NATO Member Finland warns of hostile activities by Russia
Posted by ArtisanalDickCheeses@reddit | PrepperIntel | View on Reddit | 25 comments
Posted by ArtisanalDickCheeses@reddit | PrepperIntel | View on Reddit | 25 comments
Is it Article 5 time?
Cyber attacks and populace influence are part of modern warfare, I'll never understand why it isn't treated the same way kinetic attacks are
The entire point of gray zone warfare is that it makes it nearly impossible to justify a kinetic response.
The US uses tit for tat game theory to minimize escalation. It requires the use of proportional responses.
When it comes to gray zone warfare, it's difficult to gauge a proportional response. The US has mostly responded with sanctions and continuing to arm and remove limitations on Ukraine. They are also feeding Ukraine intelligence, but that's less public for obvious reasons.
NATO is also preparing for a large-scale conflict. They just added many members and now need to setup logistics and integration with the new members. They have publicly stated they are modifying their doctrine and working with civilian companies to handle a rapid mobilization of 800,000 troops on the eastern front.
NATO defense contractors are also prepping to transition to burst production capabilities because their production switched to more of a trickle during the war on terror. Creating new facilities and securing large supply chains is difficult and time gated.
Hopefully, NATOs posturing will be the deterance needed to prevent this cold war from igniting. "If you want peace, prepare for war."
It is treated that way. Responses are just proportional. You think the US and it allies don't commit cyber attacks, influence the population of its adversaries, and place sanctions as a response....
Starting a massive ground war that will kill millions over a basic cyber attack is just stupid.
Millions? I was not aware global thermonuclear war could be limited to just millions instead of billions.
I feel so much better now. /s
Watcha gonna do
Because we don’t want to fight a world war.
there are probably still military top brass who still consider cyber attacks and other gray zone tactics as insignificant, and would only take action once explosions start going off. But warfare today has cyberspace to consider.
I think your underestimating the militaries awareness to cyber warfare. But responses should be proportional to the original attack per the numerous treaties that make up the laws of war. Cyberwarfare is also much more classified and need to know than kinetic attacks so people aren't as likely to hear about it. Also there's the headline problem. When are the military and veterans pii was leaked from a cyber attack it got a fraction of the attention from Americans as the 2 non American wars going on.
I'm most likely underestimating it. In my country's military, they have low appreciation for cybersecurity. Good points raised.
It's complicated. If your country isn't America it's probably not funneling money into it's military like America. Cyber security has a cost to it. Even people who say but Poland spends a higher percent of its gdp now don't realize the sheer amount of money America spends. Most of the world either spends to compete against America (any brics nation) or just feels protected by America. Even America has a problem in cyber security for it's military in that most people worth a shit are going to go to a fang company not deal with the militaries low pay and just general shittiness.
Because people will be like “ok you conspiracy nutjob”
Because then you’d have to admit ww3 is and has been happening for a while now
Russia is close to defeating Ukraine
In your board game of Risk, yeah
Completely not provocated by US's spy aircraft flights near the border of Russia in Finland
Russia constantly flies near NATO nation borders. In the US, ask any service member who has been stationed in Alaska.
Then its logical, ok nevermind then
I wouldnt fuck with the fins.
Hasn’t worked well for them before
For a future timeframe, its highly unlikely Russia will ever invade Finland or any of the other neighboring countries. It's doing quite poorly in Ukraine, and doesn't really have the capacity to expand the conflict past the Eastern Ukrainian region.
I mean it was highly unlikely that they would invade Ukraine too. Shockingly stupid decision at the time.
What year is it, 1938?!
On a completely unrelated note, White Death: Russia's War on Finland, 1939-40 is an excellent book.