Are you preserving your digital history?

Posted by aluminumnek@reddit | GenX | View on Reddit | 47 comments

Im having to recover data from a 2TB drive that I have for the 100k+ photos and thousands of albums from my music collection. While sorting out the data, I began to think about all these details of my life and what to do with it. The music collection I will most definitely keep for future family members to browse. Though the question of what to do with photos keeps toiling in my head. Besides deleting dupes, awful shots, and pet photos that no one will care about, I can’t help but wonder how to deal with my photos.

For one example I have pics of an exGF that wanted/insisted that I document our life together: pics range from us on adventures, her wardrobe changes, intimate times, cooking(she was a chef), to drunken nights playing Wii bowling, you name it. She doesn’t mind me saving them. Keep what I want, delete the ones I don’t is her attitude.

To things other things like flowers in my gardens over the years, photos of my bands, various aspects of my life, family, things that caught me eye, etc…

But anyways, how do you determine what to save and what to delete? With our generation being the first to have cameras in our pockets, Im curious how others save their posterity, or how to decide what to save. Do I want future family to see my entire life or just certain aspects?

Also if you are preserving your life, what format, system are you using, how are you doing it. One concern is that file formats change for better ones over time. How can I be sure something will be saved, say for an example family members a 100 years from want to take a trip into my history. I’d like to save what I could to give show a wide range of my life. I’ve gone through old family photos and there would be tremendous gaps in time. Now that’s so easy to save any and everything digitally the vast amount of data can be overwhelming.

I also have a large box full of film shots of past families that I want to save but set plan on how to preserve them but that’s another subject.

If you’re not saving your digital life, why not?