🇺🇦🇵🇱 Poland has requested U.S. permission to shoot down Russian missiles over Ukraine. It’s time that we let them.
Posted by ArtisanalDickCheeses@reddit | PrepperIntel | View on Reddit | 118 comments
full on march to WW3 because the people in charge don't care how many people die.
New World Order globalists in full control... God help us all.
Because Poland wants to protect Ukrainian civilians?
Since when is the Polish government responsible for or accountable to Ukrainians?
That is not the actual limitation for protecting someone.
Governments shouldn’t prioritize people in other countries under any circumstances, ever, without the full consent of their own people.
I wonder how many Poles would love to start a 3rd world war if you polled them
So because not all Americans wanted to help defeat Hitler we should have let him rule Europe. You're silly.
That's very broad. So for example you feel that an ambassador from the usa working in another country should run over non-usa citizens in an attempt to prioritize their work efficiency by reducing travel time.
How is Poland protecting its own airspace and territory doing that?
Russian weapons have it neighboring countries before.
Ukrainian airspace belongs to Poland now?
Ukraine has said it's fine with Poland taking this measure.
Yes if your missile is launching through my neighbors airspace at me. If my neighbor says I can nock it down. That is fine lmao.
Well if the missile is going over Poland itself that's different and I take back what I said.
Typical troll
How am I being a troll?
If someone launches missile strikes at isreal we knock them down.
I assume if someone tried to bomb near the border in Mexico or Canada we would do the same.
Why should Poland have to tolerate attacks on its neighbors land that also risks polish territory?
What the hell does the globalists have to do with Poland wanting to protect its airspace from Russian missiles? not that it matters anyway, because I don’t think the Biden admin is going to give them permission for at this close to elections but maybe they could after
people downvote you because they can’t bother to pick up a book on WW1 or WW2. global reset inbound !
Pretty clear that the usa not getting into ww11 didn't stop ww11 from happening. It's the same for a lot of countries.
That’s pathetic that countries in Europe have to ask US permission to shoot at Russian missiles that are invading their airspace. Absolutely no autonomy. Who the fuck does US think we are? I’m American and outraged.
They don’t have to ask permission for their airspace. But they do have to ask to use them over Ukraine as that is considered an offensive action. All western nations work along the same lines with weapons deals. You want to buy advanced weapons systems ok, but you can only use them in defense. You want to use them offensively you have to ask us. It’s a roundabout way to add some checks by the US from arming nations for them to just turn around and start a war. Especially if we are allied and are expected to jump in with them.
I wouldn’t call it offensive, it’s more of a proactive defense. It’s a way for us to put handcuffs on them. Imagine buying an AR15 and then having to go ask the manufacturer to go use it.
It’s not an equivalent comparison, nor is it relevant. Having terms of use on advanced military weapons is the norm across the world.
You can call it whatever you like but it only matters what it’s called under the agreement between the US and Poland.
It’s the same shit US pulled with British Storm shadow missiles. Some irrelevant component was made in the US and weak Joe Biden vetoed British right to allow them to be used on russian territory. Imagine if Taiwan said to US, you can’t use tomahawk on Iraq because it contains an advanced chip made by TSMC.
it’s time we…. stopped a major world war
By giving in to the territorial aspirations of a dictator.
Well said Mr. Chamberlain. Peace in our time.
WW2 was fought before nukes.
WW3 would be a nuclear war that would wipe out most of human civilization.
So just let Russia invade all of Europe in order to not let nuclear war happen?
LMAO, Russia can't even get both feet into Ukraine and they're the poorest European country and they share a border with Russia. If it's not going well now, how can you possibly think they would escalate it to Poland or another European country for that matter? Are the Russians hiding their real fighting forces for the rest of Europe? Why is North Korea helping them, don't you find that weird? It's almost as if they lack the capabilities and resources to go further than where they're currently at, almost 3 years into a war...
Just another sockpuppet shilling for the military industrial complex and trying to scare people into trying to increase this conflict.
And how would Russia be doing right now, if more than half of NATO hadn’t sent equipment to Ukraine at this point?
Yeah, fuck Europe. If you believe so strongly it must be defended go join the Ukrainian foreign legion and actually walk the walk.
I’m currently active duty in the us military. 🖕 and we don’t believe in abandoning our friends who’ve we’ve spent over 100 years fighting tyranny with. Nor do we let dictators threaten the peaceful peoples of the earth.
bro you’re the actual best people on earth, don’t die in a banker war like all the rest
lol so again I ask, why are you here whining on Reddit and not in Ukraine fighting these mortal enemies you claim to be such an existential threat?
because he’s active duty military in the US, and leaving would be AWOL. Are you drunk or somthing?
And we also have nato articles we are fringing. Team america can't be world police for fear of escalation. They are not our allies but friends and that line is sadly politically difficult. You also have a habit of destroying democracies when they don't align to your hegemony.
Read the requirements of joining the international legion before running your mouth about it
ArtisanalDickCheeses@reddit (OP)
To whom are you speaking to? Voices in your head?
lmao fr
why was britain supplying hitler with the literal oil used to bomb britain?
ArtisanalDickCheeses@reddit (OP)
Aye, fight and you may die. Run and you’ll live, at least a while. And dying in your beds many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that for one chance, just one chance to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they’ll never take our freedom!
Not wanting a world war = bot? Are you sure?
If you had any historical understanding of why appeasing putin is the exact wrong thing to do, you wouldn't be advocating to appease him.
When someone throws a bottle at you, youre not the one that's supposed to apologize. Your the one that's supposed squash the coward who threw the bottle.
Yeah the end of the world sounds awesome ; fuck Poland
russia started this war.
Cool , now why should the world end over Ukraine? Cause a war with NATO would end the world
Why are you so scared of russias threats?
They've threatened to nuke us practically weekly for nearly 3 years now.
They’re not threats. It’s reality. Russia has a nuclear doctrine just like we do. I don’t live in fear of nuclear war. I pray my leaders are smart enough to avoid it. And Poland itching for a fight Russia is fine, if they limit it to their people, but if they want to drag in the US , then fuck them.
In 2015 Turkey shot down a russian aircraft that violated their airspace, Russia didn't do a damn thing about it.
In 2018 US forces annihilated hundreds of wagner mercs, Russian didn't do a damn thing about it.
Putin and Russia have laid out dozens of "nuclear red lines" we've crossed the vast majority of them.
Weapons in general, F-16s, HIMARS, long range weapons, Patriot, storm shadows, the list goes on.
He hasn't done a goddamn thing about it except kill more Ukrainian civilians.
Wow seems like Russia has been extremely patient and not a rogue belligerent state NATO has accused it of being.
Ukraine is an existential threat to Russia. That is the path it has been invaded through multiple times. If the US was being attacked through Mexico or Canada in an existential manner, I’d be very confident they’d use their nukes.
What nonsense, I’m sorry but you just don’t get to invade and take over a sovereign nation just because 80 years in the past a country west of Ukraine invaded Russia through it. Sorry it’s just not a reasonable or valid excuse. It’s also an outdated premises, in modern warfare, it does absolutely nothing to further protect Russia to have Ukraines land, western militaries can strike anywhere in Russia and never set foot in Ukraine. What a ridiculously stupid plan, oh I want to have some buffer land to protect from a possible future invasion from the west that i am in absolutely no risk of. So I will invade Ukraine turning the entire West against me, make another two countries on my border join NATO, deplete my military, drain my wealth fund, make my currency worthless and interest rates at 22%. Way to manifest destiny over there Putin.
Nah man, this war is nothing but a grab for the vast oil and gas reserves found in eastern Ukraine in 2012. That is the only real existential threat, that Ukraine would be able to supply all of Europes needs and Russia would no longer have any influence.
Say that to the 12,000 dead Ukrainian civilians.
Or the millions of Ukrainians that have to deal with daily air raid sirens.
Or the tens if not hundreds of thousands who are displaced, or have lost their families, their businesses, or livelihoods.
Ukraine never threatened to invade Russia, nor did any NATO member.
If NATO expansion was such a big deal for russia why did they not stop Finland from joining NATO?
The US instigated a coup in 2014. It has been proven and documented. The CIA had bases all along Russians eastern border in Ukraine. You think the west putting missile systems within striking range of Moscow isn’t an existential theat and extremely provocative?
The Euromaidan began in response to President Yanukovych's decision not to sign a political association and free trade agreement with the European Union, instead choosing closer ties to Russia. (Why do you think he fled to Russia..?)
Ukrainian parliament overwhelmingly voted to approve the agreement, russia pressured Yanukovych to reject. The opposite of what the Ukrainian people voted for.
22 February 2014, the Ukrainian parliament voted to remove Yanukovych from office by 328 to 0 (about 73% of the parliament's 450 members). Yanukovych claimed this vote was illegal and asked Russia for help. Russian propaganda described the events as a "coup".
Now Finland doubled the border between russia and NATO, almost immediately allowed our ISR aircraft to fly in their airspace.
Kind of like Russia staging nuclear weapons in Belarus?
Why'd you reply with a russian propaganda talking point and then block me?
Yanukovych's decision not to sign a political association and free trade agreement with the European Union (EU), instead choosing closer ties to Russia.
Why do you think he fled to Russia?
If NATO expansion is such a big deal for russia why did they not stop Finland from joining? Why did they not invade Finland like they did Ukraine?
No, the United States did expanding NATO east and overthrowing the democratically elected government in Ukraine in 2014. Nice try though!
I think we need a moderator in here, the Bots will go crazy on this post.
Remember, this is a prepping subreddit, not r/politics
Tell that to everyother thread posted to this sub. More often than not, its thinly veiled politics and nothing of actual substance.
I don’t think everybody in the comment is a bot I think they’re just divided. On this topic. While on one hand, a lot of people would like Poland to be able to protect their skies others are not too fond of the idea of US made weapons engaging Russian missiles over Ukraine Poland has asked permission before and NATO has denied it and I wouldn’t be surprised if it gets denied again but I could be wrong
The time for that was 3 years ago. The start of this war was the only time it was feasible to involve ourselves and call Russia's bluff. At this point, the war is a lost cause, and involving ourselves more than we already are isn't going to help anybody.
Ok Ivan.
I'm literally in New Zealand lol
Except Putin. Slava ukraini.
What do you think the west could feasibly do now to change the war?
I don't mean physically, mind you. I mean feasibly as in considering the political will. Do you actually think that the average American would support joining WW3? Of course not.
The only options available to the west are a quick defeat or a slow one.
No, not it fucking is not time we let them. Poland has been chomping at the bit to enter this war and drag the world into a nuclear conflict because they feel tough with NATO backing now that they can exact revenge on Russia for the 2nd world war.
Not that Poland isn’t a tough country, they’re the largest land army in Europe bar Russia. But they need to remember they live on a completely flat indefensible piece of land which is why they’ve been carved out of existence by other powers multiple times.
If Poland wants to bring war to their country they should be Free to do so. Just not with the protection of Article V.
I don’t think you understand how article five works at all. It’s not automatically invoked anytime a member takes military action. It has to be requested by a member who has their territory attacked. Poland shooting down missiles over Ukraine won’t invoke anything. Russia would have to directly attack Poland’s territory and then Poland ask to have it invoked.
You also really overestimate Russia if you believe they could invade Poland while at war and unable to defeat Ukraine who has a smaller and less equipped military than Poland. This isn’t WW2 being a flat open country matters little anymore. All of eastern Ukraine where the war is being fought is very similar terrain.
Poland can shoot down missiles and Putin will do fuck all about it, because there is nothing he can do about it.
Shut up rusbot
Shut up why because I don’t want a 3rd world war fought over an insignificant and irrelevant country?
based take, good work
Let’s fucking end Putin already
What's stopping you from enlisting?
Hes a fat reddit neckbeard who couldn't pass a physical for one
Why would the US need to be involved in the decision making?
ArtisanalDickCheeses@reddit (OP)
They're using US-made weapons.
Imagine here in good old USA. If you own a gun and want to fire it, you'll have to get permission from the gun manufacturer. Bet all the 2nd amendment gun lovers will have a fit.
They don't care about the "guns" they bought yesterday.
They care about the guns they want to buy tomorrow.
Nato? 🤷♂️
It's time we get the fuck out of NATO.
No, it's time for NATO to be FULLY engaged. End this bs.
It will end with nuclear war. Why is ibeef between Ukraine and Russia any of our business? Be my guest, send your kids over there first!
When has appeasement ever worked?
If we don’t do something soon, it will be ALL of our kids in the fight later
When Russia plans to invade the US, I'll start worrying about it.
Well they are, because they want Alaska back too.
Ya, as stupid as it is, they really do want it back apparently.
They’ve been publishing propaganda about it for the last few years now.
No, this should be a NATO war. ALL OF NATO
Ukraine isn't in NATO, genius.
No shit Einstein. But Russia will continue to March against certain NATO countries so they need to step the fuck up.
That's exactly what NATO has been doing to Russia. Don't you see that? Why don't you step up and fly your ass to Ukraine and join the fight?
Either a useful idiot or a bot. Pick up a history book then rejoin the discussion when your educated
When are you sign8ng your enlistment papers, hero?
When you moving out of your moms Basement? 🤡
I served 14 years in the Army, but please go ahead and call me nasty names for not wanting to go die for someone else's land.
You served 14 years in the army and got called nasty names to die for someone else’s land already.
What’s your problem this time?
Nice try, I’m a Texan not a pussy. I am signed up for the draft, they can call me my duty as a citizen to respond.
ArtisanalDickCheeses@reddit (OP)
May you choke on your spit.
Damn, we got the bot accusing bot in here, things are getting really meta now
Fuck you traitor. We don't abandon our allies.
Clearly we do. But I agree that we shouldn't.
Fuck you, bitch. How much time did you serve in the military, and which branch are your children in?
Lets include a nato member to fight russia directly thats a good idea!!
Ia everyone in this sub a bunch of dictator pleasing pussies?
Ukraine already bombed poland killing 2 people.
I’m sorry , are you fighting Russians or are you a tough guy on Reddit? The keyboard isn’t going to protect you in a nuclear holocaust tough guy
How many more years would you like this conflict to go on for then?
If Russia can include North Korea, why can’t we join in and help Ukraine?
Mods determined your post is outside what we're looking for on r/PrepperIntel,
Just cause we prep doesnt mean we want a chance to use all that stuff bud
Things are going slow these days, lets add one more country to the conflict, it will be fun
All of Nato needs to send mass weapons, jets and troops, destroy this Russian occupation, and put this bullshit down. Stop trying to nickel and dime this conflict.
Poland did not shoot at Russian drones or missiles flying to Ukraine over its territory. Now they "request permission."
ArtisanalDickCheeses@reddit (OP)
Also: https://thehill.com/homenews/house/4960374-biden-poland-air-defense-ukraine/