Anons debate sticking their dicks in crazy
Posted by cope-seeethe-dilate@reddit | 4chan | View on Reddit | 24 comments

Posted by cope-seeethe-dilate@reddit | 4chan | View on Reddit | 24 comments
we played farkle together and told stories. nobody was even feeling that horny imo
I work in a hospital with a large psyc unit. It is not gender segregated. They absolutely fuck, all the time. Sometimes, the hospital has had to pay for an abortion. This shit is kept quiet.
Honestly, after a decade in a large hospital, I have learned that everyone is fucking eachother at all times there, except me.
Got any stories that might amuse us?
Sure, I'll give you 2.
1.) A patient was in the psyc ward to avoid more serious charges for repetitive instances of public masterbation. He was doing well. So naturally, they admitted a schizophrenic cam girl onto the same unit who started walking around naked. Dude walks out of his room, sees her naked, goes into his room, and immediately jerks it.
2.) A large white man would go around the ward spouting racial slurs and other obscenities about african americans. Naturally, the foreign tiny 5-foot black girl would try to beat his ass with anything she could get her hands on. At night, she would sneak into his room to try to beat him. This always resulted in them having sex. She got pregnant. Families of both were furious. The hospital got sued.
Holy hell. I bet you could fill a book with these. Thanks for the reply! Cant imagine working there without having a deep dark sense of Humor that gets you through the day.
Oh, the dark humor is bad, especially when you're around new people who haven't been beaten down yet, and they are (rightfully) appalled by it.
Good username, don't think it will last long
I have too much Karma for them to ban me though. Reddit points equal importance init
cope-seeethe-dilate@reddit (OP)
Permaban speedrun any%
Or shadowban. Basically a ban but also wastes your time
cope-seeethe-dilate@reddit (OP)
All that precious time I could've spent dilating, smh
You forgot to also put "clitty leakage" in your user too
I choose to believe you are all bots in my personal shadow ban hell
Without love, it cannot be seen.
I don’t get it. What’s wrong with the word dilate?
how the fuck a girl get ED? they don't got no fuckin dongs
Eating disorder not erectile dysfunction
ew gross i'm not into fatties
futa cock women not normal girls
Can't even exercise lmao? Anyway idk about the hotness. First off you're assuming the ED is underweight
Women who eat too much don’t get sent to psych wards they get jobs as pl
The acid damage and grizzled voice from the vomiting really adds to the hotness of ED girls. How do you stop them from exercising though? Constant observation?
Stephanie, stop doing jumping jacks or you’ll get the butt juice