Weekly "What good news / things are you seeing?"
Posted by AntiSonOfBitchamajig@reddit | PrepperIntel | View on Reddit | 13 comments
Its that simple, something that gives you hope? Something nice or cool that happened? post it here!
i’m seeing more and more people talk about and taking actions to prepare, for tuesday or shit hits the fan. i really think this will build some more resilience into our communities, and gives me hope that we can weather the coming storms a little better
These threads seem to be getting emptier and emptier, tough times it seems.
Sometimes, when the thread is bare, I'll post "I woke up this morning and the sun is still rising in the east" just to get it started.
Every day I wake up is another day I have to live, to help a neighbor, say hello and bring a smile to a friend or stranger, and make the world a better place.
AntiSonOfBitchamajig@reddit (OP)
Yeah, sometimes it's like that, but it's a post that was requested long ago and really takes nothing to keep going.
Aside all the ridiculous things, I acquired a basically new Bosch dishwasher free..so I guess that's good news. Also good news I saved a spool of heavy electric wire from when it was cheap, because I realized I have to run a new electric circuit for the dishwasher, so that'll save a hundred too.
We need a new dishwasher and I looked at reviews of them and every other kind and gave up, but Bosch seems the best of all options. Is there a reason you need a new electric circuit? I'm not up for surprises when I get it. THANKS
AntiSonOfBitchamajig@reddit (OP)
1800 to 2400 watts pull on a typical dishwasher... so you're talking a dedicated 20 amp circuit is needed with the proper gauge of wire. Or if you're stretching you'd have to keep track of what you can and can't run at the same time. Gets even more fun if the appliance is farther from the box as larger gauge is required after a certain point. Anyways, it requires math and respect, seen too many instances of circuit overloading with several nearly resulting in fire. (I fix things for a living)
Typical dishwashers only draw around 10-12 amps max. Unless you have some kind of commercial unit, a 15 amp circuit with 14 gauge wire is standard. Of course always doublecheck the manual before installing appliances. (I also fix things for a living)
AntiSonOfBitchamajig@reddit (OP)
Well, to be safe / cover older ones.
Thanks. We have a dishwasher right now (installed in 2010). Just wondering if they're going to come up with some reason it can't be installed. Guess I need to figure out if we have a dedicated 20 amp circuit on it, ugh.
AntiSonOfBitchamajig@reddit (OP)
Should be fine as long as the wattage of the appliance is similar or less. Being newer, it's probably less.
Thank you so much!
Fall has been nice, although very dry and burning is prohibited. Fortunately air patrols have been spotting fires before anything gets too out of hand.
Don't know if this constitutes something cool... I came across whatever this is...
When nothing is going right, go left... tattoo