ULPT Request - I want to prank someone by leaving an apple on their car randomly over a period of years without ever been seen on camera .. how can I do this?

Posted by Hot_Baker4215@reddit | UnethicalLifeProTips | View on Reddit | 128 comments

Not going to go into the why, except to say that leaving an apple on his car will bother him intensely.. especially if he has no idea who's doing it.

Think of it as an Abstract prank

I plan on doing this for months or even years.. to torture him with bewilderment..different colored apples.. sometimes I'll cut holes in them and put messages in the holes, but they wont make any sense.

BUT I know he's the kind of guy that will probably put cameras in his car so that he can find out who is responsible..

How can I defeat the cameras without being seen?

I had the thought of using a drone and having it dropped onto the car .. or somehow otherwise lowering it onto the tree using a pole or hiring random people to do it. but I feel like that's just going to create needless questions, involving other people...

I also considered using one of those RC Blimps and just kind of silently and gracefully delivering it.