Pennsylvania voter fraud investigation into "overabundance" of applications
Posted by kuta300@reddit | PrepperIntel | View on Reddit | 78 comments
Posted by kuta300@reddit | PrepperIntel | View on Reddit | 78 comments
Trump is going to win, and the media and leftists will be screaming "election fraud" just you watch
Bro had a vision
When you're right, you're right
Trump and his MAGA sheep are already claiming fraud. Bogus fraud claims are a one sided issue.
Except for California making it ILLEGAL to ask for ID to vote. There's no reasonable explanation other than protecting voter fraud.
Is it because they are literally committing federal crimes to influence the election?
Things like setting boxes on fire or dumping chemicals into them, standing in line to block voters, or writing in thousands of fake registrations to delay and obstruct?
Importing 20 million illegal immigrants and registering them to vote in swing states?
That's seems to be the plan. I'd like anyone to explain why California made it ILLEGAL to ask for ID to vote. There's no reasonable explanation other than protecting Voter fraud.
Found the Ruzzian bot
Oh I thought we were talking about real life, my bad.
So so dumb and inflammatory. Non citizens can't vote! No one is buying your shit, but it sure stinks
He is only up by 5 in Kansas. A state he won by 20+ in 2016 and by 15+ in 2020.
Putins sock puppet is going to prison. And no amount of Maga tears or temper tantrums is gonna change that fact.
Are we just going to ignore polls he’s up in every swing state except Michigan?
Just looking at Kansas makes me very hopeful about it. I just fact checked it, Trump is only ahead by 5 points. Kansas is/was a Maga stronghold.
-15 points over the last 2 elections says a lot about the overall state of things.
Guess you have nothing to worry about then, we'll see november 6th
There are barely any leftists in America. Democrats arent leftists. No one will complain about election fraud like Trumpers are always doing, but yeah they might challenge shady shit the GOP controlled House might do to steal the election along with other Trump fellators in red states.
No democrats are communists, they have completely migrated to the far left side of the political spectrum.
There was absolutely election fraud in 2020. It was a complete farce. The democrats cheated, and even did a coup against their own president by removing him from the ticket 70 days before the election and propping up their own candidate without holding an open primary, completely bypassing the will of the people. They love to throw around accusations of fascim and dictator, but who's really the one dictating? How about Biden having more executive orders in his first 100 days than W Bush, Obama, and Trump combined, and all of those being orders reversing trump policies?
ROFL. So you’re ok with all of trumps executive orders, but not the next guy rolling them back using the same legal mechanisms? Seems wildly hypocritical.
You missed the point. Also, since Biden reversed all of Trumps policies, and then everything bad with the economy happened, you have a direct correlation between Bidens decisions and how bad things have gotten. That's why his own party staged a couple against him and propped up Harris
Wildly ignoring the pandemic and shuttered economy trump left behind. Even more wildly ignoring the rapid recession recovery that has outpaced most other western countries thanks to Biden’s economic policies these past 4 years cleaning up the damage left by trump
Tbh if I remember correctly the pandemic spending that added to our economic woes was a bipartisan effort after Trump initiallypushed for it. Both sides panick spent. Not saying the meat of your argument is false but on the point of shuttered economy I believe you may be off a little.
The point is that Biden didn’t crash the economy, it already was in peril under trump’s term.
Ok so that being that's true, then how specifically did Trump ALONE place the economy in peril. Honest question. I'm not claiming to know all the ins and outs just want other perspectives and productive debate with honest facts.
"No democrats are communists" there goes your argument lol
wut, communist hate the Democrats.
Democrats are communists
Please explain communism to us then ?
The state controls all aspect of business, commerce, education, etc. There is no incentive for individual success and lower underperforming citizens get as much or more than high achieving members of society. Democrats consistently pass legislation allowing more bureaucracy and government control into all aspects of life, perpetuate the welfare state, and punish success with crippling taxes and hampering growth with regulations. That makes them commies
That’s not communism. But good try.
Funnily enough, the left calls all that 'capitalism'. It's a shitty economy, which both democrats and republicans are responsible for.
Communism is state control of production. Not just state regulation, or state influence. 'anyone wanting bigger government' ==> 'communism' makes 'communism a kinda meaningless term, don't you think?
In an anarchy, where one person wants to set up some kind of government, your definition would nevessarily make that person a communist, right? But they could want a republic, or fascism, or a democracy, a monarchy, or a number of other things. How can you fight someone, if you don't know what kind of person they are?
The state controls all aspect of business, commerce, education, etc. There is no incentive for individual success and lower underperforming citizens get as much or more than high achieving members of society. Democrats consistently pass legislation allowing more bureaucracy and government control into all aspects of life, perpetuate the welfare state, and punish success with crippling taxes and hampering growth with regulations. That makes them commies
Communism is when taxes? wut. Also Democrats are creeping into government control of life? The Republicans campaign on making sure everyone is forbidden from being publicly different.
That's categorically false
The state... isn't just democrats.
I'm a republican and even I question why so many election fraud arguments include words like cheated and fraud without explaining specifically how. Saying something happened without providing proof in the same breath is counterproductive no matter what side your on. Please, for the sake of our vision of the future learn to articulate your positions better or at the very least wait to make a point until your ready to prove it at the same time. Don't wait for the opponent to call you out before you provide evidence as it allows them to easily push back on your opinion without any resistance while you rush to compile your response.
You can't argue with a fool. All the proof has been provided and come out and it has been suppressed. Any proof i provide here in this liberal echo chamber will be ignored and discredited. You are not a true republican. You're a Mitt Romney, controlled opposition
Your still proving my point and now getting really defensive. I'm on your side friend. If we lose this election (pray to God not) it may be the fact that people like you are trying to split our party up that made it possible. I hope I'm wrong but come on, help me help us.
I’m almost afraid to ask, but, on what positions have the democrats gone far left? (I’m trying to get myself invested enough to vote)
Immigration, the economy, energy, welfare, anything the Biden admin has done and Obama did before are all far left.
If you can't do independent research then you shouldn't be voting anyway
Unfortunately the democrats do not hold proper left positions on any of these things :( I was hoping you knew something I didn’t, I’m a clothespin democrat, if you know what that means.
Yeah, you're a vote blue no matter who
I might not this time, on principal. But the alternative is objectively worse in every way so it’s a risky voting strategy.
FYI, you might not know, the dems are the better of our 2 pro-business parties and have a much better economic track record. They’ve avoided all meaningful action re: climate change. And we’ll soon be commemorating a quarter century openly at war split evenly split between the two pro-war parties.
Pretty much the same shit and they’re both just selling you on the culture war. Coke vs Pepsi.
None of that is far left. On the global political scale the Democratic Party is center-right. Unfortunately the American political landscape has pushed so far conservative that any leanings back to the left are now considered ‘far left communism’
Lay off the kool-aid, my dude.
Dude, actual leftists hate the Democrats and liberals lol. Democrats would be considered center right in Europe. If Democrats are far left for you, that shows you how much to the far right conservatives have moved. Republicans are now just following Trumps model of claiming fraud because his ego couldnt handle losing. Trump was preemptively claiming fraud before the 2016 election and when he surprised everyone by winning he said " I guess there wasnt any fraud after all" but the man child was still complaining because he lost the popular vote lol. And btw heres a reminder: l many leftists in the US are gun owners. So are many Democrats but not as much.
We will do better than that. The day he is going to kill the ACA we will get 2 million patriots to hold a loving patriotic peaceful protest incursion into the Whitehouse to stop him singing, since that is now considered acceptable behavior by conseevatives.
Only person killed that day was an unarmed protestor. No justice for her. For the first time politicians were asked to be held accountable for their actions and they cowered in fear.
Cops were killed too
No. One died a few days later of a heart attack. Another died a few weeks later of suicide. Two of the most common causes of police officer deaths, non of which occurred at the event.
It’s like if we counted up every officer who keeled over and died anywhere within a month of a BLM protest, and said democrats killed all those men lol
They committed suicide and had heart attacks days or weeks after the event. None of them died directly from that day (unless maybe their own guilt drove them to suicide)
Upvote for overall point and use of facts over opinion minus what was in parenthesis
Goddamn, is this myth still circulating
You have a weird understanding of law enforcement if you think they are held accountable to killing citizens especially when they are warranted to do so.
Nobody will die in our Whitehouse protest though. It is just peaceful patriots stopping government from doing it's work. Thanks conservatives for the new standards you bring us!
Uh... your welcome? I'm not a Democrat so I'm usure if your comment is sarcastic or a valid perspective of Democrats as a whole. Is there no concern over the risks that escalation brings? Isn't that the main worry of the conflicts around the world? Unending escalation?
She fucked around and found out. FAFO right? Maybe she wouldnt have broken the law. Isnt that what you guys say? Law enforcement for thee but not for me eh? All these cultists gone raging mad because their leader cant handle an election loss.
Still waiting for that 2020 proof lol
Most certainly.
?? Trump will say its fraud before it even happens, “just you watch”
Maybe they'll storm the capitol! /s
source: trust me bro
Wonder if this includes my dumb ass sending a request for a mail in ballot because I couldn't remember if I was already registered to receive one and couldn't figure out how to check. 🫠
You could figure out how to get a new ballot but not how to check your registration status? Both of those things are on the same website bruh 😂
I knew my voter registration status, but not if I was signed up to receive a mail-in ballot. Idk if you just enjoy being rude or genuinely misread my comment, but what's with the attitude?
I’m not trying to be rude I’m just questioning this selective helplessness you’ve displayed.
Being able to figure out how to get a new ballot as you did requires the same set of skills, same set of questions, and same process as checking the status of your ballot or registration or whatever you needed to figure out. I just don’t see how a disconnect like that could have occurred in a functioning adult
If you couldn’t figure it out why not just type the question into google as a last resort. Every online medium, every email inbox, every actual physical mailbox, even the dating apps are flooded with voter information material and you couldn’t figure it out idk that’s crazy to me
“it’s just this was an overabundance of registrations from one particular organization.”
What organization?
Betting money would be on Scott Presler
My mom is working at a polling station on Election Day. Concerned for her and all other poll workers in the coming days. Stay safe!
Pro-tip: if the place is accessible by vehicle, the night before park a large truck to block a drive-in attempt
Let's hope that every election office, in every county of every state, is being this diligent.
What is prepping POV for this post?
Head down to the Winchester, have a pint, and wait for it all to blow over.
Civil unrest