Missing person in Budapest
Posted by Ok_Calligrapher3846@reddit | budapest | View on Reddit | 80 comments
Hi all, my friend has been missing since Nov 4th, all authorities have been notified. Any help spreading the word would be appreciated. She was seen leaving the bar named in this poster around 10pm.
RemindMe 2days!
OMG that's bad. How can I help? I don't live in Budapest (just near the city in a town Fót) but is there anything that I can do to make the search easier?
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Did she ever give off feelings like depression or you know just faking her smile ,wanting to run away or traumas , family problems
Okay I just read it was at 10pm Well Budapest is very dangerous also full of psychotic men ,I just pray she is fine and nothing bad happened 🙏🥲
If she uses an iphone and nobody has her location shared from her phone, try logging in to her apple id from a different iphone as it will automatically show her iphone’s location. Maybe her boyfriend knows her password, maybe you can guess it. It’s worth a try
She doesn’t have a iPhone, only an android
Police is already on it.
Did she have any mental issues, borderline or something? Because the police record mentions cuts on her inner thigh, that is a quite clear sign of self-harming behavior... I hope she will be found alive but I'm afraid this is also an option that she did something to herself.
Ok_Calligrapher3846@reddit (OP)
Ok_Calligrapher3846@reddit (OP)
Does anyone have a way to verify that szimpla kert is known for drugging women? Many testimonies online.
Unfortunately every it can happen at any place at the party district, especially if they could see she was alone. Do you know if there were any camera which police could check?
What can you ezpect?😂😂
Ok_Calligrapher3846@reddit (OP)
?????? Grow up
Ok_Calligrapher3846@reddit (OP)
TikTok of info
Does anyone have access to her iCloud account? Maybe her phone could be tracked. If she has Android, Google can track as well.
Ok_Calligrapher3846@reddit (OP)
She’s an android user
If her boyfriend knows her Google account password, ha can track down her phone using the Find My Device feature: https://www.google.com/android/find/
A múlt évben is volt egy ilyen eset, vagy rosszul emlékszem? Egyébként a bulinegyed és az Instant: sohasem értik a külföldi ismerőseim, hogy miért tanácsolok olyanokat, hogy 11-éjfél után kerüljék ezeket a helyeket. Az elmúlt néhány évben hatalmasat süllyedt a környék eddig sem túl magas szinvonala.(5 évet laktam a Wesselényi-n. Szóval van összehasonlítási alapom.)Mindenhol dealerek,stricik,zsebtolvajok, részeg férfiakra vadászó prostik és részeg lányokra vadászó arab fiatalok.A security-s arcok a pultosokat utasítják, hogy melyik csajt ginázzák be nekik későbbre és hasonló esetek. Rendőrség néha mutatóban.
nekem rossz érzésem van, hogy valószínűleg a Dunában lenne érdemes keresni. Legalábbis a rendőrségi körözés alapján (fentebb linkelték) belső combjain hegek találhatók jó eséllyel a lánynak voltak mentális gondjai, ha vagdosta magát... pl. borderline. Ilyenkor sajnos nem szabad kizárni, hogy esetleg öngyilkos lett.
Minden éjszakai bulin vannak azok az arcok, akik lányokat keresnek és nem félnek mondjuk bedrogozni. Ez nem csak itthon van így, hanem mindenhol. Ez most nem segít, pont elég szar lehet a családjának és a barátainak, reméljük hogy meglesz épségben!
Ertem a rantet, de ez itt most annyira nem eloremutato v segito amit irsz. :(
Hi OP. I sent you a direct message but wanted to comment again to help increase post engagement. Please DM me if you would like the email address of a person who runs a FB group with ~100k people from around Eastern Europe. He has some Hungarian friends on there who may be able to help with translations/lawyers/awareness/local insight. The post has been shared in the group but if you would like direct contact with him please let me know.
Ok_Calligrapher3846@reddit (OP)
Please feel free to share anything. And of course I would love any awareness brought to this.
Sure thing. It won’t let me send you another direct message with his email until you accept the first one (I don’t want to put his private contact info in the comments of this post because that seems unwise) But he’s spreading the word and hopefully I can get you two in touch if you need it.
What about using a debit card? It is worth checking whether she using her debit card. The bank can see exactly where it has been used.
Underrated comment. If someone has a power of attorney on her account(s) they could make that phone call to the bank.
comment for the boost
May I ask what happened? Why she went alone to anywhere as a tourist? How is it possible that someone goes out with their freinds and then they just turn around and leave them? So many questions
It can happen very easily. Someone might travel alone or want to go to a party alone. Want to stay longer than the others, or everyone is drunk and is not continously keeping tally on who is where. One can also get drunk and suddenly decide to head home because feeling sick, not telling the others she left. I believe I did all that already - at least once.
NO! Nr. 1 rule is that we go together, leave together. in general, keeping tabs on each other, when someone is leaving earlier, sharing locations, texting each other when we’re home.
That is a lovely way, for keeping each other safe!
I myself would have hated it in my partying years and I am happy that it was not expected of me, and I was happily going out by myself as well. I am sure luck was on my side, but in general I do not believe jn leading a life driven by fear (within reasons of course, which again clearly changes person by person :D).
But none of this means anything in the context of ‘how could have happened?’ - for that my answer stands: easily.
I never. Cant even imagine… once sombody put probably ghb in my drink and my friends put me in taxi and we went home where they waited 8 hours… thats why we are friends. I would do the same. I am very sorry for all these experiences.
I am sorry for the ghb story:/ i honestly did not have bad experiences, and I think I was simply a bad drunk and a pain in the arse when partying - I do not blame my friends at all! But all together I had my fun and no one got hurt^^
Ok_Calligrapher3846@reddit (OP)
She was with friends, they had an earlier flight. She was leaving in the morning. She’s been to Budapest multiple times and szimpla Kert is her favorite place.
Facebookon láttam, azt írták hogy a barátnője gépe 1 nappal hamarabb indult mint az övé, így egyedül maradt 1 napra. Az Airbnb tulaja hívta őket hogy miért vannak ott a lány cuccai. :/
Jezusom, ilyen telefont kapni :(((
Így már értem.
Egyszer a balatonnál én kisértem a szállására el egy részeg kölyköt mert a barátai otthagyták. Se telefon, se pénz, azt se tudta hol van arcal, de 5 perc után sikerült kicsikarnom belőle, 20km-re voltunk a helytől és én is ittam ezért sétálnunk kellett.
En is kisertem airbnb reszeg turistat fogasbol minden nelkul… borzaszto h nem vigyaznak egymasra.
Vigyazzatok egymasra, magatokra!
A balcsin engem is elhagytak, vagy en hagytam el oket, nem emlekszem, a cuccommal egyutt, elment a vonat is es igy kutyagolni kellett. A szallason a tobbiek mar aludtak, bemasztam a keritesen, de az ajto dorombolesre se keltek fel. Lefekudtem a teraszon. Masnap delutan kerdezi a szomszed, hogy ki vagyok, mondtam, hogy kikkel vagyok, es kitol bereljuk a hazat. Hat az biztos hogy nem. Rossz hazba mentem.. Upsz.
Elképesztő mennyi “baráti” körben előfordul ez. Jó fej vagy!
Arany ember vagy, sajnos velem is volt olyan hogy “”barátok”” így ott hagytak ittasan
Köszönöm, de megfordítanám. Ők a szar emberek. Mert megmondom őszintén, hogy semmi kedvem nem volt hazakísérni, egyszerűen volt bennem annyi emberség. (És azt gondolom mindenkiben kéne legyen ennyi!)
Nagyon gáz, el nem tudnám képzelni a barátikörömben az ilyet.
This happens all the time when you're drunk.
booster comment
Ok_Calligrapher3846@reddit (OP)
We are hiring a private investigator, but need a reputable lawyer in Budapest. If anyone has recommendations. Also if you want to DM your email if you’re willing to be a translator or if you’d like to post missing posters. I will pay to print the posters.
I hope you find your friend soon, I would also recommend as someone above, to check the security future. Also doing it as soon as possible, because some places have a policy deleting futage in a given time window.
I don't have any suggestions besides what's already been commented here, but interacting to hopefully boost your post :( I hope she's ok and someone is able to find her
Also here to help boost the post. This article is circulating in my community and someone I know went to school with her.
I had a loved one go missing in my own hometown. I can’t imagine the anguish of having a missing loved one overseas in a country where you don’t know the language.
Just keeping her in my thoughts (and boosting for the algorithm) is all I know how to do right now. I hope they’ve managed to find a good lawyer who can help.
fekereste mar barki a Szimpla kertete ahol elvileg utoljara lattak?
valószínűleg neked jutott eszedbe először
There is a Facebook community with a very large member base called "Pesten találtam". Altough it's dedicated for lost and found items they might allow to post there since it's about a person.
I have just checked: she appears on the missing persons facebook pages both in the international and the Hungarian ones.
What happens to these people? I occasionally see similar posts on this sub, do people get found? If so what happens to them? This is so insane to me someone, an adult, can get lost in a city like Bp
What's insane to me is how you can seriously ask these braindead questions.
So many things can happen unfortunately :( she can get knocked unconscious, having a short term memory loss and lying in a hospital bed and other, not so harmless things which I don’t want to elaborate on as this is OP’s friend. We are hoping for the best, OP. I have been living in this city for more than 35 years now and, in very bad neighbourhoods too, but never had any issues.
Ok_Calligrapher3846@reddit (OP)
Thank you!!!
Pesten Hallottam has much more people, i would suggest that as well. Hope she is well.
Omg i Hope u find her 😔
commented on tiktok for the algorithm but might be eaiser here, there is another facebook group called Host a sister. There are a lot of foreigners currently in Budapest, maybe worth a try if someone was there at the same time in Szimpla/ Gozsdu.
This is the link to the official record.
I hope they will find your friend safe and sound.
"A kért oldal nem található.A kért oldal nem található"
Frissitettek: https://www.police.hu/hu/koral/eltunt-szemelyek/457961
Lehet mar meg is talaltak?? Mert en meg kifotoztam onnan a hatarozat szamat.
I'm so sorry to hear about your friend. Have the police checked the security footage around the area, especially Gozsdu Court? That's where she was last seen according to Hungarian news, not Szimpla Kert. I can connect you with Gozsdu's security if you'd like. I have a phone number.
Hello! I am a friend of Kenzie’s. Would love to get the phone number to share with her boyfriend who is traveling there to help find her. Thanks!
Okay, I'll DM you.
OP do you know if this poster was printed out and published around Szimpla Kert/Kazinczy utca?
Ok_Calligrapher3846@reddit (OP)
If you want to print them I can send you the money
Don’t worry about it. Can I help the boyfriend in some way?
Ok_Calligrapher3846@reddit (OP)
You’re so kind. I will have him reach out if anything comes up. We just need an English speaking lawyer right now.
Ok_Calligrapher3846@reddit (OP)
I’m not sure. Boyfriend Is landing at 6 am
Az e-mail cím vége state.gov lenne.
2 perc volt megkeresni…
OP you can reach out to some online newsportals as well to get it posted:
ugyelet@telex.hu online@blikk.hu szerk@444.hu kapcsolat@borsonline.hu indexugyelet@mail.index.hu
Try this group almost 500k member focusing on budapest
Azért ez durva 😰