Got a CJO don’t know if I should take it
Posted by MemorySingle5623@reddit | flying | View on Reddit | 26 comments
I am close to hitting my R-ATP minimums and ready to get out of instructing. I interviewed with SkyWest and got a CJO due by 11/12. I have an interview with Republic on 11/11.
So I’m confused on whether or not I should take the CJO at SkyWest because I don’t know if it’s binding. Keep in mind I have already signed the contracts with both SkyWest and Republic which once I start locks me in for about 4-5 years. I’ve asked some people in the industry and they said accept the offer because you aren’t an employee yet, so it’s not binding. I’m just wondering since I signed that contract if once I accept the CJO it will be binding.
Another note I like SkyWest and Republic I’m East Coast and know where both these carriers are located but do like the stability of SkyWest.
Republic tells u day of if u got the job, wait till the 11th to make your choice, you’ll know that day if u have one to make or not. Republic seems like the better contract imo
About a week after my interview I got the call. Same with two other instructors. Interview was in June
Aw looks like it changed from mine about a year ago
Wait, I thought r/flying, the must trustful information in flying news, said R-ATP is basically useless and you won’t get a job until 1800 hours?
Yes the sky is always falling here. Timmy with 7 DUIs and a personality disorder can’t get hired anywhere so he spends all day on reddit saying how many shuttle landings he has but can’t even get a call from a regional and reddit goes with it.
Serious upvote. If I could do it again I would 😂😂
Take the CJO. They aren’t going to give you a class date until 6 months or more.
I know two people who have gotten class dates within a month and a half of CJOs at skywest in the last three months.
Read the terms of your contract… the version I saw this year put the commitment in effect at the completion of Skywest indoc.
So you signed something without understanding what it meant?
MemorySingle5623@reddit (OP)
I know what it says and no where does it say it’s binding I’m just trying to cover all my bases with the CJO
I'd cover my bases with an attorney instead of Reddit. You'll get answers here ranging from it's completely unenforceable to you've sold the souls of all your future descendants.
The contract states the company can collect damages once you finish indoc. So sign it and feel free to walk without paying if you haven't finished indoc.
I'm not an attorney.
You absolutely must understand what you’re signing YOUR life and YOUR career trajectory to. You may have just agreed to not leaving OO for 5 years and 1,600TPIC. Oh wait, you did, if you go forward with them.
Do NOT let their shiny photos of airplanes, words like “UNITED” lure you to a false sense of reality. You being at the regional is designed to keep you there to slow the attrition to protect the legacy operation for which you fly under.
There are no favors being done for you.
So- be careful what you agree to and be ready to live by it.
When did you interview with SkyWest and how quickly did they give you the CJO?
MemorySingle5623@reddit (OP)
I had to wait about 2 weeks for them to review the interview.
Not OP, but have friends that have interviewed with SkyWest recently. They say it can take up to two weeks to hear back, but it's usually more like just a few days after the interview.
Take the CJO. Republic won’t give you a class date for another 6-9 months
Republic isn't "6-9" months out, FWIW.
You signed a contract and don’t know what it says about that?
MemorySingle5623@reddit (OP)
I know what it says and no where does it say it’s binding I’m just trying to cover all my bases with the CJO
“So, I’m confused on whether I should take the CJO at Skywest because I don’t know if it’s binding.”
From all I’ve heard about this contract, it leaves the pilot with massive exposure. (That’s legal talk for “The downside risk is completely mine and there are numerous ways I could get totally fucked with this.”)
So, for all of those considering this contract, I’d highly recommend paying the money for an attorney to go over it with you, and the first question to ask is, “When exactly does this contract become effective?”
Yes to both, go with the first class date, send professional email to the other airline politely declining their CJO,.
This is part of being a professional pilot.
What does CJO stand for? That will answer your question if it is binding or not.
Accept both and don't turn down any until you're sitting in day 1 of class somewhere
This is a copy of the original post body for posterity:
I am close to hitting my R-ATP minimums and ready to get out of instructing. I interviewed with SkyWest and got a CJO due by 11/12. I have an interview with Republic on 11/11.
So I’m confused on whether or not I should take the CJO at SkyWest because I don’t know if it’s binding. Keep in mind I have already signed the contracts with both SkyWest and Republic which once I start locks me in for about 4-5 years. I’ve asked some people in the industry and they said accept the offer because you aren’t an employee yet, so it’s not binding. I’m just wondering since I signed that contract if once I accept the CJO it will be binding.
Another note I like SkyWest and Republic I’m East Coast and know where both these carriers are located but do like the stability of SkyWest.
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