Russia amplified hurricane disinformation to drive Americans apart, researchers find
Posted by caveatlector73@reddit | PrepperIntel | View on Reddit | 266 comments
As if our own national news outlets don't do that anyway
caveatlector73@reddit (OP)
This is why gathering intel (intelligence) is reading widely so you get more points of view and facts. I didn't see any national news outlets spreading misinformation, mostly just politicians. Do you have any evidence/sources?
Covid lab leak theory (they said it couldn't be a lab leak, it was eating bat soup), hunter Biden's laptop being russian disinformation, Haitian illegal aliens being whipped by border patrol, ABC debate moderators using incorrect information in their "fact checks", Biden being mentally competent.
C'mon man, the media lies all the time.
caveatlector73@reddit (OP)
You seem a bit confused between hurricanes and COVID although to be fair there is a tremendous loss of life for both.
News outlets report what other people say. For example I could quote you saying:
TheeDeliveryMan says, "Covid lab leak theory (they said it couldn't be a lab leak, it was eating bat soup), hunter Biden's laptop being russian disinformation, Haitian illegal aliens being whipped by border patrol, ABC debate moderators using incorrect information in their "fact checks", Biden being mentally competent."
If the information reported is inaccurate that's on the person who actually said it which in this example would be you. So it you would be the liar not the media.
So the media repeating lies is not "misinformation"?
So people online sharing information that is incorrect isn't misinformation? Or does this only work for the media?
caveatlector73@reddit (OP)
So you think that the media whoever that is in charge of determining what are lies instead of you?
Personally, I'm not big on others doing my thinking for me, but that's just me. You have to be you. I have a degree in journalism. I'm just giving you the most basic 101.
And just for the record I ignore it when someone tries to change the argument because their original argument is proven inaccurate, but as I said you need to be you.
Problem is, you didn't prove my original statement incorrect. I said that our own media lies. You asked how. I gave you a handful of examples right off the top of my head and you simply said you do your own thinking. That doesn't disprove anything in my original argument which was that the national media lies all the time.
But you can just continue to obfuscate the point, you need to be you.
Russia Russia Russia. Sorry comrade,forgot the commas. Dumb ass
Who would’ve guessed every Republican talking point and conspiracy theory is directly Russian lies to idiots who eat up everything daddy Trump and Fox News says.
Now when is the political and legal hammer coming down on the Right for being against America actively and openly?
Weird how the right wing of the US and russian disinformation are always on the same page...
Not surprised. Russia is actively using dis/misinformation as a means of weakening the U.S.
And they have been for a long time. The Cold War never ended. It just went digital and morphed into psychological subversion and propaganda tactics. It’s slower but cheaper and they don’t have to fire a single bullet. Social media in the past 10-16 years has taken this, metaphorically, from a single lane road to a multi lane interstate in terms of what they’re able to foist upon our society. We can’t subvert their societies, they’re closed off to propaganda from outside sources.
We thought it did. We gave any one in the world the ability to influence our participation, thinking no one would take advantage of that to weaken the US. So naive. We let our guard down, and ignored Russia lack of disarmanment.
Imagine if during the Cold war we let the USSR but ownership in the New York Times. That's like what we are doing now with the way we allow foreign governments to influence our people
We should've let them pay for it and then not publish anything they want lol. I need to be in charge of the democratic world. I'd fuck these dictators in ways only they can imagine.
I get your sentiment. Love it.
They went after the gaming community. A young male dominated group. Two fold attack with getting them to vote trump and espouse an anti American mentality. A multi generation attack of young American men was successfully done by Russia yet no one is talking about it. Look at alex Jones and infowars the ones old enough to remember the OG days kniw who was the main sponsor RT aka Russua Today!! They've been pushing anti American propaganda for years. It's been a chess match and a great portion of the population are too stupid to play chess.
Aye, Yuri Bezmenov did say it takes 20-25 years to influence a new generation. I suspect the younger (probably the older ones too) are easier to manipulate.
Cognitive decline has helped their propaganda a LOT!
TikTok comes to mind
caveatlector73@reddit (OP)
It's not really cognitive decline. I think it's more this: “Everything is a conspiracy when you don’t know how anything works.” Propaganda is designed to exploit lack of knowledge and push people into making emotional choices not rational choices. That's judgment not decline.
My wife and relatives are HS teachers, and I taught science for a year or two. There’s a frightening decline in student achievement and engagement. This also will be a factor in the future.
Look up what cognitive decline does to the brain and you'll see how it played a major role.
caveatlector73@reddit (OP)
I understand cognitive decline, but I don't think it works the way you are thinking it does.
So you don't understand cognitive decline then
Not just of the old, the young who've had covid over and over too
In the 90s/2000s there wasn't much but since Putin got in things went back to the old ways.
And it’s working very well on your people
Russia has completely taken over the American conspiracy community too.
Such that the billionaire, who's has secret conversations with Putin, praises Chinese work ethic and Zi's governance, who owns the largest social platform out there, wants to put chips in our brains, hung out with Epstein, his dad is married to the dads adopted daughter, like gets soooo much money in government funds, is an African immigrant, and so much more, isn't even brought up on conspiracy websites.
....mostly through Elon owning X as the main Ruzzian conduit of disinformation.
He, Trump and Putin are all conspiring to bring America to it’s knees so that they can bring about the biggest coup in history.
And vice versa
They have also actively hijacked the American conspiracy community.
Russia is at war with the US, if anyone bothered to notice.
We really are.
you see all countries aligning and the Russians got Maga in the US to keep us busy fighting the most stupidest things.
Well RU is about to pull off the ultimate win when Trump pulls support from Ukraine and leaves EU to fall into war where he will likely fail to meet any NATO commitment. We will be lucky to be alive in 10 years.
And its been their most profitable weapon for the past 12 years.
And republicans are embracing it
They've also been actively using it on their own citizens, so maybe it evens out?
Regardless of who wins this particular election they've already won. They've managed an incredible return on investment with how they've divided the American public. Now its just running up the score.
They are dividing us on hundreds of dimensions too, not just red team vs blue team
Every chance that there is to divide people seems to have been exploited in the past few years
caveatlector73@reddit (OP)
They can only run up the score if we allow them to do so. It requires participation.
It is much more effective than it should be because one political party sees it as a way to help them win elections
Must have learned that from the Biden administration
Isn't your shift at the troll farm over soon? Go enjoy a nice borscht to celebrate your great comment!
Nyet comrade.
Promoting Trump is their favorite toy.
Doubt it. Why are researchers telling us this and not the government?
caveatlector73@reddit (OP)
Anyone who reads the news is aware of this. The government has said it. Researchers are saying it. If you are unsure about anything you read or hear learn to do your own research - that's part of the intel thing.
"people who constantly lie about everything told me this, and i believe them".
Well, it’s not hard to do that when the government is unclear, slow and kept supporting ineffective efforts in its response to the hurricane. So sure Russia might be bad but our government should actually help and respond to the hurricane that make fake news impossible to spread.
caveatlector73@reddit (OP)
FEMA's response to Helene and even Milton was neither ineffective or slow. People on the ground know better even if people in some other place are repeating inaccurate rumors such as you are doing right now.
I have no idea if you are a bot or simply misinformed, but the entire point is that regardless of why misinformation is spread it harms actual people. It's not a victimless crime. Part of gathering intel (intelligence) is getting the facts straight. Misinformation doesn't help anyone. Please stop. Not every thought in someone's head is a fact.
Maybe you’re misinformed.
As a person living in NC, I can tell you personally it was slow and damn right f’d up.
They want Trump to cause a civil war.
Key findings from The Muller Report
He's doing a pretty good job. I think that guy who shot up the Dem office and the burning mail box in Az were just the beginning. I'm upset constantly that Trump, felon galore, has been able to continually radicalize the half wits without much consequence.
The dems arent any better. The only people fighting a "civil war" would be these two radical groups. I dont think the majority of people even care that much. Besides a few crazies, republicans are too chicken to do anything, we saw that with covid, and that bogus "insurrection." I would have expected complete destruction and chaos when entering the White House for an insurrection yet they were all pretty tame and looked like they were on a tour in a museum
Quit trying to sanewash insane domestic terrorists. We will look back on these people with the same disdain as Nazis.
So the guy who shot trump and killed that firefighter wont be? Give me a break
You mean the REPUBLICAN kid, Crooks??
Of course they did.
I lived through Ida. My town was destroyed and without power/water for over a month. The government never showed up or offered any help to me or my family IN ANY WAY. Telling me that my life experience is Russian disinformation has got to be peak reddit.
caveatlector73@reddit (OP)
I'm sorry that happened to you - it's not the norm based on information coming out of Milton and Helene. You do know that the governor needs to sign disaster paperwork without delay? It And it really makes a difference. Even if they don't you can contact FEMA online rather than wait for them to come to you if you qualify for assistance. Hope your insurance handled things.
As someone who has lived through multiple disasters, it is absolutely the norm. Maybe you are the one being fed disinformation? Talk to the people on the ground.
caveatlector73@reddit (OP)
I am on the ground. Not my first rodeo with disasters either. I have no idea why your experiences are different from everyone around me. How would I? You are a stranger to me and the platform.
Because it is a battleground state in election year?
caveatlector73@reddit (OP)
You have a good day. Maybe you might consider moving somewhere where there are no disasters.
No one ever says that when California has 8 wildfires in a year.
Weird. Almost like you have a political agenda here ...
Putting owns Elon who used Russian oligarchy funds to purchase Twitter with they use to repress left leaning while boosting Nazi content.
The marks: "you'd have to be an idiot not to believe this"
Sure it’s bad that Russia does this but Americans see the ones reposting it and running with it.
No shit. They keep doing it, and we know who is in their pocket. God, I am so tired of people acting like this is normal or not happening.
It is what happens when demonizing "fly over" states. Calling them hicks. And racist. And every demonizing, cancelable word under the sun by costal heavy blue elites. And repeat ad naseum and even lie about it on NPR, CBS, NBC and more.
If democrats could control the weather they wouldn't use it to attack rednecks. It would be way smarter and easier to use it to recruit rednecks by saying "hey, we have invented a device to make sure you never suffer a drought. You'll never have to worry about lost crops again if you vote for us." Democrats don't deal in pain, misery and fear. That's the Republicans game.
Oh no, somebody called me a hick? Odd, I don't feel the need to betray my country and be a piece of shit. Maybe these people aren't as resilient as they seem to think they are?
caveatlector73@reddit (OP)
Oh sweet summer child. They all do it. Democrats didn't invent anything. Part of intel is reading widely. Everyone does it. Some do it more than others. Should Hillary Clinton have used the term deplorables a decade ago? Absolutely not. Is name calling by anyone acceptable? If I gave you sources for all the petty names Trump has used would you tell me they were justified based on a comment by one person ten years ago? Does calling anyone names right a wrong?
Where you are correct is when one side demonizes the other side it never ends well regardless of who is on which end.
So basically you are demonizing Democrats here (without sources) because you think it will do what? What is your goal? Think it through. Are you being manipulated? Did that thought just pop into your head fully formed all by itself or did someone tell you that? Or are you listening to Russians? Critical thinking skills are part of intel.
What you are saying is divisive. If you are intending to continue the devisiveness that makes you the tool.
Lol no wonder
You speak as if I never encountered the disgust dehumanization and division under extended periods of time by the Democrats and in deep blue areas. As if I wasn't a person "who held those same opinions" strongly, but walked away. As if I never walked among the same people who claimed to be for uniting in the hallowed halls of education and government offices, but instead utter division and racism followed in their wake.
So no. This has been a long time coming. And to blame Russia Russia Russia and your favorite orange straw man is utter nonsense.
No. You've been duped, bud.
Nah. It's not like that at all. You've been duped.
Mrs. Clinton was somewhat infamous talking about poors in fly over country.
Again, my galaxy brain knew this right away. US needs to consult me for all intel. They're clearly lagging behind my frontal lobe.
The US better be careful. Russia might tell Americans true things about their government!
I think blaming Russia is an easy cop-out for fucking up the FEMA Funds and ignoring the level of distrust Americans have in the government.
We are in an active war with Russia funding the destruction of their country. We are in an active war in the middle east. We’ve given over 175 billion to Ukraine & 18 billion to Israel.
FEMAs annual budget is around 30 Billion. Yet we almost ran out of money before the new fiscal year. Then, FEMA has already used half of there budget this fiscal year that started October 1st. How does that make sense that the suits want to fund other countries before helping our own?
This article says Russia just pours gas on the fire. Well - maybe the US government shouldn’t let the fire breakout in the first place.
.. don't forget we gave $238 million to the Taliban.
caveatlector73@reddit (OP)
Could you please explain to me how this relates to Russian bots trying to be divisive? What does the amount of money from an entirely different agency have to do with that? You are way off topic. Is that deliberate or do you need more accurate intel?
caveatlector73@reddit (OP)
No one is funding other countries before helping our own. Is that you Russia?
I appreciate your attempt at a misinformation campaign, but you cannot just wave a magic wand and call everything you disagree with Russian interference. Foreign actors are being successful because they are amplifying actual problems (some of the time), not making them up and shitting them out in the Atlantic for meta-narrative reinforcement among the midwits.
We had a RECORD number of GLOBAL WARMING related disasters this year. That's why they ran out of money early. Republicans deliberately underfund the agency, everytime democrats try to get more funding (because they know global warming is real and we will have more disasters) the repubs block it. Of course we aren't budgeted for two major hurricane disasters back to back like we had this year. And this will keep happening until republicans allow democrats to give FEMA more funding instead of voting against it.
WHY SHOULD OUR MONEY BE USED TO FUND FEMA MORE. Maybe they should fire some of the 16k people working there. The agency has always been well funded - our government has massive waste.
You're a brand new bot account!
Actually I was originally soup lol. I’m surprised you’re the first one to point it out 😂 I delete and create a new Reddit account every 90 days.
You realize that FEMA funding and the military and foreign aid budget are allocated completely separately, right? And we cannot just move that money around on a whim. That budget is appropriated by the congress people we choose every election season.
FEMA has used half of their budget because their budget was dramatically cut down by the republican party refusing to vote for additional funding. That issue is amplified by the now more intense and longer hurricane season brought on by the oceans warming.
Russia is stirring the pot with troll farms spreading disinformation like stories of people being denied FEMA funding and making AI images of children crying to get people emotional and outraged.
FEMA also used there surplus from there budget to house migrants seeking asylum in 2023.
Idk how we can’t see a Dick Cheney endorsement of the medias darling presidential candidate isn’t a cause for a concern is insane. I’m not a Trump supporter because he’s just as cooked.
If you don’t think the corporate nameless big wigs are doing there part to stir up controversies internally and externally idk what to tell you.
Regardless of who wins the presidential race - we’re already fucked.
Dick Cheney is only endorsing Harris because it's good for his wallet. Trump wants tariffs, which will make most things way more expensive and hurt the economy.
Kamala and Biden have tariffs already, the same tariffs Trump started.
Bipartisan politics are a joke & the suits are laughing at you. Wake up.
The funding was 30 billion in 2022 - they used the remaining to house migrants - it was cut to 25 billion - now it’s 20 billion.
The funding for this comes from OUR money. I am a libertarian so I don’t believe FEMA should be as funded as it is - ontop of having so many employees, it’s government waste.
The government can move money around as they please - look out how they’ve taken money from Social security for decades.
We are on a PrepperIntel Reddit - idk why everyone is so pro government and not realizing our alphabet agencies are complicit in doing the same thing internally and externally.
Yes this is a big deal. HOWEVER Dick Cheney endorsed a Democrat & the republican candidate is a fascist. Let’s focus on that
Was the funding cut, or was additional funding not approved?
I know that republicans did block additional funding recently.
Both at different times throughout the last several years. And they've tried it even more times.
I think he's being disingenuous.
caveatlector73@reddit (OP)
The government didn't let a fire break out. The roll out of the initial $750 payment went well considering it's new. I know you didn't apply, but many many people did and had the initial $750 in their bank account the next day. Do mistakes happen? Sure, but that doesn't make the entire program a dumpster fire.
If states want to be autonomous they can stop dipping into FEMA funds every time they have a disaster.
The budget is set by people who are not God and have no specific idea how much funding will be needed. And Republicans voted against the FEMA funding and Mike Johnson continues to stall on bringing congress back on voting on more than stop gap funding because they are out campaigning.
If you want to get into who started the fire we can go there, and I have tons of sources for you, but whataboutism isn't the point. The point is Russia is fanning the flames regardless of where they began.
The government misappropriated funds for FEMA to run out of- using it to house migrants seeking asylum.
I understand there different budgets but the point you’re missing is that the optics of our government willingly spend money over seas creates distrust.
We’re on a prepper subreddit, so the optics of what’s going on doesn’t install confidence into the institution.
We don’t need more funding for FEMA, they have over 16k fulltime employees. Russia is fanning the fire - the fire (not literal) has been created by a dishonest government.
Regardless of what FEMA does or doesn’t do now - our economy is fucked. I think that should be the highlight of this, more storms will break out, more money will be needed, foreign governments will spin it, and the US will just keep printing money. That’s what we should be focusing on, spreading truth, informing others and being prepared.
Idgaf about politics - the biggest scam is believing in bipartisan politics.
If Russia was so evil - we wouldn’t be funding Israel doing the same thing.
Republicans are bough by the Russians - the dems are bought by the Chinese
Your trust in the government was eroded by Russian propaganda, same with the news.
You can't trust anything anymore unless it comes from the mouth of a Russian paid social media influencer.
Both are simultaneously true. Russia has been jamming rusty crowbars in open social wounds for quite some time, and Helene was far from the first time.
Pretty hard for the US to not allow the fire to break out when we are in pursuit of a unipolar world while Russia is hell bent on maintaining a multipolar one. The US government is fucked up for sure, but I trust them far more than I'd ever trust Russia. Lies and deceit are a literal part of their social and military structure. A huge portion of their population lives without electricity and running water due to the oligarchs in Moscow and St. Pete sucking the country financially dry like parasites.
America has its problems, but we are leagues ahead of Russia economically, morally, and militarily.
Russia Russia Russia 🤣
Americans would be divided even if Russia didn’t exist though. Our own political and corporate leaders have been driving Americans apart for ages, and the evidence is everywhere. Look at the Congressional testimony from Facebook execs who admitted to rewarding inflammatory, divisive outrage bait. Look at how colonial elites created white supremacy to drive poor whites and blacks apart. American trust in institutions has been declining for 50+ years.
The American public willing to believe any outlandish bs that some Russian disinformation agent wants to make up and this is the fault of one entity and one entity alone. The American educational system, and the condition that the American Educational system is in is the fault of right-wing christian nutjobs.
Trying to act like creationism is just as scientifically viable as evolution is just one example of how they have dumbed down our populace and made an entire generation of people who can not skeptically think for themselves and are more than willing to buy whatever anybody is serving as long as they think it is going against what the general public thinks.
Schools need to get back into the business of teaching how to skeptically think. To ask questions of what a particular conspiracy would accomplish and what are the sources of the person making the claim, and then follow it back to the source and read what the original author said. Most of the time their source is either “Trust me bro” or “I heard it from this guy I work with”. On rare occasions they have an actual cited source, but often if you go back to the original source you’ll find that they have been misinterpreted or they are outright lying.
Everything with repubs always traces back to Russia
And has for a very long time.
Particularly with Manafort, Stone, Lee Atwater…
Russia: the shitheads of the world.
What the hell is disinformation? That is a made up word. Information is information. Liberals making up words again. Sheeeesh
Let me help you out with this one: disinformation is blatant lies. You know like money for relief was going to Ukraine. That FEMA money for relief was being used for illegals. That the government has a secret weather machine that targeted Florida with hurricanes. That FEMA was going to take people's homes away from them for the $750 immediate assistance checks.
You know full well what it means. It means bullshit. Bullshit made up by losers trying to get attention in politics.
Why create a new word for it? It is a lie.
Well i won't argue with that one. Is much prefer if they just started calling them liars on live TV.
Amen ... yep
Ya dont say!
Ryan McBeth said it best- the people at the top of this operation are not exercising free speech, they are using lies and deceit to destabilize the United States during an election year. Russia's Internet Research Agency is a legitimate military target, and at minimum their networks and facilities need to meet Saint Storm Shadow.
I mean, they don’t have to do much. US is destabilizing itself.
caveatlector73@reddit (OP)
That's the entire point. Russia is doing everything possible to destabilize the US. What you see happening is evidence it - combined with the actions of other bad actors - is working.
The ground has been fertilized for Russia’s operations by the American ruling class, not Russia. Check out Peter Turchin’s work.
Fucking thank you. I swear everyone in this sub are just clones of my dad.
caveatlector73@reddit (OP)
Why on earth would you expect your father to know a new field in depth. What are you still in the "I know more than anyone else "stage of your life. How boring.
Haha, you described my dad
This sub is full of American exceptionalism and for the most part unable to critique anything about our own systems and politicians, even when Trump and Elon Musk are out in the open spreading disinformation way more than any Russian bot network.
caveatlector73@reddit (OP)
Technically the US doesn't have a ruling class, but I guess owning eight mansions and 19 golf courses and stiffing people for your bills counts as being an elite.
The United States absolutely has a ruling class. I can't believe you're writing this as a prepper.
caveatlector73@reddit (OP)
Well there are many preppers who don't guzzle the kool-aid so maybe you are confused about what prepping actually is. And I'm guessing you can't read since I commented on what Turchin says including commenting on who he defines as the ruling class which was pretty on par with my own stated take. My guess is you are one of those who tosses names around trying to impress others but don't actual understand the dynamics of what you are citing. No worries. Run into it all the time.
Oh and you're welcome - glad to summarize Turchin's work for you since you apparently couldn't.
You’re literally missing the point here.
The problem is that a majority of Americans are too dumb to realize they are being manipulated.
Yes, including the many people who believed that militias were going around preventing relief workers from doing their job
Turns out the 'weather modification' propaganda was literally just to convince everyone else there was a bunch of crazy people preventing the workers from fixing shit
Weather modification, it’s noted on one or the other DOD websites, has been around since the 1950’s or ‘60s.
The lies told by the media to suggest otherwise is hilarious. Perhaps a better choice would have been to identify past weather modification activities and clearly inform us that steering hurricanes ain’t on the list.
Those militias, sounds like they all need matching bracelets locked about their wrists, sheesh.
caveatlector73@reddit (OP)
Weather modification is more dream than precise tool. I've been given the links by another prepper, but they don't lead anywhere. A study commissioned 50 years ago and another false start in 2005. I'd need a great deal more legit evidence to believe that conspiracy theory. But maybe, just maybe, it's the Russians convincing people that the government aims hurricanes like missiles. lol.
I agree, from what I recall over the decades, so called weather control is not precise.
As to steering a storm, that’s conspiracy level I suspect. Supposedly you’ll find older information at a US DOD web site. On Reddit I saw picture of a newspaper published the UK, well, reddit, so maybe, maybe not, you’d want to look through pre Internet archives.
The little I recall reading is pre Internet, cloud seeding. Not hurricanes.
The 'militias' were also Russian propaganda is what im saying...
This sub is a bot propaganda sub I see
Ah, sure. On the surface, roving militias interfering with FEMA does seem far fetched, and is not what we have seen from many boots on the ground youtube videos from the area.
FEMA had to pause operations due to threats of violence. Law enforcement arrested a MAGA dipshit outside of a relief center who was planning on killing aid workers.
FEMA has been receiving threats ever since Trump opened his fucking mouth.
caveatlector73@reddit (OP)
It's not intelligence it's lack of knowledge and making emotional decisions not rational decisions. “Everything is a conspiracy when you don’t know how anything works”
Fucking love Ryan McBeth. I wish he got more widespread attention. People though don't seem interested in hearing that the confirmation bias thing they saw on Twitter or TikTok might be misinformation or propaganda.
Interesting guy, fun to talk to. Met him at a conference a couple years back.
You cannot use facts and logic to change the minds of people who did not use facts and logic to arrive at their conclusions.
caveatlector73@reddit (OP)
Well said. The entire purpose of propaganda is to ramp up emotions so that people don't make rational decisions. Propaganda uses fear to manipulate. It's something to keep in mind no matter what you believe.
And before anyone starts patting themselves on the back, anyone can be fooled at least once about something. It's hubris to think that it can never happen to ones-self. Awareness is the entire purpose of intel.
You're right, but the issue I have though is a lot of people spreading bullshit are doing it under the guise of "facts and logic" to fool those less educated or informed.
Putin was quite surprised at how effective his info warfare on the average American really was.
100 years from now, the world will openly shit on MAGA supporter graves.
caveatlector73@reddit (OP)
What makes you so sure that only MAGA supporters fall for propaganda?
I don't claim that ONLY supporters of Trump were susceptible.
Russia is actively fucking with your election. Stop following the outrage and start waking up.
“Better Russian than a democrat”
the sooner more americans come to terms with the fact that our enemy has always been the government and the various non government apparatuses that prop them up (ie media) and not whatever foreign boogeyman of the epoch, the sooner we get to actually realizing the revolutionary changes we all know need to occur
caveatlector73@reddit (OP)
Russia is that you?
If it’s not this is certainly the kind of stuff they would amplify.
Isn't our government active business partners with Saudi Arabia? You know... the country that carried out 9/11?
Criticizing the government is not a "Russian disinformation" campaign. We don't get a pass just because our government is run by people with a D next to their names every so often. I genuinely don't get how we managed to go from criticizing America to praising it just because Democrats run the show every few years.
Hell, members of the government genuinely proposed bombing their own cities, killing their own citizens, and pinning it on Cuba to justify an invasion (Operation Northwoods), something that Kennedy shot down.
America has always been run by a shady government, but it's only okay as long as it's a blue government? FOH with that.
Is any dissent from the US government considered Russian propaganda? C'mon man.
holy fuck you are so delusional its actually insane
No shit
And MAGAs eat this shit up. The idiots are going to drag all of us down.
republicans did - and they are fuck buddies with russia - proof republicans bend over quickly.
Big bad Putler back at it again…but it’s fine to supply hundreds of billions of dollars worth of military equipment to kill them?
caveatlector73@reddit (OP)
Kill whom?
Hmmmmm....I wonder what kind of people keep falling for this disinformation.
caveatlector73@reddit (OP)
As someone else said - You cannot use facts and logic to change the minds of people who did not use facts and logic to arrive at their conclusions.
Article link:
caveatlector73@reddit (OP)
The link is already there. It's the circle with the word open.
Friendly reminder that tech companies can absolutely stop this or at least do way more than they are but don’t because their platforms are designed to piss people off or make them afraid for more engagement.
🔵🔵🔵🔵🔵🔵🔵🔵🔵🔵🔵🔵🔵🔵VOTE BLUE 🔵🔵🔵🔵🔵🔵🔵🔵🔵🔵🔵🔵🔵🔵
its duh russians!!!
as the US government gives another $10 billion dollars to the jews in israel
This was very apparent
Private tech companies say it’s all Russia’s fault is really a tired story at this point.
Which private tech companies? There are plenty of countries calling the dirty Russians out for their Disinformation, Misinformation and Malinformation campaigns.
All the social media companies that are literally the platforms spreading the disinfo. Not a single one of them is owned by Russians.
I blame Facebook. My feed is totally over run with russian troll posts featuring ai images and really stupid quotes like: Kamala is idiiot (yes, spelled like that), I could really go for $1.80 gas and a mean tweet right now, we shouldn’t be forgiving student loans until veterans are given EVERYTHING, this is my pride flag (a janky ai image of a USA flag), only a stupid man would burn down their country to rule over the ashes. They all have a few common themes: everyone is in the comments arguing, it’s mostly boomers who agree with it.
caveatlector73@reddit (OP)
Boomers are a different generation. They are not as wary of bots as younger generations. However, I will also say Boomers were taught to never trust the Russians - check history books - so it's probably not Boomers saying it.
Entire point of the article is that Russians are using as many forms of propaganda as they can to disrupt things. You describe exactly that.
It’s not like the social media companies are marking posts as amplified by Russia. Boomers don’t have a clue if a post is getting engagement from a Russian bot network.
This is one thing I don’t understand. We know it’s happening, we see it happening, but they don’t shut it down. And u/Caveatlector73 yea it’s probably an over generalization on my part because there is young people in the comments of those posts too, lots of everyone really. However, this day and age I am skeptical of the boomers remembering just how much russian gov is not to be trusted as we see lots of them openly supporting russia in favor of trump.
Exactly. I don’t know why what I’m saying is so controversial. It’s obviously on the social media platforms at this point if they still haven’t addressed these issues after years and years of knowing about the problem.
Lol no. Social media platforms are simply online spaces where people talk and commerce is conducted. It's simply not possible to effectively moderate spaces with hundreds of millions or billions of people, even with state-of-the-art moderation AI tools, it's still very difficult. That's their Achilles heel- foreign intelligence agencies know this and take advantage of it to create bot networks of varying kinds, most of which fly under the radar because they know what does and doesn't trip the AI moderator.
Sure there’s bot networks. It’s not an impossible problem to solve though. The social media companies’ entire business model is to hold your attention and the algorithms they created then drive users deeper down rabbit holes. It’s not Russian bot networks creating most of the “influencer” disinfo videos I’ve seen going around. The bot networks are just “hacking” the algorithm.
The inherent issue here, as the Russians know, is that America has a longstanding battle on what does and doesn't constitute free speech, and any attempts to modify or improve disinformation detection usually has to pass through a battery of lawsuits and legal challenges. This is partially why social media companies don't touch it with a ten foot pole unless it involves illegal activity, blatant hate speech, medical disinformation, etc.
I agree it should be a higher priority, but how we approach it has to be very carefully done, as it will set a precedent that could have detrimental consequences down the road for the First Amendment.
Free speech doesn’t apply to private companies. I thought that was already resolved years ago. Again I’m just tired of this narrative.
You being tired of the narrative has no bearing on what is and isn't true in regards to it.
I don’t even know what that means. This narrative that it’s Russia’s fault isn’t helping us solve the problem. That’s why I’m tired of it.
caveatlector73@reddit (OP)
Pretending that Russia is not doing what they are doing is sticking your head in the sand. As far as I can tell doing that is merely making you personally tired. That doesn't seem to be working for you either.
No one but you is claiming that the owners of social media companies are helpless. That's off topic. The topic is what Russia is doing not what others are or are not doing.
But, it doesn't take either a law degree or a business degree to understand that social media moguls may not have the same priorities or agenda as other entities. Not all of them are "skipping like a dipshit."
The billionaire owners of the social media companies have been avoiding accountability through narratives like this for years while they profit off the spread of disinfo. This time we have Elon Musk and Trump actively creating and spreading disinfo right in front of our eyes. Russia won’t be able to amplify this content if the social media companies actually do something about it. Like I said a few comments above it’s not an impossible problem to solve.
caveatlector73@reddit (OP)
You seem very tired of everything. Maybe a nap would help? You personally being tired of something has little to no bearing on the reality. Did you read the article? You seem to go off on tangents.
Stop putting words in my mouth. I said it is a tired story, not that I am tired of it. Did you read anything I wrote? I’ve replied to this same comment at least 5 times already.
caveatlector73@reddit (OP)
Without getting into whether Musk is "owned" by the Russians do you have any sources showing that there is no Russian influence whatsoever?
Elon is the richest man in the world, so there’s your source on him not being “owned” by Russia. I never said there was no Russian influence, but I did analysis early on during Helene using AI tools that track disinfo and most of the content was homegrown in the US. This was one of the first times that signal had been so clear in my research. That’s another reason this article annoys me so much. Though the article is just stating that Russia was amplifying the disinfo, most people are and seem to be reading into it as if it’s all Russia. Honestly they probably had very little influence this time. Elon and Trump have far more influence, simple as that.
Or maybe there is a pattern.
Maybe there’s an algorithm that keeps feeding you similar content to what you like?
Come on man, this has been going on for years, decades. They’ve basically said they consider themselves at war with the west, they invaded our allies and assassinated Litvinenko on UK soil with a radioactive compound polonium-210. They are also known liars and cheaters, they systematically cheated in the olympics, every one of their athletes were doping and the whole country was banned. But you think it’s a stretch that they spread disinformation online? It’s their best tool against the US, who knew it would be so simple and effective to turn the US citizens against each other.
You know that’s what I mean by it being a “tired” story right? It’s been going on for years and we haven’t forced the social media companies to do anything about it.
Then maybe edit and clarify your original comment because it’s doesn’t sound that way.
And what did it sound like? I don’t know how else to say it’s a tired narrative. The fact might be true, but the context is way off. Is that a better way of saying it?
caveatlector73@reddit (OP)
As someone else already pointed out you personally being tired of something is irrelevant in the larger scheme of things. We all get that you are doing everything you can to change the topic of conversation away from Russia. I have no idea why so I'm going to ask. Why are you so intent on stirring the pot and taking attention away from what Russia is doing? I'm genuinely asking.
If you genuinely want to know go read my other comment. I didn’t say I’m tired of it. I said it’s a tired narrative. I care because at this point it’s really just getting in the way of actually solving the problem which starts with holding the social media corporations accountable.
And who is making that content? Russia.
Nope. Russia isn’t sending influencers to Appalachia to discount FEMA. That’s all homegrown.
Why would that have to send anyone to Appalachia? All they have to do is post misinformation on the internet. But also, Russia has duped plenty of influencers:
That’s not how it works. There are Russian bot networks that can influence social media algorithms by interacting with content and amplify that content. What I’m saying is most of the disinfo content I’ve seen was American influencers who profit off the disinfo content that they created. You said Russia is making the content and that’s just not true. Even Elon Musk was making disinfo posts about FEMA. This is exactly why these kind of articles annoy me so much. We can’t just blame Russia to get ourselves out of this problem.
Bullshit copout. There is a repeated pattern of Russia meddling in American affairs through social media going back over a decade, that is an objective fact.
There’s a repeated pattern of not holding US owned social media companies accountable for this issue when they’ve had years and massive budgets to fix it. Yes other countries will take advantage of that and there’s really nothing we can do about that. We could make our corporations deal with this problem internally though. Especially in this case it was obvious that most of the disinfo was created by the alt right to meddle with the election internally as well. It’s just a really tired story that’s been talked about since at least 2016.
caveatlector73@reddit (OP)
What you are saying is you personally are tired of hearing about it. Being tired of something doesn't mean it is no longer happening. News is news regardless of repetition. Repetition is for readers with the attention span of a gnat.
Nope I’m saying this narrative doesn’t help us fix the problem. Here is an in depth study on the social media ecosystem that profits off the spread of disinfo.
Doesn't Russia have oil? 🤔
The powers that to be, that is the billionaires that own the corporations and our government have been actively dividing us all along. Blaming Russia is just a convenient excuse for our problem within.
Why are we just taking it?
Why aren't they being dealt with?
caveatlector73@reddit (OP)
Why are we waiting for someone else to do something at all? We all have the personal power to just walk away.
Much of the disinformation is coming from Americans being bought off by the Russians though for what it is worth.
"We have met the enemy and he is us" \~ Pogo /s
line um up...shoot em down. end of bs.
Would love to know who all these Republicans are. Cause I don't know a single one who believes this shit lol.
caveatlector73@reddit (OP)
For those of us who don't know what topic you are referring to or what who does or does not believe could you maybe explain?
Why are you talking about Republicans? They aren't Russian.
Put another way: Russia reported the news accurately and we can't have that.
caveatlector73@reddit (OP)
Sources? Or are you just stirring the pot?
I mean this one was pretty easy to spot. I generally now assume anyone being one-noted or aggressively unpleasant isn't one of us. We definitely have those types in the population, but ho boy there's a flavor to the troll farms.
The far right was eating that shit up lmao
I hate Russia but let's be real here this is the consequences of global capitalism.
We forced shock therapy upon the Soviet union which privatized everything on our dictate. We have privatized all our media (Manufacturing Consent by Chomsky) based on maximizing profit and views and then expect global money and capital to not use those mechanisms.
Just like all other pieces of misinformation. They’ve nailed it unfortunately. Created so much distrust in our systems. They have successfully Weekend the west at this point.
No shit
Every comment calling bullshit is shadow banned by bots. DEAD INTERNET THEORY IS HERE.
Someone asked what the globalist agenda is:
caveatlector73@reddit (OP)
No bots, but there are rules in place: Read the sidebar. If you follow the rules you shouldn't have a problem with being banned. Sorry, if this upsets you, but usually conspiracy theories are a desperate attempt not to take personal responsibility. If you are banned and you didn't break the rules reach out and ask why without throwing a conspiracy tantrum. It really is that easy.
Preview of the video sums up a bunch of things and can be watched without an account.
People like you always shoot the messenger, and never the message. Jesus, "very beautiful woman that won millions of viewers with her looks."
Epic cringe.
Punish them by funding & supporting Ukraine harder. No idea why the west is so worried about escalation while Russia launches constant hybrid warfare attacks against NATO countries.
Calm down keyboard warrior, don't advocate for something you're unwilling to participate in. If you feel so strongly, do so with actions, not reddit comments.
So you'll be the first to go when a draft is reinstated, right?
You probably won’t be available for a war in Ukraine because you’re fomenting for war with China.
I don't want war with anyone
Makes sense then why you’d just give a warmonger whatever they want.
NATO has a larger number of active military personnel than Russia has reserves & active personnel together, what are you talking about?
Why would we need a draft when we already have a bloated military?
caveatlector73@reddit (OP)
Speaking of which Finland is having a problem with Russia as well. Putin is swinging hard for his place in the history of the world. Ghengis Khan syndrome.
???we’re a completely divided country and Joey has done nothing to unite it!!
caveatlector73@reddit (OP)
Could you explain why you need someone to tell you where to squat and lean? We don't need leaders to unite us. We can simply bleep the Russians and refuse to play the game. I'm in. Are you?
Lol Trump called our own troops losers and suckers while his daddy paid a doctor to get him out of the draft for Vietnam. Such bravery from a Commander in Chief
Russia. Russia. Russia. The current administration has NO globalist agenda.
gLoBaLiSm iS bAd
And who do you think would be running the show if the US wasn't able to maintain order? Would you prefer China, who has imprisoned millions of ethnic Muslims because of their religion? Would you prefer Russia, who has a culture of lying and stealing in every corner of society?
And making unsafe windows that oligarchs keep falling out of.
caveatlector73@reddit (OP)
I see what you did there. Not funny but it is.
Wait, I thought "globalist" was the dog whistle for "Jews", but this administration is less friendly to Israel than Trump...
caveatlector73@reddit (OP)
I said it earlier, but whataboutism doesn't make someone less of a tool if they go along.
And what would that agenda be?
"Always trust your government, they would never lie to you".
Well, citizens lie just as much and for the same and sometimes even sicker reasons. You can choose whoever you want to listen to and benefit or pay the consequences either way.
caveatlector73@reddit (OP)
I will speak as someone who is familiar. Why are people in Florida and the WNC subreddits on lying about having gotten the intial $750 in their accounts? What would be their purpose? Are you actually there and know why they are saying it? Have you applied for FEMA funds? What was your experience?
Why would you consider people saying that the government program set up to help worked to be Russian propaganda. Why would you consider that divisive?
What is divisive is people who are not there trying to convince everyone that the emperor is wearing clothes. Saying things like
without any source makes the commenter sound like a Russian bot trying to spread dissension. Why do that? Read rule #3.
Always believe some random guy on the internet whose cousin said FEMA was giving out loans and killing people
Meanwhile here reddit will block me if I would say loud what I think about this despicable nation.
Oh shit. Nevermind
That's different than a meteorologist crying live on TV pitching a bs global warming narrative? One in the same in my book.
caveatlector73@reddit (OP)
I think part of doing intel is not being a tool - for anyone. This is why I personally read widely and verify. It's hard to do, but sometimes it also means backing down on something I thought I knew.
Who else aside from Russia messes with the US? Curious to hear your thoughts
China, Iran off the top of my head!
China big time!
North Korea are big on the Troll Farms too.
It's less obvious, but the UK. Lol, the British literally invented fucking with other countries.
I just assume all countries try to run interference and spy - just recently, India is making huge wave of news in Canada and US.
caveatlector73@reddit (OP)
I think that's a reasonable question and several have been mentioned. Messing with the other side is a time honored way of defeating an enemy and weakening them and if I had to guess the U.S. has done it as well.
But, it's like kindergarten. Just because one kid is being an AH doesn't make it okay for everyone else to be one.
I think the list is extensive. Besides known enemies, there are often allies just as nefarious. Egypt just recently was caught with Bob Menendez in a bribery scandal. Everyone has their own agenda and there's levels of influence beyond just at the presidential level as well.
Some of those folks were on this sub.
caveatlector73@reddit (OP)
I always check karma and post history.
And of course many Republicans just eat it up and repeat the bs. They are either extremely stupid or just don’t care what is actually true anymore. What a world we live in.
We can see the results in this very thread lmao
“During the Russo-Ukrainian War, Russian state TV channel Russia-1 has used Tucker Carlson interviews on Fox News to support the Kremlin’s objectives in Ukraine. Carlson’s interview with the pro-Russia Retired Colonel Doug Macgregor was aired on Russia-1 to demoralize Ukraine.[73] Another interview by Carlson of Tulsi Gabbard, who often appears on Fox News as a guest, was shown on Russia-1 to support the Kremlin’s position in which Gabbard said “President Biden could end this crisis and prevent a war with Russia by doing something very simple: guaranteeing that Ukraine will not become a member of NATO, because if Ukraine became a member of NATO, that would put U.S. and NATO troops directly on the doorstep of Russia, which — as Putin has laid out — would undermine their national security.” Russia-1 removed parts of the interview before Gabbard said, “The reality is that it is highly, highly unlikely that Ukraine will ever become a member of NATO anyway.”[74] Additionally, numerous clips of Carlson have appeared on RT, which was formerly known as Russia Today or Rossiya Segodnya, that support the Kremlin’s objectives.[74]”
sure but that also means elon musk was part of disinfo too… which because of his DARPA ties means…
Cold War 2, nuclear boogaloo?