[Intel Request] This subreddit infested with bots? Subversion?

Posted by Cellbuilder2@reddit | PrepperIntel | View on Reddit | 75 comments

I'm going to try to keep this short and sweet.

A lot of the discourse on this subreddit recently has been downright frightening, coming from somebody who's been following this subreddit for almost two years now.

I seem to remember a great deal more "outside of the box thinking" and careful logical speculation on events in the past, even if the person's comment in question, might have been slightly incorrect, there was still some valuable insight there to parse.

Now, I see so many profoundly stupid comments that look almost copy paste verbatim from CBS News or Fox News. These are way worse than your average internet idiot. They are mind numbingly bad.

While intelligent suspension of bias and logical thinking happens from time to time here, it has become more uncommon. Although this subreddit has always been somewhat of a political minefield (granted, how are you supposed to keep it separate from prepping anyway?), the deliberations have been descending into smoothbrain slingfests, with all points of view (Democrats/Republicans/everyone in between) rendered irrelevant with stupidity.

We know Ukraine has been employing "measures" to swing public opinion in favor of certain touchy subjects. So were Facebook and Twitter. This is public knowledge. That clearly means America and Russia are and have been employing their own cyber battles, using all means, for the realm of public opinion. Chat GPT can write better than most high schoolers.

Food for thought.