Online Talk About ‘Civil War’ Could Inspire Real-World Violence, DHS Warns Cops
Posted by caveatlector73@reddit | PrepperIntel | View on Reddit | 454 comments
Personally my plan is calling off work on election day and after voting just having a couple of things ready if something happens. I'm more in a semi rural area so im not too concerned.
I will not participate in rioting or any kind of domestic terrorism. Bugging in and letting stuff settle down. I don't think it will lead to it but will have stuff ready if it does.
You should actually call off work on Wednesday not Tuesday. Both parties want people to vote on election day. They both know they got a shot. The trouble be at Wednesday when either side/ or other entities disagree with the results.
This isn’t going to happen on Election Day.
Yeah, it will be in the aftermath in November and December
I'm not worried about election day. It's the day or three after that make me worried.
Will you protect the republic from enemies domestic though?
I’ll protect my family from assholes of all stripes. I’m not going to be participating any anything ideological
But not the assholes seeking to take their democratic rights away?
If a family survives there is always a hope for the future, even future generations. If it doesn’t, that’s it. No matter how righteous the cause
So you only feel capable enough to protect your family from immediate physical dangers?
Yeah, if I’m lucky
Well that's fair. Would you join with others if they could empower you to do more?
Well I think that’s where community prepping comes into play if I read your question right. A group of 30 family members and friends stuffed into a house, people working and keeping watch, is much better than a family of 5. I think it was Selco who said he would rather take on another set of working hands even if it meant everyone would be a bit more hungry.
Election Day will be fine. Honestly you’ll feel it in the air if something is going to happen, the buildup will probably take weeks of escalations. It’s not going to be like oh X won? Immediately burn down the downtown. It will be protests, then bigger protests, then protests with riots at night, then targeted violence, etc. if something’s coming you’ll know about it if you are paying attention
I am not as concerned about election day, as I am about the weeks and months after the count is done. Honestly, regardless of the outcome, I think it will be bad.
Have a pint and wait for it to all blow over. Good plan.
At the Winchester?
either at the Winchester or at home with a loaded one...
Literally, nothing is going to happen on election day .no Civil War. no violence. nothing ever happens
I keep telling people, the more we talk about civil war, the more likely it becomes. It may seem unlikely, but we are only one bad partisan attack away from a cycle of escalation that may not end.
Personally, I think a civil war is unlikely, but that could change so much faster than people realise.
Civil War isn't the right word for what it will be. It won't be nearly that organized.
It's gonna by widespread chaotic domestic terrorism. Like the troubles in Northern Ireland.
Basically what we have been dealing with for decades, just more.
Or has everyone forgotten about Oklahoma City?
Extremists should be kept on the fringes of society- not a political movement with elected officials. These sort of anti-government right wing lone wolfs have been around for awhile, but didn’t really coalesce or gain legitimacy until Gingrich with the bombastic language and tactics. Limbaugh, radio then Tea Party. Now we have MAGA and all sorts of colorful related groups - some of whom are ok with using violence.
Scary era.
You say MAGA and right wing, interesting let's also talk about the summer of love, BLM and antifa or have you forgotten they exist????
All the left wing extremism groups haven’t infiltrated the main party and been elected to congress while believing in widespread election fraud.
Also, the most famous anti-fascist group came to the world’s rescue to defeat the fascists.
They do counter protests and they’re done. Not hard.
Please don't try that crap with us tell that to your socialist friends on reddit not rational thinking people. The entire democratic party is full of socialist and communists American hating leaders!
Name me ONE elected Communist Democrat.
If you do I will ask you to explain how you came to the conclusion that they are, in fact, communist.
Are you serious??Everyone of the Dems are far left leaning there are no moderate Dems in office! The only one in office is Massion and he is not running, Gabby Gifford left the party and now is a Republican, there may be one or two hanging around that's it.
The Dems are so far left, JFK would never have been nominated for the party.
You installed karmala she never received a single vote in a primary, and when she did run she had to drop our in the very beginning. The Dems just installed her and said all you good little Dem sheepoles vote for her. That's what a communist party does!
Democrats are a Right Wing party, like Republicans. There are a couple Near Left candidates who have slipped in over the years but by and large the party and it's policies are Near Right. That's why people like to say "Both Parties are the same". They're not identical but they have the same political underpinning.
How do, I don't see the Dems being a right wing party,. With respect to your thoughts on both parties underpinning I could see that
The Right Wing believes that a societal elite is best suited to rule the country. The further Right you go, the smaller and more elite the Ruling group gets until you reach Absolute Monarchy. Democrats have a bigger tent than Republicans but they're still an elite. Leadership determines a policy or course of action, often behind closed doors, then seeks to "manufacture consent" after the fact. Strong hierarchies with a Top down flow of power and ideas being the other big characteristic of Right Wing politics
I think that's not true anymore, the Dems money is coming from big tech.
Like Peter Thiel and Elon Musk......oh, guess not
Well how about Zuckerberg and Gates and let's not forget Mark Cuban and all the rest of the tech ologarts
Well how about what? I realized I read your comment but not the comment of mine that you were responding to. What precisely isn't true anymore and what does the source of Dem funding have to do with anything I said?
I don't see how's that is true anymore the Dems are the party of elites. Look at who supports them, Hollywood and big tech. The Republicans have actually flipped the script on they, they appeal to the working class more so than the Dems. Although traditionally it was the Dems who appealed to working class.
When you have the Hollywood elites at your rallies you aren't for middle class
They are BOTH the party of elites. That is the definition of Right Wing.
MMW: Biden just lost the election! You call supporters garbage, that ends it there,! Conservatives moderates and undecided now shifts to Trump
Biden isn't in the Election my dude
We all know he is an empty suit but he is still president he is the leader of the democratic party
No but he is president and by his title and position speaks for the democratic party AND Harris! Can't deny it
Also the Dems had lost all the Jewish voters and probably most Catholics that's a lot to lose
What does that have to do with my comment?
So you don't know what a communist is, you don't know what socialist policies are, you just use those phrases to describe your chosen "bad guys".
I advise you to "do your own research". Start by learning the definitions of:
Then with your new found knowledge define the politics of:
-And anyone else you may think of
Yup. That person just self-pwned themselves proving they have no idea what those terms and political affiliations even mean.
Our Dems out pretty right leaning compared to the liberals of the rest of the world.
Are the socialists and communists in the room with you now?
They’re in his walls.
No but your mom is!
Sorry couldn't resist the mom jokes 😜
Democrats are a right of Center party. Socialists and communists detest Democrats. I worked with a socialist during Obamas campaign and he practically frothed at the mouth with how much he hated "the corporatist" Obama.
I think you are talking about a very extreme socialist, this person you are referring to has to be left of Bernie Sanders which is crazy. To be fair the Republicans have extremes on their side as well
He was probably Mid Left at most; not very extreme by most measures ( comparethat to Democrats themselves on the Near Right). Democrats consistently oppose socialist policies; people assume otherwise because Republican congressional leadership will slap the "Socialist" label on anyone that's giving them grief. Actual socialist don't like Democrats and vice versa.
If divorce was a person.
Socialists? As in public school law enforcement fire , water electric infrastructure ? That's Socialism ? Well yea, you are a Socialists as well you use the services your self. SSI you pay into is Socialism. Which is everything but communists but you think Russia isn't, so there's that part. You don't like public park state parks nation park yiur definitely in the wirng country. All land ran by the government is run under Socialism. All that public domain, regardless of wealth or who you are , is there forever one and everyone adds to the system. Socialism 101 by the people for the people. The constitution has that in it. There is no communists as that's when everything Is owned by government and alacated by government. Government can't own anything not even the land they build on
You're a mess dude.
assuming you're just ignorant on this and not willfully disseminating falsehoods, the historical track records of left / right wing extremist violence is in no way comparable (this doesn't just apply to the US it is a general trend globally)
Blm and all that was very unorganized. My brother had a friend, and a girlfriend, who got pretty radicalized into the Seattle version of all that. There were some various groups organizing themselves a bit - but that was just locally. Absolutely nothing like the way Proud Boys or Oath Keepers or these types of groups have real centralized leadership, talk to federal politicians, etc. These were rag-tag groups cosplaying, you know?
While my brother still talked to them, I saw videos. I did think they were getting too extreme and obsessed. But I can tell you, 100% -- the cops were absolutely escalating things where they didn't need to. The cops were purposely aggravating them, starting things first, just provoking fights. Sure, the cops were pissed at the protestors - but it's the cops job to protect and serve, de-escalate... not go out as a goon squad of vigilantes and start revenge fights because they're annoyed. That helps no one.
It's interesting too that... blm and artifa were saying: hey, the govt overreaches. The justice system is corrupt. And the rightwing Republicans were like haha libtards, comply with orders, obey curfew, listen to rules, the system is fine.
Then after Jan 6th suddenly these patriots are like --- the justice system us unfair!!! We will not comply!! We should be allowed to fight cops if we don't want to obey orders!! These jails are like, really yucky!!!
Almost like maybe they should have LISTENED to blm and antifa protestors in the first place.
Because we really do all have more in common than the media would have you believe. And all this foreign fake propaganda and memes and fake accounts that are trying to divide us.
This is my exact position. It kills me that it takes significant brain wrinkles to understand why BLM started in the first place.
After the 4th or 5th violent or needless killing with zero justice or accountability after the fact is what drove the entire movement.
Then you have assholes that misunderstand it entirely and create a whole different movement to discredit what the original argument was. Holding cops accountable for fucking up. Period. Apply the enforcement of the law equally.
Then like you mentioned, when the shoe is on the other foot during the insurrection on J6, I truly feel like the response was too light. Whether that was by design or not will be uncovered in court later on, but when BLM was marching on DC, they had the National Guard there kitted out and ready for war.
J6? Nah.
It is not the job of the police to protect and serve. Revenue agents would be a better description. Who on occasion perform riot control.
Well, it's on their cars, "protect and serve." But yeah, I know, that means - "protect the assets of the rich, serve the owner class."
The scary part are most of these folks are your business owners. There's probably some disproportionate amount of them who would just go along with whatever violent plan the extremist side of the party executed. Gotta keep them tax breaks going strong for business.....
Some of them, sure. The promise of tax cuts is an easy thing to dangle and some are willing to sacrifice others’ liberties for it. Some will use violence to make their goals met.
It’s just crazy pressure right now and it’s on the lower to middle class of most of people in America. Wages simply haven’t kept up rising costs for decades. The super rich just got crazy richer.
Yet with your bullshit you trying to blame Maga when most of the recent Shooters have been liberal. Crazy doesn't have a party
Neither the Democrats or Republicans endorse any mass shootings.
Republicans embraced the Tea Party tent. Then came MAGA with Trump.
How's Tim McVeigh and Terry Nichols doing these days?
I think they have.
The Lakota tribe was not available for comment. Vicky and Sammy Weaver were not available for comment. Did you forget about them...? Asking for a friend..
Fuck the Turner Diaries 😬
It’ll be like the movie “Civil War” that came out earlier this year.
I keep saying it'll be house to house, street to street, town to town violence, no one will be safe and the front line will be everywhere.
I doubt that. You have extremely liberal and conservative strongholds. No one will notice in LA, or rural Alabama.
Atlanta, Jacksonville, Miami, Charlotte, Alantown, those cities are fucked tho.
You'd be surprised, North Alabamian here and there are strong left leaning pockets all around, Huntsville is a good example along with predominantly college towns in the area. As more and more people come out and register for the first time the demographics will start to shift. It's just not always safe to openly express a view against the status quo by the same means(blatant signs, flags, other loud things) as the mostly older generations do about their political views. It's the same "us vs them" anger they get from college football team loyalties.
Roll Tide
War Eagle 🖕
Are there not still places within those red strongholds that brainwashed morons would still find reasons to attack though? Schools, goverment buildings, houses they just assume are democrats based on whatever arbitrary criteria, etc etc.
You're mixing up who perpetrates violence.
The vast majority of domestic terrorism in this country is right wing. That is an undeniable statement of face. There is zero evidence for any other interpretation.
Nothing compares to the left wing pos that loot and burn down their own communities. That is terrorism.
Imagine thinking the BLM protests were worse than the Oklahoma city bombing 😁
And most of the BLM protests were pretty mild. I went to one and a couple blocks away you wouldn't even know anything was going on. We left the protest on foot and grabbed burgers before coming back.
An empty Tire Kingdom gets burned down by an obvious anarchist (no political side), but apparently thats the same as murdering hundreds of people.
God damn right wing people are fucking insane.
Literally the opposite
You're in a cult.
I'm on the side of hard working people with good morals, you have unhinged loonatics that are dangerous to the public, talking about cult
Dare to doubt. Recovery is possible. There are resources out there to help people like you ❤️
Try to eat 🥩
You're in a cult.
Why Charlotte? I’m north of there . I never thought of it as a hotbed of anything. Just curious
Almost all cities vote blue, the ones described are big enough/blue enough that they're the reason their states are "swing states," which means they're surrounded by people with potentially very opposing views.
That is literally true of every American city. LA is surrounded by conservatives. So are San Francisco, NYC, Chicago, Philadelphia, etc
The conservatives of LA, San Fran, Chicago, and the Northeast are all "tame." The last time any of those states went red was in 1988. Those people are out there, but they've chosen to remain in those places, for whatever reason. The original comment was talking about places like Charlotte, where the city is firmly blue but the state flipflops back and forth.
As someone who lives in one of the red districts in NJ, I partially see what you're seeing. For example, growing up, while you might run into the occasional evangelical in the wild who would come across as the weirdo telling you you're going to hell with a smile, it's nowhere near as visible as in other parts of the country and we're still "behind" in that department I think.
However, with Trump, and as political polarization has deepened, I would say there's a critical mass of conservatives that I can see getting just as violent and that is just as prone to embracing extreme rhetoric/policies. Our county is run by a long-standing Republican political machine that may be described as "tame" (most middle class white people would probably say they're primarily focused on maintaining orderly local services) and as far as I can tell they've kept any MAGA types contained and placated. But if mass violence breaks out under a Trump administration, I'm not confident they won't look the other way or that they'll seek to deescalate situations. I wouldn't be surprised if it depends on the particulars, who appears to be instigating the violence, and how much disruption there is to the local economy.
The side that wins won't be the one that starts the violence.
There won't be a "winning" side unless you count Russia and China
You have to go pretty far out from San Francisco (as in, 3+ hours) before you’re “surrounded by conservatives”.
It's not completely true of NYC and Philadelphia either. West of Philly quickly gets solid red, but on the other side it's mainly blue. Some districts in and immediately around NYC are red, but northeastern NJ is solidly blue and counteracts that. You have to go pretty far out on the map to get those big swathes of red upstate. There's also significant buffer in DC, and especially Boston. It may be more accurate to say that blue areas (as opposed to just cities) give way to the solid red that covers most land in the US.
Magats and other right winged extremists are too afraid to venture into urban areas to do anything. They know black and brown people are armed in most urban areas. Any attempts to perpetrate violence in the big cities will be met with an armed resistance.
There are tons of democrats in rural Alabama.
Can confirm… I live here… but I don’t affiliate with political parties
They just started picking the cotton in the endless fields of white in St. Clair, Chilton, and Autagua counties, the nights are cool and clear (finally) … it’s the dry season now… next will be tornado season as the leaves change and the monsoon rains start…
It’s whisky sippin’ front porch sittin’ season… we call it false fall as we never really have a fall or autumn season… we go from Hot Soup and Hurricanes right into winter and the ceaseless rain
Spring is the best, besides the 3-4 weeks of False Fall… spring will last from Easter to the middle of June…
Renewed my fishing license today as it’s also crappie season and crappie is good eatin’
Our hunting season is shaping up to be a good one this year with the return of two-a-days for does… it’ll run from the middle of November until February… I don’t hunt anymore, seen enough killin’ … but Ill take a trip down to the endless white sand beaches and try my luck at some Pompano in the surf…
Good fishing upon ye my grandparents love crappie
Roll tide.
A part of me feels like if widespread election violence actually broke out, the reality of the situation would be shocking enough to the average American that most of the violence would quickly peter out. Americans are no strangers to the occasional riot but Sarajevo style violence would be a shock.
For a bit. Be a lot of what seems like random murders at first. Remember that neighbor who borrowed that tool and didn’t return it. How about that supervisor at work that did you wrong.
How stupid to even think
Yeah right everyone here has guns at that point it doesn’t matter who you are everyone would die.
Lol, I can't believe people are upvoting this. You're delusional.
If it ever resorts to that, which I doubt, but if it does; the gov’t would be behind it. More specifically, the side of the gov’t that wants a larger federal governance. Because if these events start popping up, it would be up to local law to enforce and take them down. But if it spreads to vast, the FBI will have to get involved. Then they would have the case to increase their number greatly. Just look at what the mafia did. Just a food for thought
It's going to be The Troubles American Style.
The difference is the troubles would be bad for the stock market. That is something right wing politicians would not tolerate. Those idiots would quickly out live their usefulness. The media that promoted those attacks would quickly change direction as their owners would start thinking about their pocketbooks.
Right wing politicians aren't in control of the situation. Republicans aren't in control of their own party. They're nothing but a foreign influenced puppet now.
Right wing media does have a lot of sway. If they start calling the people committing domestic violence American hating terrorists,it will have some affect
Depends on the severity, look at the summer of 2020. Billions of damage, 38 confirmed killed in direct correlation.
Those protests were (D)ifferent
51% of BLM protests were met with physical force compared to 33% of right-wing demonstrations and 26% of other demonstrations. They were about something.
You meant (R)eta… oh wait…
And that was "mostly peaceful"!
Fiery, but mostly peaceful.
"direct correlation"
Exactly. The right wing politicians hid behind their walls with their armed security and did nothing.
Bullshit, as soon as they figure out how to make money off a conflict it’ll get dragged on and on. F’n Afghanistan and Iraq as an example. 20 years and over 2 trillion. Ends just in time for Ukraine.
Conflict going on in your own backyard would be bad for business. Plus insurance Doesn't pay for damages incurred from an act of war. Keeping things simmering woud allow them to make a fortune by investing in security firms
Right wing? You know Wall Street is mostly democrats and major companies ceos are dems
I mean, both Dems and GOP are Right Wing parties and they both cater to societies upper crust. But Billionaires have always supported Republicans more.
69% Republican ,31% Democratic Those sweet tax cuts.
Sorry, but you are out of our mind. The right will tolerate anything as long as MAGA base supports it. They're about to suicide the economy under trump.
This time with drones
Balkanization, more than the troubles
also notice that people never imagine it'll look like recent wars in the americas... i'd think an operation condor, dirty war-type era of fascist state terrorism against leftists and minorities sounds much more likely. not like it's our government's first time
It’s these trump fans and their buddies.
Vs Americans
It's gonna be closer to Sarajevo than Saratoga
It’s going to look like Syria.
No, Civil War IS the correct term for it. The problem is Americans are hamstrung in discussing this concept by only being able to contextualize it in the previous conflict called The US Civil War which was actually technically two cleanly delineated separate nation-states fighting, which is anomalous to basically how every other civil war has actually been fought in human history.
So it already started
I keep seeing people say this, and i think that's the most likely scenario in this unlikely event, but not by much. Donald Trump already attempted to set up his illegitimate government with the alternative electors? I think it stands to reason he may attempt to set up an alternative presidency entirely this time. What happens if a few governors decide their state is loyal to the Trump alternative government? A mess.
What you are describing is a coup, though, not a civil war.
Not really. I'm describing a situation where Trump says he won, and Harris is illegally in the white house. Both sides have portions of government backing their claim. It would be a coup if Trump successfully took the presidency, but that wouldn't happen.
Imagine, Trump sets up his alternative cabinet in Mar a Lago, and DeSantis backs him. You'd have people all over the country, including in the military, who decide on a personal level that they are loyal to one government or another, but there would be a base of power in Florida.
I think it's unlikely, but that could be how a civil war starts.
Eh, while the lower echelons and enlisted are more split, a large majority of the middle and upper level command absolutely despise Trump. Take for example almost every then current or retired general in his staff hates him and some even call him a fascist. While some segments of the national guard might favor trump, and there would be a degree of command and control fracture, a large majority of the combat power of the military will not be on trump’s side.
Yeah I mean it's important to keep in mind it's really unlikely. We would be dealing with a number of problems here though. These soldiers, officers included, have never actually been tested on if they are more loyal to their state, or Washington. I suspect this question would have a bit more nuance than trusting command and control.
Also, you'd have to contend with an ongoing financial collapse. The US dollar is backed by the "full faith and credit" of the United States. If civil war breaks out, thats over. If the value of currency has a precipitous fall, how many soldiers are just going to go AWOL to find alternative ways to take care of their families? How many civilian workers in the military will do the same? If all of the dining hall workers at a big base stopped coming to work, what do the soldiers do? What about when the trucks bringing food, stop coming in? I'm sure the military has a good stockpile of food, but for how long? Hungry soldiers will have new questions to ask themselves.
Civil war in America would be the worst disaster to ever hit the United States, and the worst to hit the world since WW2. Of course, it's worth remembering its unlikely. Even if we had a situation where some states pledged loyalty to Trump over Harris, it seems likely that there would be months of legal action, and every other step possible to avert war.
And thanks to scotus that would be an official act with immunity from prosecution.
It would never work and they would be absolutely annihilated. I don’t think Desantis has dumb as he is would be willing to commit treason and suicide.
It will be over for Florida once the next hurricane hits and there’s no more federal aid to help. They’ll just descend on each other.
Yeah I mean, any conflict like this would have a primary goal of unifying the governmquicas quick as possible with minimum bloodshed. That's another factor that makes it unlikely.
That said, I was in the camp that I thought Russia would never start a full scale war because it didn't make economic sense. I don't think we can always rely on what makes sense to us to dictate the way others think.
He has operated a shadow presidency for the last four years. Who ever heard of an Ed President hosting world leaders (and presumably plotting with them to set up the most favorable environment for Trump to win) while running for re election? With nobody in the current administration knowing what was said or promised? Or given? That alone is super ominous. He should have been charged under the Logan Act long ago. Yet here we are.
In today’s American it would be an insurgency
I think the initial stages would be essentially US-style Troubles with kidnappings, murders and infrastructure attacks. But it's possible things COULD escalate beyond that. Not sure what exactly that would look like because the US is a pretty big country.
100000000% this. And people are fucking idiots
They wanted to bring home the war from Afghanistan...
So were talking about this, then?
This is exactly right. Every clown in a maga hat thinks they're stonewall Jackson. They don't have a government, currency, standing army, etc. They're not going to neatly divide up all the f-35s and then say "ok let's fight now". How many of these fat boomers could last 2 days on hard tack out in the cold without their yeti coolers?
Sadly, it's going to be more school and gay nightclub shootings by lead demented morons who think their civics class they took in high school in 1974 makes them experts on policy.
I don’t think a “civil war” would play out like that. I think it would be massive civil unrest in large cities. People would start fleeing the cities. The violence would start spilling out into rural areas which would be…bad. It’s not all fat boomers in maga hats. I don’t think you understand how many people that are out there thats VERY prepared, equipped, and has the fitness levels to back it up.
Freeze their assets and most of them are done.
And the rest of them now have nothing to lose, and everything to gain. Great strategy for peace.
Sorta like the Troubles in Ireland
Or more like Syria
Similar to The Troubles.
Those who advocate for it the most are the ones who can't miss a day of work or they lose their house, car, etc. Its like they think their bills will stop accumulating. I find it even funnier when I hear LEOs or other republic servants talk about it. What will happen to your retirement? Morons.
There have been several times foreigners have offered their relevant experiences to Americans on the prepper sub-reddits and one important takeaways is that "total collapse" is pretty rare. Even in the midst of out-of-control civil wars, people still have to get up and go to work each day so they can pay bills.
If there is a civil war and you secede from the Union all of your govt benefits go away. Your country is not the US. You committed treason. Do you think they are going to pay out your pension? Hahaha
Man, its wild that I was agreeing with you and you came at me like that.
Civil War is impossible today. It would be thwarted by government quickly.
That idea is predicated on the idea that government would be unified. The government isn't a monolith. It's made by a number of different people who have many different interpretations of their duties.
I think we would have shit very similar to the troubles in Ireland.
Just curious, how would an American Civil War effect you even though you're in Australia? Purely curious, don't crucify me please
I'm in New Zealand, but I am an American. My side of the family all lives in the US.
A civil war in the states would impact everyone on earth though. The US dollar is the global reserve currency, and you'd see pretty sudden inflation as faith in the US is lost. So, global depression.
With the US focused on itself, you'd see a number of conflicts heat up around the world.
In Asia, all the sudden, Taiwan seems much more feasible for China. Lacking American support, Israel would likely dramatically shift its relations with neighbours. I suspect this would mean nuking Iran. North Korea would likely take advantage of the situation. Any war in Asia would likely have an outsized impact on me due to proximity.
In Europe, you'd almost certainly see the collapse of NATO and European solidarity. There is no NATO without the US, and a lot of governments in Europe would see pretty quick government changes due to the need for self defence, and economic depression.
There is 0 chance I would rather prep for reality and those listening to Putin paid people will believe anything. We don't even violence at football games like the rest of the world with soccer football. Russia China and Iran are far more likely to have civil war and or collapse
I don't think Russia or China are, but Iran definitely has a strong level of discontent.
I think Russia and Iran collapse and become allies by 2030 against DPRK and China
This is how it was for the Rwandan Genocide. If you haven’t learned about that history it is wild.
Some people owned the radio stations and started dehumanizing a group of people. This was incoordination with like a few people in government.
One day likes of machetes show up on street corners and the listeners write rules up to go kill the “cockroaches” or whatever they called the Tutsi’s.
In about a 100 days, almost half a million people were butchered.
caveatlector73@reddit (OP)
And that's the problem.
Part of preparation is planning for what could happen. I too think it unlikely, but not impossible. So how to prepare for a topic that incendiary without pushing ourselves toward it?
Now personally in the event of an extremely unlikely zombie attack I plan to just hole up in Walmart where they have everything I need. /s
If they open a 24 hour buffet we could capture them all at once…AUCE crab legs….🦵 but
There is only one answer: water.
If you have enough water/filtration/expertise/storage then you can survive a few days of grid down or water treatment center issues. No access to water? A day or two of chaos and then you collapse. People think supply of clean fresh water is infinite or they will always be able to have something running nearby and boil it. In some areas that's true.
But they forget the demand part of supply and demand. 300 million people in this nation, and a lot of the water is not potable.
Everything else can be survived. Even seasons of hunger. You must make sure you and your family can get a reasonable supply of clean drinking water.
Bottle up 24 gallons of properly treated water (e.g. Purogene), and toss it into the closet and you can now make it a week, give or take.
Just always be prepared for unexpected events as best you can.
Well thankfully, I think we can safely discuss a zombie attack without making that more likely lol
Nah, see, people will just get into heated arguments about whether or not to side with the zombies.
Well zombies have rights too! AND they prefer Post-Human.
There was a neat British TV series where sceintists found a treatment for the zombie virus and former zombies returned home to confront the people who where killing them.
Are the zombies woke? Now I'm asking the tough question.
I do hear that they prefer brains.
Fux are gonna starve.
Don't pop my bubble, man.
Let me have my dreams.
Don't let your dreams be dreams, open a biolab today!
Walmart would be picked over before lunch the 1st day. When my area was hit by Helene and most people lost power the stores were all picked over within 3 hours of the hurricane being over.
Don’t steal my idea!!! I was there first
This Man Walmarts 🙂
Both sides foaming at the mouth at each other. It’s barbaric af
I agree to disagree. We are more likely to have a civil war than not as we are one moment in time away from a civil war with nothing in sight to turn the tide.
It matters not what side wins in November. Neither side will accept defeat.
Historically, Democrats concede defeat everytime. Sometimes prematurely.
It is only Republicans that seem to have issues with Losing.
Thanks for the insight reverend doctor
Burying your head in the sand and ignoring the problems are not going to make them go away. Don’t act surprised when it shows up on your doorstep.
I just assume anyone pushing or talking about civil war to be just a foreign agent working against the US or someone under heavy influence of propaganda from the previous.
Words of war beget war
You’re a lil late
The segregation era is still less than 100 years old
That's the reason I don't talk about it.
Disinformation from countries like Russia don’t help. We really need to work on our coming together, and getting away from the individualist mentality. Some countries are frothing at the mouth for America to go into civil war and they will provide aide to the side that they think will best influence the outcome they like.
Lol, literally at least 1/3 of this country is so obese they have issues getting up from the couch much less engaging in combat. The largest population is over 65 and has "got theirs" so they are not fighting. Everyone under 30 is such a naive sheltered pacifist that the military is lowering requirements every year to make quotas.
My point is there something to prep for just not a civil war. You need to prep for a Orwellian police state. Propaganda from the DHS shredded constitution center.
Insight violence with horrendous policies and propaganda, enact police state.
Cause collapse of state, enter corporate feudalism with no oversight. It’s the billionaires man.
Very well said.
Someone who has their head on straight here. Thank you.
Talk is a sign of the state of things, not a cause. The more talk there is, the closer it actually is.
Self fulfilling prophecy. I’m sick and tired of these terrorists ruining this country.
Or you might be considered the terrorist. Just something to consider, friend.
I don’t fit the definition by any stretch of the imagination buddy.
sharing anti-government propaganda in public forums? you might be on the next watch list at your local fusion center, pal.
It's fiction, but check out Burn by Heller. I found it interesting.
I've been saying this for awhile. I won't engage in it because I know how real it can get.
My great great grandfather was a confederate, and a POW, his brother, my great great granduncle, died on the Union side in Gettsyburg. We've given enough blood.
It will make it easier to locate the unhinged and lock them up again
What is a self fulfilling prophecy for $500 Alex.
People here are too weak to even try for a little domestic uprising. They can’t band together for too long, the governments (state and federal) may be slow to respond but it will in full force, eventually. You would have factions /gangs/ partisans, all playing various roles and parts. But overall people in the USA are just to weak and disorganized, soft and don’t really want disarming nor lives. Too inconvenient.
caveatlector73@reddit (OP)
Or perhaps too sensible. Uprisings are sometimes led by people who feel powerless and don't quite understand how to compromise using the system. Just a thought.
Sensible requires common sense. lol at the election of 2016, then the actions of the liberals as cities burned, does that seem sensible to you or an uprising? Democrats LET the cities burn, actually fanned the flames. They refused the assistance of the federal government from Trump. But then begged for it. Rightly so he said, “no.” They (the left) got what they wanted, but now they try to get you to forget it. But yet the accused him of insurrection….🤣🤣🤣 laughable leftist logic. They have increased the number of homeless, displaced elderly and sheltering and supporting 17 million illegals instead of our homeless, mental health issue and our veterans. But yeah, show me where the sensible is please….
caveatlector73@reddit (OP)
I see your karma count is still incredibly low after going on five years and you are still trying to spread rumors without any source. You appear to be just stirring the pot. No one had time for that.
Rumors? Where were you then? In the womb? With your head up where the sun ding shine like most Liberals? Thems facts. Check them all day long!
Democrats are clearly becoming that desperate.
caveatlector73@reddit (OP)
Do you have a source for that Mr. I have -100 karma? lmao
You can’t bring the temperature down. Its rising. The current administration stating they will use the military against the people. Millions of illegals draining our systems. Money going to every country but our own. Sounds like a doomsday afternoon special to me. You have to prep. How do you see you coming out of the dust when it’s all over? Did you have what you needed? Was it enough? This train is on a one way ticket to disaster, again where do you want to be?
The current administration has done nothing of the sort and the Federal Military has affirmed that domestic "law enforcement" isn't something they do.
The "border crisis" is political theater intended to make you fearful and easier to control.
I live in Colorado. The open border is a real problem here. Your political I see nothing shows your a paid bot or just plain privileged idiot living in Hollywood.
Player, I don't know if you could get much further from the border in Colorado but lets pretend for a second you live in Arizona: the "border crisis" is political circus intended to make people afraid and easier to manipulate people. Democrats even said yes to EVERYTHING Republicans wanted in their border bill but Trump axed it because that takes away his circus.
Player, the shit is real in Denver and aurora.
caveatlector73@reddit (OP)
You are aware that Trump is no longer in office and is not considered the current administration?
Fact checking is part of intel -
Fact checking intel:
I'll let you the rest of the fact checking. It's good practice.
ChiefCrewin@reddit realize the OP is talking about the current administration...
Obviously. But it's such an ignorant assertion that you almost have to pretend otherwise.
You must work for nbc and cbs. Or just a paid socialist.
caveatlector73@reddit (OP)
Jealous much? I know how to look things up and you do not which is to your determent not mine. Read the rules dude. lmao.
Kill Your TV
Funny. These are metrics. 81 billion to Ukraine 2024 150 billion on illegals Dod directive 5240
Facts not tv
Most of the ”ukraine money…” went to industries here at home… all of the ITAR plants I work at are making money hand over fist… what, you think we just stroked a check or something…and the Military Industrial Complex didn’t have their hands in the pot…? Raytheon, Boeing, ATK… all showed record profits in Q3 and Q4
I'm less worried about Civil War and more worried about being disappeared by the Government if Trump wins.
Seems ridiculous, why would you be disappeared?
I've been vocally anti-Trump in online spaces.
The Russians and Chinese know they can never defeat America in a conventional war or economically. They have been attacking American culture and politics for decades. We are in the endgame now we either do something about it or implode.
I know a fitness instructor that I worked with who is openly training and talking about how he will participate on the side of DjT. Also he’s joined the US military. I’m not thinking he’s a honey pot for the fbi?
I’d report him
No, he’s openly doing it on Instagram like they don’t know it’s so blatantly obvious I think he’s actually working for the FBI or something because there’s no way I mean he has like 17,000 followers
Maybe Donald trump.should stop threatening the left with military action and consequences for simply opposing him.
And maybe his supporters should stop pointing the finger at the left when we call Trump a spade.
Lmfao there's nothing this sub wishes would happen more than that
caveatlector73@reddit (OP)
The replies and up and down votes are about 50-50.
With potential election fall out, threat of foreign cyber attacks, and human nature in general, I keep telling people to have contingency shtf plans now.
Stock up on essential non perishable food items, ways to defend your family, and exit strategies if you have to leave your home.
Out of curiosity, what are your political leanings?
Conservative, but more on the moderate side. I see pro’s and con’s on both sides.
I see - thanks
IMHO as mentioned probably not a true civil war but more like massive protests, paralyzing large cities and or commerce. The possibility of states reclaiming their individual rights, rejecting all federal powers not explicitly mentioned the constitution.
What I feel would be the quickest way to devolve into a so-called civil war, ( and I hope never happens)would be a situation where the military through direct orders from the federal government ie president to open fire on protesting citizens. If that were to happen, the government would lose its legitimacy and all bets are off.
The thing is, whatever side is against the federal forces will fabricate and amplify any instances of violence against them. Once the ball starts rolling, there is no tipping point - it’s already over.
We almost got there a few years back. The folks who headed off that clusterfuck are now on a PNG list.
Should Harris win, we need the national guard locked and loaded the day after the election to put down Trumper terrorist attacks. If he wins, I guess its off to the concentration camps for most.
Who? Who is going off to concentration camps? And when has this been discussed as actual policy? What a stupid fucking take.
Kamala Harris said that Trump has no plan for America. Are you calling her a liar?
He only has one *against* America.
You are delusional and part of the problem. You all seem to have a very biased view of history.
Well the they also just made it okay for cops to shoot protesters and they already kill unarmed non violent offenders so I think the cops are fine. They will do what they do best. Kill people
caveatlector73@reddit (OP)
The problem with labeling everyone the same way is the lack of nuance. Not all cops are killers just like not all protesters are peaceful. It's situational. Understanding that is key to accurate prep.
Considering the calls to violence and previous attacks, I’d guess it’s a very real possibility
caveatlector73@reddit (OP)
"We need to slaughter these people?" No offense to anyone, but that is crazy especially considering that he definitely looks old enough to be house broken. If you disagree have a conversation. It's not that hard.
And calling your opponent a Nazi over and over and over.
By this same logic, the more you call a former president H*tler, the more it could inspire real world violence.
caveatlector73@reddit (OP)
Hitler did seem to have that affect on people.
But it's certainly not a good comparison.
caveatlector73@reddit (OP)
Hitler comes up in the context of historical fascism and authoritarianism. There are many other examples of course. He was all about inciting fear of "the other." Interestingly, Hitler preached a Aryan mythology that he in no way resembled.
We already had 4 years, there was no fascism. Turn off CNN and MSNBC.
caveatlector73@reddit (OP)
So.. Kamala is fascist also
Kamala is also on the Political Right so it's normal for you to see things she has in common with Republicans but Democrats prefer the status quo of a corrupt Republic over completely collapsing it into a dictatorship like Trump envisions.
When Trump promises Fascism in his next term as President, there's no reason not to believe him
caveatlector73@reddit (OP)
I don't watch either of them so that advice doesn't work for me plus from my point of view it would lead to crappy intel. Here's why:
Part of gathering solid intel is listening or reading from multiple points of view. Poor intel is tuning out people for no other reason than you personally do not agree with them. I don't have to agree with anyone to gather facts.
Besides, I can listen to people in real time - I don't need a filter telling me what I heard. YMMV.
Well it's a fact that no former president is H*tler. Gather that.
caveatlector73@reddit (OP)
Darn. You figured that one out all by yourself. Plus I forgot to block your ~~ass~~ profile~~.~~
Be better
And 2020 was just a summer of love.
An extremely mild summer of love.
Honestly I feel we need a revolution more than a civil war I just get the feeling a civil war is what “they” want keep us against each other rather than uniting and going against them
The last Revolution had pretty mixed results
Peaceful Revolution >>>>
Don’t let them convince you to fight with your neighbors. We will always be neighbors so we might as well figure out how to co-exist.
The media has trained you to fear the “enemy.” Doesn’t have to be that way.
But we should be looking to get rid of the rot hidden in our country. Namely the heritage foundation and Fox News. Those people need to go one way or the other
All mainstream media is brain rot. All controlled.
Quit thinking in terms of left versus right. It’s all propaganda.
It’s not left or right but rich vs poor, yet its the right’s fox news and heritage foundation that is propping up the rich’s interests over everyone else’s. They need to go.
Rich vs poor !!!
(Escape the cult of greed ! ) Start bartering today !
Nobody needs to “go.”
We need a better public funded system. And/or donated time and equipment to create a whole alternative media branch of us gov to create our own profound programs
The media hasn't done anything to convince me to fight with my neighbors. The neighbors telling me how much they hate LGBTQIA folk, immigrants, and poor people and want them "rounded up and dealt with" did.
That’s very sad and I can’t relate. Are you not able to move?
Who's 'them'? There's no unity when there's an 'us' and a 'them'.
The Judean People’s Front!?!
Peoples Front of Judea
Us being the common folk and them being the top people of the world aka government officials the corrupt ones anyway and most of the top 1% as they all kinda have their own “society” or group you could say
Eat the Rich!
caveatlector73@reddit (OP)
Does anyone have some practical and useful information to add about prepping for violence. In reality I'm probably better prepared for climate disaster than violence. (And yes we legally own fire arms and know how to use them - we simply don't consider them the only possible course of action so let's skip that.)
"How do we bring the temperature down?"
The temperature can be brought down at any time by the part of the population mostly responsible heating it up standing down and seeing others as humans.
It would also require the propaganda pipeline shut down.
caveatlector73@reddit (OP)
So everyone who reads this can do their part right?
Not really. There's nothing any of us can do, it's entirely on the shoulders of the people who are popping veins in their heads over culture war differences.
caveatlector73@reddit (OP)
Just a thought experiment:
What if instead of treating people we disagree with like they are terminally stupid and name calling we find common ground? Personally I think Funfetti is a silly birthday cake, but I'm not going to treat someone badly over what is essentially a personal preference or belief. Obviously some of this is far more consequential, but the position is the same.
For example, I have friends of all political persuasions simply because I choose friends/community based on character and what we have in common not culture war rhetoric. I don't have to agree with them on every little thing right down to birthday cake choices.
As a PK I learned long ago that if I don't agree with someone and they don't want to listen I can just shut my mouth, smile, nod and keep going. It's a choice. Not everything has to be a nuclear war confrontation. We all have a hill we will die on, but only a fool or someone with way too much time on their hands thinks they need to die on every single freakin' hill.
I agree, but many of us are already peaceful, reflective, and kind citizens. And we are witnessing 20-30% of the population go down online radicalization pipelines until they seem insane, ambitious, intolerant, and cruel. I've had friends who used to be good, normal people who I can't talk to or see anymore, since they have changed. They now just listen to hate radio, say racist jokes, or are stressful to be around. They see conspiracies everywhere and feel they have grievances.
So yes, we can smile and choose to not be confrontational, but there is an aspect of policing, investigation, and monitoring here that's fair and legitimate (though the even better change would be policies that give American people good, long-term middle class jobs. That's the be all and end all). We can't be naive about the growing danger.
I will take your advice to pick and choose my arguments better. Like I really will, and you are right. But things are looking dire. As one leader recently said "All warning lights are blinking red."
Nailed it. The people I know who've always supported Republicans aren't the dangerous ones, it's the previously apolitical ones that radicalized online that you have to watch out for. My conservative friend "Abe" would hide me from the secret police if Trump completes his plans for Dictatorship (despite being enthusiastic for it). My friend "Bill" would turn me in himself and probably be ranting about Aunt Jemima and Trans People as the secret police hauled me away.
we could bring the temperature down by requiring KYC for social media, and blocking accounts tied to residents of enemy nations from political speech visible to US based accounts.
This drastically cuts down on foreign and domestic bots since each account requires a government ID, and cuts down on enemy nations stoking political violence because their users will be quarantined away from US social media feeds / DMs.
Some will still get through, but it will be a fraction of what we have today. Greatly reducing the propaganda pipeline
Excuse my ignorance, but what is KYC?
basically know your customer, a way to verify who the account holder actually is, kind of like what banks do.
No fuckin way
There have always been real issues, but people were calmer prior to 2016.
Social media has contributed to radicalization.
and foreign speech interference is very much an issue
I’m not unaware that foreign governments are exacerbating issues, but really - the impact must by tiny. A bucket in the flood. And really, 2016 and trumps election didn’t “just happen”. There is a reason he was elected, there was an underlying bitterness and rage frankly. That isn’t going to go away via increasing surveillance and censorship, that’s a cover on the reality of people’s situations.
and that’s fine. Social media is great for organic speech. But we need to take the foreign and domestic bots out of the equation, so that speech remains organic
Phenomenal idea. Also make it 18+ so kids stop losing their minds at the abysmal rate they seem to nowadays
Sounds like a great way to squelch anti-Regime opinions as well.
Community. I have a few folks who book shows at my club and are on the other end of the spectrum politically. They're good humans, though, and we get along pretty well. I think we need more connections like that - folks talking over music or sports or hunting or camping or whatever.
caveatlector73@reddit (OP)
What?! Not just stuff ginned up to turn us against each other? Me - I'm all about a good book or good food.
I too prefer to eat watermelons... but hear me out... watermelon catapult...
They exist. Primarily designed with pumpkins in mind but modifying one to use watermelons shouldn't be hard.
Best way to prep for mass violence like rioting is to not be in the area. The best way to protect against targeted violence is to not advertise yourself as a target. If you are worried about political violence, don’t put political signs in your front yard or political stickers on your car. Don’t be riffing on about politics at the bar or arguing with your neighbor about it.
Bugout bags/emergency exit plan, a way to secure your property/home. I know you said you have firearms, but extra ammo.
No force of arms will protect against a Warthog coming over the horizon… it’s futile to think that the Gravy Seals would ever have a chance with their .22’s against a modern army…
They might as well be Mithradates with bronze swords against Pompey and Giaus Julius with the Prima Gainia of Marius
The Gravy Seals have no supply; so they will loot and steal from us to advance their ideology, and then the US Military will bombard us both in the chaos…
Youre stupid if you think a civil war would look anything like a war between two countries. Warthogs, F16s or nukes would be next to useless against a civil uprising.
Know your history…
Sulla crushed Marius’ entire legion within the city walls
Spartacus had 80k slaves running scourged earth over the peninsula and gathering steam until he met the might of the 10th, and the 3rd Galicia
Vercingetorix gathered all of the tribes of Gaul in a rebellion with the largest army ever assembled just to lay his sword at Julius’ feet
NOTHING compares to the might of the US Military today… they stand ready, even as we speak… and the gravy seals with their .22’s against them would be a bloodbath
A rebellion is, nor ever has been, won by small arms alone… without France with their navy and artillery we would be drinking tea to this very day
I think you got a bit lost on your way back through history...
War is different today, and the world is different too. The conflicts you mentioned were rebellions, but not guerilla warfare like a modern revolt would be.
The word "guerilla" comes from the 1800s when Spanish partisans - mostly peasants and former soldiers - fought against the occupying army of Napoleon, and won. They ambushed, sabotaged, used hit-and-run tactics, and knowledge of their environment to demoralize, isolate and defeat French forces.
How about the IRA? What about Burma/Myanmar? What about Vietnam?
When you say "NOTHING compares to the might of the US Military today", ill suggest the US military of the 2000s was stronger. What happened in Iraq? What happened in Afghanistan?
You keep calling US civilians "gravy seals" with ".22's", but many navy seals have left the military, and many more special forces would leave if ordered to kill their countrymen. They joined for their country, not their government.
And lastly- youre stupid if you dont believe every country adversarial to the US would flood the country with every weapon system they have. Its the easiest way to destroy the US empire.
Or the guys that robbed the national guard. Or 30 guys with determination and a plan. Or the patient neighbor with a gille suit.
Minor setbacks… they would be rooted out and hung as the rest were picked off at night while they slept by armored PID’s
I’m in agreement with you. I just Think it’s funny the gravey seals think they fight off 50 gang bangers with assault rifles. Or a guy with flaming arrows. But a gravy seal never sleeps, never shits, and never makes a mistake or a bad shot.
Yup… I think their biggest problem is leadership, they don’t know how to take orders
That's not how it will play out. The US military is heavily dependant on logistics. In a civil war the trucks and trains will stop moving, or at least pick sides. Military equipment will be unmaintainable shortly after. You joke about the gravy seals but I know the various right wing extremists in my area are doing CrossFit and milsim events with combat veterans. They have 2 local businesses manufacturing ammo for them and doing gunsmithing. They own other useful businesses. They are also friends with the sheriff and cops, who have said in case of emergency they will ask the militia to help before they ask the state. Less paperwork and oversight. The are pretty well organized, funded, and equipped. The only thing they don't have is numerical support but in the event of emergency or distress that might change.
Still no artillery, no PID w/ thermal imaging, no air support… the gravy seals are sitting ducks with their .22’s
Why do I already know that you actually haven’t served in the US military just by reading your comments?
Oooooh I do love Red Herrings… so tasty
Please sir can I have another…?
Not a red herring, stunningly on point actually. If you actually had military experience, especially in the US military, you would realize that the drivel you are spouting about how easy it would be for the US to fight an insurgency is way off point.
Not even keeping in mind the fact that in an American civil war it’s likely that both sides will have fighter jets, drones, artillery etc.
The US Military against the gravy seals and their .22’s…? With no artillery…?
They would be put down like the curs they are my friend… bloody footprints in the snow
We would march right over their corpses
One by one they would be picked off, could there be delays… sure… but once they mobilize it will be an unstoppable juggernaut over familiar terrain
You watch too many movies my friend
Ah so you’re just a dumb troll. No movies, what’s your experience again?
Sooooo meaty… will you continue to move the goalposts when you don’t get an answer you like…?
Will you continue to use your gotcha dialectic to gain say your shaky position…?
Do you expect me to crawl to your demands upon my person…?
Should I cry out to you like a scorned lover…
How many more hoops do you have in store
Nay, my friend I will not be assuaged by your childish behavior nor will I capitulate my premise to satisfy your feelings
You are a narcissistic fool
I see you have a degree in military logistics from Battlefield 4
Giving you big ups solely for Bf4 shoutout!
I know your comment was tongue in cheek but I spent so many hours on that game back in the day that I’m supremely confident I could hop in a Little Bird or Apache with no problem.
Legend has it there’s still active servers.
I mean more in a personal protective sense, someone breaks into your home or bunker or whatever and you pop em in the skull
Remember ladies and gents to put a sock on your baseball bat…!
Is 1,500 rounds per caliber good?
Artillery, Air Support, Satellite Imagery, FLIR, Drones, Supply, Logistics, Communications, Intelligence… pick one
caveatlector73@reddit (OP)
On my WalMart shopping list for sure.
Might check amazon too… they have free shipping, but I did see some deals on some used russian armor on ebay (bring your own tractor)
It'll probably simmer down a bit on its own after the election. People are very amped up and emotional these days. No matter your leanings, keep it to yourself. Don't share rage bait links. Avoid them entirely if you can, they don't make you any more knowledgeable or happy.
My general plan was to just avoid places where protests happen and avoid standing next to infrastructure. I don't really advertise political positions on my house or car so don't need to take anything down.
I don't think a civil war is likely to kick off but seems prudent to avoid anyone who might be acting nuts over politics or bad actors taking advantage of the situation.
Welp, these January 6th type fake Christians aren’t the only ones who are armed. And they aren’t very smart (which is why they are working class in the first place). Easy to beat.
caveatlector73@reddit (OP)
"Working class" has nothing to do with intelligence but you probably know that. Based on your points I'm guessing you are just stirring the pot.
If Trump wins, the left is going to go ballistic and the Dem leadership will egg them on.
My guess is it will most resemble the post civil war south, when the Klan and county sheriffs terrorized and suppressed any opposition to the white Christian establishment.
I see the left is already preparing for a loss
All this arming of the police with military-grade equipment could inspire police violence, Scotch1701d warns cops.
This is just fearmongering to get people to justify voting for Trump to “prevent a war.” If you love your country make him a losing candidate so the right can get someone that truly represents them and not his own malignant self interest.
Who are the idiots talking about it?
Yes sadly our (first) American civil war was somewhat unique in there was a pretty linear rise in tensions over a singular issue (yes, it was) that was pretty easy to draw a line in sand about, and geographically it was already in place… most civil wars are basically petty family feuds that don’t know borders or have murky end-goals beyond just “kill the people who opportunistic autocrats have told me I shouldn’t like”.
It’ll never happen when all the Gravy Seals have are .22cal pea shooters and the US Military Industrial Complex has Tripple 7 Howitzers…
US Artillery Commander out of Texas: …no artillery, are you joking?
1st Lt.: …nuh, nuh no sir… all they have are small arms and ammunition… .223 NATO sir…
Commander: they do know we can strike them from 20miles away, don’t they?
1st Lt.: I don’t think so sir, and they have no supply the Gravy Seals just loot and rob from the locals sir… do you want to call in an airstrike at 0300 sir…?
Commander: no…no… -sighs deeply- start the bombardment Lt. I want this over with by supper… let me know when they’re erased, I want to be back home tomorrow…
Lt.: yes sir, and what about the bodies sir…
Commander: there won’t be any bodies Lt. run along now, and bring me a drink…
Better hope those terrorists aren't your neighbors. 155 HE don't care who is in the vicinity.
I know right… lolz…
My .69 Charleville ‘77 has the same problem
it's coming and I can't say that I even care anymore
They shouldn't have beat us down for so long. Make no mistake, this will be a class war. Warren Buffet said "there is a class war but the rich are the only ones fighting it." Mike Tyson said "everybody has a plan until they get punched in the face." I've been to a couple wars and it's said it's hard to get people to go back. Civil war.....say when.
Gotta find that enemy within, y’all.
It's wild because I live in rural AZ which was very red until Trump pissed off all the blue voters who normally avoided voting and now all the Republicans talk about is a religious civil war because the terrible homo pedo Dems are trying to kill their puppies.
Yeah, avoiding naming and shaming the people responsible for this environment and trying to "both sides" it just perpetuates the problem
Conservatives are the problem. They can turn down the temperature at any time by willing to engage in an actual discussion with people and see them as humans.
But there's no common ground to speak of when one side is dehumanizing everyone else.
It was actually mind blowing seeing the response to the assassination attempt where so many were like "the violence in this country is out of control and this needs to stop... And it's time the Democrats take responsibility for their actions"
Like what. What the actual fuck lol. They complain about being called Nazis but it's like okay, quit saying and doing openly Nazi shit then. That complaint has a really special layer of irony because for the entirety of my life conservatives have screeched about the "Radical Leftist Communist" democrats. like at least one side is making a pretty accurate assessment of reality. There's no fucking alternate universe where Karl Marx becomes the leader of the corporate hack democratic party
Blue states and cities will burn from within.
Cool. Tell Obama to not executive produce a film literally called civil war.
caveatlector73@reddit (OP)
It was a film about a photojournalist and actually quite realistic. Source: former journalist. War was merely the setting for the storyline. One would hope people can tell the difference between fiction and non-fiction. When they can't there are bigger problems that who the executive producer of a film is.
Cops will partake in the violence
I've noticed that the only people that talk about civil war are Trump supporters.
These people have no fucking clue what a war is like, let alone one in their own back yard.
Trump supporters want to start a civil war.
Progressives are simply gearing up to teach some lessons.
I sure the fuck hope we don’t have our thumbs up our asses this time Jan 6th rolls around. Capitol Police and the National Guard need no bring extra firepower because we all know they’re going to try the same shit with more intensity when they loose again
Also the state capitols need to ramp up security too in preparation for his cult throwing a tantrum / riot / insurrection.
Bro he is literally gonna win lmfao
And if/when he doesn’t, his cult will do as they did last time right?
Are you saying between then and now his people learned their lesson that subverting and interfering in an election is illegal and unpatriotic?
i doubt civil war would happen. our own military has said the overwhelming majority of fighting age men are too fat, have high blood sugar, high amounts of very poor mental health, lack of muscle mass, no experience in living in the wilderness, and on and on. americans are to comfortable driving the f150 to costco and buying junk food to stuff in their face. reddit is not real life, a civil war will never happen
Don’t bring Costco into this. Not cool
An anti Costco prepper is like a vegan hunter
Current military recruitment standards are irrelevant in the case of a civil war. Can you physically fire a gun, pilot a drone, etc.? That's what would matter, not whether you can ruck ten miles across wilderness.
in the very short term sure i agree with that but over a sustained period of time being in good shape will matter because being unhealthy will effects those on the front lines. plus all those unhealthy people are going to get real tired of war real fast, no one wants to live in the environment
There won’t be front lines if we end up having a civil war
true most likely close quarters combat and guerrilla warfare, where being out of shape will matter
I think it'll be mostly spread out hits on infrastructure, if it's anything. I don't disagree that there will be some close quarters skirmishes, but I really am of the mind that it will be more "that city's my enemy, shake if they lost power and water".
Yeah and home invasions, bushwhacking groups of like 10-15 guys. Probably ambushes of low ranking officials.
Things we’ve seen before in modern civil conflicts
Being fat and unhealthy won’t stop people from doing dumb shit.
yeah, but they are only going to be doing dumb shit for about an eight of a mile before they need a break.
Bullets and trucks are not limited to fatty’s short distance running. Don’t underestimate these people.
A lot wrong with this comment lol
I wouldn't underestimate what can be done sitting on one's arse. Look at drones... and other things that can be crafted that information is right online in several places. War is rapidly changing to small and smart over just brute force.
Sounds like a terminally online take with a dash of self-protection. Majority of men my age are in decent to athletic shape.
Mental health is still way better than it was in the early 2000s and the only reason there are high numbers today is because more people are reporting it because it isn't as stigmatized anymore.
And the lack of wilderness expertise is true for any American born after air conditioning became wide place in homes which is by the 1960s, so it's not a young person issue.
what i wrote is literally what the military has said, please google recruitment issues and read the 100 articles available with office statements. your personal life and environment does not reflect the reality on the ground. please fill free to provide me sources stating that i am wrong.
caveatlector73@reddit (OP)
The way reddit works is you provide the sources not the people you are attempting to convince. It's even under the rules (#3 )on this sub.
In this instance, both are making a claim. So both would really need to provide a source. And most assuredly, the military has problems finding fit candidates to join
brother as I stated its a well known issue in recruitment, which of the 100 articles would you like me to link dude? also that person replied to me with a personal anecdote about how in their own life that's not true therefore its true everywhere else, what? im sorry that i brought up a valid reason why civil war will never happen and you got mad.
caveatlector73@reddit (OP)
I'm not mad. I couldn't care less about your personal problems with literacy. I simply pointed out the rules. You are the one who is choosing to ignore them and now you want me to babysit you on which source you should use? lmao. Pick one.
bro read rule 6, provide your own link if you feel im wrong. they have not and neither have you. the fact that you are still replying to me means you do have feelings towards my comment. again link something that disproves or ignore, with all respect.
It doesn't need to be the fatties. Plus it's always a minority of societies that actually engage in fighting. The rest hide, try to live as best they can, or run away. The coddled among us will freeze or flee, the ones that aren't, and while a small number of people proportionally, 10% of 280 million is still a lot of people.
thats true, i believe the Revolutionary War was fought by only 2-3% of the population
Plenty of videos of dudes in technicals with a beer belly in other civil wars across the world.
civil war in 2025 is most likely close quarters combat and guerrilla warfare, where being out of shape will matter
This. It won’t be call of duty.
caveatlector73@reddit (OP)
Or if it does the perpetrators will all die of a Big Mac attack before it gets bad? /s I was really hoping no one would bring up the "stop stuffing your face with pizza" tactic.
Civil wars are always started by the government.
caveatlector73@reddit (OP)
History begs to differ:
Bring it on already then! All these cosplay soldier tough guys about to FAFO.
Not a concern, just (continue to) avoid urban areas.
Stop grooming kids. You all were told.
Cops: "Ok, we'll keep pushing for civil war online then"
Fuck, this sub is lame. Online rhetoric about literally anything has been scaring literal anyone for literally ever
I've been stalked by neo fascist organization with the help of my family for several years after a prolonged gaslighting campaign to make me dependent and prevent me from forming relationships or getting effective treatment because they don't believe in medicine.
After coming out in support of not fascism the moves beyond quietly manipulating me and stalking me in a Munchausen by proxy esque denigration scheme to actively harassing me.
And we're helped by some of our countries finest.
Terrible abusive fucking people.
And it wasn't just me.
And I'm supposed to give a fuck about violence or victims of trafficking when these people helped.
Don’t let Ruzzia-China-Iran-North Korea destroy your country
Civil war will never happen the majority aren’t truly able or willing to give up everything for a con artist. Small groups committing terroristic acts is more likely. The government would bring in the military and I highly doubt even people with guns would fight them as it’s a certain death or life in prison.
Honestly, it's time America Balkanized. You can't run a country this divided. Let's call a spade a spade.
Russia would love if we Balkanized, that way they can de-balkanize eastern europe in peace.
I think we should consider re-evaluating how large America needs to be.
Maybe we could be independent regions that share a military. Continue free trade as well. I’m not sure it makes sense to have a country so large and ideologically diverse.
Im a UPS driver.
In 2020 I heard some old white Republican white ladies at a hair salon talk amongst themselves..."I hope you got your guns ready, because if Biden wins it might be a civil war".
Legitimate old white ladies. 55+.
After that, I bought some firearms. Fuck you all lol, can't trust no one.
I’m more worried about countries taking advantage of all the bullshit infighting over nonsense stirred up by the politicians and those in power meant to keep us all fighting. External entities then stir the pot to a breaking point or take down the power grid and have us fighting each other for the last can of beans and they don’t even have to step foot here. Meanwhile all the people in power bug out or in with security and millions in preps to hide out. As soon as people start understanding both wings are the same bird the better.
That is what happens when the laws don’t matter and people in power literally show they are above the law. If the DHS need to fix the problem and not the symptom. russian propaganda has spewing out all over social media. Its literally a virus rotting peoples brains with conspiracy theories. Such a failure of our intelligence agencies not to notice.
I'm sorry but a bigger threat of civil war is the candidate that talks about the enemy within and continuously riles up their supporters to "take back murica". People are just discussing it online because of what happened after the last election and the rhetoric that party has been pushing for the last 4 years about it being a stolen election and they wont accept the results (unless they win of course).
The enemy is within. We are an occupied nation. Obama grew up in Indonesia and has a foreign father. Both Kamala Harris’s parents are foreigners. Iranian born Ariane Tabatabai is leaking military secrets to our enemy. Americans are not in control of our government. We are occupied by a foreign cabal
The names don’t matter… the Military Industrial Complex in our Corporate Hegemony will never relinquish control… we are in the dystopia… right now, it is all around us… and rose colored glasses about the constitution and partisan politics are just a distraction
The military industrial complex is not trafficking foreigners in and through North America
…what’s your point?
At this very moment Black Rock and Vanguard are making trillions off the backs of migrant workers… they fit nicely into their portfolios
I interviewed for Blackrock. Two foreigners who spoke broken English. Enemy within
They are the MIC, and whomever is in the white house doesn’t matter, dog whistles like you used above are just distractions… and only go to bolster my argument showing how ignorant people are
It matters when it’s Trump, clearly. Otherwise they wouldn’t conduct a decade-long smear campaign and spend billions to prop up shitty candidates.
Distractions… Distractions all…
Who gives a fuck, he’s an idiot… just like the rest of them… they are all bought and paid for
There’s a time tested way to bring down the “heat.”
Seriously, imagine we just have government sponsored pot lucks (no weapons) and enjoy the company of our fellow citizens?
I think voting should be a holiday like Halloween, for adults. No work, only eating and good vibes.
Anyone going to a polling place should get a free meal. Or at least a free desert. Fruit cups for the health conscious.
Free coffee and non-alcoholic drinks at the polling places too.
AHAHAHAH in other news water is wet.
oh shit, here we go…
I’m honestly not concerned about a Civil War because most people don’t have the balls to risk their comfort.
I am, however, I’m partially concerned about domestic terrorists, who try to commit active violence. The die hard crazies…
What I am most concerned about are maga business owners, or people who support trump or conservatives in positions of power who will simply try to make life as difficult as they can for others.
There could be thousands, or even millions of people losing out on jobs, promotions or life-changing opportunities because of a person who finds out they are a Democrat or a left-leaning individual. and now they will be negatively impacted.
I think the next Civil war will be a financial or economic war, combined with a loss of freedoms & tug-of-war with fascism.
I don’t think there’s going to be a grand war of kinetic battles. It’s going to be a long drawn out for attracted economic decline. Homelessness and poverty and people dying in the streets.
caveatlector73@reddit (OP)
So my dystopian books are coming true? I too have wondered if it will be a socioeconomic divide. I'm joking around, but the book I referenced does talk about how those characters prepped.
We are in the dystopia, and it is boring
Is that really what you are worried about? In today’s political and business climate, you think that declaring yourself a conservative gets you benefits? Going along with leftist ideas is going against the grain and ends up with social consequences?
There might be the occasional uproar, but there won't be a civil war. Of that I'm almost completely certain. I say almost because sometimes people surprise you, maybe it's worse than I think and people really will go all in.
My reasoning?
People are far too fucking lazy.
If it takes more energy than this reddit post, 95% of people won't bother. They'll get angry and flick their thumbs on the screen in the rants we always see, just to forget about it in a half hour.
No shit, have any of these people been on Reddit?
Imagine that...
The country is so divided that a civil war is going to happen sooner or later. Its just a matter of time.
Probably the Russians are the ones talking about it the most
My attitude about is like the shop keeper in the movie. Im just going to stay out of it.
I definitely see possibilities for violence. Both sides will be in the street if their candidate loses, and that situation can spin out of control.
Even if Harris wins, we don’t know what will happen from there.
Courts will make the decision on this election. So you’ll have both sides out, protesting.
Hopefully the police and military don’t coup. That’s where things get really bad.
Curious about this group's thoughts...
Would an American Civil War be Left vs. Right? Or would it look more like the Syrian Civil War with numerous factions all fighting each other?
Probably numerous factions depending on states. Blue states will be the most dangerous since they will have the greatest variety of factions.
It won’t be organized, staves versus states or like our old Civil War with a north and south.
We don’t have blue states….we have major metropolitan densities where the lefties concentrate and rural areas.
When the supply chain collapses, those city folks will go out into the rural areas (with their ‘Gimme dat mindset and approach) and demand Big Govt give and do…and fix…and it will be more of a Gorilla warfare when the streets are piled with cars that can’t move and are out of gas and our society collapses. It’s gonna be a doozy.
probably downtrodden groups being conned into an us vs them mentality while the real nefarious entities start profiteering and come out on top, per frickin usual. Ask yourself, "Who stands to profit from another civil war?"
Follow the money, follow the size of power. Read up on history. There's a reason that elites didn't really fight in war except for fame. Who's usually on the frontlines?
Why don't presidents fight the war? Why do they always send the poor?
The People’s Front of Judea
Little column A, little column B.
Definitely not good.
You might be overthinking how this could pan out. I suggest you're not gonna see uniformed soldiers meeting in battle, think more like a redneck ISIS. The downside, since there are lots of trained and equipped veterans out there, from 20 years of regime change warfare, some will join both sides, insurgency skills are very common. These folks know that direct engagement can't succeed, so the concept of asymmetric warfare would be used. Strike "symbols" of power, public safety facilties, public buildings, dams, power plants, etc initially. You then expand to infrastructure dismemberment, then attacking the disaster teams sent in to help, then exfil, regroup, pick new targets. Things like rail yards, fuel pipelines and distribution and food distribution centers, airports, highways, TV radio and satcom centers, cell towers, ad infinitum. The upside, civilian LEO'S will be the first to combat these threats(also first casualties), EMS and hospital services are generally very good but vulnerable. Banking may well collapse, economy may fail, services offered will diminish, food water sanitation will suffer and since we've prepared well be ok....right.
Sounds like a false flag op. DHS lights a fire then plays victim.
People love there internet and fast food too much, nothing is going to happen
I wanna believe this, but I don’t. Because I thought this in 2020, and then Jan 6 happened so, I believe anything is possible… 😬
No duh.
Self fulfilling prophecy
Cops benefit the most from such violence. They'll carve up the county into their own fiefdoms.
For our security, of course.
Your nearest tyrant is your sherif.
He has no artillery, just small arms and ammunition… when the big red one drops trip 7’s on his doorstep turning his compound into a sea of glass, then you will see that he wears a tin badge
That’s literally the one thing that they need. Constitutional crisis. It’s been accounted for.
Yeah, I would think that is exactly the goal.