Simple Object Archive for Python - Providing a single decorator to persist object data and relations

Posted by Samnono@reddit | Python | View on Reddit | 10 comments

Simple Object Archive for Python (SOAP)

What my project does

This library provides a single @entity decorator for object persistence. Decorated classes will store their instances under ./__data__/ in json format with their UUID as filename. filter() and exclude() methods are added as classmethods to query the existing objects.

For each class variable that is annotated, a property will be provided with the same name.

Class variables whose annotation is also a decorated object, set or list thereof are stored as a string of their UUID and will be resolved when their get() method is first called.

Target audience




SOAP doens't require database setup, but isn't as extensive.


Pickled objects aren't transparent or queriable.


SOAP was inspired by the u/entity decorator, adding query and persistence functionality.


class MyClassA:
    name: str
    health: int = 100
    my_path: Path = None
    inventory: set['MyClassB'] = set() # One-to-many

This creates an __init__-function with the default arguments of the class variables.

class MyClassB:
    daddy: MyClassA # One-to-one relation
    other_items: list
    timestamp: datetime
    problems: random.randint(0, 99)

MyClassA and MyClassB now reference each other. We create the objects like we would any other, just keep in mind to use all keyword arguments.

a1 = MyClassA(name="Benjamin")
a2 = MyClassA(name="Steve")

b1 = MyClassB(daddy=a1, 
              other_items=['Some cheese', 'Bud light'])
b2 = MyClassB(daddy=a2, 

Because MyClassA.inventory is annotated with set['MyClassB'], the getattr function returns a EntitySet type. This is basically a set with filter() and exlude() methods to perform queries. Additionally, operations like append and remove are wrapped to save the object afterwards.


steve_not_my_daddy = MyClassB.exclude(daddy=lambda x:'Steve'))
cheese_i_have = a1.inventory.filter(other_items=lambda x: "Some cheese" in x)

print(steve_not_my_daddy)   # {b1}
print(cheese_i_have)        # {b1}

print(type(steve_not_my_daddy)) # <class 'src.entity.entity.<locals>.Entity'>
print(type(a1.inventory))       # <class 'src.entity.entity.<locals>.Entity'>


  1. All objects are kept in memory.
  2. When an object is deleted, it is not directly removed from memory because other objects may still have a reference to it.
  3. Currently, only datetime and Path objects are transcoded besides the builtins.

Next steps
