Bird Flu Is One Step Closer to Mixing with Seasonal Flu Virus and Becoming a Pandemic
Posted by metalreflectslime@reddit | PrepperIntel | View on Reddit | 76 comments
Great. And half of Americans are conditioned to ignore health advice from medical experts.
A stunning work of disinformation.
I don’t know why your post is getting downvoted, but this is something this subreddit should keep a close eye on.
This sub is getting old weird. Lots of denial and anti-science sentiment.
People think if they down vote facts suddenly they are no longer true.
Tell that to electrons
Are these facts distributed by a platform owned by some billionaire?
I’m not a billionaire but work in mining in Australia where the climate dictates how much we can work and process. It’s changing. Get over it your discomfort and do something.
I have seen mountains of coal leaving Australian ports on cargo ships. Truly depressing.
I don’t work in coal but you can’t make a solar panel without steel and that includes met coal. Australia produces met coal that the world needs.
Changing? Don't we need affordable electric cars and solar panels to help the climate? Why are there 100% tariffs on them now in most countries?
There is global warming as long as it doesn't affect a billionaire, then it is cancelled, does not exist
We don't need any of the stuff because it's too late.
I took global warming as a class in college and that's pretty much what we learned
So it fully exists. You agree with the science. Now shh.
... Scientific American?
Owned by? The Holtzbrinck Family , a guy and his family, the rest are employees following orders: yes sir, ok sir
Wish mfs would view the climate crisis with this level of dispassionate respect.
Some of us do
The neo lib shills have been strong for awhile now. They don’t want anything that could negatively position the actions of the current administration.
I'm sorry but remind me which states are refusing to report. Texas, Iowa, and other red states have refused CDC help and are not requiring testing. Side note if we have another pandemic feel like it will be a lot of dead trump supporters as they have gone wholy into the anti vax side of things. Also they don't believe the CDC or any scientific publication with at least a grain of salt. Ugh I would hate to see the body count if this turns into a pandemic.
If trump wins we won't have a CDC anymore
Well sure. No CDC, no pandemic. Right? /s
Like then or hate them they do there job. Not having a CDC terrifies me and hello Spanish flu outbreak 2.0
Wasn’t MAGA the ones that actually denied the occurrence of covid back in 2020?
Trump said it came from a Wuhan lab and no one believed him:
It was true:
I am still furious that our tax dollars were illegally funneled into gain of function research that ended up causing the pandemic.
He also suggested IV bleach and I’ve light
Don't forget to drink your daily bleach.
He also said it was a couple cases and would be gone by Easter lol
Every. Single. Time
It's only a pandemic if it's killing people. We all have substantial immunity and very few people even notice they're sick.
This is, by far, the most inaccurate, nonfactual take I’ve seen in a long time.
I upvoted, ans I don’t even care of it takes humans out, I am worried about cats
I want to downvote it, not going to lie.
Bird Flu can walk!
Better suspend the constitution and bill or rights - and put us all in house arrest ASAP! Maybe make us take some untested medicine and fire and demonize those who won't - seems like the best we can do..
Ok Faucci. Enough of your fear mongering. I am not falling for this bullshit again.
They’re hoping
Welp, as a travel nurse.....dusting off my equipment again to deploy whenever this kicks off......
I was a dumbass and stayed staff.
Not this time fuckers. Merc life best life.
Get that money, but not too much. I just recently learned that travel nurses get overworked even more than permanent staff.
Yeah, it's no secret we get relegated. I have a reasonably cushy staff job right now and so I'm just biding my time until the next pandemic. COVID was bad but I got through it, so mentally and physically, I think I have it in me to weather one more public health calamity before I call it quits, especially if rates are going to go back to 4, 5, even 6k a week. I doubt it will get that high, but who knows what will happen.
Oh no they are mixing it in a lab to ~~release~~ study it aren't they?
Don't be silly. A bird with bird flu kissed a pig with influenza and then the bird fell into a hot dog stand right across the bird flu lab.
Let’s hope so!
Being mixed to achieve that outcome more than likely.
Covid was just an accident RIGHT?
The Shell Games are a way to hide what they are doing and what they have been doing.
N. S
wow, exactly in time after the us elections
What are you implying?
Probably that’s is some conspiracy.
While conveniently ignoring the fact that flu season is in the winter or that we’ve been watching this thing for the past 2 years and it’s steadily been spreading from wildlife to farms.
So if you ignore that the facts and just feel the vibe, of course it seems sus.
To give conspiracists some credit, the national security front does consider agriculture a weak chain.
There’s countless studies and case examples with real world examples on how easy it is to exploit that. Interesting rabbit hole I went down with an FBI professor not too long ago.
Completely preventable if we just stop eating pork and chicken for a while
Two weeks? Flatten the curve? Is this a flatten the curve joke I honestly can't tell anymore haha
It was both a joke and kinda truthful I guess. Like Covid could have been dramatically slowed down if everyone simply stood in place away from each other for about a month lol 😂
But my haaaircuuuuuts
Lol, sure it would have.
U want me to stop eating sausages, and shawarma. Good luck
Go social distance yourself in your room. And do your part to stop the spread.
Check CIDRAP. No guarantee pig actually positive. Could be just in nasal passages they have seen that before.
Why the downvotes? It’s true and CIDRAP is top notch. Go read their latest article.
If trump wins.. they will make sure it is the next pandemic. The pleabs must pay for not picking who they wanted.
Yup. Stock up on your TP and bunker down compadres
Lol. We gonna do 6 feet distancing thing again?
This is true, but it's important to contextualize it by saying that at this point, we can't tell if the virus that infected this one pig has any means to spread to any other pigs, or if the same step, the same fluke, has to occur again organically for us to remain "one step closer."
Watch out for the "we're f-cked we are all going to die" commenters on the thread. They are like a bad fungus, don't listen to 'em.
This could blow up, you should be prepared (really I think we all should always be), but we're not necessarily at any significantly more serious stage now than we were before the pig got sick. We're gonna get more info in the coming days and weeks. It's hard not to know, but we don't know. In these cases, it's best not to panic and to wait for more information.
Glad state fair 4H booth season is over in our area.
Something to keep in mind is that there are no publicly listed H5N1 testing of pigs prior to this week. It’s not just “a pig got sick”, it’s that one of the first pigs to be tested was positive.
We have no idea the actual scope of how far this has impacted domestic swine populations.
This is noted to be the FIRST swine case. No one wants this decimating the hog population, no one is hiding positives. This was a backyard operation and doesn't have the same in's and outs as for profit farms, which is good. They are working on full sequencing now, and assumptions are just not great or helpful in any way. I don't feel that catastrophizing before there's a catastrophe has a positive effect on public response to potential health crises. We don't need to cry wolf. If this is going to be catastrophic, there will be much surer signs than this.
I fully understand what the fears are. Again, I know it's not fun not to know, but we don't know yet. We have to wait.
Thanks for being an informed voice of reason. I have also been keeping tabs on this. While this latest development may mean we are one step closer, as you say there are a few more hurdles left and more context and nuance to the story than the headline conveys.
Also worth mentioning: three H5N1 vaccines have already been developed and approved in the US.
Thankfully we are not dealing with a total novel (never seen before) virus. And we are aware and tracking it unlike SARS CoV2 that popped up out of the blue already having human to human transmission. We kinda see this thing coming from miles away.
Absolutely agree.
Of course
As opposed to the last times pigs were infected with bird flu?
You mean H1N1?
Of course it is. FML
Lot of reasons not to freak out just yet. Don't just go off the headline here.
Just being facetious but thanks.