Help! How should I handle these private student loans from Firstmark?
Posted by WishIWasWealthy@reddit | studentloandefaulters | View on Reddit | 6 comments
I took out some private loans for college and racked up quite the debt - about 100k. I had a really hard time finding a job after graduation and was only making 29k a year for several years. I struggled paying those loans about 1100 dollars a month and I was only bringing in about 1300 bi-Weekly. On top of some other debts and payments I didn't have much for myself. Fast forward a couple years and I got a better job but have more payments that I can really handle at this point. The job pays better than the previous one.. but now I am now having a reduction in payment now. So I'm basically back to square one for a few months until the end of the year. I'm afraid to talk to the lenders about my situation bc I know that they really don't care about my financial hardships and just want their money. They're now emailing me and threatening to default on my loans with a laundry list of actions they could take. Should I default on the loans ? What should I do ?.[m sort of in a panic and very very stressed out
Have you discussed this with your co-signer? It’s important to have a conversation with her because she will be just as liable for the default, and her credit will take a major hit, just as yours will. It wouldn’t be appropriate to let a loan default without her input.
On the plus side… once the loans defaults, interest stops accruing!
Do you have any cosigner? A lot depends on that and what state you're in and if you have any assets
WishIWasWealthy@reddit (OP)
I do it's my mom and I've been trying to get her off that but can't really figure out how to
Only way to get her off is to meet their release criteria (which I’d venture you don’t if they’re talking about default), or refinance with a different lender
WishIWasWealthy@reddit (OP)
I'm in MN
I've never dealt with Firstmark, so I can't really give any advice. However, you could go through this post to find potential options that might help you decide what's best for you.