If the dollar tanks - silver coins at the gas pump?

Posted by LJinBrooklyn@reddit | preppers | View on Reddit | 26 comments

So, if the dollar tanks, especially with brics and the major reserve currency switching away from the US dollar, I bet silver coins - mostly easily recognizable coins like the American Eagle, Canadian Maple leaf, and “junk silver” will be used at the gas pump, groceries, etc. “Junk silver” is even more easier to recognize- pre 1964 quarters and dimes and harder to counterfeit. Silver and gold bars would take too long to authenticate, so I would stay away from them - also “collector series” coins are hard to authenticate. Gold coins will hold too much value to be used in small trade being that even 1/10th of an ounce is a few hundred bucks, and a coin that small is very easy to lose. If SHTF, gold could even be way to high for small trade.

Any thoughts on this?