That it has no voice and a wholly separate DNA makeup than the mother? Except in cases of rape, incest, or health of the mother, there is another miraculous way to prevent pregnancy from happening.
The bigger question you should ask is why did they focus a lot of the abortion clinics in the inner cities? There have been 60 million plus killed by abortions, and they focused in the inner city because Margaret Sanger was an avowed racist, supported wholly by the Democrats.
Why not? It's a true fact whether you like it or not. I also remember Hillary Clinton speaking very highly of Margaret Sanger, knowing what Margaret was.
Hot take: Shrek Forever After is better than Shrek 1
Shrek 1 is funnier and has been one of the most culturally influencial films of the 20th century, but if you isolate each movie on their own I think I enjoyed Forever After a little more than Shrek 1.
The villian is written better. It's more emotionally mature. It takes a deeper look into Shrek's personality and what he values. And his character arc is fleshed out in not as much of a contrived manner as it is in Shrek 1.
In Shrek 1 there is the misundersranding plot point and multiple character decisions surrounding that, but in Forever After, essentially every major plot point is actively and directly or indirectly influenced by Shrek's decisions.
Obviously I can see why so many people love Shrek 1 more and it still their favorite Shrek movie to date even over Shrek 2 or PIB2 even, but over time I have found that Shrek Forever After has resonated with me more.
Really all abortions are murder, it's much easier to prevent pregnancy than to use it as contraception.
A baby born of rape or incest are just as innocent, but because those are so rare we can focus on those.
If abortions were safe, legal, and Rare as first stated by the Democrats we wouldn't be having any of these discussions. Meanwhile, they are not rare in the fact that twice the population of Texas has been aborted since Roe v Wade.
Oh I am also for easing some of the red tape around adoptions. That's the main killer is all the families who adopt and actually don't care for the kids correctly versus those that really want the kids and promise them the life they deserve.
Difference between destroying a baked cake, and a pan in the oven currently baking a cake, that, if left alone, would become a complete, lovely cake, turning off the oven, putting on hand protection and then slowly destroying the mostly baked cake with tongs, then telling people "that wasn't a cake, it was just a bunch of ingredients"
There, now you can more accurately promote your pro-death propaganda
If you prefer ripping apart born babies while they're definitely alive and breathing outside their mother, over preventing a bunch of cells of gaining a conscience in the first place, then yes, clearly you are indoctrinated, as you prefer the option where this baby (and mother!) have to suffer.
lmao, imagine thinking first trimester is mostly baked, that's like taking the cake out while it's still warming up and hasnt even cooked enough to begin forming a crust
Pro-life Christians statistically donate and adopt the most, and the Catholic Church operates the largest medical and educational charity networks in the world, so the likelihood of what you said is fairly high.
“That would turn into a complete cake if left alone “ is implying that it isn’t a complete cake right now and there is still time to make a decision.
Third semester abortions are rare and they happen for mostly scenarions where the health of the mother (or baby) is at risk, but generally not even most pro-choice people support third semester abortions because at that point the baby is conscious.
Do you treat all potential states as equally real and existing as the current state something is in?
Is a seed a tree? Is the seed a tree when it's planted in the ground? With some water? Obviously not. A seed becomes a tree at some point, but the seed never was the tree.
If you want to make the argument that whatever is being killed is a human life worthy of protection, make that argument.
It's actually a perfect example lmao, a six week old embryo is no more a baby than an egg is a chicken. Would rather a six week old embryo get aborted than a one day old baby get crushed to death and thrown away
the eggs your cracking in your pan aren’t fertilized, and don’t have a baby chicken inside. i highly doubt you’d have the same sentiment if the egg was fertilized and had a full blown chicken fetus inside. a baby in the womb has already been fertilized and is literally a small person. not simply albumen and yoke like your egg analogy.
Literally a small person? If you tested the "baby" at the stage abortions are allowed at it would probably have less similarities to a full grown human than a chicken.
If you asked someone to define what a human was, what a chicken was, then compares it to a clump of non conscious cells the chicken would have more similarities to a human at the point abortions were performed. Sure you can say DNA but a hair sample has DNA too.
i'd just like to point out that that guy with the random I and l in his name blocked me instantly so i couldn't reply to him, i guess that blocks me from replying to my own comment so i put it here, i didnt even realize you could block people on reddit because i've never met anyone so sensitive, verbal, and yet terrified of confrontation. I didn't "back down" and not reply, he asked me questions and made me unable to, in order to try to make himself look better lol
I didn't "back down" and not reply, he asked me questions and made me unable to, in order to try to make himself look better lol. I'll bet he's doing it to everyone else who he disagrees with too so he can look like le reddit argument winner
just edit a prior answer and add a reference to him blocking you.
Sometimes once the baby is born the mother loses her fucking mind and can't tolerate it. Doctors call it SIDS: sudden infant death syndrome, where babies "mysteriously" die in bed when they're otherwise healthy.
SIDS is when the mother is moron and accidentally suffocates the baby by putting it face down or crushing it in its sleep. Post Partum Psychosis is when they actively try to kill the baby.
What's even more retarded is you can just leave them at fire stations or hospitals, no questions asked, and walk away back to your life if you don't want them. Hope that lady enjoys the next couple of decades behind bars.
I have people in the family who were adopted and everyone is happy. But adoption is a last resort thing like when your entire family dies in a tragedy, not an alternative to abortion. It's crazy people are willing to give others such a massive disadvantage in life and years of hardship and go "hey, sometimes it works out."
Your life is probably miserable, it might not be too late for you. Also, homeless people seem to be pretty miserable in general, too, so let's put them out of their misery while we're at it
I can tell you for a fact, an unborn fetus doesn't care about you anymore than the Gazan children do. In fact, they might identify with you more about protecting children than the fetus. Just a hunch though.
There is an absolute unit mega hambeast that works in my office. Full accessory package. Purple hair, face rings, rainbow wardrobe, bad breath, the whole thing.
Recently, she wore a black power, end white privilege t-shirt to work. She then proceeds to lecture anyone who couldn't get away fast enough about their privilege, even the Mexicans.
Two days later, she wears some women's rights pro-abortion shirt. She starts to rant in my direction about her body, her choice. I couldn't help myself, so I asked her how she reconciles being pro-abortion with being pro-black, when such a large percentage of abortions are killing black babies? How can she advocate for keeping the black population from growing past the 13% (kek) they've been stuck at for years?
As expected, full hambeast rage activated. She had a meltdown until she collapsed from her blood sugar dropping below 300 and had to go home. I was expecting a call to HR, but instead, I got high 5s and fist bumps the rest of the week. The QT 3.14 receptionist asks me to take her out Saturday night, and the boss tells me they're thinking I am being under-utilized in my current role and to expect a promotion soon.
Thanks, little dead black babies. Your sacrifice has improved my life immensely.
Dude, the demand to adopt newborn babies is so large that theres a waiting list for it. She could literally leave it at a police station or hospital or fire station and walk out of there in a few minutes. Instead she strangled it and threw it in the trash. It's literally more work to do it that way, people checked on Google maps and she was walking distance to a place where she could have left the baby 0 questions asked.
It literally is? Adopting a newborn baby is insanely complicated and competitive. Everyone wants to adopt a baby ( unfortunately, children with baggage and trauma and memories of their birth families are less “desirable” when it comes to adoption ) , but the amount of newborns being put up for adoption each year are so little that you have to jump through so many hoops, go international , and wait for months or years to even have the chance of adopting a newborn. There is literally no reason not to put a child up for adoption in this age and time lol real life isn’t Oliver Twist
How does your last sentence basically contradict everything you wished to say.
If its so unreasonable for people who cannot care for children to not put them up for adoption, wouldn't supply be fairly high?
I know that's obviously not how it works, but I don't think children put up for adoption are as scarce as you make it out to be, but I have no data for this, take it with a grain of salt.
I reckon the only reason you have to go through so many hurdles is because, at least in my small world, it's a lot of work to qualify to take care of a child from an adoption centre. Again, no data, just me talking out my arse. Could also (potentially) be a reason why international may be easier, it's likely easier to qualify as the guardian of a child from overseas than domestically, I have no information, these are shots in the dark.
I've obviously never adopted a child, but I can't reason why supply would be significantly lower than demand, but maybe you can enlighten me.
So you just made it up? When you can literally google? There's tons of families that want newborn children because they are either infertile, a guy couple, past the age to have a safe baby, etc, and there's not that many babies that are surrendered immediately at birth
How do you have time to write a whole paragraph’s worth of a reddit comment but not have time to do one google search? You can find multiple sources available on this topic with one quick google search
There are so many couples looking to adopt for various reasons ( infertility, lgbt , etc ) and putting up a baby for adoption guarantees he/she will find a throughly vetted home with parents who are ecstatic to have a chance at raising a newborn for their own.
As for why more parents don’t put up their babies for adoption, there are literally a million reasons.
You might not want a baby when it’s in your stomach and still is “just a clump of cells”, but actually holding your child in your arms can make a world’s difference and mothers might not be willing to give up their children after that (of course, this does not magically turn them into good caretakers and these children may still be given up a couple years down the line, by which their chances of being adopted decrease significantly).
A lot of mothers may also feel shame about getting pregnant, or they might not be informed on all the available options. Or they might be unsure of putting “their” baby into another person’s hands and decide killing it would be the better option. It’s not logical, but it’s hard for most people to be reasonable in such drastic circumstances. If you can’t take care of a child, there’s always an option besides ripping a baby limb by limb via vacuum that would literally give them a more than reasonable chance at a happy life.
Everyone is acting like I said that isn't an option when all I'm saying is 4chan neets a are sometimes the most braindead heartless lazy mfs on the plant and that if thus were capable of holding kids we'd be seeing so many stories of it on 4chan...
My point isn't to defend this girl she had other options but I'm just saying the website fill of dudes who very regularly post their collections of stacked up piss jugs they've massed because going to the hallway to the bathroom is too much work would have a lot of similar stories if they were getting pregnant...
JDC everyone getting so defensive as if I'm calling this woman a Saint compared to b 4chan browsers
I don't really see many stories of 4channers killing people to get out of responsibility so I'm not sure what your point is. Babies aren't the only human responsibility a person can have
i'm suddenly reminded of that anon who was a total shut in of a neet who got a hermit crab as a pet and ended up turning his life around because of it. got a gf, job, started going out and making friends etc. all because of that hermit crab. broke up with gf shortly after because one of her friends at a house party picked him up and tossed him around like a toy, eventually killing him.
My point is, it's not because she's a wOmAn... She's just a shit human.
And from my years of using 4chan I am pretty confident saying that theres a good chunk of the websites user base that are similar levels of incompetent and cruel.
Like.... Were talking about the board that regularly posts gore content and makes le funny edgy memes over it, and there's been multiple times on 4chan I've seen full blown CP. 4chan isnt exactly a haven of virtue and I don't think being a woman had anything to do with how this story played out.
I never said that.. But we're talking about a website where CP and other fucked up shit are openly shared regularly, and we've seen people post their actual murder scenes
I'm just saying 4chan cracks me up with how absolutely depraved and fucked up people on there are the casualty demonize women as if they aren't as or more fucked up
Florida doesn't have fire stations. They don't believe in that science bullshit like fire putting out water. The oceans are right there, but hell still burns like a mighty fire underneath, how could water possibly put out fire?
Govt only has DNA records on criminals. DNA tests do nothing unless someone is a suspect of a crime. There are legal ways to abandon a baby but she picked the one illegal way that almost guarantees she gets caught.
No they really don't have many options, can't abort cuz of laws, can't adopt off because of partner and the grand parents are fucking useless nowadays. As a person who has had a kid it's really hard not to strangle them at 2 in the morning when your partner refuses to get up and you have work at 6 and have not gotten decent sleep in 4 straight days sometimes the brain thinks "I have to shut off this alarm clock no matter what I need some sleep maybe if I just choke em out it'll be okay". Parenting is hard ASF of you don't have one you have no say in a situation that someone went thru. Is it okay that she did it? No ofc not but I guarantee she didn't have the resources she needed
People checked on Google maps and she was walking distance to a place she could leave the baby 0 questions asked. She could have googled "what can I do if I have a baby I don't want" and then followed the directions and been done with it in an hour.
I was a 22yro dad with a partner going thru post partum and absolutely no support system I was taking care of two babies and working full time doing hard labor, I had no family and made $100 bucks to much to qualify for government help. That's what was wrong with me after like a week of maybe 3 hours of sleep a night you aren't in the right mind set and killing your kid doesn't sound like a bad option, then hopefully you get a decent night's sleep and all those thoughts go away but if you don't get help it gets worse. The American system is fucked "you have to carry this child and birth it but fuck you after that" that's whats wrong all these ppl hate socialism but that's what society is made for to help each other and make our society better.
Crazy take, but every modern instance of successful “socialism” is a diluted version of the ideology and completely backed by capitalisms innovation and revenue generation.
No, what i’m saying is that system can’t exist without the separate backing of a pure or semi pure form of capitalism. Socialist countries in europe wouldn’t exist if it wasn’t for america and the fruits of its capitalism.
That's fucking crazy. I'm a 22 year old father to a newborn with a wife with postpartum right now and I've never once felt the urge to strangle my own son to death. I'm pretty sure you need to get off of Plebbit and get your head checked out.
Everything amd everyone I don't like is am incel. Speeding ticket? Cop was an incel? Mom didn't buy teddies? Incel. Pigeon pooped on my window? That's right, incel
Incel is a male who is misogynistic because he cannot stick his dick into someone. Look at the loser's profile. Also, abortion isn't murder but nice try.
Desperate mothers who shouldn’t be forced into parenthood are going to keep killing babies they’re forced to have bc THEY SHOULDNT HAVE BEEN FORCED TO HAVE THE BABY IN THE FIRST PLACE YOY NEANDERTHAAL. So YES it will continue to happen until we can do the same thing and just let people have abortions
You know that no normal woman would brutally MURDER their own child unless they are a psychopath.
You diagnosed this problem wrong, this is a psychopathy problem not an abortion problem
Well as long as crazy women who don’t want or can’t afford kids keep getting knocked up, this will continue to happen over and over and over again. It’s an inevitability of desperate circumstances that shouldn’t exist in the first place if she could’ve just gotten the thing taken out of her already beforehand
The real issue is that we have lots of mentally ill and insane people who slip through the cracks of the healthcare and schooling system and do things like school shootings, murder babies, get addicted to drugs and become homeless, etc.
By getting knocked up and living in a shit hole southern state in the USA with regressive puritan ass laws that restrict access to modern abortive medical procedures YES she was forced to have her baby
Consensual sex between adults who like sex and don’t want children should NOT be punished with having a shitty baby that will only make people’s lives miserable in the modern era. This is not the Stone Age and this is not a shit hole country like Iraq.
it's not a "punishment" lmao it's the entire propose of it. it's like saying "i want to swim in this tank full of hungry sharks but i should NOT be punished by being eaten by the sharks" like um okay? but what did you think would happen?
We are not cave men. Condoms and birth control have existed for forever. There’s no reason consenting adults shouldn’t be able to have safe sex or be forced to have a kid. Some people actually get laid unlike most of the chuds on this sub
Lefties never cease to amaze me, if you willingly have sex with someone and get pregnant you should absolutely be forced to carry the child. It is the consequences of your actions and 100% your responsibility. You shouldn’t be having sex with someone you wouldn’t have a child with in the first place.
Its completely reasonable you dont have sex with people you don’t want children with. However, A shit ton of people do have sex with people they don’t want to have children with and shit happens. Its been that way for many years now, and its not gonna change.
Theres no reason people shouldn’t be able to have an abortion. An abortion is better than an unwanted child.
Yes mutilating and murdering a human baby because it’s inconvenient for you and you are incapable of taking responsibility for the life you created is totally fine.
It’s selfish and barbaric and you genuinely disgust me.
Why don't you take care of the baby then since you're all for the woman being forced to carry the baby to term? I wonder if there's enough space in your basement for a crib
Its not cause its “inconvenient” lol. Its a serious issue, there’s tons of reasons people cant take care of the kid and its not an easy choice to make.
For instance: children raised in single-mother families are at heightened risk for substance abuse, depression, anxiety, and externalizing behaviors and disorders.
So its not about it being convenient or not. Its about being realistic and realizing that an abortion can prevent a lot of harm.
i get what you mean but during the stage where you can get an abortion its a clump of cells that has never experienced consciousness. after birth, its a living, concious being. thats the big difference
>put it up for adoption or otherwise surrender the baby to the state
>the end
damn that's crazy, it's almost like the law didn't force her to murder a newborn child and women actually have agency over their actions and the choices they make
Irrelevant and also untrue. From what I can find, Christians far more likely to adopt than any other group. Of course not all people against abortion are Christian, and not all Christians are against abortion, but it is true that Christians are significantly more likely to adopt, so this argument that gets frequently thrown around about ‘people who oppose abortion don’t care about the kids who are born’ is simply not true.
You literally said “this is abortion laws fault”. It certainly could have been a factor, but the fault lies with the women who chose to murder a newborn. She is solely responsible for what she did. Not the laws being the way they are.
It’s like if you said it’s Budweisers fault for people getting a DUI. Sure if there was no alcohol, there would be no DUIs, but it’s not their fault for people who do choose to drink and drive.
I even made a comment showing exactly how it’s not the abortion laws that are the fault of the kid dying in this case, but the woman who made the choice to kill her kid, and you still took issue with it and refused to acknowledge that she is responsible.
That’s not nuance. You specifically said abortion laws were to blame, and responded critically when I explained how she had other options available, and said she is responsible for her own actions.
You also literally don’t even know if she even wanted an abortion either so it’s not even remotely relevant here.
Abortion being illegal didn't lead to this baby's death, so it is irrelevant to the conversations. The point is that this person is a psycho who killed an infant rather than giving them up for adoption or literally anything else.
This was a far more merciful end than winding up in the US adoption system. >600,000 unwanted children, most of whom will never find homes because breeders would rather pump out a whole litters of retard babies of their own than adopt
That only applies to older foster kids. Babies get adopted immediately. There are way more parents wanting to adopt than there are adoptable babies, most of them are on wait lists for years.
Squeezing a baby to death, breaking multiple ribs and breaking its spine, giving the baby a painful death by internal hemorrhaging is actually hecking justified and merciful, because... otherwise... uh... the adoption system and muh "breeders"
Jesus, what the actual fuck is wrong with Redditors
even far lib left media directly states that white men are a problem, they hate us, they actually hate us and want us replaced and are not even hiding it anymore, useful idiots who are mostly children and teens who have gotten acess to the internet at wayyy to young of an age get indoctrinated in this
Might of been better if she wasn't in walking distance of a firehouse in a state where they here baby drop boxes where you can place the baby and walk away.
Well she’s college age, so she should know that she is risking everyone knowing she was pregnant just so she can avoid some pharmacy tech (birth control, plan b are both available over the counter) being able to make an educated guess that she was pregnant.
The strategy is sound. People won’t defend a psycho but they will defend their own politics. This leverages the ardent supporters of abortion law that will always favor their cause without considering the facts of the case. Either her lawyer came up with this or she’s got more social intuition than common sense.
Have you thought that maybe terrible parents who didn't abort their unwanted babies end up raising a deadbeat and a psychopath who go on to kill babies? Justing saying this kind of shit is unlikely to come from loving families.
Nah it's just as easy for a woman to leave a baby at a hospital and walk away as it is for a man to walk away from the kid he created. But women take responsibility for their kids a lot more often because men are more likely to be immature losers and society doesn't hold them as responsible for their sexual mistakes because we all implicitly have lower moral expectations of them. That seethe you're feeling in your chest as you read this? It's because you know it's true.
How the fuck game is game is the end result is losing some steam to this shit. Of course i am going to hate a brother for making this witch have high self esteem.
Postpartum doesn't happen until AFTER childbirth though. No one knows they're going to have it until they actually give birth. And even then, a lot of new mothers don't even get diagnosed until it's too late.
If abortion weren’t stigmatized she’d have had one and this wouldn’t have happened to anything but a pile of cells. But instead you force her to do this and now she’s killed an actual baby,
Why is everyone focusing on abortion laws and not just saying this women is obviously mentally deranged? Liberals support abortion not post birth murder tf
Yawn who cares, another worthless screaming bag of meat in the trash where it belongs. Never should’ve been forced to have to kid. There’s too many little shits on this planet as it is, just let women medically abort them and there will be less desperate forced-mothers doing shit like this
My heckin post partum depression is heckin valid because the heckin media told me I have to heckin go clubbing and have a heckin career because the heckin baby will hold me back!!! 😤😤😤
My grandmother gave birth to dead twins and still worked 13 hour shifts sewing sleeping bags and firing out another 2 kids. She just had a drink and got on with it.
Where are the people blaming abortion laws? I know she but she’s also… a murderer trying to get away with it?? I never saw a single other person even bring it up besides her, everyone thought she was insane.
That’s insane. I thought this was wildly exaggerated, but I went to the post and the comments are exactly like they’re described in this post. The average Reddit user is completely delusional
Why are these people are so obsessed with killing babies? Abortion laws or not they have to kill them one way or another.
theres a difference between breaking an egg in your pan and strangling a chicken
Isn't that difference fertilization though?
as if you didn't get the metaphor?
Talk me through the metaphor (it ends with killing babies being ok)
Abortion could have actually prevented a baby from being killed here.
Either way a baby gets killed, just the matter of location.
What constitutes a baby is the whole debate.
When does that happen?
Third week of pregnancy to the end of term, the child has human characteristics developing. So right about there.
Oh, and that's per the Cleveland Clinic.
So we're using the 'if it looks like a duck' philosophy of human genesis?
What human characteristics are you valuing?
That it has no voice and a wholly separate DNA makeup than the mother? Except in cases of rape, incest, or health of the mother, there is another miraculous way to prevent pregnancy from happening.
So does a tumor or the placenta.
Why does getting raped or being from Alabama get you 1 free baby murder?
The bigger question you should ask is why did they focus a lot of the abortion clinics in the inner cities? There have been 60 million plus killed by abortions, and they focused in the inner city because Margaret Sanger was an avowed racist, supported wholly by the Democrats.
I don't want to go down this boomer tangent with you
Why not? It's a true fact whether you like it or not. I also remember Hillary Clinton speaking very highly of Margaret Sanger, knowing what Margaret was.
Hot take: Shrek Forever After is better than Shrek 1
Shrek 1 is funnier and has been one of the most culturally influencial films of the 20th century, but if you isolate each movie on their own I think I enjoyed Forever After a little more than Shrek 1.
The villian is written better. It's more emotionally mature. It takes a deeper look into Shrek's personality and what he values. And his character arc is fleshed out in not as much of a contrived manner as it is in Shrek 1.
In Shrek 1 there is the misundersranding plot point and multiple character decisions surrounding that, but in Forever After, essentially every major plot point is actively and directly or indirectly influenced by Shrek's decisions.
Obviously I can see why so many people love Shrek 1 more and it still their favorite Shrek movie to date even over Shrek 2 or PIB2 even, but over time I have found that Shrek Forever After has resonated with me more.
I believe in late late term abortion but only of libarals 😏
So 4th week abortion is murder?
Really all abortions are murder, it's much easier to prevent pregnancy than to use it as contraception.
A baby born of rape or incest are just as innocent, but because those are so rare we can focus on those.
If abortions were safe, legal, and Rare as first stated by the Democrats we wouldn't be having any of these discussions. Meanwhile, they are not rare in the fact that twice the population of Texas has been aborted since Roe v Wade.
So at the end of term, it is no longer a baby, so no one cares what you do after that. You are the problem.
Oh I am also for easing some of the red tape around adoptions. That's the main killer is all the families who adopt and actually don't care for the kids correctly versus those that really want the kids and promise them the life they deserve.
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“What’s a metaphor? Can you use it in a sentence?”
“Sure - I metaphor in the club last night, but she could have easily been a five or a six with a bit of makeup and a few tapeworm eggs in her diet.”
Sarcasm subs when people starting taking their sarcasm seriously “I was just kiddin’ around, you guys took it too far”
Nice cape bird picture
4chong wont fall for metaphors
It's funnier this way
Nah. Best eggs come from humped chickens.
Some people are just afraid to get their hands dirty
the only difference is in your mind neo
No I forgot about this post when I left the app and I'll forget about it again shortly
Balut is perfect if you're hungry for an abortion.
Fried please, with hash brown and victimhood
No I cum in my eggs before I cook them
Good man. Or should I say goog man?
Terrible example.
Difference between destroying a baked cake, and a pan in the oven currently baking a cake, that, if left alone, would become a complete, lovely cake, turning off the oven, putting on hand protection and then slowly destroying the mostly baked cake with tongs, then telling people "that wasn't a cake, it was just a bunch of ingredients"
There, now you can more accurately promote your pro-death propaganda
you are actually psy-opped
"This guy doesn't like ripping apart unborn babies while they're still alive inside their mother, clearly he's been indoctrinated 😎"
The absolute state of these brainwashed ledditors 😂
If you prefer ripping apart born babies while they're definitely alive and breathing outside their mother, over preventing a bunch of cells of gaining a conscience in the first place, then yes, clearly you are indoctrinated, as you prefer the option where this baby (and mother!) have to suffer.
Literally shaking
Kek, I bet you made someone mad
lmao, imagine thinking first trimester is mostly baked, that's like taking the cake out while it's still warming up and hasnt even cooked enough to begin forming a crust
That would still turn into a complete cake if left alone. Great point, you really are the smartest baby killer 👍🏻
And i guess you will be the one adopting that child, and paying for its needs
Pro-life Christians statistically donate and adopt the most, and the Catholic Church operates the largest medical and educational charity networks in the world, so the likelihood of what you said is fairly high.
I don't think Christians should be allowed to adopt
I don't remember asking
Imagine being this naive and brainwashed.
I don't think it's good to indoctrinate children into religion
“That would turn into a complete cake if left alone “ is implying that it isn’t a complete cake right now and there is still time to make a decision.
Third semester abortions are rare and they happen for mostly scenarions where the health of the mother (or baby) is at risk, but generally not even most pro-choice people support third semester abortions because at that point the baby is conscious.
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I just want to take this moment to say you have an incredibly small penis.
weakest bait ive seen in a while
do better
W reply + ratio
Holy cringe redditor
This is such a shit argument.
Do you treat all potential states as equally real and existing as the current state something is in?
Is a seed a tree? Is the seed a tree when it's planted in the ground? With some water? Obviously not. A seed becomes a tree at some point, but the seed never was the tree.
If you want to make the argument that whatever is being killed is a human life worthy of protection, make that argument.
Not reading
Not surprised
It's actually a perfect example lmao, a six week old embryo is no more a baby than an egg is a chicken. Would rather a six week old embryo get aborted than a one day old baby get crushed to death and thrown away
It's funny you say that. Are you vegetarian by any chance?
no, why?
Because we do strangle chicken on an industrial level and do much worse actually and we collectively agree that we are okay with it.
the eggs your cracking in your pan aren’t fertilized, and don’t have a baby chicken inside. i highly doubt you’d have the same sentiment if the egg was fertilized and had a full blown chicken fetus inside. a baby in the womb has already been fertilized and is literally a small person. not simply albumen and yoke like your egg analogy.
Literally a small person? If you tested the "baby" at the stage abortions are allowed at it would probably have less similarities to a full grown human than a chicken.
interesting rebuttal. can you elaborate?
If you asked someone to define what a human was, what a chicken was, then compares it to a clump of non conscious cells the chicken would have more similarities to a human at the point abortions were performed. Sure you can say DNA but a hair sample has DNA too.
This represent the republican argument so well. Protect the unborn chicken at all costs but after it has grown, mhm, tasty chicken.
i'd just like to point out that that guy with the random I and l in his name blocked me instantly so i couldn't reply to him, i guess that blocks me from replying to my own comment so i put it here, i didnt even realize you could block people on reddit because i've never met anyone so sensitive, verbal, and yet terrified of confrontation. I didn't "back down" and not reply, he asked me questions and made me unable to, in order to try to make himself look better lol
What an autistic response. You must be very sensitive to how you think anonymous strangers perceive you.
I just thought it was funny some guy on a 4chan reddit got so butthurt I disagreed with him that he blocked me, that's a Twitter thing
he came back and downvoted this too, i think he might be like, 8
i didnt downvote you, i m rooting for you but youre making it hard
The other dude
just edit a prior answer and add a reference to him blocking you.
i'm gonna be completely honest with you i forgot editing was a thing in the moment
i hear you
take less adderall
mm yummy adderall
I don’t get a power high cracking eggs
It's called Choking the Chicken and is perfectly natural for developing minds.
my brother in christ either practice chasity or take responsibility for your actions. Killing babies is fucked up either way.
Not babies. Fetus.
Biologically, no different than a parasite.
What species is this "parasite" you speak of?
why are you in a sub of people you deem traitors, kinda weird of you
You break eggs with an embryo in them in your pan?
sometimes shit happens
Sometimes not, but they all are yellow inside. This is my metaphor
Not according to vegans.
‘Denial ain’t just a river in Egypt’ - Stuart Smalley, 1988.
Sometimes once the baby is born the mother loses her fucking mind and can't tolerate it. Doctors call it SIDS: sudden infant death syndrome, where babies "mysteriously" die in bed when they're otherwise healthy.
This is not sids. What you're describing is post partum psychosis
They're the same thing. They just use SIDS as a smokescreen to shield the mother from blame.
SIDS is when the mother is moron and accidentally suffocates the baby by putting it face down or crushing it in its sleep. Post Partum Psychosis is when they actively try to kill the baby.
Sids has nothing to do with the mother
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Killing white babies. It's in the agenda.
Ooh we got a live one...
Say the words lil dude.
Go back
No u.
You called?
Sorry mr. Goldberg
You need to pay attention to abortion stats. White people aren't the ones getting abortions in droves.
What's even more retarded is you can just leave them at fire stations or hospitals, no questions asked, and walk away back to your life if you don't want them. Hope that lady enjoys the next couple of decades behind bars.
Exactly. Just leave those poor babies in a orphanage or something. These people are just fucking evil.
"Just give the future person a miserable life." Just let them abort the thing.
I've met people who were adopted and I bet they're glad they weren't killed instead
I have people in the family who were adopted and everyone is happy. But adoption is a last resort thing like when your entire family dies in a tragedy, not an alternative to abortion. It's crazy people are willing to give others such a massive disadvantage in life and years of hardship and go "hey, sometimes it works out."
Your life is probably miserable, it might not be too late for you. Also, homeless people seem to be pretty miserable in general, too, so let's put them out of their misery while we're at it
Most sane redditor just telling others to kill themselves.
You can disregard a baby with no consequences, but god forbid I have the wrong sticker on my license plate lol.
Apparently there are only 4 firestations in the entire state of Florida that have baby drop off boxes like that
Designated baby drop off box isn’t required to drop them off lmao
Are there fire stations and hospitals in Florida?
I'm all for killing babies, but giving women a choice in the matter just doesn't sit right with me.
Same here brother, whatever happened to the equality fight?
Thank you for saying what we all are thinking
Oh for sure. The last thing we need is a woman outside of a kitchen.
You have sex in the kitchen?
Sometimes. But not with women though. They're usually too busy cooking and cleaning
Cooking is far too important to leave that job to women
I mean say what you will about baby murder, it is easy….
killing an infant isn't abortion related. This isn't an argument against abortion in any capacity
"Killing babies isn't abortion related" you have to force yourself to believe that so your guilty conscience doesn't crush you
okay if you get killed by your parents right now is that abortion, or is that different than aborting a fetus?
Claims to care about children, completely ignores the genocide happening in Gaza. You really owned the
You are the average Hamas supporter it seems.
Oy vey
Oy, don't make it seems like I like Israel, I dont.
But their neighbors are somehow even worse.
What's your problem with them?
Why don't you like Israel?
Sure moshe
Whiplash when this sub is defending jews all of a sudden
This close to election, every sub is flooded with deplorables
gays for hamas! chickens for KFC!
What is your plan on how to properly "care" about the children in Gaza?
We should settle all of them as refugees in Israel.
Ban killing kids, and send anyone who does to jail. Pretty simple.
This is so smart. Why did no one think of this?
That's how I know you're a newgen.
Patrolling the Strip almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter
I will care about Gaza the day Gaza cares about me
I can tell you for a fact, an unborn fetus doesn't care about you anymore than the Gazan children do. In fact, they might identify with you more about protecting children than the fetus. Just a hunch though.
You're qrong, I asked the unborn fetus, it said it cares about me deeply.
I care about you, do you care about me?
Head cannon is strong with you.
It is puzzling.
There is an absolute unit mega hambeast that works in my office. Full accessory package. Purple hair, face rings, rainbow wardrobe, bad breath, the whole thing.
Recently, she wore a black power, end white privilege t-shirt to work. She then proceeds to lecture anyone who couldn't get away fast enough about their privilege, even the Mexicans.
Two days later, she wears some women's rights pro-abortion shirt. She starts to rant in my direction about her body, her choice. I couldn't help myself, so I asked her how she reconciles being pro-abortion with being pro-black, when such a large percentage of abortions are killing black babies? How can she advocate for keeping the black population from growing past the 13% (kek) they've been stuck at for years?
As expected, full hambeast rage activated. She had a meltdown until she collapsed from her blood sugar dropping below 300 and had to go home. I was expecting a call to HR, but instead, I got high 5s and fist bumps the rest of the week. The QT 3.14 receptionist asks me to take her out Saturday night, and the boss tells me they're thinking I am being under-utilized in my current role and to expect a promotion soon.
Thanks, little dead black babies. Your sacrifice has improved my life immensely.
This shit is still more believable than %80 of the "owned the maga" stories
Nah both sides are equally retarded. Its obvious when you go through both echochambers.
I don't usually see retarded Magas because I don't live in USA and reddit is the only platform I use that showe USA politics so you are probably right
I, for one, am just glad we have a reasonable centrist like yourself.
Yea... sureeeee...
How do you know typical blood sugar ranges?
You had me until the 2nd half
God I wish this was real
Holy based. You definitely deserve the promotion.
Because they’re too stupid to choose to do drugs and masturbate like decent people
An embryo is not a human
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We all know y'all are just bitter you don't get to have sex.
How many babies did have you adopted then?
What I hate the most is the people who buying their own good social image with responsibilities of others.
Claims to care about dead babies, completely ignores the genocide happening in Gaza. Real libertarian moment...
Least clueless american.
Most pleasant third worlder
Wow. Got ‘em.
Maybe you don’t live In a place that has taken In over 2m muslims, every lib girl walking Is screaming herself to death over gaza
and this one too
can anyone see this deleted comment?
So do you care about "that issue" or not? Because it's hypocritical to claim you care about one and not the other.
If you click on my profile you will see the two other times I attempted to reply to you, both got deleted by a mod. Isn't that wierd?
Why are all of my replies to you getting deleted?
another normal women behavior. she had plenty fking option than just killing though.
I gurantee you 4chan neets would be doing some awful shit to escape the responsibility of a baby if it grew inside them.
It's a lot more than asking mommy for tendies and sodas and having to lean over to use the piss jug every hour
Dude, the demand to adopt newborn babies is so large that theres a waiting list for it. She could literally leave it at a police station or hospital or fire station and walk out of there in a few minutes. Instead she strangled it and threw it in the trash. It's literally more work to do it that way, people checked on Google maps and she was walking distance to a place where she could have left the baby 0 questions asked.
i can assure you that waiting list is not because of demand.
It literally is? Adopting a newborn baby is insanely complicated and competitive. Everyone wants to adopt a baby ( unfortunately, children with baggage and trauma and memories of their birth families are less “desirable” when it comes to adoption ) , but the amount of newborns being put up for adoption each year are so little that you have to jump through so many hoops, go international , and wait for months or years to even have the chance of adopting a newborn. There is literally no reason not to put a child up for adoption in this age and time lol real life isn’t Oliver Twist
How does your last sentence basically contradict everything you wished to say.
If its so unreasonable for people who cannot care for children to not put them up for adoption, wouldn't supply be fairly high?
I know that's obviously not how it works, but I don't think children put up for adoption are as scarce as you make it out to be, but I have no data for this, take it with a grain of salt.
I reckon the only reason you have to go through so many hurdles is because, at least in my small world, it's a lot of work to qualify to take care of a child from an adoption centre. Again, no data, just me talking out my arse. Could also (potentially) be a reason why international may be easier, it's likely easier to qualify as the guardian of a child from overseas than domestically, I have no information, these are shots in the dark.
I've obviously never adopted a child, but I can't reason why supply would be significantly lower than demand, but maybe you can enlighten me.
So you just made it up? When you can literally google? There's tons of families that want newborn children because they are either infertile, a guy couple, past the age to have a safe baby, etc, and there's not that many babies that are surrendered immediately at birth
How do you have time to write a whole paragraph’s worth of a reddit comment but not have time to do one google search? You can find multiple sources available on this topic with one quick google search,families%20looking%20to%20adopt%20infants.
There are so many couples looking to adopt for various reasons ( infertility, lgbt , etc ) and putting up a baby for adoption guarantees he/she will find a throughly vetted home with parents who are ecstatic to have a chance at raising a newborn for their own.
As for why more parents don’t put up their babies for adoption, there are literally a million reasons.
You might not want a baby when it’s in your stomach and still is “just a clump of cells”, but actually holding your child in your arms can make a world’s difference and mothers might not be willing to give up their children after that (of course, this does not magically turn them into good caretakers and these children may still be given up a couple years down the line, by which their chances of being adopted decrease significantly).
A lot of mothers may also feel shame about getting pregnant, or they might not be informed on all the available options. Or they might be unsure of putting “their” baby into another person’s hands and decide killing it would be the better option. It’s not logical, but it’s hard for most people to be reasonable in such drastic circumstances. If you can’t take care of a child, there’s always an option besides ripping a baby limb by limb via vacuum that would literally give them a more than reasonable chance at a happy life.
Doesn't fucking matter, in her case all she had to do was drop the baby off instead of murdering it
Everyone is acting like I said that isn't an option when all I'm saying is 4chan neets a are sometimes the most braindead heartless lazy mfs on the plant and that if thus were capable of holding kids we'd be seeing so many stories of it on 4chan...
My point isn't to defend this girl she had other options but I'm just saying the website fill of dudes who very regularly post their collections of stacked up piss jugs they've massed because going to the hallway to the bathroom is too much work would have a lot of similar stories if they were getting pregnant...
JDC everyone getting so defensive as if I'm calling this woman a Saint compared to b 4chan browsers
I don't really see many stories of 4channers killing people to get out of responsibility so I'm not sure what your point is. Babies aren't the only human responsibility a person can have
Some of those piss jug guys may actually benefit from having more responsibility in their lives
i'm suddenly reminded of that anon who was a total shut in of a neet who got a hermit crab as a pet and ended up turning his life around because of it. got a gf, job, started going out and making friends etc. all because of that hermit crab. broke up with gf shortly after because one of her friends at a house party picked him up and tossed him around like a toy, eventually killing him.
I really want to read that story.
A gift to you, Anon.
that's the one. i got some details wrong but this is the one, thanks famalam
I love hopeful stories like this, need more of them
Damn man fuck stoners
good thing they aren't choosing to have sex
I can assure you that adoption would be better than dying h, though
Not sure why everyone is saying this.
My point is, it's not because she's a wOmAn... She's just a shit human.
And from my years of using 4chan I am pretty confident saying that theres a good chunk of the websites user base that are similar levels of incompetent and cruel.
Like.... Were talking about the board that regularly posts gore content and makes le funny edgy memes over it, and there's been multiple times on 4chan I've seen full blown CP. 4chan isnt exactly a haven of virtue and I don't think being a woman had anything to do with how this story played out.
No, I wouldn’t squeeze a newborn to death because I’m not a fucking monster.
I didn't say you would.
I'm just saying that 4chan isn't exactly full of the best and brightest, or in other words it's not because she's a woman
She could've literally just left it at a fire station or hospital and walked away, no questions asked. There was zero reason for her to kill it.
I never said that.. But we're talking about a website where CP and other fucked up shit are openly shared regularly, and we've seen people post their actual murder scenes
I'm just saying 4chan cracks me up with how absolutely depraved and fucked up people on there are the casualty demonize women as if they aren't as or more fucked up
Florida doesn't have fire stations. They don't believe in that science bullshit like fire putting out water. The oceans are right there, but hell still burns like a mighty fire underneath, how could water possibly put out fire?
So DNA tests in united states don't exist?
Govt only has DNA records on criminals. DNA tests do nothing unless someone is a suspect of a crime. There are legal ways to abandon a baby but she picked the one illegal way that almost guarantees she gets caught.
No they really don't have many options, can't abort cuz of laws, can't adopt off because of partner and the grand parents are fucking useless nowadays. As a person who has had a kid it's really hard not to strangle them at 2 in the morning when your partner refuses to get up and you have work at 6 and have not gotten decent sleep in 4 straight days sometimes the brain thinks "I have to shut off this alarm clock no matter what I need some sleep maybe if I just choke em out it'll be okay". Parenting is hard ASF of you don't have one you have no say in a situation that someone went thru. Is it okay that she did it? No ofc not but I guarantee she didn't have the resources she needed
People checked on Google maps and she was walking distance to a place she could leave the baby 0 questions asked. She could have googled "what can I do if I have a baby I don't want" and then followed the directions and been done with it in an hour.
Then drop the baby off at a fire station! Fuck.
What the fuck is wrong with you
I was a 22yro dad with a partner going thru post partum and absolutely no support system I was taking care of two babies and working full time doing hard labor, I had no family and made $100 bucks to much to qualify for government help. That's what was wrong with me after like a week of maybe 3 hours of sleep a night you aren't in the right mind set and killing your kid doesn't sound like a bad option, then hopefully you get a decent night's sleep and all those thoughts go away but if you don't get help it gets worse. The American system is fucked "you have to carry this child and birth it but fuck you after that" that's whats wrong all these ppl hate socialism but that's what society is made for to help each other and make our society better.
Crazy take, but every modern instance of successful “socialism” is a diluted version of the ideology and completely backed by capitalisms innovation and revenue generation.
Ok, so they wnt that. Capitalism with some deluded socialism, not the corporativist shit you now have
No, what i’m saying is that system can’t exist without the separate backing of a pure or semi pure form of capitalism. Socialist countries in europe wouldn’t exist if it wasn’t for america and the fruits of its capitalism.
That's fucking crazy. I'm a 22 year old father to a newborn with a wife with postpartum right now and I've never once felt the urge to strangle my own son to death. I'm pretty sure you need to get off of Plebbit and get your head checked out.
Don't waste your breath on 18 year old redditors bro.
Yea I know but if I can open someone's eyes so they can see the signs before they make the mistakes I made it'll be worth it
Fake and Heterosexual
Parent seems stable. What are you talking about?
Angry little incel spotted.
So, not wanting to kill babies is an incel?
I guess not wanting to rape and kill a woman is also incel behavior, no?
No, hating women is an incel. Keep up.
Hating women is misogyny, wanting to fuck and not being able to is incel. They are different words with different meanings you fucking retard
I WILL keep hating women, but not because you told me to
How embarrassing
Everything amd everyone I don't like is am incel. Speeding ticket? Cop was an incel? Mom didn't buy teddies? Incel. Pigeon pooped on my window? That's right, incel
Now you get it. Overcooked my eggs? Believe it or not, straight to incel
Crawl back into your incel hole and never come out
Angry little incel spotted.
Incel is when
Checks notes
Baby murder bad
Usually it's when "women bad" take drops.
Incel is a male who is misogynistic because he cannot stick his dick into someone. Look at the loser's profile. Also, abortion isn't murder but nice try.
Poor baby, it shouldn’t be born to suffer. May its soul rest in peace.
abortions are supposed to prevent killing an actual living baby, this is a LOT worse than an abortion
This implies that killing an actual baby is a natural consequence of abortion not being available, which is completely absurd.
it has happened for thousands of years in all animal species, how is it not natural
What is natural is not inherently what is moral or good.
Desperate mothers who shouldn’t be forced into parenthood are going to keep killing babies they’re forced to have bc THEY SHOULDNT HAVE BEEN FORCED TO HAVE THE BABY IN THE FIRST PLACE YOY NEANDERTHAAL. So YES it will continue to happen until we can do the same thing and just let people have abortions
What the fuck is this take
buddy if people don’t want kids they are going to get rid of them, infanticide rates have an inverse relationship with availability of abortion
The sane conclusion in a modern western society: legalizing abortion so women aren’t forced into ACTUAL baby murder, which medical abortion is not
You know that no normal woman would brutally MURDER their own child unless they are a psychopath. You diagnosed this problem wrong, this is a psychopathy problem not an abortion problem
Well as long as crazy women who don’t want or can’t afford kids keep getting knocked up, this will continue to happen over and over and over again. It’s an inevitability of desperate circumstances that shouldn’t exist in the first place if she could’ve just gotten the thing taken out of her already beforehand
I dont know why people refuse to see the real issue behind a problem and develop a false paradigm just so they can push their own narrative.
So what’s the real issue here then in your eyes bud. Women being crazy?
The real issue is that we have lots of mentally ill and insane people who slip through the cracks of the healthcare and schooling system and do things like school shootings, murder babies, get addicted to drugs and become homeless, etc.
Yeah they can dude. Hormones are whack after birth and when you're alone crazy things can happen.
There's no such thing as postpartum depression.
they arent forced to, but i agree, legalising abortions is just much more humane for everybody involve do
At no point are they forced to murder a baby. That's not at all how that works.
nobody forced her to have a baby. do you not know how babies are made?
By getting knocked up and living in a shit hole southern state in the USA with regressive puritan ass laws that restrict access to modern abortive medical procedures YES she was forced to have her baby
how did they do that? they draw a lottery and the person who is pulled is r*ped until they are pregnant?
Consensual sex between adults who like sex and don’t want children should NOT be punished with having a shitty baby that will only make people’s lives miserable in the modern era. This is not the Stone Age and this is not a shit hole country like Iraq.
it's not a "punishment" lmao it's the entire propose of it. it's like saying "i want to swim in this tank full of hungry sharks but i should NOT be punished by being eaten by the sharks" like um okay? but what did you think would happen?
Or they could just, hear me out, not have sex. Crazy for someone to take a little personal responsibility I know
We are not cave men. Condoms and birth control have existed for forever. There’s no reason consenting adults shouldn’t be able to have safe sex or be forced to have a kid. Some people actually get laid unlike most of the chuds on this sub
Lefties never cease to amaze me, if you willingly have sex with someone and get pregnant you should absolutely be forced to carry the child. It is the consequences of your actions and 100% your responsibility. You shouldn’t be having sex with someone you wouldn’t have a child with in the first place.
Its completely reasonable you dont have sex with people you don’t want children with. However, A shit ton of people do have sex with people they don’t want to have children with and shit happens. Its been that way for many years now, and its not gonna change.
Theres no reason people shouldn’t be able to have an abortion. An abortion is better than an unwanted child.
Yes mutilating and murdering a human baby because it’s inconvenient for you and you are incapable of taking responsibility for the life you created is totally fine.
It’s selfish and barbaric and you genuinely disgust me.
Why don't you take care of the baby then since you're all for the woman being forced to carry the baby to term? I wonder if there's enough space in your basement for a crib
Its not cause its “inconvenient” lol. Its a serious issue, there’s tons of reasons people cant take care of the kid and its not an easy choice to make.
For instance: children raised in single-mother families are at heightened risk for substance abuse, depression, anxiety, and externalizing behaviors and disorders.
So its not about it being convenient or not. Its about being realistic and realizing that an abortion can prevent a lot of harm.
i get what you mean but during the stage where you can get an abortion its a clump of cells that has never experienced consciousness. after birth, its a living, concious being. thats the big difference
Ok... then don't kill the conscious being? That shouldn't even be considered an option in any scenario.
duh? thats literally what im saying
Then I agree with you. I support the legalization of abortion, if that isn't clear.
ohhh okay i think i misread one of your comments, yeah me too
being kidnapped and tortured to death in a rape dungeon is worse than being aborted, therefore we should abort every baby
Actually they're supposed to prevent unwanted/unplanned pregnancies specifically. The "not killing babies" part really is the secondary function.
I do agree this is much worse than an abortion though.
> have baby with deadbeat fuckboy
> get abortion
> the end
Yes this is abortions fault
this stuff NEVER happened until roe v wade was overturned and NEVER happens in states with unrestricted abortions
Dont let perfect be the enemy of better.
The number increased dramatically after r v w
did it or did it just reach the news more?
It did. Statistics n shi
If abortion isn't legal
> get pregnant with deadbeat fuckboy’s baby
>put it up for adoption or otherwise surrender the baby to the state
>the end
damn that's crazy, it's almost like the law didn't force her to murder a newborn child and women actually have agency over their actions and the choices they make
Oh please. The people against abortion are also against funding adoption centers and orphanages.
Irrelevant and also untrue. From what I can find, Christians far more likely to adopt than any other group. Of course not all people against abortion are Christian, and not all Christians are against abortion, but it is true that Christians are significantly more likely to adopt, so this argument that gets frequently thrown around about ‘people who oppose abortion don’t care about the kids who are born’ is simply not true.
Nobody is saying she shouldn’t be held accountable.
People are talking about how could this have been prevented.
You literally said “this is abortion laws fault”. It certainly could have been a factor, but the fault lies with the women who chose to murder a newborn. She is solely responsible for what she did. Not the laws being the way they are.
It’s like if you said it’s Budweisers fault for people getting a DUI. Sure if there was no alcohol, there would be no DUIs, but it’s not their fault for people who do choose to drink and drive.
I even made a comment showing exactly how it’s not the abortion laws that are the fault of the kid dying in this case, but the woman who made the choice to kill her kid, and you still took issue with it and refused to acknowledge that she is responsible.
I guess you dont understand nuance. Its all good you just misunderstood
That’s not nuance. You specifically said abortion laws were to blame, and responded critically when I explained how she had other options available, and said she is responsible for her own actions.
You also literally don’t even know if she even wanted an abortion either so it’s not even remotely relevant here.
And yet here you are
or hey, even better idea, abortion is illegal -> do not fuck the fuckboy that will leave you. WIN WIN
Well she aborted it now, what difference is there in your eyes?
the fact that she bludgeoned the baby?
Would it be better if she used a coat hanger?
would have been better if she didnt kill the child or concieve him
Yea dude totally the same thing.
I agree
Abortion being illegal didn't lead to this baby's death, so it is irrelevant to the conversations. The point is that this person is a psycho who killed an infant rather than giving them up for adoption or literally anything else.
This was a far more merciful end than winding up in the US adoption system. >600,000 unwanted children, most of whom will never find homes because breeders would rather pump out a whole litters of retard babies of their own than adopt
That only applies to older foster kids. Babies get adopted immediately. There are way more parents wanting to adopt than there are adoptable babies, most of them are on wait lists for years.
Jesus, what the actual fuck is wrong with Redditors
It wouldn’t have gotten to the point of that if she got an abortion. Wtf is wrong with you the Redditor
Oh please it’s not like it even has a real meaningful consciousness as a newborn. It’s all instinct and emotion and zero value, just a shit factory
All the way.
libtards cannot make an argument without strawmanning or gaslighting lmao
That’s not an abortion, that’s literal infanticide.
The comment is an alternate situation where abortion is legal
How about not getting pregnant from a deadbeat?
Not everyone is an incel like you
It goes like this I rather not force someone into existence cause it makes other people uncomfortable fuck their comfort
Liberals have become subhuman creatures.
even far lib left media directly states that white men are a problem, they hate us, they actually hate us and want us replaced and are not even hiding it anymore, useful idiots who are mostly children and teens who have gotten acess to the internet at wayyy to young of an age get indoctrinated in this
Someone forgot to take their skitzo meds again
nah man you just got a victim complex
“Have become” implying they weren’t already freak degenerates
"have become"
they always were
I do t see the problem?? 4th trimester abortion wtf her body her choice
This has nothing to do with abortion laws. She willingly got pregnant with a deadbeat. She regrets it after and kills the baby. Full nutcase.
yeah but she blamed it on abortion laws and said she did it because she didn't want the child, probably attempting to garner sympathy
It’s a smart move for her defense if she does. Just get a couple sympathetic jurors and it’ll go nowhere.
How smart is it compared to just putting the baby up for adoption? The poor little guy was already born...
Obviously putting it up for adoption woulda been better. But like they say, you can’t unsuck a cock.
Might of been better if she wasn't in walking distance of a firehouse in a state where they here baby drop boxes where you can place the baby and walk away.
Yeah, she shoulda looked into the numerous resources available to take it off her hands, but then she’d have to admit she was knocked up. But it sounds like she wanted to hide her pregnancy from everyone.
Well she’s college age, so she should know that she is risking everyone knowing she was pregnant just so she can avoid some pharmacy tech (birth control, plan b are both available over the counter) being able to make an educated guess that she was pregnant.
Doesn't suddenly justify her being evil
I’m not trying to justify it.
The strategy is sound. People won’t defend a psycho but they will defend their own politics. This leverages the ardent supporters of abortion law that will always favor their cause without considering the facts of the case. Either her lawyer came up with this or she’s got more social intuition than common sense.
I get that this might come as a surprise to 4chan but many people don't feel a need to defend an obvious strawman position
Many isn't good enough, you only need to convince a couple of them to get a hung jury and stall jail time by possibly years
"If it had been legal to kill my baby, I wouldn't be guilty of murder" what a defence
Need a link to that statement of hers
Have you thought that maybe terrible parents who didn't abort their unwanted babies end up raising a deadbeat and a psychopath who go on to kill babies? Justing saying this kind of shit is unlikely to come from loving families.
You described 98% of abortions.
Why do you want more offsprings of these people running around? So they can eventually rob you?
Terminating a fetus in the 1st trimester and killing a baby by crushing its spine and lungs just after it's born are two very different things
have you seen how the operation is acrually performed? way more fucked up than just crushing their ribs and spine.
lol they won’t like that
Women really are deranged.
The only genuine difference between this and "abortion" is who kills the kid.
Yep, a clump of cells without consciousness is exactly the same as a fully grown baby.
Are babyboxes not a thing in the US?
Yep. You can safe surrender a child at any hospital, fire station, or police station. No questions asked. Drop and go.
Hey is that a baby? Hey wait a minute... later sucker
Just one of the many get out of jail free cards women have.
You say that as though 99% of deadbeat parents aren't men
That's just because it's somewhat harder for women to ditch a kid during pregnancy without straight up killing it (which is celebrated mind you)
Nah it's just as easy for a woman to leave a baby at a hospital and walk away as it is for a man to walk away from the kid he created. But women take responsibility for their kids a lot more often because men are more likely to be immature losers and society doesn't hold them as responsible for their sexual mistakes because we all implicitly have lower moral expectations of them. That seethe you're feeling in your chest as you read this? It's because you know it's true.
We call them schools here
With no full auto
*fully semi automatic
Don’t people just dump them at fire stations over there? Might be a tv thing
father is fireman/medic. can confirm these 100% exist
UnfoldingDeathwings@reddit (OP)
Excuse me?
the boxes with alarms in public secluded places. you leave the unwanted baby inside. government or an authorized institution comes and pick baby up
UnfoldingDeathwings@reddit (OP)
Never knew such a thing existed. Thanks for the information.
Anonymous drop spots for babies you can't take care of. Usually attached to an emergency service.
UnfoldingDeathwings@reddit (OP)
OH! Alright I'm no longer confused. Thanks cupcake.
i think he means a casket.
UnfoldingDeathwings@reddit (OP)
Could be, but I'm still confused.
They are, you can leave a baby at any fire station, hospital, or police station. No questions asked.
Just pointing out condoms arent guaranteed btw.
people are just extremely stupid,abortion laws can help but it wont prevent that shit like this happening again
once im my town the same happened because she wanted the money for a kid,all this money support shit you know
Man sometimes I think people should go through an examination or something before popping babies out.
People: "we can't let people who make bad decisions abort"
Also people: "we should only let the right people have babies"
You know you can just let this problem sort itself out.
that would be fair
These people are normally careless and its highly likely they wouldn't recognise that they are pregnant early enough for an abortion
Come on you guys have every excuse to throw muthafuckers under the bus.
yeah like if fucking raw is not enough to think about kids
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Back in my day, we just let our toddler pet the cute Pitt bull and act like we are the victim
I blame feminism and lack of mental health.
Murder is a human right
It’s a hot take, but I happen to believe murder is bad.
My body my choice 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡
Fucking sexiest😔🫵
That little schizo needs to go right to jail
Isn't this literally an SVU episode
If she just did anal none of this would have happened
Shit is insane
Damn man and she has a face that I absolutely adore, of everything she could have been, she was a baby killer, ffs.
Breaking the glass ceiling sisters, our reaponse?
How the fuck game is game is the end result is losing some steam to this shit. Of course i am going to hate a brother for making this witch have high self esteem.
If murder laws didn't stop her from committing murder then how did abortion laws stop her from having an abortion?
As soon as they feel the focus of their life move from them to another they lash out.
This sounds like Postpartum Depression to me. Has little to do with abortion laws.
if she aborted she wouldn't have postpartum tho
Postpartum doesn't happen until AFTER childbirth though. No one knows they're going to have it until they actually give birth. And even then, a lot of new mothers don't even get diagnosed until it's too late.
If only if she had killed the child, she wouldn't have killed the child
If abortion weren’t stigmatized she’d have had one and this wouldn’t have happened to anything but a pile of cells. But instead you force her to do this and now she’s killed an actual baby,
Anyone capable of this deserves to rot
Or she could have kept her mouth shut the entire time and killed the baby regardless, abortion access or not.
Access to abortion does not suddenly prevent crazy people doing crazy shit.
She'll probably get a few weekends of community service and a monthly stipend to compensate her while she gets her life back together.
People like this should be iced on the spot tbh.
I blame the sex education in florida and her for being also stupid. Also she looks like that and still gets action Wow.
Man like game is game, can't hate a brother for losing some steam
Why is everyone focusing on abortion laws and not just saying this women is obviously mentally deranged? Liberals support abortion not post birth murder tf
Yawn who cares, another worthless screaming bag of meat in the trash where it belongs. Never should’ve been forced to have to kid. There’s too many little shits on this planet as it is, just let women medically abort them and there will be less desperate forced-mothers doing shit like this
That is a very racist opinion to have about Africa.
This just in - Abortion doesn’t cure people of murderous mental illnesses.
I am all for abortion, that’s a stupid argument to make. This could have happened either way.
One day people like you will face the wall
I don't morally see any difference between this and an abortion. Both should be allowed.
Abortion should be legal if you eat it afterwards.
If you're so convinced you're only getting rid of a bunch of cells you shouldnt have a problem swallowing them either.
I don't get why they have a problem with it being illegal anyway. Jail is just a bunch of cells.
A woman who isn't a psychopath would never be able to do this even if she pragmatically had do.
I don't know man woman can be pretty mental
My heckin post partum depression is heckin valid because the heckin media told me I have to heckin go clubbing and have a heckin career because the heckin baby will hold me back!!! 😤😤😤
My grandmother gave birth to dead twins and still worked 13 hour shifts sewing sleeping bags and firing out another 2 kids. She just had a drink and got on with it.
Women, amirite?
I’ve known plenty of crazy women who are capable of this. The women of the general public are not as mentally sound as you’d like to think
Unfathomably based
Oooh who’s an edgy boy
I wish your parents used rubber
Where are the people blaming abortion laws? I know she but she’s also… a murderer trying to get away with it?? I never saw a single other person even bring it up besides her, everyone thought she was insane.
"Eye for an eye" needs to make a return in the "civilized" world.
Of course it was Florida
I remember fucking broke dudes was a problem. "Scrubs" TLC
Now any junkie/tweaker/welfare queen are messing around with bustas.
She looks like one of those women anons on r9k
Yeeeeah. I hate that those are my type of girls. Those damn glasses..
Unfortunately in the USSR this wasn't as rare as you'd hope.
Why 304s dont stop having sex or have protected sex?
Cause they are women. No need to think logically in western society.
Reminds me of that thread about the SIDS conspiracy theory
She cute btw.
nooo dont send her to jail shes too cute
She looks dudish.
literally looks like the woman version of the chud drawing, americans are cooked bruh
she should be in prison for the rest of her life. completely deranged psycho shit
Could have given the baby for adoption 🗿
So hecking brave and valid 😍😍😍
You go girl💅✨
That’s insane. I thought this was wildly exaggerated, but I went to the post and the comments are exactly like they’re described in this post. The average Reddit user is completely delusional