You don't understand!! You HAVE to grind levels for 10 hours to be able to beat this boss and immediately get your ass kicked by a normal enemy 10 minutes later!
This is my thought process. There are some games where higher difficulty modifies elements of the game to present a more challenging, rewarding experience, and then there are others where the devs just say “alright crank up everyones hp 300% and make them deal twice as much damage” without presenting any real changes of substance
On one hand I agree but on the other hand if you play some games on the lowest difficulty you won't even have to learn the games mechanics to win and you can play in a boring uninteresting way whereas on a harder difficulty you are forced to use all of the mechanics. For example, Doom Eternal
Why would a dev gate keep game design behind high difficulty? High difficulty literally excluded like 85%+ of your audience. Just give the pain pigs some stat mods/increased numbers and let everyone else play the game.
True, in Metro 2033 and Last Light, games which are about surviving in the metro of a dystopian Moscow full of mutants and dangerous underground human organizations, if you set it to the hardest difficulties the opposition doesn’t get any buffs. Instead, the game makes finding the very resources to survive scarce so that every bullet you use, every air filter you breathe with, every stim you recover health with have to count or you’re shit out of luck. On top of that, there are zero HUD and zero hints.
This is the answer for shooters imo. Don’t just buff the shit out of enemies, instead limit the player’s resources and abilities to force them to make use of novel strategies
would be interesting to see games where the ai just get smarter. or maybe just more human-like. some of them will camp in dirty spots. others will try to flank you. but the low rank enemies might just bum rush you being the noobs they are.
Of course what you've described is almost no different than the challenge added by beating a Souls game at level 1 where you spend 150 hours doing a roll and poke attack over and over against a boss with health and damage increases simulated by your character's own lack of them. But the people who repeat this rhetoric about stat-based difficulty increases being worthless and tedious also tend to circlejerk to hell and back about that shit.
In a true RPG though if you just scale the shit out of enemy health and damage and nothing else it can still alone drastically change the nature of the encounter. Look no further than DQXI for the perfect example, its hard mode completely transforms all aspects of the gameplay and is the key to bringing the game fully to life IMO.
I'd say that sl1 runs can actually be sometimes more fun than the regular runs, at least in ds3. Damage still scales because you are allowed to upgrade your weapon, although there's only 1 good weapon that has fitting requirements for those runs (Broadsword).
For one, I found myself using more consumables, parrying, rushing to bosses, and nearly dying in one hit. All of this, of course, can be done in regular playthroughs, but once the limitations are off I find myself trying to minmax the victory. In sl1 you have to minmax it in its own way, but it will still be hard. Not 150 hours hard however, my ds3 run took me 25 hours, which was 3 times less than my first playthrough. The damage done to bosses was quite good, the main difficulty stemmed from most bosses giving you only 2 chances, with some attacks or combos giving you 1.
My point is, I didn't feel that much sponginess in enemies or bosses, only fragility in ME
This really feels like a strawman to me. SL1 runs are definitely “cool” but I’ve literally never seen someone say “you need to do an SL1 on your first playthrough or you aren’t a real gamer”.
I agree with you r.e. DQ11. I have a lot more tolerance for stat-scalling in jrpgs than in say something like a shooter. In turn-based, tactical rpgs it can definitely lead to more in depth game play as you’re forced to thoroughly understand all of the games systems, while in action heavy games I feel like you end up just constantly kiting enemies because taking a single hit is likely to lead to death
Yeah I know coding AI is hard but games that equate “more damage/health to enemies = harder” suck ass
I thought there was a legitimate reason to play Total War on legendary until I realized the only difference was that the AI just got more money. How that’s supposed to be fun I don’t know.
In total war games I usually play on hardest campaign difficulty and second for battle difficulty.
I think it is more fun when the enemy has more money because they tend to not make good armies and they leave their land unprotected because they are dumb, but with more money they can at least make a decent horde for me to slay.
Highest battle difficulty makes your soldiers have less moral.
Who wants to play as the commander of the Roman yellow belly coward brigade?
I used to be one of those "Highest difficulty is best" mfs. Until Borderlands 3 on the highest Mayhem difficulty changed that. Not only do enemies become the epitome of bullet sponges at that point and occasionally become invincible, but even if you get the loot you want, it just makes regular hard mode way too easy. They also have this extremely annoying attack I call the "spirit bomb" which is this slow moving purple orb that chases you. I can't tell if shooting it weakens it, but if it touches you, you're dead. So on top of having to wait for the anointed enemy's invince phase to wear off, now I have to fall back whenever he shoots one of these.
If you aren’t used to persona/smt systems you will get your ass kicked on hard. As for Nier hard makes you get two shot and tutorial has no savepoint so it will just make most people ragequit on it.
If you aren’t used to persona/smt systems you will get your ass kicked on hard
Perhaps, the game is long enough for you to learn its mechanics well so it will become easy sooner or later.
I'd agree that the tutorial in Nier is actually hard but afterwards you can have so many healing items that it doesn't matter if you get two shot really. Just heal in the pause menu after every hit. I found Nier Replicant to be more fun just because it has an actual (generous enough) limit on the healing items you can carry.
I started Bioshock Infinite 10 years ago on the highest difficulty available, because the description said “For players with a lot of shooter experience”, which I considered myself to be. It was ass and really frustrating, so I stopped playing.
Just a couple of years ago, I gave it another shot on normal and it turned out to be an incredible game which would have been a shame to miss.
I like games without difficulty settings. I think they're lazy. The FromSoft guys are consistently able to deliver tough but mostly fair and balanced challenges without having to resort to difficulty settings.
It won't increase my enjoyment of a game to crank up the difficulty settings to the point where every enemy can tank five bullets to the dome before keeling over. If there are settings, I go with whatever's pre-selected, which I assume to be the intended experience. If that makes the game a cakewalk wherein the main character can soak up bullets for days and the enemies fall over in a stiff breeze, so be it.
These are people to whom the phrase "turn off my brain" is appealing and relaxing
Hey on that note you guys ever wonder if the reason so many fat people are also stupid is just because the lower brain activity means the brain is consuming significantly less of the body's sugar/energy and thus building up an excess much more easily?
A lot of these people who are "turning off their brain" are coming home after a long day of school or work and just want to enjoy themselves, relax, and decompress.
As in, they've already done some kind of mentally or physically draining task through the course of the day and just want to chill.
Based on your comment, I can only assume you haven't worked a day in your life/are a NEET/have a day-to-day life that is so free of mental effort that your brain craves the intellectual stimulation that you are refusing to provide it in any form other than "super difficult video games".
Whether I'm working or NEETing it up off my accumulated savings, I can assure you I've never once turned my brain off. Maybe that's why I don't always gotta work eh
But anyways, the fact that you don't have to turn your brain off tells me that it wasn't ever really being utilized much to begin with.
But I've got great news for you, I hear that unused brains go for exorbitant prices on the market. Just some food for thought if you're thinking about selling.
Hot tip: live with your parents while you're working, then NEET it up at your own place, way more fun
The real unpleasant question you might have to ask yourself is how much of your brain do you actually own? How much of it is being used to someone else's ends? Anybody got a lease on your brain right now? At any rate I'm not looking to buy real estate in there so might I advise you consider fucking off to any other location in existence
The real unpleasant question you might have to ask yourself is how much of your brain do you actually own? How much of it is being used to someone else's ends?
I'm making six figures as a practicing physician, feeling satisfied that I'm also helping people improve their lives, and fucking off to many different locations around the world in my free time.
Matter of fact, I just came back four weeks ago from an impromptu trip to Japan I booked like two months ago. I got to see those cartoon titties you're beating your dick purple to in your mom's attic in real life.
All of this to say, I'd say I've got full ownership on my brain. Your broke ass probably couldn't afford any space in there anyways.
The fact that you have to launch into a tirade on a 4chan subreddit in defense of the benefits of turning one's brain off makes me think maybe there are a few omissions in this fantastic success story of yours. Is this the only place for you to flex all the things you've accumulated in real life? One of the few places where none of it matters?
The reason I went into this "tirade" is because I've seen many midwits similar to you in my life, smack-dab at the peak of the Dunning-Kruger curve who think they are smarter than everyone ("I never turn off my brain!") because they are blissfully unaware of their own stupidity.
In fact, I've seen patients in clinic who will come in with printouts of random-ass studies that they themselves do not understand and then tell me I'm wrong when they haven't finished a single year of post-graduate education.
I share this story because I assume they must be very "well-regarded" individuals like yourself.
Either way, glad we could have this conversation, and I could do my community service for the day.
The picture is coming together, you have unresolved bitterness about frying your brain in long study sessions of high-stress information retention but feel like you're not receiving proper acknowledgement for your efforts, and resent others who have not had to work as hard as you. Also you may harbor secret feelings of frustration over how much you suck at video games, which is probably the funniest part of the whole thing. GIVE IT UP DOC GO HOME AND BE A FAMILY MAN
Lmao you can't make this up. Of course the pursuit of knowledge would sound more like a chore than an enjoyable activity to someone as lazy and indolent as you.
When it's time for me to die, I'll feel confident that I strived to improve myself and actually did something for someone in the world. Can you say the same from your mom's basement?
Really though, what is honestly the most depressing part of this interaction to me is that you act as though being good at video games is some sort of "gotcha" and meaningful achievement.
Great going bud, hope mom can put that victory royale on the refrigerator (or whatever you regarded zoomers play nowadays) right before she goes back to her room and cries about how much of a wasted existence you amounted to.
Hot tip: live with your parents while you're working, then NEET it up at your own place, way more fun
I highly doubt that you have graduated to this second step. Unless you mean like working for a WoW guild and then starting your own guild, in which case great job champ!
Hot tip: live with your parents while you're working, then NEET it up at your own place, way more fun
I highly doubt that you have graduated to this second step. Unless you mean like working for a WoW guild and then starting your own guild, in which case great job champ!
The real unpleasant question you might have to ask yourself is how much of your brain do you actually own? How much of it is being used to someone else's ends?
I'm making six figures as a practicing physician, feeling satisfied that I'm also helping people improve their lives, and fucking off to many different locations around the world in my free time.
Matter of fact, I just came back four weeks ago from an impromptu trip to Japan I booked like two months ago. I got to see those cartoon titties you're beating your dick purple to in your mom's attic in real life.
All of this to say, I'd say I've got full ownership on my brain. Your broke ass probably couldn't afford any space in there anyways.
The only game I like playing on the highest difficulty is splinter cell. Just makes enemies detect you more easily so you have to get better at stealth.
I used to be anon 1 back in school, because I had nothing else to do.
Now as an adult, I have become anon 2, because I don’t want to spend the few hours of gaming I rarely get fighting the same boss over and over or making minimal progress.
The only game in which I enjoyed a high difficulty was cuphead because a higher difficulty doesn't mean more boss health or damage but more complicated boss patterns.
I love this argument because every single person who says you have to play games on the hardest difficulty is a mouthbreather in real life with no ambition. I've never heard this from anyone with a successful career and/or a loving family.... which is what most people recognize is a successful life.
Then when you tell "play it on hard" chuds to work hard and play life on hard they take another cope toke.
Play what's fun. Sometimes it's the hardest difficulty. Sometimes its normal.
Lmao fr, some of the smartest people I know (lawyers, doctors, engineers) watch/play the most braindead degenerate stuff because their jobs/daily lives require so much complex thinking that the last thing they want to do is go home and do another task that requires brainpower.
My theory (as I replied to another mentally deficient individual in this thread) is that all humans by nature want to expend brainpower every day. It is what separates us from lesser creatures. In fact, individuals who don't expend any end up getting bored/clinically depressed or get serious debilitating mental illnesses because it is abnormal for humans to "simply turn their brains off".
So yes, even no-lives who play video games all day want to expend mental energy. Except, of course they have no ambition to do anything meaningful in their lives, so the next best alternative is to play hard mode on some useless game which acts as a surrogate for using their brainpower on something useful.
Am systems engineer, can confirm I love the grind at city/factory builders but if the work day was rough, I wanna play dumb shit where I turn my brain off a little. No Oxygen Not Included or Factorio, at least rimworld or simpler
Most animals do seek stimuli (when their needs are somewhat met) even if it's something like reptiles/unguates throwing stuff around, Hell even bees show some type of play behavior
Yeah I used to have pet cats and dogs, they get depressed if they aren't playing or doing something engaging.
I heard for cats some owners will hide treats/food around their house so that it keeps them active and stimulates their drive to hunt for their own food.
Id go as far as to say people want to feel special or unique in some way to say they have value, but when you can't get that from your job or relationships you try to get it from some niche activity that you can better tolerate that is less anxiety inducing for you to partake in.
In short, the people who boast about their gaming achievements are cowards irl and talk about it for an ego boost.
I've seen both sides of this coin. Some games like Clockwork Knight give you the true final boss with the true ending and cliffhanger if you beat it on hard.
Other games like the original version of Killing Time on 3DO seem to flat out remove levels and turn the game into a corner-peeking shotgun simulator. Which even then, certain enemies have way too many invincibility frames. Even if you sneak up on those duck hunters, you can't actually damage them unless they're facing you and are on certain frames.
I once played the original version of Killing Time for 3DO on hard and assumed that certain levels are only accessible later on. Turns out that wasn't the case. Hard mode literally skips those levels entirely by removing keys. (Either that or they're super well hidden) So not only does the game become a wall peeking shotgun simulator, but you're also likely missing out on content in the process. Making the game arguably worse.
I could easily play games on hard or expert first playthrough, but it also means abusing game mechanics to its full extent. Normal is a better balance of it being hard enough that I can actually die if Im not trying, but easy enough so I can try pull off cool ass cinematic looking shit.
i play on normal because im an enlightened centrist
"Highiest difficulty is best" mfs when when enemies just become bullet sponges
You don't understand!! You HAVE to grind levels for 10 hours to be able to beat this boss and immediately get your ass kicked by a normal enemy 10 minutes later!
That's the fun!!!!!
You wouldn't get it....
This is my thought process. There are some games where higher difficulty modifies elements of the game to present a more challenging, rewarding experience, and then there are others where the devs just say “alright crank up everyones hp 300% and make them deal twice as much damage” without presenting any real changes of substance
On one hand I agree but on the other hand if you play some games on the lowest difficulty you won't even have to learn the games mechanics to win and you can play in a boring uninteresting way whereas on a harder difficulty you are forced to use all of the mechanics. For example, Doom Eternal
Why would a dev gate keep game design behind high difficulty? High difficulty literally excluded like 85%+ of your audience. Just give the pain pigs some stat mods/increased numbers and let everyone else play the game.
True, in Metro 2033 and Last Light, games which are about surviving in the metro of a dystopian Moscow full of mutants and dangerous underground human organizations, if you set it to the hardest difficulties the opposition doesn’t get any buffs. Instead, the game makes finding the very resources to survive scarce so that every bullet you use, every air filter you breathe with, every stim you recover health with have to count or you’re shit out of luck. On top of that, there are zero HUD and zero hints.
This is the answer for shooters imo. Don’t just buff the shit out of enemies, instead limit the player’s resources and abilities to force them to make use of novel strategies
would be interesting to see games where the ai just get smarter. or maybe just more human-like. some of them will camp in dirty spots. others will try to flank you. but the low rank enemies might just bum rush you being the noobs they are.
Alien: Isolation comes to mind. They recommend playing on Hard
Half life tried to do something like this 20 years ago and not many have tried since
I prefer Metro Exodus, where you start as a transgender Russian and the entire game is spent trying to avoid killing yourself with a pea shooter.
Of course what you've described is almost no different than the challenge added by beating a Souls game at level 1 where you spend 150 hours doing a roll and poke attack over and over against a boss with health and damage increases simulated by your character's own lack of them. But the people who repeat this rhetoric about stat-based difficulty increases being worthless and tedious also tend to circlejerk to hell and back about that shit.
In a true RPG though if you just scale the shit out of enemy health and damage and nothing else it can still alone drastically change the nature of the encounter. Look no further than DQXI for the perfect example, its hard mode completely transforms all aspects of the gameplay and is the key to bringing the game fully to life IMO.
I'd say that sl1 runs can actually be sometimes more fun than the regular runs, at least in ds3. Damage still scales because you are allowed to upgrade your weapon, although there's only 1 good weapon that has fitting requirements for those runs (Broadsword).
For one, I found myself using more consumables, parrying, rushing to bosses, and nearly dying in one hit. All of this, of course, can be done in regular playthroughs, but once the limitations are off I find myself trying to minmax the victory. In sl1 you have to minmax it in its own way, but it will still be hard. Not 150 hours hard however, my ds3 run took me 25 hours, which was 3 times less than my first playthrough. The damage done to bosses was quite good, the main difficulty stemmed from most bosses giving you only 2 chances, with some attacks or combos giving you 1.
My point is, I didn't feel that much sponginess in enemies or bosses, only fragility in ME
This really feels like a strawman to me. SL1 runs are definitely “cool” but I’ve literally never seen someone say “you need to do an SL1 on your first playthrough or you aren’t a real gamer”.
I agree with you r.e. DQ11. I have a lot more tolerance for stat-scalling in jrpgs than in say something like a shooter. In turn-based, tactical rpgs it can definitely lead to more in depth game play as you’re forced to thoroughly understand all of the games systems, while in action heavy games I feel like you end up just constantly kiting enemies because taking a single hit is likely to lead to death
Yeah, in shooters you gotta do the full Ninja Gaiden and actually change up the enemy comps for it to be good. Stats are secondary in action games.
I play on "normal" because i delude myself into thinking that i am normal as well.
It helps maintain the illusion.
Based and schizopilled
(I am the same)
Dark Souls 2 fans when the expansion just doubles the amount of enemies and bullshit as a form of difficulty, and they pretend it’s good
Yeah I know coding AI is hard but games that equate “more damage/health to enemies = harder” suck ass
I thought there was a legitimate reason to play Total War on legendary until I realized the only difference was that the AI just got more money. How that’s supposed to be fun I don’t know.
In total war games I usually play on hardest campaign difficulty and second for battle difficulty.
I think it is more fun when the enemy has more money because they tend to not make good armies and they leave their land unprotected because they are dumb, but with more money they can at least make a decent horde for me to slay.
Highest battle difficulty makes your soldiers have less moral.
Who wants to play as the commander of the Roman yellow belly coward brigade?
I used to be one of those "Highest difficulty is best" mfs. Until Borderlands 3 on the highest Mayhem difficulty changed that. Not only do enemies become the epitome of bullet sponges at that point and occasionally become invincible, but even if you get the loot you want, it just makes regular hard mode way too easy. They also have this extremely annoying attack I call the "spirit bomb" which is this slow moving purple orb that chases you. I can't tell if shooting it weakens it, but if it touches you, you're dead. So on top of having to wait for the anointed enemy's invince phase to wear off, now I have to fall back whenever he shoots one of these.
Difficulty settings: “short, medium, long”
That's on the developer
Playing on the highest difficulty first is just asking for yourself to have a bad time with a good game.
I used to do this and Persona 5 was just annoying on hard mode. Also I realized I was playing an anime game so I stopped.
NieR Automata was great on hard mode and I didn't regret starting it that way.
P5R on Merciless is pretty interesting. The damage for hitting weaknesses/crits/technicals is ramped up 300%, but applies to both you and enemies.
Can end up causing big tempo changes in battle when these happen, but it’s not just a slog since you can dish it out too!
They are both anime games and both are piss easy on "hard" mode.
If you aren’t used to persona/smt systems you will get your ass kicked on hard. As for Nier hard makes you get two shot and tutorial has no savepoint so it will just make most people ragequit on it.
Perhaps, the game is long enough for you to learn its mechanics well so it will become easy sooner or later.
I'd agree that the tutorial in Nier is actually hard but afterwards you can have so many healing items that it doesn't matter if you get two shot really. Just heal in the pause menu after every hit. I found Nier Replicant to be more fun just because it has an actual (generous enough) limit on the healing items you can carry.
But that is also an anime game
I started Bioshock Infinite 10 years ago on the highest difficulty available, because the description said “For players with a lot of shooter experience”, which I considered myself to be. It was ass and really frustrating, so I stopped playing.
Just a couple of years ago, I gave it another shot on normal and it turned out to be an incredible game which would have been a shame to miss.
Lesson learned: Just try harder on hard mode.
You're contradicting yourself and making no sense
It was sarcasm or a joke...
Ahh shhhyyyt
If you have zero coordination
You can have good coordination but familiarity with the game and it's mechanics is what counts most of all.
I play on the one that says "recommended for first playthroughs"
In space marine 2 that was "hard" mode, in Baldurs Gate it was Medium.
I like games without difficulty settings. I think they're lazy. The FromSoft guys are consistently able to deliver tough but mostly fair and balanced challenges without having to resort to difficulty settings.
It won't increase my enjoyment of a game to crank up the difficulty settings to the point where every enemy can tank five bullets to the dome before keeling over. If there are settings, I go with whatever's pre-selected, which I assume to be the intended experience. If that makes the game a cakewalk wherein the main character can soak up bullets for days and the enemies fall over in a stiff breeze, so be it.
[Shadow Warrior 2's easiest difficulty description says it best.](
These are people to whom the phrase "turn off my brain" is appealing and relaxing
Hey on that note you guys ever wonder if the reason so many fat people are also stupid is just because the lower brain activity means the brain is consuming significantly less of the body's sugar/energy and thus building up an excess much more easily?
A lot of these people who are "turning off their brain" are coming home after a long day of school or work and just want to enjoy themselves, relax, and decompress.
As in, they've already done some kind of mentally or physically draining task through the course of the day and just want to chill.
Based on your comment, I can only assume you haven't worked a day in your life/are a NEET/have a day-to-day life that is so free of mental effort that your brain craves the intellectual stimulation that you are refusing to provide it in any form other than "super difficult video games".
Whether I'm working or NEETing it up off my accumulated savings, I can assure you I've never once turned my brain off. Maybe that's why I don't always gotta work eh
Yeah accumulated savings in WoW probably.
But anyways, the fact that you don't have to turn your brain off tells me that it wasn't ever really being utilized much to begin with.
But I've got great news for you, I hear that unused brains go for exorbitant prices on the market. Just some food for thought if you're thinking about selling.
Hot tip: live with your parents while you're working, then NEET it up at your own place, way more fun
The real unpleasant question you might have to ask yourself is how much of your brain do you actually own? How much of it is being used to someone else's ends? Anybody got a lease on your brain right now? At any rate I'm not looking to buy real estate in there so might I advise you consider fucking off to any other location in existence
I'm making six figures as a practicing physician, feeling satisfied that I'm also helping people improve their lives, and fucking off to many different locations around the world in my free time.
Matter of fact, I just came back four weeks ago from an impromptu trip to Japan I booked like two months ago. I got to see those cartoon titties you're beating your dick purple to in your mom's attic in real life.
All of this to say, I'd say I've got full ownership on my brain. Your broke ass probably couldn't afford any space in there anyways.
The fact that you have to launch into a tirade on a 4chan subreddit in defense of the benefits of turning one's brain off makes me think maybe there are a few omissions in this fantastic success story of yours. Is this the only place for you to flex all the things you've accumulated in real life? One of the few places where none of it matters?
The reason I went into this "tirade" is because I've seen many midwits similar to you in my life, smack-dab at the peak of the Dunning-Kruger curve who think they are smarter than everyone ("I never turn off my brain!") because they are blissfully unaware of their own stupidity.
In fact, I've seen patients in clinic who will come in with printouts of random-ass studies that they themselves do not understand and then tell me I'm wrong when they haven't finished a single year of post-graduate education.
I share this story because I assume they must be very "well-regarded" individuals like yourself.
Either way, glad we could have this conversation, and I could do my community service for the day.
The picture is coming together, you have unresolved bitterness about frying your brain in long study sessions of high-stress information retention but feel like you're not receiving proper acknowledgement for your efforts, and resent others who have not had to work as hard as you. Also you may harbor secret feelings of frustration over how much you suck at video games, which is probably the funniest part of the whole thing. GIVE IT UP DOC GO HOME AND BE A FAMILY MAN
Lmao you can't make this up. Of course the pursuit of knowledge would sound more like a chore than an enjoyable activity to someone as lazy and indolent as you.
When it's time for me to die, I'll feel confident that I strived to improve myself and actually did something for someone in the world. Can you say the same from your mom's basement?
Really though, what is honestly the most depressing part of this interaction to me is that you act as though being good at video games is some sort of "gotcha" and meaningful achievement.
Great going bud, hope mom can put that victory royale on the refrigerator (or whatever you regarded zoomers play nowadays) right before she goes back to her room and cries about how much of a wasted existence you amounted to.
I highly doubt that you have graduated to this second step. Unless you mean like working for a WoW guild and then starting your own guild, in which case great job champ!
I highly doubt that you have graduated to this second step. Unless you mean like working for a WoW guild and then starting your own guild, in which case great job champ!
I'm making six figures as a practicing physician, feeling satisfied that I'm also helping people improve their lives, and fucking off to many different locations around the world in my free time.
Matter of fact, I just came back four weeks ago from an impromptu trip to Japan I booked like two months ago. I got to see those cartoon titties you're beating your dick purple to in your mom's attic in real life.
All of this to say, I'd say I've got full ownership on my brain. Your broke ass probably couldn't afford any space in there anyways.
That’s special needs of you
Don’t get me wrong I think it’s mean to be mean to fat people unless they are on Reddit but that’s incredibly rarted
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Me when i play the game the way the devs intended me to:
(By having fun)
The only game I like playing on the highest difficulty is splinter cell. Just makes enemies detect you more easily so you have to get better at stealth.
Adults: You guys play video games?
more like "hey you watch the game last night?"
"how are you? good? yeah i'm good thanks"
I used to be anon 1 back in school, because I had nothing else to do.
Now as an adult, I have become anon 2, because I don’t want to spend the few hours of gaming I rarely get fighting the same boss over and over or making minimal progress.
The only game in which I enjoyed a high difficulty was cuphead because a higher difficulty doesn't mean more boss health or damage but more complicated boss patterns.
I love this argument because every single person who says you have to play games on the hardest difficulty is a mouthbreather in real life with no ambition. I've never heard this from anyone with a successful career and/or a loving family.... which is what most people recognize is a successful life.
Then when you tell "play it on hard" chuds to work hard and play life on hard they take another cope toke.
Play what's fun. Sometimes it's the hardest difficulty. Sometimes its normal.
Otherwise cope seethe and dialate.
Lmao fr, some of the smartest people I know (lawyers, doctors, engineers) watch/play the most braindead degenerate stuff because their jobs/daily lives require so much complex thinking that the last thing they want to do is go home and do another task that requires brainpower.
My theory (as I replied to another mentally deficient individual in this thread) is that all humans by nature want to expend brainpower every day. It is what separates us from lesser creatures. In fact, individuals who don't expend any end up getting bored/clinically depressed or get serious debilitating mental illnesses because it is abnormal for humans to "simply turn their brains off".
So yes, even no-lives who play video games all day want to expend mental energy. Except, of course they have no ambition to do anything meaningful in their lives, so the next best alternative is to play hard mode on some useless game which acts as a surrogate for using their brainpower on something useful.
Am systems engineer, can confirm I love the grind at city/factory builders but if the work day was rough, I wanna play dumb shit where I turn my brain off a little. No Oxygen Not Included or Factorio, at least rimworld or simpler
Most animals do seek stimuli (when their needs are somewhat met) even if it's something like reptiles/unguates throwing stuff around, Hell even bees show some type of play behavior
Yeah I used to have pet cats and dogs, they get depressed if they aren't playing or doing something engaging.
I heard for cats some owners will hide treats/food around their house so that it keeps them active and stimulates their drive to hunt for their own food.
Id go as far as to say people want to feel special or unique in some way to say they have value, but when you can't get that from your job or relationships you try to get it from some niche activity that you can better tolerate that is less anxiety inducing for you to partake in.
In short, the people who boast about their gaming achievements are cowards irl and talk about it for an ego boost.
I've been playing the Yakuza/LAD series, and if I wasn't playing on easy I would have given up.
I've seen both sides of this coin. Some games like Clockwork Knight give you the true final boss with the true ending and cliffhanger if you beat it on hard.
Other games like the original version of Killing Time on 3DO seem to flat out remove levels and turn the game into a corner-peeking shotgun simulator. Which even then, certain enemies have way too many invincibility frames. Even if you sneak up on those duck hunters, you can't actually damage them unless they're facing you and are on certain frames.
I once played the original version of Killing Time for 3DO on hard and assumed that certain levels are only accessible later on. Turns out that wasn't the case. Hard mode literally skips those levels entirely by removing keys. (Either that or they're super well hidden) So not only does the game become a wall peeking shotgun simulator, but you're also likely missing out on content in the process. Making the game arguably worse.
I could easily play games on hard or expert first playthrough, but it also means abusing game mechanics to its full extent. Normal is a better balance of it being hard enough that I can actually die if Im not trying, but easy enough so I can try pull off cool ass cinematic looking shit.
Thats the perfect balance imo
"I make my children's entertainment more difficult in order to trick my brain into thinking I've done something valuable" headass