for me it was because my home village was taken over by cartel members, shot and killed a majority of the elder men in our village as a warning to leave, so we just left
Indians in the US are significantly different from Indians in Canada and the UK (and especially Indians from India). Most Indians came through the H1B program and already have advanced or professional degrees. Also, out of the 4.8 million Indian Americans, over 1 million of them are Christian.
Indians in the UK are one of the wealthiest, highest academic performing, and have some of the lowest crime rates as well. As of 2022 stats Indians in Canada were also pretty similar in that regard.
Indians are the wealthiest or one of the wealthiest demographics in every country they are a sizable minority in, with the exceptions of Canada and South Africa.
Indians have the lowest rate of interracial marriage out of any asian origin ethnic group. Also we are literally one of the rich people can you not see the statistics above? Most Indian languages are not in danger of going extinct and people wear traditional clothes all the time. Where do yall even get this information from?
dude, your whole days post history is going around preddit defending the use of wiping your ass with your hands and shitting in public areas while trying to claim youre somehow superior to others who dont have the dipshit caste system, what are you doing lmao
Seeing the Ambani wedding, the ultra rich might even have built alleyways populated by paid actors just to have their own authentic street shitting experience
4 people, which isn't that much for a single household, with each making minimum wage would be around 60k yearly. Push that up to 6 people, and they'd easily be making 10k more than white people.
Do you really think one bedroom apartments with 12 Mexicans, let’s say 8 of them working (2 or more being high school drop outs to work with their dad or uncle) are making even close to minimum wage lol? And the ones that are born here and are actually citizens also drop out of school because a minimum wage job is insanely more than what the rest of them make. But in places like LA and northern Orange County where they are a huge part of the population it’s genuinely hard to get a job at McDonald’s even if you’ve got a college degree. I left mainly because of that. Sure the minimum wage in CA is great but if you live in the main populated cities in the south or Bay Area good luck getting hired ANYWHERE that isn’t specialized.
They work way harder than jeets but the difference is the wealthy ones are sent here where the poor Mexicans are sent here and work illegally for $100 bucks a day (and they’ll be happy with that too) for their whole group
When I said minimum wage, I'm talking about the federal minimum wage of $7.25. That number is so low that I haven't seen a job actually pay that low. Even beyond that, those numbers have to be talking about legal workers, since black people are on the chart and are somehow even lower.
Then that charts kinda retarded imo. Or not..I guess there isn’t really a way to make a true “who makes the most money by race” charts because it discounts illegal work, whether that be selling bricks of coke or under the table exploitative manual labor (two ends of the spectrum lol I promise I’m not being racist about that) you know? Government records REALLY aren’t a good source.
Never though are slash 4channel would be a beacon of healthy debate
I think it’s enough to make a dent in statistics. Especially the shittier paying less money because they can. And I’m not saying this in a condescending way but like genuinely did you grow up middle class? Because if you live in poverty like I did most of my life a LOT of people don’t make income that they can put on taxes lol. It’s not right or good and I’m not condoning it but from living in a mainly Mexican neighborhood in a major city to a poor small town in the rust belt it’s shocking looking back at how many people just lived off government assistance, stealing, selling shit etc. It’s really gross tbh and luckily my mom raised me to work but when it’s all you know when you grow up it’s hard to break the cycle you know?
That's fair. I'm just specifically bringing that up as a counter example since people are deliberately misunderstanding the data to imply that my people are leeches who are are only viewed as successful because they group up to raise their statistics. My parents worked their way up from the bottom to have a household income of $300k yearly and if we're counting my brother since he moved back home, then it jumps up to $430k and that's excluding the fact that my parents are still relatively poorer than the other Indian families in my area.
Yeah it’s tough out there for yall but you’re for sure ambitious. The best gas station with the best shit is run by like the only Indian family here (there’s also 3 Chinese restaurants where the owner just straight up can’t speak English it’s insane but great food with the older mom always rude as hell shouting in Cantonese I love it 💕) and he rules. Loves his Jeeps too and has 3 of the dopest ones in the city and loves showing them off 🤣 we’re always like “OKAY WE SEE YOU BOSS” hahaha
"wow these Indians must be so Smart and capable to achieve such success Despite being minority in a foreign country.
One can Only imagine how successful and flourishing their Home country must be."
One of the fastest growing countries in the 2020s. Also if you want to get into it, Mauritius is about 70% Indian descent from the state of Bihar who were brought as servents and laborers by the British to an uninhabited Island in the Indian ocean. Today its one of the wealthiest per capita nations in Africa, higher than many Eastern European and Latin American countries, Highest HDI on the African continent at 0.8, and pretty well integrated. Bihar in India on the other hand is the poorest region of India, its just ineffective governance ruining large parts of India.
it’s easy to be fastest growing when you are a low gdp country do you guys not get this? china is 17 trillion india is 3.5 if you grow at 5% at 17 then its more impressive than 6% at 3.5. plus india’s growth has not even hit 10% ever since 2010 its already slowing down
> it’s easy to be fastest growing when you are a low gdp country do you guys not get this?
Obviously... I'm talking about it being one of the fastest which shows its not collapsing anytime soon is still developing.
> china is 17 trillion india is 3.5 if you grow at 5% at 17 then its more impressive than 6% at 3.5
You're obviously making more money, but you also have more to invest in the first place which will inevitably lead to a greater quantity of growth, the percentage aspect takes care of this phenomenon as it measures growth proportional to what countries already have. Ill disagree that India's growth is slowing down and has never hit 10%, it did hit 10% immediately after covid and immediately declined but has steadily been growing bit by bit since then and is around 8.5% and hasn't dipped yet.
a short lived bounce after pandemic is obviously expected and happened everywhere.
the core fact is that china growed on double digits consistently that’s why it is where it is now. india has not only not done that but had massively slowed down before pandemic i think it was around 6%. stop using pandemic as an excuse.
I am not using the pandemic as an excuse the growth rate has remained around 8% and growing consistantly since 2021 after the pandemic, my characterization of more than 10% was just to show you a pandemic rebound, but growth has been sustained since then, can you not read what I'm saying properly?
Yes china grew double digits, India isn't, but my argument is that India is one of the fastest groiwng countries in the 2020s, not the absolute fastest and as fast as china, please understand what I'm saying before replying.
do you acknowledge that growth rate slowed and was slowing for 6 quarters before pandemic reaching ~6%??
do you acknowledge that growth after pandemic is artificially inflated due to pentup demand that has happened in literally all the countries and not limited to india?
No I don’t think it’s artificially inflated because the immediate effects would have lasted 2 cycles at best not 4 years, that’s pretty obvious and something you clearly don’t understand. I am talking after the pandemic, the economy has grown steadily after the immediate rebound. You seem to not understand economics that well.
It's actually important to the American experience that we off set that work to 3rd world countries, so if you did that for me maybe I will cash app you a few cents. It would be about a weeks worth of work for you for only a few seconds of your time! Have at it bucko!
India has a caste system. This means that if you're born into a higher caste you will be rich. Indians like to deal with other Indians because there all corrupt. You pay a bribe to get literally anything done in India so when they emigrate they set up little cabals where the bribery chain is a complete circle.
So yeah indians who are literally born wealthy, cannot actually become poorer because their entire society has been shaped to preclude that possibility, who then emigrate to rich western nations and deal exclusively with each other are doing pretty well for themselves. They're not actually operating in a western environment. You see this shit all over europe where the high caste indians/pakistanis/Nigerians/Emirates use eithet actual or defacto slave labour to run their businesses, I assume in yankland they just use south American slaves because you're not importing the low castes. You import their culture when you import them.
The caste system is functionally a medieval class system and entirely dictates who can and cant accumulate capital, its obviously much worse than just that but I'm not writing a dissertation about the lawlessness endemic to India. The bribery culture is apparent to anyone who's set foot in India and anyone who's ever made acquaintances with Indians. So I'm really struggling to see the problem here.
Look, India has an affirmative action system in place to help people of lower castes thats much worse than affirmative action in the west is and reserves far more seats and requires a far larger gap in test scores to qualify for jobs, etc. Additonally, literally every single Indian was living in poverty when the british left except for a few upper class people. Even most upper caste people lived in poverty until recently when the country developed, these poeple did not have free money growing up many of them made their wealth themselves, so saying upper caste people are born into wealth is pretty false. Many lower caste people have grown phenomenally rich as well. In my own city, a clan called the "Yadavs" who come from a Backward Caste category became immensly rich after their lands became prime real estate and they were able to sell them for shares for enormous profits.
I can't actually begin to be less angry. Am white, can't find tech job, self taught developer. Jeet salaries here show that they're getting all the tech jobs.
Salary for white people indicates two year degree graduates working in soft sale office jobs, pushing paper and memos
Makes perfect sense to be racist if you use statistics.
sorry I can't hear you over the sound of me crying and screaming,
"If I just hate the jeets, their market share will literally fucking disappear due to sensational nationalism being a low tier super power in todays 'agenda'."
I'm sure what you have to say here is very valid, kind stranger. xd
That's cope. There's no way it's cheaper to relocate people half the world and pay huge salaries to foreigners who can't speak English properly than it is to skip the middle man and hire locally.
I see you've made a selection, your 'choose your own adventure' style narrative has provided the choices of
"Localized convenience being the secret menu that "the public" has been banned fromexists but only after you have accumulated at least 1 billion dollars"
"A pipeline of subsidies and Managed service providers across the contrast of more fear mongering than ever before has totally alienated local talent in non-tech capitals"
"I am a late stage russian bot hold-over that has been denied authentic job support due to valid fears regarding sleeper cell activation due to rollover support of cold war fears"
<"Everyone who cannot find a job is gay and the local businesses that support local infrastructure aren't gay, or vice versa"
!To continue this conversation you must prepurchase fallout ♾️ edition<
You're right, I should've added a 5th option regarding video games destroying my ability to be cognitively functional or skilled as an individual, very sorry.
I went to a panel discussion at MIT years ago. They discussion is why are 30% of our graduates going to finance when they are the best trained engineers in the world. The answer was engineering is the one industry that has lots of competition brought in and drives down wages. The top brains aren't attracted to it here now and go for the cash.
India became the china of software. Whatever software you want you can find it in india.
Indians in this graph arent american-indians. They are indian indians who had to move to us after getting a promotion in india that required them to move. They dont get these jobs by getting hired they get them via promotions, thats why their income is unreasonably high.
You cant find a job cuz you are applying for entry level tech jobs. Who arent even located in america. Most of the jobs you are currently applying are most likely fake cuz putting these fake applications create the illusion of growth which lets companies get cheaper loans.
Move to europe, places like iceland and sweden have cheap electricity which big server hosting companies are using. Get in the sector there, then come back to us for a senior role. If they werent put in white bracket we would have see nordics in a level close to indians
i dont think this is a positive because it just shows the brain drain of the country, everyone successful just moves out and in turn brings their wealth and knowledge to a different place, stunting the development of the home country.
US is a bad country to determine wealth per etnicity. Take France for an opposite example. They attract the worst of every country since the taxation is very high and the help for stupid people is enormous. You will think that there every one from Africa is stupid because they earn the minimum. But the only good people from those countries go to Canada or the USA
One billion street shitters. 0.01 percent who know how to use a toilet and scam their way into a high paying job in the west, skewing overall demographics
Cause Indians are genetic scammers. They own some crappy gas station near me that idiots still buy from. And not only is the gas higher than everyone else, but they removed every price tag in the store so that you'll only know how much something cost once you're ready to pay for it.
Why do some countries get to be their own ethnicitys while all white people and all black people get lumbed into one. What is the criteria
Between 1.2 billion street shitters there are bound to have 10 million intelligent people who move to the u.s it proves nothing.
Guys did you know the richest man 10 years ago was a Mexican man? Mexico must be a well developed, highly industrious country.
Mexico literally is a well developed country lmfao. It used to be #5 in the world and has stated at least top 20 like forever
Why cross the border then?
For the delicious tacos and prostitutes. Fuckin love Tijuana
He means the otherwise regard
you can tell the bias of this sub when replies like this that completely misses the joke still gets mass upvoted
for me it was because my home village was taken over by cartel members, shot and killed a majority of the elder men in our village as a warning to leave, so we just left
Would I be a regard now if I told you that you were the regard for not getting the joke? 🤔
hide out after a bank job
For the magic soil duh.
Idk why Americans cross the border to Mexico or Canada. Probably taxes
Youre embarassing us bro stop. Entire neighborhoods in TJ literally smell like fish and dont have electricity.
economy propped by being US neighbor
would be literal africa tier if it was anywhere else
Lmfao yeah that's how economics work lmfao. Pretty simple concept you'd think but I guess we are on the internet 🤷♀️
As kojima once said “does he know?”
Nobody tell him lol
They all move to the US stop shotting on streets and start companies like Google 🤣
They dont start companies. They become the dei hire ceo
I heard Perplexity AI is pretty good.
“There are bound to be 10 million intelligent people”
This is the glorious thing about quantity over quality.
Quantity has a quality all of its own.
Indians in the US are significantly different from Indians in Canada and the UK (and especially Indians from India). Most Indians came through the H1B program and already have advanced or professional degrees. Also, out of the 4.8 million Indian Americans, over 1 million of them are Christian.
Indians in the UK are one of the wealthiest, highest academic performing, and have some of the lowest crime rates as well. As of 2022 stats Indians in Canada were also pretty similar in that regard.
Indians are the wealthiest or one of the wealthiest demographics in every country they are a sizable minority in, with the exceptions of Canada and South Africa.
They're still gross.
Cope brokie
Do you think the ultra-rich ones who skew the statistic have little paved areas behind their mansions where they go to shit?
Median says the same story unfortunately.
Hahahahah cry more
Basically Sundar Pichai the google ceo skews this
You realize Indians control US tech now right?
There are already designated shitting streets in San Diego. It's just every street.
Pretty crazy ikr
From tech support to main tech supplier
I bet he shits on a street they repave every day just for him.
lol, literally proving that racism is based on an inferiority complex
50 bucks says you're an inbred waight
Put this: 💩
In this: 🚽
It's not rocket science.
Maybe tell your own people that
How are Americans my people?
white people are your people
Many brits are of Indian descent but they manage to find the loo no problem.
50 bucks says you're also a poor, inbred waight
inbred brauown
"muh waighntess is soupeerior"
shut up you cuck
It really is, though. You can't be rich in your own country, you have to come to mine, and even then, you're still not one of the rich people.
You will never speak your own language again. You will never dress in your peoples clothes again. Your culture will disappear.
And your women choose me over you, every time.
Indians have the lowest rate of interracial marriage out of any asian origin ethnic group. Also we are literally one of the rich people can you not see the statistics above? Most Indian languages are not in danger of going extinct and people wear traditional clothes all the time. Where do yall even get this information from?
dude, your whole days post history is going around preddit defending the use of wiping your ass with your hands and shitting in public areas while trying to claim youre somehow superior to others who dont have the dipshit caste system, what are you doing lmao
Alright already, I'll give you the number to the apple gift card just shut the fuck up
do you feel called out for some reason? you only come here when you feel personally attacked it seems
Hell yes by men - Looks friggin ridiculous
Do the needful
Seeing the Ambani wedding, the ultra rich might even have built alleyways populated by paid actors just to have their own authentic street shitting experience
More like Indians are STEM inclined
AlphaMassDeBeta@reddit (OP)
Keeping it traditional.
And organic
Nah, they just choose to live in LA.
Yea but their racist nepotism tends to spread it within their own communities and walls everyone off from it.
No matter how much money you are you will always still be a jeet
AlphaMassDeBeta@reddit (OP)
A jeet with a $80k jeep.
Blatant propaganda
But statistics are sciencey. They can't possibly be lying.
If that were the case, then Mexican should be at least higher than White. They group up even more than Indians.
They average less than minimum wage dude lol
4 people, which isn't that much for a single household, with each making minimum wage would be around 60k yearly. Push that up to 6 people, and they'd easily be making 10k more than white people.
Do you really think one bedroom apartments with 12 Mexicans, let’s say 8 of them working (2 or more being high school drop outs to work with their dad or uncle) are making even close to minimum wage lol? And the ones that are born here and are actually citizens also drop out of school because a minimum wage job is insanely more than what the rest of them make. But in places like LA and northern Orange County where they are a huge part of the population it’s genuinely hard to get a job at McDonald’s even if you’ve got a college degree. I left mainly because of that. Sure the minimum wage in CA is great but if you live in the main populated cities in the south or Bay Area good luck getting hired ANYWHERE that isn’t specialized.
They work way harder than jeets but the difference is the wealthy ones are sent here where the poor Mexicans are sent here and work illegally for $100 bucks a day (and they’ll be happy with that too) for their whole group
When I said minimum wage, I'm talking about the federal minimum wage of $7.25. That number is so low that I haven't seen a job actually pay that low. Even beyond that, those numbers have to be talking about legal workers, since black people are on the chart and are somehow even lower.
Then that charts kinda retarded imo. Or not..I guess there isn’t really a way to make a true “who makes the most money by race” charts because it discounts illegal work, whether that be selling bricks of coke or under the table exploitative manual labor (two ends of the spectrum lol I promise I’m not being racist about that) you know? Government records REALLY aren’t a good source.
Never though are slash 4channel would be a beacon of healthy debate
Most people tend to make their money legally tbh. It's a decent enough representation barring the occasional outlier who make their money illegally.
I think it’s enough to make a dent in statistics. Especially the shittier paying less money because they can. And I’m not saying this in a condescending way but like genuinely did you grow up middle class? Because if you live in poverty like I did most of my life a LOT of people don’t make income that they can put on taxes lol. It’s not right or good and I’m not condoning it but from living in a mainly Mexican neighborhood in a major city to a poor small town in the rust belt it’s shocking looking back at how many people just lived off government assistance, stealing, selling shit etc. It’s really gross tbh and luckily my mom raised me to work but when it’s all you know when you grow up it’s hard to break the cycle you know?
That's fair. I'm just specifically bringing that up as a counter example since people are deliberately misunderstanding the data to imply that my people are leeches who are are only viewed as successful because they group up to raise their statistics. My parents worked their way up from the bottom to have a household income of $300k yearly and if we're counting my brother since he moved back home, then it jumps up to $430k and that's excluding the fact that my parents are still relatively poorer than the other Indian families in my area.
Yeah it’s tough out there for yall but you’re for sure ambitious. The best gas station with the best shit is run by like the only Indian family here (there’s also 3 Chinese restaurants where the owner just straight up can’t speak English it’s insane but great food with the older mom always rude as hell shouting in Cantonese I love it 💕) and he rules. Loves his Jeeps too and has 3 of the dopest ones in the city and loves showing them off 🤣 we’re always like “OKAY WE SEE YOU BOSS” hahaha
Trust the experts anon
Taiwanese people stay winning 💪
So per capita, Indians are 2nd, not 1st.
It's a good point to look at per capita instead, but not a huge difference.
lmao. I never considered that
When you treat a 1-bedroom apartment like a clown car, of course the household income is going to be really high.
Imagine the smell
Why would someone do that? Just spread lies online to make them feel better than others?
"wow these Indians must be so Smart and capable to achieve such success Despite being minority in a foreign country. One can Only imagine how successful and flourishing their Home country must be."
One of the fastest growing countries in the 2020s. Also if you want to get into it, Mauritius is about 70% Indian descent from the state of Bihar who were brought as servents and laborers by the British to an uninhabited Island in the Indian ocean. Today its one of the wealthiest per capita nations in Africa, higher than many Eastern European and Latin American countries, Highest HDI on the African continent at 0.8, and pretty well integrated. Bihar in India on the other hand is the poorest region of India, its just ineffective governance ruining large parts of India.
it’s easy to be fastest growing when you are a low gdp country do you guys not get this? china is 17 trillion india is 3.5 if you grow at 5% at 17 then its more impressive than 6% at 3.5. plus india’s growth has not even hit 10% ever since 2010 its already slowing down
> it’s easy to be fastest growing when you are a low gdp country do you guys not get this?
Obviously... I'm talking about it being one of the fastest which shows its not collapsing anytime soon is still developing.
> china is 17 trillion india is 3.5 if you grow at 5% at 17 then its more impressive than 6% at 3.5
You're obviously making more money, but you also have more to invest in the first place which will inevitably lead to a greater quantity of growth, the percentage aspect takes care of this phenomenon as it measures growth proportional to what countries already have. Ill disagree that India's growth is slowing down and has never hit 10%, it did hit 10% immediately after covid and immediately declined but has steadily been growing bit by bit since then and is around 8.5% and hasn't dipped yet.
a short lived bounce after pandemic is obviously expected and happened everywhere.
the core fact is that china growed on double digits consistently that’s why it is where it is now. india has not only not done that but had massively slowed down before pandemic i think it was around 6%. stop using pandemic as an excuse.
I am not using the pandemic as an excuse the growth rate has remained around 8% and growing consistantly since 2021 after the pandemic, my characterization of more than 10% was just to show you a pandemic rebound, but growth has been sustained since then, can you not read what I'm saying properly?
Yes china grew double digits, India isn't, but my argument is that India is one of the fastest groiwng countries in the 2020s, not the absolute fastest and as fast as china, please understand what I'm saying before replying.
do you acknowledge that growth rate slowed and was slowing for 6 quarters before pandemic reaching ~6%??
do you acknowledge that growth after pandemic is artificially inflated due to pentup demand that has happened in literally all the countries and not limited to india?
No I don’t think it’s artificially inflated because the immediate effects would have lasted 2 cycles at best not 4 years, that’s pretty obvious and something you clearly don’t understand. I am talking after the pandemic, the economy has grown steadily after the immediate rebound. You seem to not understand economics that well.
You get gpt to write that comment for you?
Plug it into GPT zero and check for yourself
It's actually important to the American experience that we off set that work to 3rd world countries, so if you did that for me maybe I will cash app you a few cents. It would be about a weeks worth of work for you for only a few seconds of your time! Have at it bucko!
Maybe yall deserve to have your jobs offsourced and taken by Indians if you're too lazy to plug a comment into gptzero...
They're still gross.
This is what they don’t get
Jeet hands wrote this
indian is in black
Yeah, it seems some dumb people do not redeem.
Jeets paying the 6 percent of the American taxes while making 1 percent of the American population. Maybe stop seething over American Indians atleast.
White women still don't want to have sex with them, though.
Shocking, isn't it?
I think you should read aloud all your comments in this thread out loud to a family member or loved one. Let me know how it goes.
It's not like they want to have sex with you.
Why do yall view your women as sex objects?
Pretty sure that countries going to crumble under the weight of its population the second their some world crisis.
Very cool, now let's see the median income
500 people to one house = high average income. That is where the chart comes from.
Mexican would be way higher if that were the case.
JFC........I can almost smell it from here....
Still among the top if you take that into account
remove sundar pichai from data and the average drops to $500
Median salary is $150k in the states.
India has a caste system. This means that if you're born into a higher caste you will be rich. Indians like to deal with other Indians because there all corrupt. You pay a bribe to get literally anything done in India so when they emigrate they set up little cabals where the bribery chain is a complete circle.
So yeah indians who are literally born wealthy, cannot actually become poorer because their entire society has been shaped to preclude that possibility, who then emigrate to rich western nations and deal exclusively with each other are doing pretty well for themselves. They're not actually operating in a western environment. You see this shit all over europe where the high caste indians/pakistanis/Nigerians/Emirates use eithet actual or defacto slave labour to run their businesses, I assume in yankland they just use south American slaves because you're not importing the low castes. You import their culture when you import them.
This is a comical understanding of the caste system and economic structures in India.
The caste system is functionally a medieval class system and entirely dictates who can and cant accumulate capital, its obviously much worse than just that but I'm not writing a dissertation about the lawlessness endemic to India. The bribery culture is apparent to anyone who's set foot in India and anyone who's ever made acquaintances with Indians. So I'm really struggling to see the problem here.
Look, India has an affirmative action system in place to help people of lower castes thats much worse than affirmative action in the west is and reserves far more seats and requires a far larger gap in test scores to qualify for jobs, etc. Additonally, literally every single Indian was living in poverty when the british left except for a few upper class people. Even most upper caste people lived in poverty until recently when the country developed, these poeple did not have free money growing up many of them made their wealth themselves, so saying upper caste people are born into wealth is pretty false. Many lower caste people have grown phenomenally rich as well. In my own city, a clan called the "Yadavs" who come from a Backward Caste category became immensly rich after their lands became prime real estate and they were able to sell them for shares for enormous profits.
I can't actually begin to be less angry. Am white, can't find tech job, self taught developer. Jeet salaries here show that they're getting all the tech jobs.
Salary for white people indicates two year degree graduates working in soft sale office jobs, pushing paper and memos
Makes perfect sense to be racist if you use statistics.
Building a 1337 gaming rig with blinky RGB doesn't make you a "developer".
First true bot in my comment replies 🤣
Bro, my fellow CS grads from UC Berkeley were struggling to find jobs. Here's an article by a professor saying his 4.0 students can't find jobs
It's a tough job market, and it's the cream of the crop that's getting competitive jobs. You can't blame Pajeets for getting PhDs from MIT.
sorry I can't hear you over the sound of me crying and screaming,
I'm sure what you have to say here is very valid, kind stranger. xd
Yeah but fair. Sorry you're having a rough time; all my fellow grads are having it rough rn.
I majored in philosophy, and I somehow got a tech job lol.
Is what it is, computer singularity be like that .
That's cope. There's no way it's cheaper to relocate people half the world and pay huge salaries to foreigners who can't speak English properly than it is to skip the middle man and hire locally.
I see you've made a selection, your 'choose your own adventure' style narrative has provided the choices of
That's a lot of words to cope about being worse at your job than a bunch of ESLs.
You're right, I should've added a 5th option regarding video games destroying my ability to be cognitively functional or skilled as an individual, very sorry.
Aww sweet, it's a schizoposter.
Darn, I thought option 3 was gonna get a full-send from you. I am, of course, unimaginable sorry I didn't realize you needed an option 6.
Skill issue
Confirmed, am white guy in IT, have you tried getting good?
Fucking valid
I went to a panel discussion at MIT years ago. They discussion is why are 30% of our graduates going to finance when they are the best trained engineers in the world. The answer was engineering is the one industry that has lots of competition brought in and drives down wages. The top brains aren't attracted to it here now and go for the cash.
India became the china of software. Whatever software you want you can find it in india.
Indians in this graph arent american-indians. They are indian indians who had to move to us after getting a promotion in india that required them to move. They dont get these jobs by getting hired they get them via promotions, thats why their income is unreasonably high.
You cant find a job cuz you are applying for entry level tech jobs. Who arent even located in america. Most of the jobs you are currently applying are most likely fake cuz putting these fake applications create the illusion of growth which lets companies get cheaper loans.
Move to europe, places like iceland and sweden have cheap electricity which big server hosting companies are using. Get in the sector there, then come back to us for a senior role. If they werent put in white bracket we would have see nordics in a level close to indians
Ask Boeing how that worked out for them.
Managed Service Providers, win again.
What happens is they all get their fellow caste members into jobs and then ruthlessly discriminate anyone else
Hehe yeah, I remember the old game of castles, been shit since Nintendo acquired it though.
"Just learn to code, bro"
ayy lamo
jeet typing that up while in his scam call centre after taking a shit in the river he drinks from
Fantasizing about all that White, blonde gash that he thinks is coming his way....
Probably done as a house hold income study and since 15 people live in a single house it warps the stats.
I'm sure an extra $40,000 per year suddenly erases all ones flaws and makes life into heaven.
Imagine thinking that an average proves something, lmao.
That's the point of US immigration, to bring high value professionals to the country. So no shit
All the money in the world will not stop the average person from assuming you shit in the street.
Probably because 15 jeets live with their parents and grandparents in one house
i dont think this is a positive because it just shows the brain drain of the country, everyone successful just moves out and in turn brings their wealth and knowledge to a different place, stunting the development of the home country.
mf's laughing because his country's getting the most massive brain-drain.
A culture with no shame of IP theft or academic honesty, surprised there is not a larger degree of separation.
I like how Nigerian is its own category.
Well, they are white as snow and blonde they are Aryan. Meanwhile, the category "white" is just mutts that are vantablack skinned
Can confirm, they all drive Teslas where i’m from
Why are black and Nigerian two different ethnicities?
"Black" "Nigerian"
US is a bad country to determine wealth per etnicity. Take France for an opposite example. They attract the worst of every country since the taxation is very high and the help for stupid people is enormous. You will think that there every one from Africa is stupid because they earn the minimum. But the only good people from those countries go to Canada or the USA
We are the ones who do the needful now.
We are the ones who redeem.
Ah yes the ethnicity of “white” and “black”
Is this household income or individual income? Filipino and Indian households tend to be multigenerational which fucks with the stats.
One billion street shitters. 0.01 percent who know how to use a toilet and scam their way into a high paying job in the west, skewing overall demographics
Jeets: See whites, we are the supreme nation.
Seems quite random/suspect. Nigerian and Black are two separate categories?
Something tells me this is pretty much reversed for Canada
Almost 100%. Canadians imported any moron they could scrape off the street, whereas Americans stole the cream of the crop.
Jeet has wares, if you have coin.
I would rather be found attractive to the opposite sex.
you're also only 1.3% of our population because the rest of you shit in the street after raping grannies.
They just had to go to a real country to do it
Cause Indians are genetic scammers. They own some crappy gas station near me that idiots still buy from. And not only is the gas higher than everyone else, but they removed every price tag in the store so that you'll only know how much something cost once you're ready to pay for it.
Average poop per square ft
Indian-Americans are a completely different breed than Indian-Indians. Bad post.
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