom.
It's stupidity all the way down, but also all the way up. I'm not claiming that managerial or administrative roles are redundant, but plenty of people who should never be in any position of authority sit in those roles.
peter principle
Yeah, they just aren't successful or influential.
In fact, you could start your own!
Woah there Robo_Stalin, what you're talking about sounds awfully close to socialism!
We simply can't afford to slow down things. Maybr if we had a total unopposed hegemony, but we don't.
When you come up with something new, sure; let's try it.
People usually dont want to risk society collapse for something thats been untested. Unless shit hits the fan very badly, at that point may aswell try something different
It’s too bad there’s no steps we could take towards challenging the power of capitalists without completely upending society in an upheaval of revolution all at once
A ton of countries in the EU already do that tho, and what they usually do is either move their company abroad (literally can create a company in Estonia from your pc) or just go live elsewhere since they have the money. Some will stay ofc but over time less and less people will invest in a highly taxed country imo
Yeah, it’s how Ireland got rich. corporate tax haven.
I’m all for experimenting with new possibilities, but anti-capitalists have been pushing the same failed and/or utopian ideologies for generations. Come up with something different and better, then we’ll talk.
Capitalism can improve and does improve. We went a long way from 7 year old boys working in deadly factories. Poverty has been steadily decreasing in both relative and absolute terms.
Anyone saying this should be torn down is an either an idiot or an enemy.
You would need a global spanning totalitarian government to successfully do another system entirely.
You can put various layers of regulation and government interference on top of the current system, but you cannot change it.
So said the feudal monarchs in the 16th century, so said the neoabsolutists of the 19th century and probably so said the bronze age emperors in the 12th century BC. Systems are never eternal.
We're not talking about democracy here.
The economic system is mostly independent from the system of government...
The current economic system has, in some form of or another existed as long as civilization.
> The current economic system has, in some form of or another existed as long as civilization.
What on Earth are you talking about? Modern capitalism is pretty much built on the back of a bunch of 16th century European traders, and around them the engines of the modern financial world were assembled.
"Trading goods and/or services on a market" isn't capitalism. "Using money as an exchange medium for goods and/or services' is also not capitalism.
None of this is all that unique to modern times. Of course I'm not saying that there's no difference between ancient Rome and today... but they're most definitely the same species of economic systems.
But compare that to the (theoretical) system like communism and you can see what I mean.
Neither classical slave economies nor medieval feudal economies had a concept of private property (because it was all owned by the monarch and leased to his vassals) open markets, complex pricing systems, meritocracy, work ethic, consumer sovreignity or economic efficiency.
They're 'the same species' like a rock dassie and an elephant are.
But their interests is to force people into things they dont want, so its immoral and awful.
You are free to try it elsewhere.
BaseballSeveral1107@reddit (OP)
Yes, that's capitalist realism.
We aren’t in a capitalist society. We are in a mercantile economy, moving quickly towards feudalism.
Most of what American’s voted for is not capitalistic policy, but corporatism. Tariffs go against David Ricardo and even destroys competitive advantage. Adam Smith preached the ethos of “Do no harm. When harm happens government should intervene and only then”. Shit he even wrote a book on cancel culture before The Wealth of Nations.
Fun fact: “Invisible Hand” is mentioned more in On Moral Sentiments than The Wealth of Nations.
People don’t understand what capitalism actually is.
We're not moving towards feudalism. You don't know what feudalism means. Most people ramble on about feudalism when it has a very nuanced and complicated definition in the field of history.
We're definitely moving towards some sort of feudalism. You can talk about freedom, but if you need to work 5 jobs to just keep the running water on, the guy paying you at any of those 5 jobs, is basically your master.
It's not feudalism though, you can say it's comparable to feudalism but capitalism is also comparable to feudalism in some ways. it's reductive. We're not moving to a system of vassals and fiets each having personal contracts to their Lords and then to the king now are we.
Also what you're describing is just capitalism as it was intended by capitalists. Not that there's even anyone who has to work 5 jobs just to live, talk about an overexaggeration...
I mean, we are. There are also people who do have to work an absurd number of jobs to support themselves and their family, I've known people working at least four.
If you need to work jobs you're either working 8 hours each, or doing something wrong
What happens is people take a bunch of part time jobs and fill in all the hours they possibly can, including weekends and nights, plus side jobs (house cleaning is a common one) and things like Uber and doordash. When you're going for eighty hours or more a week and part time jobs are all trying to avoid getting close to full time or paying any OT, you end up just getting more. Five is a very extreme case, but it's close enough to what I've seen that somebody has almost certainly been there.
The point is the number of jobs is irrelevant, the total hours is what's relevant. I have 2 jobs (3 if you include my startup) and I'm still under 40 hours a week.
It'd help your point if you stated it instead of stating an entirely different point.
There's way more people doing 80 hours on one job than 80 hours on 5 jobs
That's true. It also contradicts nothing I've said.
Even in that ridiculous hypothetical, he isn't. Under feudalism, you had to do what your master said or he would slit your throat - legally. Under capitalism, voluntarily enter a contract (that you are free to leave whenever) and do a job for a temporary period of time.
Good job supporting your argument with facts. Don’t forget to pay your tithing to Jeff Bezos. Weird how Peter Thiel has involvement in both Facebook and Twitter.
Funny how corporations are now buying up farmland. Here in Canada e we used to have land trusts. Now we have hedge funds.
You’d be the kid who thinks becoming a Knight would earn you respect.
Feudalism isn't "when rich people own land" that alone already tells me you know nothing about the topic. The key factor about feudalism is that everything there is no central government but everything is based around intensely personal contracts.The serf has a personal contract to their lord, the Lord to their king. And these contracts are inheritable. Also not all feudal societies even had serfdom. As you had a transition from feudalism into government everything became codified into more central laws and the king gained absolute power because they were the sole person in charge of governance.
This explanation also loses a lot of nuance but that is the basic gist.
Not paying attention to the news are we?
So kinda like Billionaires who control the means of production, media, housing and fields kissing the ring to the Leader? Hoping on calls with foreign leaders?
Tell me, how do I scale a business without using Google, Amazon, Microsoft or any form of media? Even B2B is heavily reliant on these companies.
You’re sooooooo close to putting it all together.
You're still not getting it. Rich people owning stuff isn't the definition of feudalism. Capitalism has been more like that than feudalism was.
Also I'm not sure how needing the services of big tech to scale a business is inherently bad. I also started a software business and if anything their services save me a lot of effort and money.
Lack of competition is bad.
There's competition though. Also you can always run your own server if their services becomes too expensive for you...
People owning a lot of important business is not "feudalism".
Unfreeze peasants could not be liberated. They and their children were forever stuck in service to their lord absent their lord freeing them. They could not even move somewhere to find a nicer lord.
You’re really not paying attention.
Fine, I’ll call it Neo-Feudalism just for you
I'm sorry, but under capitalism the means of production are privately owned, that is currently the case.
Same can be true under mercantilism. Got anymore great valu whataboutism?
No, under mercantilism the king still owns everything.
Mercantilism works under both sets of ownership. It’s just another word for Crony Capitalism. We are mercantilist.
Nothing about mercantalism requires the means of production to be privately owned.
the key aspect of Antarctica aren't freezing temperatures, the key Aspect of Antarctica is that it is located on the south pole.
Same with Capitalism: they key aspect of capitalism is private ownership over the means of production, just like how the key aspect of Socialism is worker ownership over the means of production.
rEaL cApItAlIsM has never been tried??
In its entirety, as was philosophized from the Founders? No. We don’t even have free trade as it is. So competitive advantage has never been fully realized.
And most people don’t take Marx’s work on labour and objective value seriously.
So no. It really hasn’t.
The Marxist labor theory of value is mostly a restatement of Adam Smith's theories, so I wouldn't say that it's not taken seriously
You living in 2024? We worship at the altar of subjective value.
And wages haven’t kept up with productivity for 40 years
That’s not even getting into wealth inequality.
The philosophized ideas are crap. They assume that all of reality is gone so that their half baked thoughts can flourish.
Why hasn't it been tried? Surely there must be a way to take over some little country somewhere and make it perfectly capitalist. And since that definitely works in real life that country would quickly become the richest country ever and could just buy all the other countries?
Why does it always fail?
Because it’s a global thing. Like I said Free Trade = competitive advantage and allows for greater specialization. Capitalism needs to be global because no country has every advantage.
Oh so it has to be world wide implemented for it to work? How about if socialism works just fine as long as there are no capitalist countries to invade them and ruin everything?
How about if you run out of other people's money and starve to death?
Are you okay, it hadn’t always failed?
I think he meant we always fail halfway, to push capitalism to 100%, not that capitalism itself always fails.
I would agree with that, I think going 100% to communism or capitalism is stupid, capitalism with elements of socialism, a republic with elements of democracy. Using the best of all systems is the way to go.
Eh mixed market economy is the most correct term imo. If we throw in an emotionally charged keyword then I think light fascism (in its original conception) is the most appropriate way to describe how the Western world works.
BaseballSeveral1107@reddit (OP)
Ah yes, the not real capitalism argument.
It's correct tho.
But of course trying to actually put a one word label on the current system is... impossible
Capitalism as a term was popularized by Marx, and very much applies to our current society.
If you go by "capitalism is when private ownership of production for the purpose of profit "... It describes half of human civilization
This is feature of capitalism, not a bug
I agree that all Western economies are more corporatist which we should definitely strive to get away from. Crony capitalism is a cancer. More capitalism is the right course, not less.
Proper capitalism in theory, isn’t terrible. But we are never going to get there and are only moving further and further away. But regards would rather meme than read.
So the key is to try and move in the other direction through less government interference and regulation. The smaller the government, the smaller the opportunity for corporatism, crony capitalism and corruption. We will never achieve any perfect system because humans are imperfect. Capitalism is the only system that accepts that humanity is flawed and does not try for a utopia that will never happen. Libertarianism, communism etc are all impossible fantasies
> The smaller the government, the smaller the opportunity for corporatism, crony capitalism and corruption
And the easier it is for that small government to be subverted and what few checks it can put into place removed so that capitalists can monopolise and agglomerise all into neofeudalism. Market mechanics are great, the incentives the market creates for capitalists is abhorrent.
Yes. I’m so far as that the regulations aren’t protecting from harm. Chevron being overturned is net bad for example. But a lot of the lower regulations can cause more harm than they’re trying to prevent.
I prefer a social democracy, because it’s capitalistic with a safety net.
Chevron was allowing bureaucrats power that should be in the hands of elected representatives. I think this is a net positive from a democratic perspective. I think all western nations are all mixed economies or social democracies already, just a matter of where on the scale
The same bureaucrats confirmed by Congress? The real answer is to time limit recess appointments. Because both side abuse them. Congress isn’t going to enforce rules, because that’s what bureaucracy is for. Laws vs regulations.
In reality I think a lot of people don’t know how government actually works.
But yeah, some of the Right wing stances around regulations does stand on more solid ground than many will admit. Like I said, as long as they fit the “protect from doing harm” is the guiding principle.
BaseballSeveral1107@reddit (OP)
Socialism, anarchism, degrowth and communism are good.
You're a fool.
Anarchism and degrowth, you mean get swallowed by the next even slightly organised state?
BaseballSeveral1107@reddit (OP)
Degrowth isn't austerity or depopulation.
It is stagnation
BaseballSeveral1107@reddit (OP)
“Capitalism sucks but it’s the best possible system” is a lie perpetuated by the rich and powerful in order to stop people from even considering the idea of making a system that is less beneficial to them
Instead we should lay down and fucking die, I suppose?
Of course, since communist regimes are known for being not corrupt at all.
Communist regimes rely on a vanguard system to implement Communism. You can't just create communism, you have to build it. Just like a "healthy" capitalist system, you can't just shove a Walmart in the Australian outback and expect it to work, you have to create systems to support the movement of capital.
Corruption was rampant in the Russian Empire before the Revolution, the USSR just continued it. Many communist countries modeled itself off of the Soviet system this corruption was more or less just apart of the equation.
But you can't say the soviets were bad when at the same time the American and European countries were also electing conservative head peices that due to backhand deals dismantled the social safety net for millions of people. Except that corruption is seen as buisness as usual in a capitalist world
Before people call me a commie I'm pro-capitalism. I don't want to live under communism. But an issue in western, and especially north American education is that they assume Communism is bad because it's communism
When the revolution comes may you have a swift and painless death for being the singular rationale capitalist 🫶
I think that you typed this argument where I criticized Anon's "Corrupt democracies" point and you probably tought that I also crticized the authoritarianism in the Soviet Union. I agree with your points, and I would like to state that I wished to point out that corruption was also rampant in communist regimes.
The core of the socialistic economy is deeply, incomparably more anti corruptive than any market economy could ever be, because the socialistic economy has two separate contours of money - no-cash money of enteprises and investments, and cash for household consumption. And it was impossible to directly convert one into another.
So the main reason USSR was privatized is that enterprise owners were pissed as fuck to be able to consume just several times more than their janitors. They also had the opportunity to be shot or get jail for embezzlement. Just imagine that Todd Howard and Nadella were jailed for 25 years for selling a Bethesda to Microsoft. Or they shot Intel's board of directors for defective chips. Who would like that? More on that, they had no opportunity to transfer ownership of the enterprises by inheritance. In short, elites don't like socialism.
A likely story, John cultist! Who do you work for??
Very common reaction when criticising capitalism: cherry pick whatever and immediately point that "actually, under communism..."
Like we can just talk about capitalism without trying defending it by bringing up the flaws of communism
Ngl fuck capitalism and communism
Humanity was doomed to never reach the stars the moment people started having such thoughts, We believe we are at our potential best or at our most efficient but we arent instead we are not even close, If we were efficient 95% of all human problems would have been solved
But what can i do in the end I'm only a single person in a world of billions I can't change jack shit about humanity that would last more than 5 years
Ok doomer, I'm gonna go push for a brighter future.
Bro has never heard of the indomitable nature of the human spirit and would rather wallow instead
mfw I don’t know what communism is
We should just take the best of both worlds and start over with non-corrupt capitalism.
round 2: let’s see how much worse we can do it the second time
Like capitalism isn’t a literal downward spiral. Where will it go this time?!?
All of the things you dislike about capitalism come from government involvement. Capitalism isn't an ism, it's nit a political ideology with tenants, it's just the accrument if money sans government. Everyone does it. Socialists redistribute wealth, as we see in the west today with working class tax dollars being distributed to rich elitists who run the government.
We're you to limit the governments power, it wouldn't be possible.
awww, capitalism isn’t when capital. cute argument. Sure, keep dreaming about your fictional fairytale that was ruined by “government involvement”.
Like the very nature of the bourgeoisie isn’t to cancerously accumulate capital like a plague regardless of government.
Yeah, the communist theory says you have to first do a revolution, then establish a "dictatorship of the proletariat" and build out from there (optional: first spread this revolution and dictatorship to the whole world).
This dictatorship of the proletariat takes the form of former revolutionaries taking all the positions of power and eating each other so the strongest dogs win.
The strongest dogs then find themselves in a position of complete power. They have mansions and yachts, limos and planes, servants and bodyguards - but of course an important figure with full support of workers and peasants deserves all that.
However, they no longer have any incentive to build communism. Why would they want to give up these obviously limited resources and the ability to use labor of others (did I mention servants?) and build a classless society?
It went that way every fucking time.
Believe it or not Mao actually did try and create the classless society, and it was even worse than the system you describe. As an example, literal children (Red Guards) were deputized with the power to execute counter-revolutionaries - often including overly strict teachers.
This just doesn't work.
That's not really why the Cultural Revolution happened, it was primarily so Mao (and the"Gang of Four") could retain power after the embarrassment of the great leap forward. Most Chinese and English sources I've read lay the blame almost solely at Maos feet, and other figures within the CPC (especially my boy Zhou Enlai) were trying to do their best at damage control while Mao let teens with guns run rampant through the countryside, killing teachers and destroying pre-communist landmarks.
I don't wanna be one of those "that wasn't real communism!!!!" nerds but the Cultural Revolution was a thinly disguised attempted coup by Mao and his most fervent supporters, not an attempt to achieve "real" communism.
There's no way he actually wanted or pursued the classless society. He rode limos and private trains and had a special service dedicated to supplying him young girls as concubines. Then there was a horde of his ministers, generals and commissars, not so lavish but still way above your normal Wang.
None of them wanted a classless society.
The dictatorship of the proletariat is to a democratic socialist state as the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie is to the bourgeois liberal democracy. It exists to systematically keep the opposing class out of positions of power. Capitalism does it, and when socialist haven’t been strict with crushing capitalism before (ie Allende in Chile), it leads to a coup by a foreign power or subversive social democrat, then fascist elements developing.
Bullshit. First, labour parties exist in the civilized world, they influence the policies and often rule in actual democracies. MPs, judges and other positions of power are routinely assumed by children of plumbers and cops, and don't live lives that drastically removed from the "bourgeoisie" they represent. Then, under the penalty of non-reelection, the "bourgeoisie" parties actually try to make the life of bourgeoisie easier - lower taxes etc. In healthy countries they find a reasonable balance between workers' and businesspeople's interests and track it as the situation changes.
Under a "dictatorship of proletariat" said proletariat is corralled into collective farms and forbidden from quitting from factories, being late for 20 minutes gets you docked a day, and repeat "offences" of missing work get you jailed. Whenever workers and farmers get tricked by a "workers' and farmers' party" they end up worse than they started, and much worse than those that don't. The "dictatorship of proletariat" is the effected by people who haven't worked a day on either land of factory floor, who despise the dirty plebs and make themselves a very comfortable life in comparison.
Alliende drove Chile to the brink of an actual famine- happens every time too. Greedy farmers fault of course, nothing a little prodrazverstka couldn't fix.
Pro tip: don't try pushing Marxist bullshit to those who grew up in the soviet bloc. They heard stories you can't imagine from their eyewitness grandparents and won't buy them.
The problem with any revolution is that the group who is most capable of overthrowing a government and the group that is most capable of establishing a functional government don't have a lot of overlap.
Don't know, Soviet government was well-run (can't be said about Soviet economy). However, not any revolution has the stated goal so incompatible with the incentives of the leadership.
Late Soviet senior leadership (think ZILs and former Graf residences) was 2 generations away from the revolutionaries. Plenty of regional leadership (Volgas and gated communities) were even younger and further removed.
This complete disincentive to proceed with the stated goals can't be found in "bourgeois" revolutions like the French, American or what not.
Yes you can!
Both things can be bad, and one doesn't have to talk about both at the same time to be accurate, fair, and intellectually honest. Coffee and tea can both be shitty when prepared poorly. If I talk about how someone can fuck up coffee, I don't need to balance it out with a thorough comparison to how tea can be fucked up.
You are completely right.
My point was more to educate than to criticize. Again, I pro-capitalism. I just think there is a lot to learn from Marxism and communism that us (North America) tend to shun because we assume communism is bad.
Both systems have deep flaws. But North America vilifies one to the point of using it as a political boogey man. My issue is in that. So when a lot of people claim. "communism bad" it usually comes from a place of ignorance.
That's fair. I guess that the main thing I keyed in on was the idea that one couldn't criticize. That's actually been a particular avenue pushed on by anti-ukraine Russian propagandists online (citation required, FWIW).
Judging from your response here, that's not at all how you intended for it to be read. I think we're both pushing for people to be critical of all real-world systems regardless of how one would classify it or what ideal system one ascribes to. Ignorance is the problem, and it's against human physiology to recognize and avoid the tribal classifications that we're handed.
Yes, you can definitely say that the soviets were bad at any time because they were.
Just like the Nazi's, Maoists, Reaganomics and Thatcherites. Though I have a soft spot for Cuban Communism, but thats my major red flag.
In your list, some were evidently worse than others.
A nuanced and balanced discussion about a topic? That the commenter does not themselves agree with? What is the world coming to?
This is how normal conversations should go , it's just being chronically online where people are extreme about everything makes us assume that everybody is like that.
Better ban him, I like this echo chamber!
Idk brother, but I love it
Unlike communism, capitalism isn't a system, it is isn't driven by ideology or rules. It is just the natural order of things, humans doing business organically, without regulation
you say that like currency isn’t an invention and products don’t have to be made to be sold
“natural” “organic” my ass.
When I was a kid my mom used to have a saying about money and trees.
I never really put attention so I don't know exactly how it went but I assume it was "money grows on trees".
Money, bills, coins are all totally a natural product, else why would there be a saying like that.
P.d. your ass is also very natural and organic and you should be proud
I dont think that you get what Capitalism means. It means that the means of production are owned privately and that prices (which are just informations of how scarce one product/asset/ressource is compared to other ones is) are found out made by market mechanisms. It doesnt necessarily need money, it can be direct barter, too.
Of course it can be barter.
It's not even prices what is a concern but relative prices since most economic models tend to normalize at least one price to 1 and a barter system perfectly allows that. It just accomplishes it in an utterly inefficient manner.
But, you know, a reddit comment with over the top hiperbole is not a source for reliable and precise information and one would hope that the almost cartoonish response would be enough to avoid a "well actually..." comment but alas, here we are.
All good, i just love the semantics on that topic, because usually most people dont even use the same definitions when discussing a topic like this.
I just cant hold myself back on this AcKsHuAlLy because it drives me nuts how fruitless such debates are.
I don’t.. what? is this sarcasm?
Yes. Was it too subtle????
you’re surrounded by people who literally believe that, so it’s like spotting a cherry tomato amongst tomatoes
The free market does not exist. This natural order argument is very false. Why would we ever need a government to oversee the economy? Which the US government absolutely oversees the economy, and bails out big business at the expense of the taxpayers every time.
Thats assuming that all cultures come to the conclusion that trading capital/excess for other goods and services is a natural progression where in history and the anthropological record, the idea of excess is a relatively new this.
You live in a capitalist world, you learned from a young age how to view the world through markets. You understand the world from that viewpoint. It looks very natural to you that capitalism is not an ideology because we as human naturally evolved from trade to eventually grow from trading sticks to virtual stock exchanges.
You grew up in it so to you its natural, but to understand it you have to look out of your bias and apply that same logic to other places on earth.
But thats a view point. Thats an exact definition of an ideology and system. Its a layered idea that comes together to explain a phenomenon.
Also, assuming that capitalism is "natural" and "organic" and what humans do "without regulation" is historical revisionism. We have known since trade was invented that without regulation we get bad products and bad actors. Its why feudal systems had guilds and why in todays society we have government watch dogs. Just as communism can never exist due to human nature, capitalism in its purest form would collapse under bad actors. You can say that the "system" would correct its self as people would vote with their wallets, but we dont even do that now. We've known for a long time that unregulated markets make bad products.
Communism is bad because it requires force against people's will. If people decline, you have to force them, which us akin to slavery. Communism only works with automation because you need people to work in a system of redistributed wealth while distributing the working classes wealth to non workers.
You are explaining what is called Vanguard Communism, which is what the soviets used. I won't be the one to say "it's not real communism" because real communism does not and will never exist, but you are explaining a moot point that can be attributed to any system that deals with labour. Communism isn't the only one with blood on their hands.
Capitalism famously has choice, but the choice is pointless. Of course I have the Freedoms to choose not to work, choose not to engage in society and even be a freeloader. But I really don't. While it is much better than the Soviet system in which they'd exile you, put you into forced labour or kill you, the capitalist system forces you to comply to their system as well.
While yes you have a choice, that choice is the equivalent of a kid stomping their feet at their parents. I can choose not to work, but the reality of the system and the maintenance of my Freedoms and rights require I do.
If I don't work, I starve, I loose shelter, I get thrown in jail. The coal miners of west Virginia famously got slaughtered for refusing to work. The Winnipeg strike ended with the RCMP. Right now we have a wave of elected conservative officials deticated to forcing work, criminalizing homelessness and making it easier to force people back to work.
While yes I'd rather be in this system than the soviets, to say that the communism is bad because it forces you to work is historical ignorance.
Vanguardism is bourgeois nonsense that came out of a bourgeois revolution.
Communism is bad, because it is a bad idea, it is so utopian it CANT work, at least as long as humans arent "perfect" And there is any type of scarcity.
That’s actually a good point I never thought of
Communism is one of those things that only works in a perfect world. In reality it' easy to exploit for those up top just like any system. Resulting in the people living in forced poverty that there is no escape from.
At least I'm capitalism as shit as it can be you van rise up in some way. Even if that way involves being a shit person.
You gave to build both systems. You can't just have communism or capitalism. It's all how you build those systems that create the systems that allow corruption
American style capitalism is very different from India style or even European. And Europe is full of many different kinds itself.
Just like communism. The soviets were very angry at the Liberal Cuban communist regime and the democratic Belarusian Communism to the point they had plans to assassinate their leader. (it may not be Belarus, it was one of the Iron Curtain members that bordered the Soviets, please correct me)
But you need government power to build communism, and even if the current leader is filled with good intentions, the next one migjt not be
Thats Vanguard or "Leninist" Communism. Communism in its purest form has no government and instead labour is allocated through "soviets" or workers coops. What you are talking about is the evils of how communism came to be form the 18th century on, which yes, is bad.
Communism in of itself though is supposed to be run by the collective, not an individual.
Belarus was a part of the USSR, i belive you are talking about socialism with a human face, Czechoalovakian socialism
Thank you! Edited
I agree they have to be built rather than adopting an already broken system. However i also believe no system is infallible and immune to corruption of some sort.
Capitalism, in its most pure form, only exists in a world with equal access to capital, no knowledge asymmetry, and perfect competition.
We dont live in Capitalism right now. At least in America our economic system is best described is state supported Corporatism with a weak social safety that is just enough to dissuade the populous from revolting.
mfw capitalism isn’t when capital or ism but in fact this third mystery thing I’ve made up
You're right. Let me rephrase.
Its a corporatocracy not corporatism
MFW i try to be a snarky asshole and somehow end up proving myself to be the dumbest person in a conversation that includes someone who used an incorrect term.
Great job 👏 👍
Discussions about capitalism Vs communism/socialism are really a red herring in most cases - both are just methods of allocating capital and labour. Neither is explicitly better or worse. They have different strengths (most obviously fostering competition Vs cooperation) and aspects of each should be used in situations that require those strengths. Society rarely benefits from the extreme, and Soviets were extreme purists. The modern Chinese version is far more effective.
Capitalism for cars and socialism for healthcare. I don't care if the rich guy has a nicer car than me, but when we have the same disease and he gets to live but I have to die, that's where I draw the line.
thank you stalin
Because those are only two systems that exist, yes....
Both systems are ruined by the ruling class that sits at the top.
With a ruling class, democracy isnt really a democracy.
With a ruling class, communism isnt really communism.
Literally all we have is capitalism. Across the board.
And capitalism is dominated by ruling class
The biggest problem is that there is no perfect option they all suck but there is quite literally nothing better which most would agree as the perfect option
I mean people like Allende tried to do things differently and seemed promising, but then foreign powers coup them because they don't like being challenged.
Also yes. Basically there is no right option because the masses are pretty dumb and influencible.
Maybe a massive education reform could do the trick after a few generations. Maybe cutting profit out of basic societal funtions like we did church from state.
But what do I know. Much easier to keep comparing each other to one another while we all collectively sink.
Yes that is what i mean humanity is too lazy to actually change and the people that can actually influence enough people for such changes dont want to because that would not benefit them
You’re proving anon right….
No they are just not democracies.
To be fair socialist countries are on average less corrupt than free market countries ie the Nordic countries, New Zealand etc. Wether that would be true if they had a more free market is unknown.
A lot of leftists believe in government/private partnership economic policy. Which is kinda of what America has, except in America and many other free markets, the companies absolutely bend the government over the barrel due to cronyism ie the massively inflated prices US citizens pay in health spending, nearly double as a % of GDP, while having worse life spans and general health than most countries in OECD
BaseballSeveral1107@reddit (OP)
The Nordic countries are capitalist.
They're a blend of socialism and capitalism. So is the US, it's just more capitalist-leaning. If a country were full capitalist they wouldn't have publicly funded education, health care, criminal justice systems, emergency services, etc. Essentially, there wouldn't be a government. And there wouldn't be taxation. This is what libertarians promote. Everything would be privately owned and run. Companies would determine everything, including the rule of law. Everything would be geared towards monetary profit for the oligarchs in charge. And things would be far worse than they are now.
Capitalist with social safety nets is not socialist. Commies can't help but lie to defend their beliefs
I'm not a commie, and social safety nets are, in fact, socialist policies. That's why I said they're a blend of capitalism and socialism. I understand your reading comprehension might be low but please try harder next time.
Socialism is worker owned means of production. Social safety nets have nothing to do with socialism. It's crazy how stupid yet confident commies are when defending their beliefs.
Again, not a commie. See my response to the moron who said communism isn't authoritarian of you don't believe me. Socialist policies are anything that is publicly funded and publicly available. Anything that is, in theory, equally accessible to all citizens is a socialist program. Thus, SOCIAL safety nets are socialist. That doesn't make them inherently evil or incompatible with capitalism. You can still have a country with capitalist AND socialist policies. Going fully one way or the other is a recipe for disaster.
It's crazy that commies like you have taken the braindead economic analysis of conservatives of old where any government spending is socialism and are now espousing it. I suppose it makes sense that idiots would gravitate to simplistic explanations like "durrrrrrr gubment spend = socialism!!!??!". The fact that you think pointing out that social safety nets and socialism both share the root social and are therefore the same thing demonstrates that you are suffering from terminal brain damage.
A BASEball is a BASEment.
Soc dems have brains. Socialists are braindead redditors and twitter users like you. Luckily for me though, the lives of all people who espouse the ideas that you do are entirely inconsequential and you will have no real impact on the world. Please learn words.
lol triggered? fall for the red scare? need your blanky?
Sorry what was that? I cant hear it when broke losers speak
actual child
You share an income tax bracket with an actual child
when all argument and intellect fails, bring up material wealth to hide your shame
Ok, you're clearly either a troll or a moron. I'm done trying to reason with you. I'd say have a nice day, but I wouldn't mean it. Go fuck yourself.
It's wrong to say they have nothing to do with it. Nearly all socialists support them IN ADDITION TO worker owned means of production.
All Nazis in Germany supported economic prosperity, I suppose economic prosperity is a Nazi position then
What Dragon said. The extent to which an economy is state (comm unism) or private (capitalism) is a spectrum, just like how under Stalinist or Cuban communism some private trade was allowed or turned a blind eye too
While i really really hate the word whataboutism, its appropriate here. Just cause communism is not perfect and is prone to corruption, it does not invalide the points made in the greentext
ThAt WaSnT rEaL cOmMuNiSm
literally fucking HOA's fall apart due to corruption but somehow our communism will totally work this way. it hasn't fucking failed miserably every single time it was attempted at all.
mfw communism is when people have currency, income, trade, capital, and are limited to a border
You totally know what you’re talking about, don’t you kiddo?
And they're definitely known for their affordable housing.
Cus if you place the bed in the right corner of your 1-room squarepartment and crawl to the top of the bed you might not get woken up by dripping water from the ceiling throughout the night.
It's rather die
BaseballSeveral1107@reddit (OP)
Ffs why every leftist thought or post is considered communist.
Every time, every single fucking time...
BaseballSeveral1107@reddit (OP)
Communism is a stateless, classless, moneyless society
BaseballSeveral1107@reddit (OP)
No, that's like, the definition
True. But it would never ever work in reality. I truly don't understand how you can be an anarchist. Who is going to prevent violence, oppression, theft, fraud etc etc if you don't have a central authority with a monopoly on violence? Imagine you live in a stateless society and your neighbour decides they want to steal from you - who's gonna stop them? Are you just relying on the assumption that people are inherently good-natured? Because if so, I suggest you read the news
no, the argument of anarchism is, if your neighbour tries to steal from you, you shoot him. if he shoots you, the community - whether through a council or whatever, agrees on a punishment through direct democracy. the reason there's a circle around the a of the anarchist emblem is to represent ORDER; an anarchist society isn't necessarily an anarchic one, and there's nothing to say an anarchist community can't have laws. the only rule is those laws have to be mutually agreed upon, rather than imposed from a community representative.
You just described a really ineffective government.
Who enforces the punishment? Who determines that the neighbor you shot was actually trying to steal from you? Who determines what constitutes property that can be considered stolen?
Who makes the laws? Records them? Interprets them? Enforces them on those unwilling to follow them? Who resolves disputes? What happens when you can't get concensus on what laws there should be? Who keeps the neighboring communities from coming over and taking things?
How is the council selected? What are their powers? What happens if the council decides something that people don't agree with?
See, this is why nobody respects anarchists. Communists at least have an idea that works on paper, anarchists have an idea that would fall apart under the idle questioning of a 5 year old.
the council isn't "selected", it isn't a representative democracy but a direct one, a la zapatistas or rojava. people have a mutual interest in maintaining the peace, most of the time. those who don't are outnumbered by those who do, and have the motivation to fight for it. that's the principle of anarchism; am i claiming to be one? not necessarily, but it's an ideology that's hopelessly misrepresented and misunderstood.
A council you say, in Russian i believe that word is "soviet"
aye, that's the weird thing about soviets. their initial form was extremely decentralised and libertarian socialist, bordering on anarchosyndicalism, until lenin dug his heels in. he was a bit of a cunt
BaseballSeveral1107@reddit (OP)
I'm not an anarchist
You support a system you've defined as "stateless." That's anarchy.
BaseballSeveral1107@reddit (OP)
I don't support communism.
Definitions change and communism is a process not just it supposed ideal end state
These keyboard apes think communism and vanguard socialism are the same thing
It's legitimately astounding.
It'd be like saying "using a microwave is the same as eating soup" it's legitimately amazing
I'd like to know where such a state exists.
Yeah, but first we have to get there, right?
It's funny how simmilar communism is to the concept of heaven. Imagined utopias that are made to make you content with any ammount of suffering caused in reaching them.
You’re not wrong, but you’re mistaking what OP said. Communism is defined by Marx as a stateless, classless society. The problem with communism is that, as you said, it can’t exist because enforcing it would, by definition, make it not communism.
That is of course true, but I meant to hint at socialism.
As communism cannot be achieved by definition and by practical means, I think it's safe to equate the connotations of communism to those of socialism. Meaning trying for communism will always lead to totality.
I hope I got your comment right, but feel free to correct me.
Ah, I see. I should’ve picked up on that, my bad. ❤️
On paper, communism is a society where everyone is equal and everything is publicly owned. But how do you prevent power dynamics from occurring naturally? How do you prevent one person from taking all the food and not distributing it to everyone else? You need a government to enforce the equality. And that's where communism runs into trouble, because governments are run by people who are inherently greedy and selfish. When everything is publicly owned, that means the government, which in theory is equally accessible to every citizen, must have full control over everything. Giving the government absolute power is the definition of authoritarianism. Thus, I'm sorry to say, in practice, communism is, in fact, authoritarian.
Theoretically, but in practice is highly susceptible to corruption
Not saying other systems arnt too
OP is slightly right, Communism isnt autoritarian, however Socialism in the other hand...
Economic system =/= Governance system
They may often be paired, but don't necessitate eachother
That's the marx definition. He left out a lot of important details for how a country would actually be run. Hence why the USSR used a Marxist-Lenninist structure upon its founding. It offered the specifics for how a country would be run and provided an actual governmental structure. You can't have a stateless society today, you will simply get invaded by an actual nation state with a regular army so you need to field an army yourself. Fielding an army requires a logistics structure and a mechanism for taxation and wouldn't you look we just described the basic foundations for a state government.
I'm a communist, I don't like your disingenuous perception of how communism is supposed to be implemented. At the most basic level a mixed economy is the only functional system. A truly free market economy would destroy itself and a truly communist system would just get invaded immediately. Actual societies need to fall within this range. The US being more towards free market with some government regulations and such, China being closer to free market than centrally planned but with large amounts of government owed industries, and the Soviet Union being even closer to the true idea of communism but still being a far cry from it. If Marx had lived to see any functional communist states he probably would have been disappointed.
Non-authoritarian communism is incompatible with human nature. We can't handle it outside of very very small groups.
Maybe fifty hippies living in a commune in the woods isn't authoritarian, but Communism as popularized by Stalin and Mao definitely is.
All forms of government are authoritarian. There's no such thing as a libertarian government.
To enforce communist policies one must be authoritarian. You cannot risk someone not doing enough while retaining the same benefits as those that do more or you enter into a much faster race to the bottom.
In a capitalist country, for better or worse you can choose not to work, be a bum, and fuck off. In communism that's not allowed. It sounds like a good thing till you realize that it results in death penalties or gulag instead.
My reaction to this comment was like those two pictures of Dean Norris
Missing the forest for the trees. You suck.
Even if you're right that doesn't negate the corrupt democracies, pointing out someone else's flaws doesn't absolve yours.
You always listen to what the CIA tells you?
Who doesn't know the ruling class of the states which implement the system that has neither states nor classes. Same stupid shit as everytime: authoritarian state capitalism = communism.
Ah yes, the "but communism". Can't leave that out whenever capitalism is mentioned.
Yes, there are only two choices. Just the two. That's it.
Without capitalism you would have none of the nice shit you use every day to sit on the internet and complain about capitalism.
Stop blaming the system and change your lifestyle.
That’s a fallacy. Just because iPhones were invented under capitalism doesn’t mean an analogous device wouldn’t have been invented were another system to have been the dominant one instead. It could’ve been SovPhones with a little beet with a bite taken out as the symbol.
you truly are desperate and reaching for answers on that one. Look at technological advancement under capitalist vs communist countries since 1950 and you can clearly see that what you're saying simply isn't true
I'm done with this conversation. Good luck
They literally got to space before us but go off I guess.
Communism is great idea but it will never work it will ALWAYS FAIL becouse of human factor
The great thing about that statement is that you can replace the word “communism” with literally any other ism and it will still be true, including capitalism.
I dont dissagree
Cool, now go make that statement at everyone who supports capitalism full-throatedly.
OP doesn’t understand that the atrocities and shortfalls of Communism outweigh those of Capitalism tenfold
They don’t, though. The Black Book of Communism included metrics such as Nazi soldiers who died on the eastern front and a decline in birth rates (something that happens no matter what as countries industrialize) in eastern bloc nations as “deaths due to communism”. Capitalism, being the dominant world system for a good while, thus has a far larger kill count simply due to being more widespread (and also being the system in place for massive death events such as the British occupations of India and Ireland).
To clarify, I am not pro-USSR or CCP or whatever stupid acronym red fash wanna call themselves. I’m just here to clarify a common misconception.
Don't worry, our descendants will be mining He3 in the oort cloud for Weyland Utani like the good Lord intended
This is flat out wrong. The world is far better than it was in the past and will only get better over time.
The average American today retires at 62 while 100 years ago, the average American DIED at age 51.
The global literacy rates have increased from 12% in the early 1900s to 83% today, and will only increase over time..
Lead Exposure has drastically decreased since the 1970s and will only decrease over time.
Only 10% of the global population lives in poverty while 200 years ago it was 80%. That number will only decrease over time.
The number of oil spills per year has decreased more than 90% since the 1970s and will only decrease over time.
Doomers have always been wrong. An Assyrian tablet from 2800 BC said
And they were completely wrong.
The average american can’t afford a 500$ expense, the average woman doesnt have bodily autonomy, the average young white man is mentally unhealthy, the average young black man is poor.
The average young person can’t afford a home.
The minimum wage does not pay to live.
You’re cherry picking examples while ignoring shit like climate change and the rise of christo fascism that wants to take away the rights of everyone.
I dare you to open a history book sometime and still try to pretend religion is "on the rise" reddit users have the attention span of a goldfish lol
Oh sorry I forgot, more and more christians imposing their views on others is okay because they aren’t rapidly growing the number of christians.
Please tell me how you would describe the fact that christian nationalists are forcing their view on others on a scale like they havent in centuries other than the rise of christo fascism?
Historically speaking, the trend of religious extremism among christians is extremely downward. Did you know that only 70 years ago there were still religious genocides between groups of christians?
It’s fascinating to me how uneducated the average person has to be if they can ask a question, never recieve an answer and still fall for your bullshit
I tried engaging with you like an adult but I see you want to talk like a politician
You said something that is false and I pointed it out. How is that "talking like a politician"?
Please tell me how any christo racists are forcing anything on California again?
Oh right I forgot, we judge how bad something is not by how morally wrong it is but by how it affects the most populated state.
Forgive me, I didn’t realise that the real problem we are facing in the world is actually population decline just like in china, because they are the most populous nation in the world so by your logic we only need to take them as a measuring stick.
"We can't force every nation in the world to do what we say so shit sucks"
Good luck with that attitude I hope you're piping in those medications that didn't exist a few decades ago to deal with it lol
When did I say shit sucks because I can’t force people to do what I say? Also who is this „we“?
I said that it’s fucked up how innocent women are gonna die because of christian abortion bans and you say that doesnt matter because christianity is on a downwards trend.
Im not a doomer, you’re just ignoring reality.
Cry harder you'll feel better
Actually the poverty thing may not actually get better from now on. The reduction from 80% to 10% was mostly due to Asia's industralization. Now that it's on the way of erradication, the remaining 10% is from Africa, which is actually getting slightly worse these years
BaseballSeveral1107@reddit (OP)
Boomers could afford a house, a car and kids on a single wage of a husband working in a factory. Millennials and Gen Z can't afford a 1 bedroom apartament with an office job.
Imagine falling for this garbage nonsense promoted by far-right boomers. No, the 50s were NOT “better”
BaseballSeveral1107@reddit (OP)
But the affordable housing bit WAS better
Not really. The average new home built in 1955 was approx. 1,000 square ft. There was no AC and one bathroom. Far lower standard of living compared to today.
BaseballSeveral1107@reddit (OP)
But it was CHEAPER. Even if it was good.
Cheaper doesn’t mean higher quality.
Quality of life doesn't matter when I can't afford to have it. I've lived in pretty miserable conditions in the past while working full time with decent pay. I can only afford better living conditions now because I have 5 friends all paying with me.
You're posting from an internet connection and living somewhere with running water. What do you think miserable conditions looked like in the 50s?
Like I said. I LIVED in pretty miserable conditions. I had no Internet I had no AC or heat other than a barely functioning kerosene heater that did NOT heat the space. I was making 19/hr at the time.
Notice how you still didn't answer the actual question? I did
I didn't see a question mark, I thought it was rhetorical, my bad. I was just clarifying the point I made. Why are we both wasting our time in the roots of a greentext reddit post? I'm drinking tea now and reading dawg let's move on
lol k I'm here for entertainment which includes laughing at ridiculous claims
Tea and books bro tea and boooooks
Learn to multitask bruh it will change your life
Have you seen the rates for ADHD medication?
Just the internet and gps alone is a major quality of life improvement, but things that didn't exist obviously weren't obtainable. Almost seperate points, the person you're responding too is basing quality of life on what existed at both times and their obtainability. Really the biggest QOL improvement in history and ona global scale is artificial fertilizer, but most people don't give a shit about its obtainability, just the food that comes from it
You can get a trailer for dirt cheap, nobody is stopping you lol
Regardless of those factors, housing costs have gone up to a ridicules degree. I did the maths for me to buy my grandfather's house which he bought on a single salary. Adjusting for inflation, my mortgage payments would be 7x higher than what he paid in the 60s! That's the crux of the issue here
Sure let me say something is wrong with an example of the problem that's nowhere near the dimension of the problem today
They were right actually. How many Assyrians did you meet today?
They still exist and are their own separate ethnic group.
A couple. They just go by Syrian now though.
Exactly, they've lost their ass, they're clearly worse off than every generation before them
Most based 4chan post
Anon is very regarded
BaseballSeveral1107@reddit (OP)
Boomers could afford a house, a car and kids on a single wage of a husband working in a factory. Millennials and Gen Z can't afford a 1 bedroom apartament with an office job.
This is due to over regulation that leads to slow income growth. This is a result of more government, not more capitalism
BaseballSeveral1107@reddit (OP)
That's not due to regulation. That's because capitalism rewards greed and accumulation
Capitalism rewards effort and ingenuity. People will be greedy no matter the system. Capitalism allows people who are not part of the ruling elite to achieve success
Capitalism rewards commercialization, not ingenuity. Don’t conflate the two. If ingenuity decreases profit, capitalism shuns it. Why do you think light bulbs lasted longer 100 years ago? Or cars? Planned obsolescence is a concept uniquely created by capitalism and spits in the face of concepts like “ingenuity and effort”
Just like capitalist nature, they sold you a dream, and you bought it.
Planned obsolescence was invented by engineers to better tell when stuff needs fixing: make one unnecessary part fail slightly before the more important shit and when it breaks, you know it's time for some deep maintenance.
You made this up. The term “planned obsolescence” finds its origins in mid-depression Britain to describe a method for manufacturers to encourage consumers to start purchasing.
Guess those engineering proofs made shit up than 🤷♂️
Yeah whatever concept you’re talking about has nothing to do with the term in English. It describes a manufacturing/economic phenomena.
That's incorrect, it is essentially the same, just used to ones advantage. Think about it in the example of an elevator: if this thing breaks, it could cause deaths, so it makes sense to design a certain non essential part that suffers similar strains to other vital parts of the machinery in a way that makes it deliberately break earlier than those vital parts. But when it fails, it only results in a red light and maybe inoperability till maintenance.
The concept of obsolescence is not limited to maleficent economic conspiracies.
…huh? Capitalism rewards being born with rich parents and punishes everyone for not, except an extremely small number of lucky people. What world are you living in?
I want some of whatever you are smoking homie. That’s some good shit. Do I have to lick the corpo boots to get the full effect?
BaseballSeveral1107@reddit (OP)
Then why do we have a system that rewards greed the most
Humans will always be greedy. It is better that skill and drive are rewarded rather than that someone decides who should get what. Believe me when I say that no matter the system those on top are living good
I think you might be anon.
He has a pinned post on his profile that's from r/socialism, so yeah basically.
Yeah, and he constantly spreads socialism posts on other subs as well. That's where I know him from.
He is also 14 or 15, so too young to be on 4chan.
So OP is the average online socialist, how cute.
If it was regulated than absolute monopolies would be impossible
Yeah but until recently there was no doubt that each generation was better off than the last. Millennials/Gen Z are the potential exception to the rule. We’ll need to see whether that lasts or whether it reverts to the previous trend.
Define better off? We have the potential to be better, have a world of information at our finger tips, have access to the best healthcare in history and more. Just havr to play the game right.
I mean wealth-wise. Right now millennials have less wealth at their age than Gen X did at the same age, but the 2008 financial crisis has a lot to do with that.
Looks like Gen X may have had less than Boomers, though.
That's in no small part because the boomers still have it.
Boomers also coincidentally were born into the only advanced industrial economy that hadn't been blown to absolute smithereens in the last few decades.
Good point. However, if I may ask you:
Taking the average life expectancy and general health of every boomer, how well do you think they lived? It wasn’t very good for folks who were gay. Or not of a certain ethnicity. Or were suffering from illnesses that nowadays are treatable.
We're literally the first generation whose worse off than the previous generation. And its all because of government regulations and taxes.
Millennials are better off than Boomers were at the same age.
Millennials have higher real earnings and net worth than Boomers did at the same age.
There were fewer people (higher living standards attract immigration), therefore lower demand for housing
Houses were crappier (full of asbestos and lead, less insulated); the same was true for most other products
Osha and environmental standards were less demanding
Boomer had far fewer retirees to take care of; the fact that we can afford to have a giant army of unproductive old people is itself a sign of our wealth
The greentext doesn't start with the boomers, it starts with medieval peasants, and boomers were obviously much better off then those
Anon hasn't heard of serfdom
Yeah that didn't make much sense. It's a difficult question to tackle since medieval Europe spans 1000 years and there were different systems of serfdom, but you were typically tied to a plot of land, owned by a lord, regulated by a contract where a portion of your income went to the lord, another portion went to the state and another portion went to the church.
Serfdom was fucked. You don't just pack up and leave.
Well he is kind of right. Serfdom was absent in Eastern Europe at that time. And in the west it was disappearing by the late middle ages.
Wait, wth do you mean serfdom was absent in eastern Europe at that time? What was the socio-economic regime then lol?
Serfdom developed as a result of the black death, which halted the migration of westerners (mostly germanics) east.
Eastern Europe always had a lower population than the west and so the nobles tried to create peasant-friendly environments to attract new people. This worked well until the plague freed up agricultural land in the west.
And so the nobles realized they no longer profited from this benelovent attitude and gradually established serfdom.
I thought it was the opposite. Lower population density meant higher travel distance between population centers and therefore less risk of migration
At least in Russia land was owned by the free peasant community
Although serfs did have more non-working days than us. But they also worked from dawn till dusk so idk.
Only according to a source that doesn't exist whose purported author says they worked well over 300 days a year.
Damn they had an entire month longer than me off work
You work over 6 days a week?
This rumour needs to be abolished. Yes, they had more non-working days than us, but they spent their “off” time working in their own homes - cooking, cleaning etc took a lot longer then than it does now.
You couldn’t just put your washing into a washing machine, you had to take it to a river, clean it, hang it, etc.
You couldn’t just turn the stove on, grab whatever you needed from your fridge, and cook a meal within 30 minutes.
Similarly, there weren’t supermarkets to peruse easily purchased goods - many lived far away from any accessible market and either had to travel to obtain their produce or otherwise grow it themselves - all of which takes a lot of time.
So yes, they did technically work less at their jobs, but all of the luxuries that come with modern day living were not available to them so many of the simple tasks took much longer which is also work for them.
Yeah being a woman sucked major ass. Cus women were in charge of watching over kids, cooking, cleaning, washing, making new clothes at nigh usually. Men lived better lives than men do today. Albeit they did work a lot more physically demanding tasks, they did have more leisure than a modern man. Maintaing a house isnt that hard and wasn't that different than today( only major work would be if you got leaky roof, same as today). Pr maybe mice chewed the wall so you gotta patch your wall with more mud and reeds. Also yes they grew all of their foods, because that was cheaper and faster.
Just right off the bat, I would be an infant mortality statistic because of a routine medical procedure thst would have been impossible in medieval Europe. This is absurd.
I mean you wouldn't really get a consciousness if you died as a newborn. So yes higher infant mortality. But people generally lived a better life in the mediaeval age( not women though, but reddit is mostly male so yeah).
Men lived better till their lord needed soldiers to take over land because he was bored.
I mean yes, but they could always hide or be lucky to be a serf to the church.
So we should have less non-working days just because our chores became easier? The point you’re making is mute because it seems like you’re in favor of increased workload because our home care became less of a time issue. Instead the loss of time for our ease of home work, it should instead be used to enjoy the commodities that new inventions allows us, going to movies, reading a book, even spending time with family. It shouldn’t matter that they did have more days-off than us because their home chores were such a time sink.
Chill, I wasn’t making an argument - what I said is evidenced throughout history.
I don’t disagree with the rest of your comment - less time should be spent working, which is why I’m heavily in favour of the 4 day work week which has been proven to increase productivity.
Exactly that.
Also the dwellings took way more maintenance than today
Serfdom was about giving away a percentage of your harvest, not clocking in a certain amount of hours every day. A medieval peasant had more days off than some poor minimum wage shmuck today
OOP is a bit late to the party, raging at the Enclosure Act.
Or starving to death
BaseballSeveral1107@reddit (OP)
That's before commodification and enclosure.
Be real, are you the OOP? You keep defending everything the greentext says everywhere in the comments
I would assume so, the dude has posted this in a bunch of different subreddits.
Plus, look at his pinned posts
What? Bro, guys, stop romanticising the past times, medieval ages or even worse, prehistory, they were not that good.
I was going to say, weren't most peasants serfs during the Middle Ages?
Serfdom disappeared in the west around the 15th century.
Anonymous doesn't understand economics. Or how other countries fair under those other systems.
Oh yeah, I forgot about how my great grandparents had…
cars with advanced efficiency, safety measures, and other creature comforts
modern medicine
modern entertainment (literally endless)
Shall I go on?
Yeah they must have really suffered in that house they could afford on a minimum wage job.
But hey if you think minor conveniences and entertaining time killers are more important than freedom and security I guess you go off king
Literally what I said matches the definition of standard of living. Read book pls
Ok so you’re saying that a house is less wealth and material comfort than a microwave?
BaseballSeveral1107@reddit (OP)
Boomers could afford a house, a car and kids on a single wage of a husband working in a factory. Millennials and Gen Z can't afford a 1 bedroom apartament with an office job.
I had a few point to get into, but I can see from your profile that you are MAYBE 13 at best, so now I realize that this is all coming because you haven’t even gotten to the point where you actually have to have a job and rent a place in the first place. Your only experience with the real world is hearing people complain about it in echo chambers online.
When you move out of the massive cities, which compromise the most desirable and heavily competitive housing markets there are, you find that rent isn’t some impossible challenge to pay.
I managed to afford an apartment, college, and putting away some in saving while working 15-20 hours a week. And now that I have an office job I rent a wonderful 2 bedroom with a view of the river, a front porch, and a 10 minute walk to work and downtown. And all for $750. Sure, I could split it with someone if I really needed, or moved into one of the MANY cheaper apartments in my city, but I didn’t need to.
You can do that in MANY places in the US. Anywhere that keeps the population under 500k really. Not everyone lives in Los Angeles or NYC, and when you don’t, life becomes a hell of a lot more affordable.
TL;DR, you don’t get to have an opinion on the state of the economy until you’ve paid a few bills, come back when your balls have dropped.
Fixing these issues is possible in a capitalist system right?
I, and all my friends as far as I know, can absolutely afford an apartment/house with an office job. In fact, I rent a 3/2. Are things more expensive now? Yes. But are people, young people especially, usually bad with money, which contributes to not being able to afford a house, car, etc.? Also, yes.
Where does one obtain this Fappinator 9000?
Best Buy
I’ll ask the Geek Squad next time I’m in there
OP, which current countries best follow your vision of organization of government?
BaseballSeveral1107@reddit (OP)
country trys to implement communism. Country fails. OP - "that wast real communism"
Ok then show me a country that didn’t fail at capitalism? How come the fact we have a recesseion every 10 years and huge market crashes all the time isn’t a failure in your eyes? How come all the capitalist countries that fall or are in civil wars aren’t a failure of capitalism?
A country has a US backed coup and mouth breathers call it a failure of communism but when people in the greatest economic system in the world in the most economically powerful country in the world can’t afford to pay for rent, education or medical expenses that’s a success?
Please elaborate on your glorious view because Id really love to share it but it’s a little difficult to look at a system that says: „it’s morally right to be a selfish asshole“ and think it has any merit what so ever.
And before you ignore any of my questions and bring up how capitalism did inventions that’s not true, people invented fucking fire without capitalism and the internet was invented by an oh so evil government.
That wasn’t capitalisms fault!!
Got it. What do you think needs to happen to achieve your vision of government? Can we achieve it through democracy or does something more accelerationist need to happen?
Anon is unfathomably based and redpilled
If everyone was like anon we could rise up
Anon is proud of his sexuality no matter what it is
Anon kisses his homies good night because he has love in his heart
Anon would be a better US president than the last 50 of them
BaseballSeveral1107@reddit (OP)
The CIA snuffed out every commune and caused coups in every country that became socialist, like Chile
Marx was a 32nd Degree Freemason of the Orient. The CIA et al., at the orders of the International Cabal, manufactured the communist revolution and also propped up Hitler and funded the Reich. They play both sides of the ball buckaroo
Source? I’ve never heard this before
Which part? I believe it is common knowledge that Marx was a member of the Masonic lodge. Doesn’t necessarily equate to conspiracy, but this is historical fact. In addition, it’s well documented that the American Intelligence Community, which in itself is essentially an extension of British Intelligence, manufactures both sides of numerous conflicts. There are plenty of documents which are now public due to FOIA requests that demonstrate the CIA’s tendency to engage in this type of behavior to further the aims of the controllers.
If you seriously doubt this type of stuff, you should do some research about how the world actually works. These are some things off the top of my head that may briefly mention the two things I claimed in my previous comment. I will try to find more specific references for you later if you’re interested.
Saussy, F. T. (2001) Rulers of Evil: Useful Knowledge about Governing Bodies Harpercollins.
Springmeier, F. (2002) Bloodlines of the Illuminati. Spring Arbor Distributors.
Thomas, M (2007) Monarch: The New Phoenix Program
Mullins, E. (1985) The World Order - Our Secret Rulers: A Study in the Hegemony of Parasitism. Ezra Pound Institute of Civilization.
Oh you're serious. Let me laugh even harder.
Wait until this guy finds out the Soviet Union wasn’t actually communist (communism has never existed)
Yes, I am speaking colloquially. The Soviet Union was socialist, not communist.
That totally proves that a classless, moneyless, and stateless society is a practical let alone possible idea.
The Soviet Union… was not socialist… it was state capitalist. Stalin was a dictator. The working class had next to no rights. That’s… not socialism… it’s not communism… they were capitalists. It’s just that the state ran the capitalism.
Ok fine you win. Words don’t mean anything.
Good one
Tbf, communism can’t exist because a system needs to be enforced somehow and any sort of governance would mean it’s not communism
I think we can all sorta agree that the Soviet Union did not work. It doesn't mean that socialism couldn't work with other models. It's an example of a failed socialist state just like the Congo is an example of horrible capitalist practices.
But but capitalism caused the “good economic systems” to fail. Look, it says so in the green text so it must be true. 4Chan users are the smartest people in the world.
BaseballSeveral1107@reddit (OP)
The CIA snuffed out every commune and caused coups in every country that has been socialist.
Laos, Vietnam, N Korea or Bolivia must have some magic CIA repellant, then.
BaseballSeveral1107@reddit (OP)
They weren't and are not socialist
No true socialist fallacy
BaseballSeveral1107@reddit (OP)
Except it's true
Explain the difference between real and fake socialism
Me when the Ju Che isn't socialist enough.
Uhuh, they are just larping it lmao
Three of those nations were bombed into absolute shit by America and Bolivia’s socialist government got couped by the CIA in 1971
north korea is basically a monarchy lmao. vietnam and laos are closer to socialism, but they allow a sizable amount of free market activity and in practice allow very little legitimate autonomy for the workers through trade unions and such. main reason they exist is because they are useful geopolitical tools against china. same reason america supported the khmer rouge. bolivia as a "socialist" state is simply too young to really say what will happen with it.
Ah yes the famous CIA coup in russia ...
The soviets did it too, they just failed, like always, against capitalism
Marx was a 32nd Degree Freemason of the Orient. The CIA et al., at the orders of the International Cabal, manufactured the communist revolution and also propped up Hitler and funded the Reich. They play both sides of the ball buckaroo
OP posted that on 4chan himself.
Mfw just another day in a communist paradise
Oh, thanks, a big list of reasons to support it
Anon conflates communism with socialism
Yeah, thank the gods for the gift of communism! It's common knowledge that socialist and democratic governments have never done any mass killings like that holocaust thing that libertarians made up. Free market is the manifestation of sin. The signals that building or renting space is not worth your time or money(high price) is a lie, and it's actually just pure greed, the capitalists want those empty houses for themselves to ..... because they cost literally nothing to maintain, and the money that they could sell them for is better than what you can spend it on. If you want housing prices to be lower, you need to create more laws and obsticles for developers so they don't just greedily create more space to live in. Eat shit rich people, and hail central planning!
First 99%
Last 1%
These ChiCom glowies really gotta find a new talking point.
let me guess, communism is when the government does stuff?
Get betrayed by statist communists over and over
aye thats true enough
If that's your takeaway you are blind. This post explicitly states the only system preventing capitalism from completely killing off humanity for profit is the state. I'm not saying that that means we should increase the size of the state, but if we want more equality between people and less government interference in markets and daily lives we should somehow limit the influence capitalism has on society.
BaseballSeveral1107@reddit (OP)
The only bit the government was mentioned was when it is necessary for the capitalist and the proles.
Not every leftist thought is communist. This is false dichotomy.
OOP never read about the "miracles" of communism for the masses, like mass murder, mass famines, mass purges...
Be anon
get transported to medieval europe in the good old times before capitalism
work like a slave from dusk to dawn on a sustainment farm and get paid with the food your lord doesn't take as tribute
Harvest is bad this year, be hungry all winter
Day 47 of bread and beans
Huddle near the fireplace, the only barely tolerable space in a freezing cold and humid stone house with 11 other people
Catch a cold, die at 28
Like what?
Demonstrably untrue.
BaseballSeveral1107@reddit (OP)
Like socialism.
Boomers could afford a house, a car and kids on a single wage of a husband working in a factory. Millennials and Gen Z can't afford a 1 bedroom apartament with an office job.
First of all, take a history class or an economics class. Preferably both.
Second, despite inflation (which is largely a product of bad economic policy), even the poor have access to things that the ultra rich 100 years ago couldn’t imagine.
Yeah all the history I'm reading seems to show the US backing military coups, conducting political espionage, and otherwise using it's power to topple fledgling socialist governments. (Contra affair, Bay of Pigs and current Cuban embargo, 1973 Chile coup, Venezuela sanctions, Vietnam war, the list goes on.) If socialism is such a bad system why doesn't the US just let these sovereign nations fail on their own merit instead of constantly destabilising them by force?
Pointing to the Cuban embargo as an example is essentially an admission that the socialists can’t thrive without the help of free market capitalism. Not the “gotcha” you think it is.
So a gigantic super power intentionally restricts a country from trading freely and allowing them to obtain the resources they need to grow, and you think the opposite of doing that (AKA doing nothing) would be the same as 'helping' them? I don't think that's the gotcha you think it is mate.
Also Cuba is thriving (as much as is possible) in spite of these restrictions. During COVID they sent their doctors around the world to help fight the disease and their researchers developed their own vaccine in isolation that was effective for their own population.
Look at his profile, kid is literally 13 at the oldest. He has a few years before he can even take economics, he’s in middle school.
Please define "socialism."
Meanwhile communists could afford to buy a car (with a waitlist of 20 years). Utopia!
Cars being so integral to countries like America are absolutely a product of capitalism, and it’s actively killing the planet. So you’re right I guess?
"Good system" ... "socialism" XD afordable housing and free health care aren't socialism, anyone outside of america who is against socialism knows what it is
Socialism is not better. It's simply not as competative.
I didn't know IngSoc used 4chan
Anon should move to China or North Korea if he loves communism so much, I think. I’m sure he’d be Winnie’s right hand man.
Capitalism is the only system that abides with human nature. Unless humans become literally PERFECT, even casting away our sense of self preservation UNIVERSALLY, Capitalism will remain the only viable system. So basically the conditions for anything other than Capitalism to function are impossible and not even worth pursuing.
Lots of people here would literally starve themselves so daddy Elon could get a dollar.
Feels like anon thinks Norway is communist based on that last statement
At least it was free.
medieval europe? that sounds like 2024 usa
God I hate having the highest living standards in history. Lets go back to being medieval peasants. That was great.
Anon should take a look at literally every other economic system and find a way to tell me how their failures were anything but their ow fault
A lot of failed socialist states fail because they use the Soviet Model. A lot of others fail because of Juche, which is essentially trying to be completely independent from other countries. Some consider Europe to be socialist, but it's objectively just toned down capitalism with welfare. I'd say out of all the examples of communism/socialism in practice, Vietnam and Yugoslavia are the better ones, and just about every time a democratically elected leader in a poor country is too leftist, they get overthrown by capitalist backed coups. Also, there are capitalist countries that are poor as shit, so it isn't just a commie thing.
As for the bit about capitalists fighting it, the U.S. (which is very influenced by corporations) has interfered with Latin America so much under the guise of stopping communism and socialism. Actually.
-Backed, practically primed the grounds for the coup Salvador Allende, a democratically elected politician.
-Sponsored the coup of Jacobo Árbenz Guzmán, another democratically elected leader who was making land reforms and trying to get workers better conditions. Unfortunately 'ol United Fruit had some profits to make, and the U.S. had to pop in to union bust.
-Widenly speculated that the CIA backed a coup against Thomas Sankara, a far-left African leader who lowered the infant death rate dramatically and gave medical care to thousands of burkinabé. He also helped make Burkina Faso into a food efficient country.
-Although it doesn't completely block out trade, the economic embargo on Cuba made it much more difficult for Cuba to trade with others, combined with the collapse of the Soviet Union it would make sense for this to have some sort of effect on them
-There is evidence of the backing of many, many right wing dictators, including Carlos Castillo Armas, Augusto Pinochet, The Somoza Dynasty, and encouraged Argentina's 'dirty war'.
Pretty hard to do politics normally when they keep you on your toes, right? Like even as someone who's not necessarily socialist, it seems like they don't exactly have the same starting ground as the capitalists.
I'm gonna get downvoted, aren't I?
"cause other economic systems to fail" Baby girl, communism and socialism don't need any help to fail
Yeah. The non-authoritarian reformers just need a lil push from the CIA.
Leftist ideology existing is enough to get it to collapse, the only push it needs is running out of other people's money
“At least we’re not the filthy commies”
This, but unironically
McCarthy be like:
Sounds like somebody is poor
Anon is really gonna hate the gulag the Politburothrows him in because he isn't useful to the state
Damn. Did anon ever mention he was for authoritarianism? There sure have been a few attempts at non-dictatorships, but the CIA tends to make sure they get removed, Anon just might just be Allende-pilled.
Anon is a fucking Dipshit if he thinks peasants could go anywhere they wanted
I dare anon to make this case in Romania
things are getting better, actually.
Starting off on a bad foot of extreme ignorance, I see
The 90 iq theory of history in a single post
The difference between European 4chan and American 4chan
Colonialism did not kill 10s of millions of people.
this is just a ridiculous comment even if you disagree with the post
Ok, any event, time, or place you can point to? Can you point to several smaller events that build up to 10s of millions? Do you have any idea of how many Europeans were actually involved, boots on the ground? Can you even name any names of perpetrators or victims that myself or others can look up?
you provide your counter argument. mine is the mainstream stance. i’m genuinely curious about how the narrative could be bullshit
Politics that happened decades ago. Because the specifics are not taught because of said politics. Even so, the average person has no interest in reading the histories. You can look into it, be very surprised by it, but there is far more risk to openly speaking contrary to the narrative for obvious reasons. It is not a PC thing to do and there is has been no benefit in doing so. Now that we have the internet, not only is it easier to find these sources and discover the truth, but it is easier to talk about it, so people have been slowly waking up to the fact that the history of colonialism isn't what they have been told since now clapping back against the narrative is useful when combating things like CRT.
Secondly you don't have to dig very deep into the history and specifics of colonialism before you realize that it is far more complicated than expected and it happened in a very unexpected way. Most people don't realize that it was mostly a private venture, done by very few people, for the sake of the empire or their king, but also to enrich themselves in the process. There were no European armies conquering continents. We didn't subjugate and enslave whole nations, we helped willing allies stabilize their regions, established trade, educated them, built infrastructure and share our cultures and left.
Thirdly, there were atrocities. Just like all of history, there are good guys and bad guys, but no where can you find millions of people dying because of colonialism, not even a million if you add up all the things that the Europeans were responsible for over the course of the entire colonial era.
The Bengal Famine alone killed upwards of 3 million. Its estimated that Britain's 100 year occupation of India accounted for over 100 million deaths. You can split hairs about what caused those deaths, if they were intentional, if some of them would've happened regardless even without colonial rule, but the fact of the matter is even very conservative estimates are looking at tens of millions of deaths for one region on one continent that can be attributed to a colonial ruling power, it's pretty easy to say that the colonialism body count is several times higher than that overall.
BaseballSeveral1107@reddit (OP)
OP you have the smoothest brain, not a single wrinkle in sight.
Every generation has a worse off living standard as the previous one
Yes I wish I didn’t have running water and toilet paper
If I had a week off of work, I still don't think I could come up with all the reasons OP is wrong.
So instead, I'll just call it bait and move on.
If you’re so politically brainrotted that you think medieval serfs had it better than you, you have lost the god damn plot.
Looking at the comments op is probably salty he has to live in parents basement and cannot buy a house out of spending all day on reddit. The fact you can even complain about the system shows how much better you have here then in the socialist/communist utopias you think about
Ah yes because Eastern Europe is a beautiful paradise.
BaseballSeveral1107@reddit (OP)
Except compared to the prewar era, it was. Commie blocks were great, the governments industrialized and modernized the countries and put public infrastructure that wouldn't be affordable under capitalism
Ah yes, try to tell us more about how we benefited because of communism while every day we can see how much potential was lost due to over 40 years of soviet ocupation
I like having full grocery stores, opportunity, nicer housing, and more national success.
Poland was very wealthy before the Germans attacked then the Soviets finished them off instead of rebuilding them, just extracted all their wealth
I miss the psyops cat in the chat
You know what /pol/ would answer to "who is to blame" question
Das rite
Nonbinary people?
Our non-binary overlords. They don't want you to know about them.
Almost valid until they advocated for shitunism, like yeah dude they've really got stellar QOL over in russia and china
Based anon.
Declining standards of living every generation is not true at all. literally just started this generation, and we still have plenty of advantages over older generations like medical advances and accommodations for disabled people, civil rights.
Based Anon.
i dont disagree with much of this, but listing a bunch of complaints about a system and providing no solution is less helpful than you think it is
Funny how communist countries fail if capitalist countries don't work with them, but not the other way around....
There's so many buzzwords on my screen that my phone started vibrating
good points all around op
Anon is highly regarded
lol, lmao even
Dare I say a roflcopter
Average communist experience: -become communist government -kill political opponents and members of the public - starve -die -government fails -complain that it wasn’t real communism -repeat
only quality of life measurement is whether i own a house. not life expectancy, educational attainment, literacy, violent crime rates, real median wages, global starvation rates, etc etc etc
Anon fails to understand feudalism and serfdom
Just listen to System of a Down and keep to yourself like the rest of us
Yeah but have you considered Vuvuzela no iPhone?? Check mate atheists!
This is the same thought process (just on the other side of the spectrum) as the morons on the fringe right who were boasting when Putin allowed people to come to Russia to escape the “woke utopia” of the US.
OP is a moron