Landing with a Tailwind

Posted by Former_Farm_3618@reddit | flying | View on Reddit | 57 comments

Hey 121 pilots, help us settle a bet at my tower. I’ve noticed a reluctance at my tower by some controllers to change runways due to winds. The pilots have occasionally asked us too. There sometimes is a 12-17 knot tailwind but the air carriers still land. I thought 10 was the limit, but another controller said it’s up to the Captain to decided to land, they just have to answer questions if anything goes wrong. Again, 121 carrier pilots, what’s your take if I read you “wind 090 at 17, runways 8R, cleared to land.” Can you legally accept this or do we NEED to change the runways? If it matters, we have mostly CRJ2/7 and B737 at my airport.