Budget CPU for 6700xt

Posted by ColdStudio9798@reddit | buildapc | View on Reddit | 3 comments

I've been lurking on this subreddit for a while and now I've decided to build my first pc as my laptop is getting too old so I need some advice.

I can't decide what cpu to get for a 6700xt that my friend gave me. I won't be upgrading anything on the pc for a very long time as I don't play AAA games so I don't care about the am4 having no future upgrades, I play fortnite, minecraft, valorant, cs 2 and league of legends on 1080p.

So these are the choices I have in mind:




I'm pretty sure the 5600x gives more than 200fps on high or medium in those games which would be a nice budget choice.

Does the 5700x3d and 7600 offer much fps than the 5600x while using the 6700xt?

If it does, would the 7600 be better pick since the performance in gaming isn't too much of a difference but have a higher clock which can do other stuff faster?