World War III Has Already Begun, JP Morgan Boss Says
Posted by Actual-Money7868@reddit | PrepperIntel | View on Reddit | 97 comments
Posted by Actual-Money7868@reddit | PrepperIntel | View on Reddit | 97 comments
So say the puppeteers
Actual-Money7868@reddit (OP)
When the people funding the wars say WW3 has started, I'm inclined to believe them.
Nah, he's just trying to scare people into voting for Trump, because Trump will stop supporting Ukraine. Of course, Russia suing for peace and regenerating its military capacity then going back to war is how it wins, and taking Ukraine is how it threatens NATO. This would embolden China to attack Taiwan. Iran and Israel are slow walking into war, which if Saudi Arabia smells weakness it might enter on Isreal's side.
If Biden wins Ukraine probably wins, China likely doesn't attack Taiwan. Then we're just dealing with the conflicts we currently are dealing with.
Biden isn't the nominee, he can't win. you mean Kamala
Ah fair.
Had to fix it, the trumpers do it enough on purpose can’t let it happen on accident too lol
Actual-Money7868@reddit (OP)
That makes no sense. Trump stop supporting Ukraine would speed up the transition to ww3.
NATO and the EU will not allow Russia to completely encompass Ukraine, it will not stop at Ukraine. This is the start of Russia quest for global domination again.
Nothing has changed.
It would. But to understand that you need to have a firm grip on reality. The "US are the belligerents and provoked Russia into attacking" crowd is silent, not gone.
It’s a gross oversimplification. Neophytes like the idea that someone is “in control” or world events because it’s less scary than the truth that nobody is really in control.
Actual-Money7868@reddit (OP)
Schrödinger's war. Somebody is simultaneously in control and not in control at the same time.
They start a chain reaction of events that takes it out of their hands but that isn't to say they didn't do hat on purpose
Full stop. That’s where you made your mistake.
I agree with your points but it is probably fair to say SOMETIMES it is a "They" start..
It might be a start, but it’s never really the start. Bankers react to events just like everyone else.
Agreed. I guess I didn't mean specifically bankers with my "they" comment but in that context I agree with you. I meant that there are people out there with a lot of sway and a lot of power who can at a min create a history changing moment in time (a start) then from there it could be anyone's guess what happens and how others/the world reacts.
Because he’s making money on war, he is biased to say that it’s happening
We are in an ongoing never ending war, yes. But Jamie dimon is a snake lol
Not saying he's not. But why do you claim he's a snake?
Any sources, you know intel, contradicting this take?
You want intel to contradict a CEO saying “ww3 has starte”?
What does that sort of intel look like lol? A photo of a tree in Gaza?
need at least two trees and one living Palestinian
It can be very difficult to determine the 'starting point' when you don't know how everything is going to play out. In retrospect, most historians include events like the Japanese occupation of Manchuria, the Italian invasion of Ethiopia, the Spanish Civil War, and German moves in the Rhineland, Austria, and Czechoslovakia as part of the lead-up to the Second World War, but at the time there was no sense that any of these conflicts represented the start of another global war on the scale of the Great War.
Most history textbooks will cite the Sept 1, 1939 invasion of Poland as the 'official' start date, but there had already been 8 years of aggression from the Axis power by that point, and these opening moves by Germany, Japan, and Italy all pushed to world toward global war.
And the polish invasion was basically kicked into action because the soviets were moving a tank battalion by train to western Russia for training exercises, and German generals had to decide on a go/no-go timeliness of how close the train was to the border for them to get everywhere they wanted to be in the blitzkrieg without opposition.
SO you want negative proof? IT's on Jamie, ruin the economy, Dimon to actually prove. it. BTW, I have heard this same thing about every conflict the US has been in for 60 year.
It's a polite way of asking for something besides your personal opinion which said absolutely nothing of substance. You failed to define the word puppeteers in this instance and you failed to quote those parts of the article you specifically disagreed with as well as specifically why you disagreed. Intel (short for intelligence) is what it means. It's even listed under the sub rules.
yeah, yeah. don’t forget to pack the bunker full of your meds, when shit goes south you don’t wanna start accusing your pee recycler of being a “puppeteer”
he is bating to the idea of ww3 lets be real
Between the cyber wars, Russian expansion, Israeli expansion, Chinese expansion, and US influence being replaced by China over time, I'd say it's been going on for longer than most realize. History will probably say 2022, with Russia taking more of Ukraine. USA involvement in wwi and wwii started with the US only sending money and arms as well.
My prediction is that it will intensify after the US's insurgency intensifies. Which should be sometime between November and January. The best case is 2028-early 2029.
Historians will probably claim that WWIII started when Putin annexed Crimea in 2014. The cyberwar has been going since well before that.
The Cold War never ended.
Don’t know about that, the 90’s were pretty chill
Putin was prepping (lol) the Russian government starting in the early nineties. Because he was rebuilding the economy and the war machine, there was a lull in hostilities as he consolidated power.
Putin wasn’t in control until after the 90s
He started as a KGB operative so I’d argue that he wasn’t powerless.
The cyberwar escalated immediately after the 2014 revolution/coup in Ukraine.
The Mueller Report literally opens with Yevgeny Prigozen.
Chinese expansion?
Their island making, water claims, Hong Kong, and Taiwan can be viewed as expansions.
Hong Kong was returned to them from the British.
Taiwan is not being invaded and taken over anytime soon despite the saber rattling. Do you not know about all the US military bases in the area? The vitally important computer chip factories?
'Can' was the keyword in my comment. I don't really understand the complexity of Hong Kong's gov situation. Whether they're sovereign, full part of China, or similar to Puerto Rico's relationship with the US. I know Taiwan won't be considered to be retaken until the US can't back them.
China is having massive economic and social issues, Russia has lost 300K plus soliders.... far from WWIII we are witnessing the collapse.
When is an animal at its most dangerous?
I don't know exactly what else there could be but the CCP has been buying property in north America for a very long time.
Us is still the dominant power....until Trump is elected.
The real.war is being fought on social media (as stupid as that sounds) and western elections.
Russia and China are desperately hoping that trump wins because Trump intends to destroy the American economy with tariffs, which will crater the world economy, creating a bubble which China, Russia, and Iran will pop to their benefit, thus ending unipolarity for the sake of splitting the globe into their own fiefs and vassalize their neighbors.
Vote blue to stave off economic and global collapse.
This is correct. As usual MAGA is incapable of arguing anything with actual facts and rebuttals outside a downvote and maybe a "cry about it liberal" or "you're being dramatic."
Brainwashed sycophants who facts and disavow reality.
"US only sending money and arms as well."
Both also had a big prewar military prep and ramp up time.
If a certain Russian asset wins the presidency, we've had it.
Did he have his hands down his pants at the time?
As long as we wait 4 1/2 years to start the draft so im ineligible. Actually nevermind, at least put me on the frontlines so they can kill me first
Actual-Money7868@reddit (OP)
That's the current draft age. WW3 you'd have to be severely disabled or 60+ to not be playing some kind of role even if it's just logistics or something.
If we get to scrapin’ the barrel, there’s gonna be a lot worse shit goin on than being drafted.
You have to be stupid to ever trust the public word of a billionaire.
I agree but follower will follow lol We have lots of stupid people.
And this dickhead is trying to figure out how to cash in
Which is exactly why it wont go nuclear. Can’t have capitalism if there’s nobody alive, or no money to be siphoned.
Mistakes happen.
5 modern ICBM ground strikes would cover the earth in radioactive ash for up to 6 months. Which would reduce humanity to "cave dwellers" and end up with 70% casualty rate after the first year, an on going increased deaths from caner over the following 20.
5 airburst would render satellite orbits useless for a decade because the excited magnatic belt would do ongoing damage to the satellites.
See: Starfish prime, July 9, 1962
Just for some context, there have been about 2000 nukes go off on our planet since we created these weapons.
It'll take much more than 5 icbm to reduce worlds populations by than much. Even at 10 warheads per ICBM that is still only 50 nukes
People tend to forget that hundreds of nukes where detonated during the cold war, some much more powerfull than what is put on warheads right now.
Also radioactive ash as a very short half life. If you can hunker down for 2 weeks you should be mostly fine unless you are very close to ground zero, in witch way you probably got killed by the blast.
The worst part of nukes is the emp effect, that would definitely suck longterm.
The most economically equal time period was right after WWII. All the wealthy assets get destroyed, and their ‘wealth’ needs to be held and guaranteed by stable governments, institutions and infrastructure.
HE already knows how.
Historically you can expect as much from bank officials.
Actual-Money7868@reddit (OP)
So can you though.
If, God forbid, World War III ever happens, there will be no doubt as to whether it is happening or not. And there will certainly not be any time for periodicals to ask billionaires to pontificate on the nature of that war. It will be a half-hour of hundreds of millions of people dying quickly, followed by years of billions of people dying slowly.
Conversely, if superpowers using proxies to advance their geopolitical ambitions count as "World Wars", then we're already on World War LXXVIII or so.
The lessons of world war 2 are pretty clear here. Aggressively stop the belligerents at the first step. For Russia that would've been South Ossetia, but Obama dropped the ball. Crimea was over so quickly that intervening wasn't really practical. So it's Ukraine, Russia must not take Ukraine. For China that's Taiwan. The US, Japan, Taiwan, and the Philippines are presenting a nice United and increasingly well armed front in that regard. The conflict in the Middle East between Israel and Iran and its proxies is happening, the goal there is to keep it isolated. Luckily Iran has few allies, and its allies are mostly occupied with their own problems. It seems unlikely that it will spiral into a conflict that expands outside of the Middle East.
The other lesson is to isolate the belligerents, and the US has done that very effectively. Iran, Russia, China, and North Korea stand alone militarily speaking. Turkey and Kazakhstan are allowing smuggling to occur to Russia, India is buying Russian oil.
Nukes won't start World War III, they will end it.
So World War III only starts when nukes start flying?
You’re making many assumptions and showing an overall lack of understanding.
Actual-Money7868@reddit (OP)
How do you think WW1 and WW2 started ?
It's always a slow build up until suddenly theirs shit and artillery raining from the skies.
The phony wars comes to mind, and all of the 1930-39.
Exactly. People living in America during the 30s didn’t think that the problems happening in Europe and Asia affected them… until they did.
Actual-Money7868@reddit (OP)
The build up to WW1 started decades prior
The "World War III will ackchyually be multiple smaller wars" thing is a copout. Like, sure, that may be the case, but "World War" ought to be reserved for global, all-in, industrial total wars where two blocs are lined up against each other and fighting directly.
This is old news.
This the same dude that has predicted economic collapses monthly for the past 5 years?
He actually said the market does look like it has had a soft landing, so he might be off that boat finally.
bro has a new “hot take” every 2 weeks
He desperately wants to be treasury secretary.
How does this moron keep getting news to report what he says?
Because we worship business men in our society and seem to think they are legitimate authorities on anything that crosses their brain cells.
He WISHES it already began. talk about manipulative.
Dimon is a blow hard who predicts something catastrophic every other month. Despite the banker worship in our culture, Dimon and JP are actually not an expert on global war, nor an authority on what is and isn't a "world war".
You can debate what all of the smaller conflicts going on actually mean, but to call it "world war 3" is a pretty bold statement.
I trust all bankers like a hot taco fart.
Where this mother fer been. Shits been going down for years.
First thing that Jamie Dillon has ever said that I agree with.
How do we know the difference from Cold War 2?
Actual-Money7868@reddit (OP)
Multiple active wars, especially the one on mainland Europe.
The fact that Taiwan is going to be invaded sooner than later
North Korean troops in Ukraine
Israel / Iran
Venezuela/ Guyana
China taking over Africa via unpayable loans
Etc etc etc.
There were many hot proxy wars during the Cold War though too.
Actual-Money7868@reddit (OP)
Yes but this is turning from proxy war to a direct war.
France already wants troops in Ukraine and those proxy wars weren't on European soil before.
China will attempt to take Taiwan and then it will noonger be proxy in that case
Iran has fired missiles at western ships
There's probably a lot more I'm missing but yeah.
I 100% agree that China invading Taiwan or nato forces getting directly involved will be WW3 and that it’s likely. Iran vs Israel has been for show, to date, but I think Iran wouldn’t el much until the US is preoccupied and can’t support Israel as much, if any of the prior 2 situations happen. Any of these things go from Cold War to WW3 in my book.
It may have already started, just like WW2 started when Germany attacked Poland Sept. 1st 1949 we can look back to that date with knowledge of history that it would expand into a greater conflict but no one knew it at the time. Same thing with Russia attacking Ukraine Feb 24 2022... we don't know now for certain if it will lead to a larger conflict... maybe it will be Israel/Iran that sparks it or China/Taiwan we don't know until we have the perspective of history to call something WW3. Or maybe these things will cool off and we can all go forward in peace and stability.
Yup, it's just 5th gen warfare so it doesn't look like what everyone thinks it looks like. There are some kinetic theaters, but most of it is social engineering, subversion misinformation, cyberattacks and covert infrastructure attacks.
New rule. The next rich asshole that says it's WWIII gets sent to the front lines in Ukraine. Have you ever wondered why they are so anxious for this to kick off???
I prefer to call what’s happening the Third World War rather than World War 3. At least until some big players get directly involved.
The guy who gets a government bailout … don’t care
I better see this asshat in the trenches since he wants it so badly
Attention whore who manipulates market has an opinion he can leverage to manipulate markets? the deuce you say!
Really need to stop giving that douche media time.
We're on the "Spanish Civil War" part
No shit… Sherlock Dimon. Now get back to forcing the world to RTO and put the last screw into the climate disaster, asshole.
We already knew that 🥲