Election Day Threat Assessment
Posted by RiffRaff028@reddit | PrepperIntel | View on Reddit | 673 comments
I have to be deliberately vague on some details so as not to endanger my spouse's job. I will only say that he/she is a government employee. All employees with his/her agency have been informed that they are not to come into the office and to work from home the day AFTER Election Day.
They obviously have some security concerns to implement this. I can't say much more than that. Again, I don't want to put his/her job at risk, but I feel this is important information.
I am fearful what will happen after Election Day. I will be stocked up on food water & something to defend myself. Praying for peace
Every election year, this attitude becomes common.
Election Extremists care about voter attendance & vote counting. That means show up quickly, vote, and leave.
I am an AZ early voter & have already sent in my ballot !!
We joke, but we've also made a significant investment the last few months in semi-precious metals, brass and lead.
I think a lot of people have, just look at gold and silver prices
This is fucked. Why are Americans turning against other Americans on a day where they are supposed to practice democracy?
Because one group clearly doesn’t actually want democracy, they want their own way at all costs
You mean the democrats right?
Lmao, when the R leader spouts that "He needs Generals like Hitler had," the D's should be the least of your worries, friend.
You have a link to video of him saying that
I trust American Generals over a fat fucking traitor. Fuck Trump, I wouldn't piss on him if he was on fire. He's Putin's bitch and would do anything for his sweet daddy.
After mocking Vets, mocking disabled journalists, his absolute failure as a president, and quite honestly, his complete failure at even being a decent human has soured him to many, including me.
All he does is make excuses, he's a chronic loser and a little bitch baby who can't stop crying about some imaginary kabal trying to keep him from being president.
He's a ridiculous clown show that has managed to rope the stupidest (you) in our society into believing whatever he wants you to, and you just slurp that polished turd right down your greedy gullet.
That's quite an unhinged rant to replace the word "no"
By "unhinged," you mean stating facts? If stating facts looks unhinged to you, then you require a little introspection.
None of that was facts
Dude you definitely got TDS go get some help. There's a new cure for liberalism it's really cheap it's a ..22 round right behind your ear
Alex Jones gives you pretty solid insight into how some people are brainwashed to commit violence. If you have the stomach to listen to his insane ramblings.
Insane you say? What part do you find insane? May I remind you that he has been proven right about almost every insane ramble so far.
Please seek the help of a mental health professional. There's nothing we can do for you here.
I do not. For some reason the meme of him screaming about "turning the freaking frogs gay" eventually being found out to be factual, solidified my refusal to listen to the man on anything.
It is not a logical choice based on the example alone, but I stand by it.
Yeah I can't listen to him after he harassed the sandy hook parents (and I think they're bankrupting him now, thank god.) But, he's a vile human.
He didn't harass them he asked questions about a shooting ,one that still had alot of unanswered questions
Don't even come here with that shit.
Decades of Russian propaganda has driven half the country insane.
Oh fuck sake get off the Russia Russia Russia bullshit , what the hell is wrong with you people ? Goddamn it's been proven time and time again that Russia didn't interfere or help trump or anyother of your libtarded dreamed up bullshit.
Because of the fascist rhetoric coming from Russia and being absorbed and internalized and then parroted by the right for several years now. They are a loud minority of crazy and ignorance, and they rioted to overthrow the last election. The center and left are not against ourselves or our nation. "We" do not want this sort of feeling and bullshit between everyone.
if you're bringing fascism to my doorstep, you're going to get buckshot in the face if you put your foot in the door after I tell you to leave.
It's exactly this. Man I miss having great discussions and debates with friends and acquaintances from all political parties. We used to be able to do that. And still have a beer together and be friends. I also have always voted who I thought was the best candidate. Sometimes they were Republican, sometimes they were Democrat, sometimes they ran as an independent. That's increasingly difficult anymore.
My former blue, then purple, and now very red area has changed so much in the last 8 years. I've lost so many friends. And it's because they ditched me. I tried to look past the crazy at first, and suggest maybe we just don't talk about politics anymore. They backed me up against the wall and basically said if I didn't vote for Trump they didn't want me in their life. Okay then. And when I told him I didn't vote for Hillary either, they started yelling at me and accusing me of lying. Said I had to have voted for one or the other. Well there were other people on that ballot that day. And I'm not afraid to say I voted independent. And I would still be accused of lying.
It's a cult plain and simple.
Yeah it's the democratic cult for sure and they keep handing out the kool-aid to you libtards
Patients at work last time around used to try to goad me into saying who I voted for. I always just said “I wrote in my cat.” Because really, it’s none of their business who I voted for. I don’t even know you, man, I’m just the receptionist in the office where you’re having your blood drawn.
Careful you don’t cut yourself on all of that edge!
Awww, bless your heart
Thanks for the well wishes!
Because the elites want us divided and we're dumb enough to fall for it.
In my experience, a lot of it has to do with people not trusting the actions of the government. I've talked with both sides, and both are giving the same rhetoric. They don't believe the opposing side will act fairly, and both will try and cheat. No one trusts the governments actions but still believe their side is true.
Because they’re being told that there’s an “enemy within” aka people that don’t share the same opinions as them
BRICS working overtime on the foreign disinfo campaign to sow unrest in the west is my guess.
"That comes to one rebellion in a century and a half for each state. What country before ever existed a century and half without a rebellion? And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it’s natural manure." -Thomas Jefferson
you'd have to ask the kind of people who do it
My work has expressed two different concerns -
1 - They will not tolerate any employee committing violence or participating in any riot/riotous behavior
2 - Management is to give time off during the actual day to allow employees to vote, in so far to support the idea that violence and such generally happen after working hours
Side note - I say this all the time. We need a fucking holiday for election day. Every year make it the first Friday of November and we all have a national holiday - move Veterans Day up if they want (don't care) so they can have the weekend to sort any ballot issues. Every year, every election happens on that day, local/state/federal. Everyone is off, everyone is encouraged to vote and employers must offer holiday pay + an allotment of 2 hours (not to include lunch/breaks) during WORKING HOURS to vote for all employees. To "strong arm" employers into being closed or only having person's work 1/2 days
I also believe that everyone should be mandatorily registered when they get a drivers license. (As an option out, same with organ donors should be, rather than an option in) but ALSO that your address and contact info should NOT be public or accessible. Thats just insane to me. I don't think the information brokers even have any right to know what party I'm registered for. But thats asking too much.
It amazes me the info publicly available about US citizens. Curious if there is a reason you have to list the party you vote for? Are you allowed to change your reported affiliation? List one party but choose to vote for another? Why do the people tolerate it?
You can register independent, but then you can’t vote in primaries. You can vote whoever you want no matter your affiliation in the elections. It’s secret.
I think we should have open primaries where all candidates are on the list. Where at in the constitution does it stay these two specific political parties have precedence over everyone else.
Ranked choice voting like in Alaska.
Ranked choice is not good. It's a convoluted system.
I disagree wholeheartedly.
Any system where the person who gets the most 1st place votes can still lose, is a convoluted system. That was put in place to allow the politicians that have been in office too long to somehow get elected again. Screwed up.
Ranked Choice voting it's so good the state of Maine had to vote it in four times. And the Congress of Maine repealed it three times.
In Michigan we have this system, but the voting instructions say you can only vote for one party, and if you vote for a mixture, your ballot is disqualified. It avoids having to register party affiliations, I guess.
Your opinion your vote should count. So they are forcing you to vote for a specific party platform even if you disagree with it. You could get to your preferences by voting for individuals for each position relative to what you wish in office you could vote which party you wanted for the sheriff which party you wanted for the prosecutor which one you wanted for treasurer which one you want for mayor governor. By splitting your vote between parties you would in effect be able to vote third party to have your preferences heard. Where at in the Constitution does it say you are only allowed two narrowly defined options to choose from. With the Democrats and Republicans at the national level I'm sure each state doesn't nicely fit in with either of these parties. Why can't each state voice its own preferences on how to be ran.
We don't follow the constitution around here.
The parties control their respective primaries. Thats why they operate in such different ways.
With a consistent 80% disapproval rating over the past 20 years why do you think these two political partys should have precedence when no one wants what they are selling
I agree, NY took all rights away from independent with the GOP taking over the rural spots.
This, unless you are in WI. Then you can vote for either one party or the other in the primary. I vote dem usually but voted for Nikki Haley in the primary.
Depends on your state though, in my state you can be unenrolled and vote in whichever primary you choose.
Not so in MA. I'm independent and voted in primary.
That depends on the state. I’m independent and I Colorado I can vote in the primary of the party of my choosing.
As someone who worked in data collection space for political campaigns for a short time. believe me who you vote for is not private. It might not be public but if I want to pull let's say white single women 30 to 40 who voted democrat in the past 3 elections in district 139 I can buy it with email home address and phone number
Register for the party you like the least. Then you can affect what candidate they put up.
No they will just remove them and put whoever they want in there see current presidential election for this
Shuuuuush. They are about to call you a conspiracy theorist.
I've been called worse lol
the reason we keep getting horrible candidates...
Also you get spam from both parties
There are also non party registration states. You can still register with a specific party on the party's member registry, but actual voter registration under the state is totally non partisan. For primaries, you just show up and say which party ballot you'd like for that particular election. It's pretty nice.
In my state, if you request a party ballot in the primary you are then automatically registered as a member of that party until the next primary. Every state does it differently.
That depends entirely on your state’s primary system. Some states have open primaries, in which case it doesn’t matter if you’re registered. Colorado has a semi-closed primary which means you can be unaffiliated and vote in the primaries, but you can only vote for one party’s primary.
In NY you can only vote in primaries for your registered affiliation.
That would be a closed primary.
Maybe for voting in primaries
You don't have to list the party you vote for. Who you voted for is never public info.
The party affiliation is not showing who you actually vote for.
I moved not long ago. When I got my new drivers license, the department of motor vehicles either made my information public or sold it. I started getting calls and mail about extended warranties, voting, and charitable donations.
I have no idea how or why this happens, but it's fucking infuriating.
You do have the option to register as No Party, or an unlisted party. I listed No Party when I first registered to vote. When I worked an election some time back, a voter changed their affiliation to "Christian Monarchy". You change your affiliation without giving a reason.
The Democrats and some independent parties will allow me to vote in their primaries if I ask to. I usually don't.
I've seen my voting record. It shows what elections I've voted in, where I am/was registered, and what party I am/was registered with. It didn't say what I voted for, and that information is deliberately unlinked from a voters record. Once the ballot separates from the envelope, it becomes untraceable.
It’s b/c primaries. They don’t let registered republicans vote on Democratic candidates and vice versa. Then Republicans could vote for the worst Democratic candidate and the strongest Reptwould be up against a lousy democratic candidate. Voila! Republican wins.
I register as no party affiliated.
I can answer some of your questions. You do not need to pick a party, you can refuse to or list yourself as independent.
The reason you pick a party is because only members of that party can vote for certain candidates during a primary election.
Yes you can easily switch parties as often as you like, it’s not unheard of that people will switch parties so they can vote in primary elections. For example let’s say you really really disliked a certain candidate and wanted anyone but him. It’s not uncommon to switch to that party in order to vote for their opponent in the primaries.
As far as registering for one party but voting for another, that happens all the time. I may be a member of one party but not all their candidates are the best option.
Cool, thank you. Guess I should pay more attention to other countries' political systems. Had no idea any of this was even a thing lol.
It is NOT the party you vote for, but the party on whose last primary you voted.
Depends on the state, usually a function of primaries, but I don't care for that reason for it.
And probably the lobbyists insist so that there are people to send all the fucking ads to. It sucks and I don't think any of that makes an impact.
Typically it's for primaries.
1) every American should get a National ID card the day they turn 18. Make it simple and free.
2) every American is automatically registered to vote
3) that card is required to vote
I wouldn’t be against things like Voter ID if it wasn’t intentionally designed to disenfranchise people. You’d think we could find compromise on this.
There was a post in either the North Carolina or the Asheville sub, this poor woman was trying to vote, at the school she teaches at. She lost her ID, she had no printer, she had something to show them I don't remember what I'm sorry it's searchable if you want, and they still wouldn't let her vote. She's waiting for it to show up in the mail and it won't be here in time I guess.
To add insult to injury, North Carolina has an exception for this. There was a form she had to fill out and some things she had to do, and they told her that didn't exist and they wouldn't let her vote. Luckily she had the $25 to get a new ID, but basically that's a poll tax. Imagine all these folks who are dealing with the flooding issues who don't have an extra $25 to get a new ID.
I agree we have to figure something out. But we have to make it affordable or free, and easily accessible somehow while preventing identity fraud. I am so open to ideas and suggestions because that is truly a conundrum
That is an illegal poll tax and once that person votes, they can and should record and report the entire encounter to the state election board and the ACLU. That woman isn't the only one they turned away for bullshit reasons, I'm sure.
I believe the NC DMV is waving fees to replace IDs. Still a pain in the ass though.
The solution of giving everyone an ID is an excellent solution. She is at the core of the issue here. She lost her ID. There can't just be a simple reissue of ID every time someone loses one. No consequence would mean there is no real significance to the card. Keep it safe like your SSN.
Under normal circumstances, I agree. But when a historical flood comes through your town at 4:00 a.m., things are going to happen and there are extenuating circumstances. There is also a form to fill out for that, and they refuse to offer or acknowledge it existed.
Your papers, please.
It's a short step.
It’s no different than the Social Security card or drivers license you already have. I don’t know why paranoia stops us from ever making this country the slightest bit more bearable.
Nope. Neither is mandatory. Driver's licenses aren't national.
This country is the best in the world and is not unbearable at all. Count your blessings. Or, GTFO. But, no, you won't do that. Coward.
SS Card and birth certificates are mandatory. Both applied for by the hospital when a child is born. If you don't have your kid in the hospital (I had two at home) you have to apply by the time they are 5. It may be even younger now. You can forego it. Until they go to school. If you homeschool, and you don't register your kids birth by then, you're a piece of Your kid will be unable to do just about anything, and good luck having them be a part of society. I thought it would be all good and didn't register my middle child til they were 8. They almost didn't get into the military or college because the birth certificate will forever note that it was a late registration, as will the SSN. You will also have to find enough people and documentation from during the birth to prove that you had the kid at home. Like, I had to dig up old notes from the midwife documenting the labor and delivery. Not everyone has these things.
I understand what you are saying. It's certainly very advantageous to have a SS number but it's not mandatory, as in required by law in and of itself. Birth certificates are State level documents, not national, and again advantageous in the extreme but also not mandatory. Both are easily forged, "borrowed", etc... and serve no reliable national identifying purpose. There is no mandatory national identity papers system - and we are better off for it (see photos).
Not mandatory, but come on. Everyone has them. Guarantee you do.
And yes, this is the greatest country in the world but that doesn’t mean we can’t improve. There’s absolutely no reason why simple things like ID cards and registering to vote or otherwise access government services, should be so deliberately complicated here, all to appease the 5% of the population that thinks the gubmint is coming for them.
Admire your belated greatest country comment. But, it's a long way from your "slightest bit more bearable" implication of being unbearable in this country to that point. Maybe less hyperbole in the future?
And, my social security card doesn't identify me in any reliable way. No photo, no address, no identifying characteristics, etc.. All of which would be necessary in a national identity card. I'll go with no national identity card, TYMV.
Sure is so why help the democratic party take that step
How do you figure that it disenfranchises anyone ? It simple go get an ID how hard is that? I mean if you are too stupid to figure out where to get said ID than probably too stupid to be voting anyway
Ah, spoken like a child of privilege.
If you’re poor, it’s hard.
Say you get evicted and lose your paperwork. You lose everything.
You oftentimes can’t get a new drivers license without a birth certificate. You oftentimes can’t get that without a Social Security card. Or vice versa.
All of those cost money to get. They take time to get. They also take time and money to physically drive to whatever office handles them. It’s all one big loop that’s way harder than it needs to be.
Oh, and those offices are usually open M-F. So you’ve also got to miss work to do it.
That happened to me. Not exactly that, but similar. I’m a straight white dude from a good family, with a college degree. Never been in trouble in my life. Made a few bad decisions.
It took me years to get that stuff straightened out.
Now imagine you’re a minority and have all those same problems. Except your backwards red state closed all the DMV’s or whatever within a 5 hour drive of you. That’s what states like Texas do.
We could solve all of this and join the 21st century, but instead we’ve got people in this same thread who think an ID card contains the same information that’s already on your drivers license is evil socialcommunism or the mark of the beast or something.
Oh ok because you are having a bit of bad luck or are to stupid to figure out how to replace an ID we should just let anyone that wants to vote do so ? Is that the answer?
… Yes? All citizens have the right to vote. It should be as easy as possible. Making it intentionally hard, but only for some groups, is anti democratic and likely illegal.
Well how will you know they are citizens
Try registering to vote without being a citizen.
It happens all the time,plus how can you register with no id?
It doesn’t happen all the time. There’s been a handful of incidents where like Oregon (who uses the DMV) accidentally mailed registration paperwork to a few hundred undocumented immigrants. A whopping 3 got confused and tried to register.
If one is too irresponsible or too stupid to do the bare minimum required to function in society by getting oneself an ID, then one really has no business having a say in the leadership of the country.
Never understood how voter ID enfranchises people. Explain that one please.
I have numerous times in this thread.
America doesn’t give free ID’s. Every state has different requirements. If you’re poor, working class, whatever, and get your drivers license suspended because the autopay on your insurance got turned off by mistake? They take your license. The police will physically take it.
No money to pay fines? There goes your right to vote this cycle.
Get evicted a few months before Election Day and lose your paperwork? Birth certificates, social security card, etc? Good luck getting an ID.
Then factor in that states like Texas deliberately close DMV’s in minority neighborhoods. So now, even if you have the time and money to figure it out, it’s a 6 hour drive to do it.
It may only be a few percentage points of people. But it’s a few percentage points of the most vulnerable people, who generally vote overwhelmingly Democrat.
And that’s all to solve a problem WHICH DOESN’T EXIST. Illegals do not vote. It’s like a few dozen people MAX in the entire country in any given election. So you disenfranchise thousands of people to stop a few dozen from voting.
If Republicans are so worried about it, they should meet Democrats halfway and do a national ID card that’s free, with automatic voter registration. Otherwise we will just continue to block voter ID most places.
Interesting, thanks for the perspective.
To push back a little, how does one function in society without an ID?
You can’t buy alcohol, cigarettes, certain chemicals at Home Depot, ammo, buy a phone plan, I mean how do you function with a phone…
I understand what your saying but it seems to be making excuses for a very small group of people.
I think last I checked 85 % of the population supports voter ID.
Stop, just stop. Our 19th security voting system is perfect.
There have literally been ZERO advancements in technology, economic, or social thinking that should be reconsidered.
What next? Voting districts ONLY based on geography that forces people to work together, vote together, for a common interest?
Look, I have 1000 acres in rural America. What about it's rights?
If our founding fathers wanted America to change they wouldn't have established a clear method for updating our core constitution or thought woke thoughts that the Constitution should be periodically revised to keep pace with the progress of society and human thought.
Or recommending that constitutions expire after 19 years and should be renewed to prevent them from becoming an act of force. Jefferson believed that a dynamic society needed to periodically revise the Constitution to prevent it from becoming an out-of-date social contract.
And change it to popular vote so that card allows you to vote anywhere!!! Signed up once for life.
Apparently that’s evil communism and will put us all in camps.
I don't understand that sentiment, that requiring an ID is intentionally designed to disenfranchise people. You need an ID to buy alcohol or tobacco. You need an ID to fly. You need an ID to cross a national border. You need an ID to operate a vehicle. None of that is as important as election integrity. Those same ID's work for voting...
That is a cute plan but prefers candidates that play the long game instead of next quarter results.
(because people that lose their card will - I assume- prefer candidates that are less organized and go for short term gain, so guess who's voting?)
You should also serve 4 years of active military service to be considered a full Citizen. That sounds almost as ridiculous as your ideas. How about microchip implants at birth?
What? 😂 What kind of a nutty conspiracy theorist do you have to be to equate a national ID card (that like every other country does) with microchips and mandatory national service? 😂
Logical next step for your ideas.
Agreed. And The disenfranchisment needs to to be eliminated.
Yup. People never understand it because it’s only a few percentage points….. but it overwhelmingly affects poor and POC folks.
I never understand people who insist against a national universal ID but then turn around and insist upon Voter ID.
Shouldn’t be forced to have to opt out of having your organs harvested.. nothing wrong with opting in, but it’s just wrong to do that.
Well, a lot of people disagree.
So you think you’re entitled to other peoples’ organs?
Just yours.
Even if they aren't a citizen? Because non-citizens can get a driver's license.
If they are not a citizen, which can be easily shown, then they do not get auto registered.
And it is easy to know unless they have fully fraudulent paper saying John Smith on 10th street in Peoria.
And in that case, it's not on the clerk to figure that out, if they have all the "papers" it's on the feds to do it.
They would be able to use the exact same paperwork (in "real ID" states) to get registered to vote anyway if they were doing identity theft.
It's not an issue. There no suite of people using fake identities as "illegal aliens" to vote illegally.
So it wouldn't be a problem at the dmv.
The problem is id theft if it occurred, not that undocumented citizens can get licenses. They don't want to be found out, they aren't risking that in order to vote every few years.
So.. NO. Known undocumented people would not be registered if states allow getting a dl in that condition.
But if they don't, but the person has stolen or forged papers, then yeah, they'll end up registered.
No system is flawless. But many ideas would likely be better than the one we have, which is a hodgepodge of state by state messes, low civic engagement, low turnout, and high tribalism.
Registered where? The US is a highly mobile society--if you were living in New Haven and were automatically registered there, that means that you're not registered in, say, Hartford. So you could go down to New Haven to vote but there has to be some provision by which you can change your registration to the town you live in--remember that there are state and local elections as well as Federal.
Errr, you are not updating your drivers license when you move?
As required by law, yes. The DMV has your full and complete and current address on file.
Only if you update it. Ive notoriously rarely ever updated mine. Hell i had a tn drivers license after moving to fl then ohio finally updated. Then moved to ks, updated. Then had ks until i moved to ne then az. Finally have az. On top of all those states id move to at least 2 different addresses, in tn i moved easily 10 times.
You would need to update your voter registration address when you move as well.
Oh, ive also never participated in any election in the 12 years ive been able to. This is my first time registering or voting.
Congratulations for raising your voice. By itself it isn’t too loud, but joined in with the others it can alter the course of history.
Also don't let yourself fall into the fallacy of "your vote doesn't matter". Elections are often won by relatively slim margins. In races where the margin gets really tight, every vote matters. But your vote doesn't "not matter" even in elections with wider margins: elections are a statistical sampling of the population. If you are feeling like your vote isn't going to matter in the upcoming election, the likelihood of other people not voting for the same reasons is high. All exposed to similar information and news about the situation. It is actually more important to vote in elections that make you feel defeated or disillusioned. If only 1 out of every 100 people don't vote that could flip most elections.
If you're in the military you dont
National database. You vote from wherever you want, but only once and it pops up if you try to vote more than once, like some snow birds do.
People wouldn’t trust it. They want to count paper ballots for crying out loud.
How do you get every town government in the US to buy into this national database? And how does it work for local elections that may be held on different days than the national elections?
That's not how it works.
Yeah, I know how and where to vote and why.
You have to be registered where your address is, and your current address is legally supposed to be updated within less than 6 months of moving to a new address. With exceptions, kinda, for being homeless.
Generally an address on a driver's license will get updated at the next renewal, regardless of what is supposed to happen. The proposal was for registration at issuance.
It LEGALLY has to be updated when you move. Within a short time. Not 5 years later when it expires.
So what? You think everybody obeys that law?
Your fringe, anecdotal, and self-admittedly illegal (and stupid, what happens when you get in a crash with a fraudulent insured address??) behavior is irrelevant to the benefits of said program.
Insurance gets renewed every 6 months--they want to know where to send the bill. No "fraudulently insured address". You don't get out much, do you?
The billing address is different from where the car is presumed to be housed. This is how the premium is calculated to determine your bill. This is literally fraud. You do you though. Have fun
Sorry Sheldon, but the insurance company doesn't rely on one's driver's license to determine "where the car is presumed to be housed". If it did then people who keep a car in Florida and one in LA would be screwed.
You're supposed to change your license within 30-60 days (it may vary between states as I've heard both numbers) of moving. If it's something like a college student, temporarily visiting/taking care of someone, military member, etc then you should request an absentee ballot
That will work well for democrats since illegals can get a DL and they've been shoving them into the nation as fast as they can get them across the border. Hey, I have a great idea, concealed carry licenses automatically with every drivers license, how about that?
Only problem with this is some states are giving licenses to non citizens, opening the door for some or alot of fraud.
There's huge numbers of invalid registration attempts. I forget the website ssa.gov ? That tracks it. In Pennsylvania alone like 119k invalid registrations just last month
The numbers are staggering tbh especially in PA and AZ oddly enough
That is NOT what those numbers mean or what that system is.
Who Told you that and explained it like that to you?
The states giving licenses to non citizens is not an indication that they are confusing them for citizens.
It would be easy to simply denote which DL s are citizens and which are not.
And if they are using fake ssn to get a DL, then that's a whole different story.
I addition, you think a bunch of "illegals" with fake identities are lining up to vote everywhere? No. They aren't.
Signing people up when they get a DL is not synonymous with signing up fraudulent identify thieves.
In fact, it might catch a few.
So I was saying there's a lot of weird mismatches in voting or registration and mentioning that to auto registering people to vote when they get a driver's license.
it was 2 separate things. Maybe that's not what those numbers mean, what do you think they mean from SSA site ? Or were you saying states are not giving out drivers licenses to non citizens?
Thank you! I got a postcard in the mail. And it said “who you vote for is not public information, but whether or not you vote is, …”
That felt very threatening to be honest. I also have the right not to vote. Regardless. It’s nobodies f’in business. And I don’t appreciate that my address and name are public records because I am a registered voter.
Whether or not you voted is a necessary evil. If you vote, and somebody else votes in your name, the system will flag it.
I ran into that when I worked on an election: a voter had moved just prior to the ballots being mailed out. Their previous roommates tried to vote in their place, but did such a horrendous job forging their signature, that the system kicked it out for manual verification. I don't know if the DA decided to prosecute.
Lemme add to this, automatically registered for selective service. Because I had no clue it was a thing until it was too late. No FAFSA or federal jobs for me, and if the govt decides to, prison! Yay me!
What? In hs they made sure people knew. It's the reason recruiters would come around like college people would. Wow. That's shitty.
I left early to work! Ged at 15
Oh wow, that really sucks. I didn't know they'd let that fall through the cracks that way. How the heck would you be expected to know otherwise. Lord.
You also won’t get social security
Yeah, hoping the law changes before then. But I'm planning on retiring with my own money so I'm not too concerned. Ive spent enough time horrified already
The problem is in states where you are not required to be a legal citizen before being able to obtain a driver's license.
Yes, true. Not certain how to deal with that, but it's 2024, it seems like we can get it together, if they expect us to trust self driving shit, etc.
There is zero evidence that non-us citizens have voted in any elections. If you don't have a ss# you can't be registered, full-stop even with a driver's license. There is no issue here.
This is not entirely true. There are several states that allow for illegal aliens to vote in local and state elections and have been given federal ballots. Especially when they are all on a single ballot.
That's an unfortunate effect of anonymous voting. If an alien getsa full ballot, intended to have them vote for local and state, if he fills out the federal there is no way to discerne that.
Do you have any examples/news stories of this from a reputable source? I'm dubious, but would be interested if im proven wrong
This is one. I do believe that the numbers of instances that they found where this occurred are probably on the low side. That's the problem with trying to find this is it's literally trying to find a needle in a haystack.
Is it common, very unlikely, but it doesn't mean it does not exist. And as more municipalities push for allowing non-citizens to vote in local elections, this is only going to become a bigger issue.
Not sure I consider the heritage foundation as a reputable primary source. Even if it holds true that's actually a impressively low number, In my opinion it appears to be a non-material opportunity window, with both appropriate safeguards and punishment in order.
Appreciate the follow up though.
As I said though, like a lot of different times, what is caught is not always indicative of the total amount of crime is being committed.
I wouldn't worry about it my dude. Also, I wouldn't take anything from a partisan and self-motivated think tank as a "truth" to extrapolate into future behavior. I'm still yet to see a single substantiated instance of this actually occurring.
Theoretically possible, yes. Basis/Proof from any legal proceedings or the like - no.
I've seen reports over the last few years. Just an not seeing them right now.
Then that's the answer. Thanks
We could, if we wanted secure elections.
Doesn't matter, you can't register to vote anywhere in the country without a ss number
Why allow an opt out? Its insane to me that voter registration doesn’t happen automatically whenever you change your address
I disagree on two points. If you won't make an effort to register, then you're not going to be an informed voter. How can you cut thru all the BS if you don't put an effort into doing it. The organ donor is a problem, what about my body, my choice? That said, I won't donate until the doctors and hospitals quit charging the hell out of the operations. I give them parts for free they should donate to the patient also.
Opt out for donor. That's all. It's still choice. It wouldn't be a buried secret line item.
Yes, for informed voters, that's hard. They can still opt out or not vote too, but it would be better if there was automatically a ballot and you have to some how choose "I choose no candidate". And information avaliable has to be fixed everywhere. No more dark secret money in elections, no more citizens united, no more national enquirer level batboy style bullshit lies news as if it's real on TV and print and social media. That stays squarely with the onion and SNL.
And then while we're at it, stop the 50 year effort (successful) to dumb down the public and make ignorance a point of pride and so pervasive at all levels.
Again, I don't know the best mechanisms to do it all, but that's what I feel the underlying and overarching problems are.
We are a society. We are so extremely complicated. But we don't have to stop trying or fighting for better results and things for ourselves and each other.
But you're right, choice is important and there would be no reason to hide the opt out feature of the automatic enrollment.
Your address most certainly should be public. Same for contact information. It's how accountability works. It's why it is public in the first place.
Not everyone that get a driver’s license is allowed to vote.
Nobody said they were
You said ‘everybody’. Its not obvious
That’s going great in blue states.
A fucking holiday for election day is not needed if you have vote by mail. It's worked just fine for a couple decades in Oregon, and there is no partisan divide about it.
Oregon isn't a huge swing state and doesn't have the same optics as say Texas, Florida or Georgia. In those states there are partisan divide. Also Oregon has had it for a while, change = scary for certain parties in this country. Keeping things the "same" is always "best" for certain individuals to stay in power
I think that it is helpful to offer positive, concrete examples of how to improve things elsewhere. For example, the Oregon Universal Healthcare Governing Board is systematically getting feedback and looking at ways of implementing a publicly financed healthcare system in Oregon, which would be referred to voters in a few years. This could be a model for the rest of the nation, much as Saskatchewan was for Canada.
That sounds great, and hopefully it works well for Oregon so we can look to them for solutions. I think having a holiday would be great for voter turn out and elections. Its a step in the right direction, and I think a holiday is much more palatable than say - mail in/absentee voting in our current climate. Especially since we have Veterns day a week later, just move it up.
Fair enough. You do what you can.
That sounds great, and hopefully it works well for Oregon so we can look to them for solutions. I think having a holiday would be great for voter turn out and elections. Its a step in the right direction, and I think a holiday is much more palatable than say - mail in/absentee voting in our current climate. Especially since we have Veterns day a week later, just move it up.
WA, CO, and possibly a couple other states have it right. All mail-in but with some polls open early and on election day for those who prefer or need in person. Great for everyone but especially disabled people, single parents of young kids, people with shift work, essential workers
Mail in is the WORST. Fraud central.
WA usually isn't counted until after it's been called.
Mail in isn't secure though. How can it be verified that the person who it was addressed to actually voted? Make it online with you having to log in with your SSN and answer facts based on your current address or last tax return. Much harder to spoof than stealing a ballot from your neighbor's box...
I'm in WA. Last year my vote got rejected. I mailed it in and they said it didn't arrive on time. The post office was overwhelmed.
Year after that my Wife's vote got rejected, saying her signature didn't match.
Both times by the time we got notified it was too late for our vote to count.
I moved to Colorado last year and immediately got a new driver's license, registered to vote, and was a perfect little citizen. Received my mail-in ballot (local stuff), excitedly sent it in, received notice two weeks later that it was rejected and I'd have to come to some place in person by some such date with additional documentation... Not taking that chance this time around!
I lived in Wa. I noticed since Rossi was robbed, they enacted mail in only, and low and behold no republican has come close since!
Why isn’t it validated on when it was postmarked and not when it arrived. For the supposed leader of the free world, the USA sure doesn’t lead when it comes to running elections. Quite farcical
Given that there are some folks doing everything they can to ensure mail-in voting isn't used, I recommend against depending on the USPS for your ballot delivery. Instead, find the local elections office and drop your ballot in the box there. That's what I've done in recent elections and my vote has always been counted.
I had the same EXACT thing happen to me when I lived in Vancouver. I called up election headquarters in Clark County and asked them about that letter saying mg "signature doesn't match" that I've had to provide a writing sample, blah, blah. My ballot was invalidated. Fuck them.
We also voted Trump when that happened.
The conspiracy theorist in me would say, wellof course the heavily liberal state would invalidate our vote.
Guess we'll see what happens this year.
Crazy. Not doubting what you've said, but I'm a lifelong WA resident and have never had a hitch with mail in voting. I've checked for confirmation each election that my ballot was accepted and received on votewa.gov
Been in WA for multiple elections and I always just drop it by my nearest ballot drop box and have never had a problem.
also in WA. never had any issue either but small town freaks will indeed mess with the boxes, and big cities get a lot of mail all at once that day for sure.
My courthouse has a voting district office where I can hand the mail-in ballot directly
I’m in CO and love how we do things. Once you drop your ballot in the collection box you can go on the county website and see when it was counted. They have multiple signature and ID verifications for each ballot.
Sometimes the ballot of a newer voter gets rejected because they have many sources of signature verifications and younger voters don’t have as many sources and maybe their signature has changed. But you can see that the ballot was rejected right away and the state notified you of the rejection. So you have to go in person to vote with an ID if that happens
Colorado needs to clean its voter rolls.
Jeffco denied my address this year for some reason. I have historically registered as dem, although this year I am voting as an independent. I voted from here last election.
I guess my bank and everybody else that sends mail here is wrong. Wondering if some fuckery is happening behind the scenes in this notoriously conservative county.
they need to correct that shit for you. we need 1 person, 1 vote.
Luckily they did after incessantly calling their elections dept.
There's a comment chain elsewhere in this post where someone admits they've moved multiple times in multiple states but didn't bother to update their address with the DMV. Even though legally we're supposed to update our address with the DMV when we move.
My point is this: The ballot system information is only as accurate as the people, and far too many people don't care enough to do their part in ensuring the government has accurate information for ballots. This isn't a Colorado election system failure, it's a voter failure.
I don't trust random photos online where it doesn't even show the address on any of the envelopes to verify the claim.
possible. was posted in a colorado group I'm part of. I don't trust our SOS. but understand your hesitation
Yeah I understand them not wanting to dox themselves, but there's so much disinformation online that it's difficult to trust anything. Like in this situation, there's no way someone filling them out illegally would know what kind of signature to put down to match. And they're risking a felony by opening someone else's mail, plus felonies of voter fraud if caught.
100% agree. I love mail in voting for convenience but we need to get it all cleaned up either way.
Unfortunately this is common in certain states
I’ve had my ballot for a week and got an email notification when it was mailed. No rush, no crowds, no need to find coverage for the kids, no need to take time off work, and plenty of time to research the issues. Early voting and mail in ballots should be the norm.
For me, the research will go very quickly. Anything backed by the GOP I vote against, all democrats get my vote. If there's anything that both democrats & republicans agree on, maybe I'll consider that in more depth
Whatever works for ya
I escaped IN to enjoy living in WA. Freedom! Love my mail ballot! Never miss a vote.
Now, COA is a whole different story. Yikes!
I use to live in Washington and Vermont and now live in North Carolina. North Carolina has the best system I have seen of the 3 by far. You have a wide range of time to go vote, the multiple voting spots make it easy to get there, the lines were short, you can register and vote on the same day with no issues, and the machines at a glance seemed secure with the actual tabulating machine watched by everyone with 2 people dedicated to it. With Vermont you very well might have 1 place to vote, and with Washington you are relying on people to bring the ballot to you (which can get mucked up), this doesn't even count how hard it is to actually get off their rolls once on (I have tried 4 times now and they keep rejecting it with the advice to be come in in person and have yourself removed).
Here in California all ballots are mailed. You can either mail it in or return it at one of several polling locations in the county. Some of these locations are open early. The polling locations also have provisional ballots for folks who didn’t receive it or lost it. You can sign up to have your ballot tracked so you know when it mailed to you and also when they receive it.
My son and I mailed ours in last week and received notification they were received and counted.
This is the way. All attempts to gerrymander and intimidate voters vanquished.
I'm in CA, too, and I'm just not confident that our votes are counted the way I submitted them. I would like to see an audit to make sure all votes are counted correctly, and once all votes are in, no shenanigans occur. Personally, I think CA is currently majority republican, but there's a criminal factor in politics, too.
Ohio does this - but it really only works well if your dont gerrymander that your drop off ballot box has to be monitored like a polling place.
the problem is when you give a holiday for election day people who don't have a support system or are low income do not have a way to go vote because they have to stay at home and watch their kids, especially with young kids who wouldn't tolerate standing in line for 3 hours or more while you sit and vote.
in North Carolina the GOP specifically made election day a day off of school, but not a work holiday so that it burdens low income parents even more.
I find it interesting since most people are voting during the evening, after work. Which means people's children and such are already off of school. It's more of a defeatist attitude. More people turn out to vote when it's a day off than when it isn't.
Also I am not finding anything that says NC schools are closed on election day
There are numerous school 'closures' of suspension of classes nationwide, for primary and election voting days. There are so many maps and bills and announcements that it would take hours to copy-paste-cite them, including NC schools.
So are those closed by way of that location being a polling place or because of state legislative? Because being a polling place isn't the same as having a holiday/day off
Yes, yes, and check your location. Ask Google: "Schools closed for Primary and Presidential Elections" to magically have your questions answered. Sheesh.
No thanks, cause thats not the same has having a holiday. And not really relevant to my post. Not going to google/research someone else's point for them - not really worth my time/place. I googled which states close schools for elections - no state officially has closed all schools, certain schools being closed is irrelevant
Try to be a part of the solution.
So... yea... making it a holiday would be a great way to get more people to the polls. From your own source - the exact thing I stated originally - needs to be a holiday. We need to support this idea, and not have a defeatist attitude. If its a holiday, schools are closed, classes are cancelled.
Around here they use schools in some districts but not all. My voting spot is a local community center. But if I remember correctly I think it is a day off of school around here because they can't just make some of the kids go to school and not others. I'm sure every community is different.
I grew up in Kansas. They let us out of elementary school on Election Day because our school was a polling location. Middle and high school they did not.
Me too. I'm in Illinois. I know my daughter still had the day off of elementary school but I can't remember if her high school had the day off.
Agreed! However I think that’s because so many of us get off work and then go vote. If we had all day to do it the lines might not be so aggressive.
It's ridiculous that anyone has to wait hours to vote. When polling places can't support voters, it's voter suppression.
mail in/drop off ballots are the best way
Best way for the democrats to cheat
Growing up, voting precincts were the local schools and school was in session during voting days, we just couldn't use the "cafegymnatorium" that day. In the 1990s, our school district started to close on election day, the reason being people on the sex offender's list had to have access to the voting precinct. Since that time, I've noticed schools not being used for voting precincts as much.
Where in the US can sex offenders vote? I thought they lost the right?
They need to lose more then just their right to vote ,need to lose their live .
I don't know. This was the reason given in the 1990s when I asked. In 1992 we voted in the local elementary school library, the next election it was in the church auditorium. That was the reason given was we wanted to make sure people who could vote were able to enter the polling place. This was a very affluent area with a very active PTA at the local and district level, so it could have been a "we don't want unwashed strangers in the building with our kids, they could be sex offenders" or some other issues.
That’s correlation without causation. The day was given off for teachers and child care workers to get out and vote. Without that no school day they’d have zero chance.
lol ok
Schools are closed in my state because voting takes place in the school buildings.
There’s another excellent example. The person I originally replied to is just trying to smear the political party they dislike. It’s Reddit so no surprise there.
I made a post earlier about restaurant and retail workers, but man I totally forgot about this. My youngest just went off to college, but as a single mom, that was certainly a huge issue. There are so many challenges. But there has to be a way to make it so we all can vote.
So do it like Australia. It’s always a Saturday; early voting and mail voting is easily accessible and reliable; and there are very many voting centres (including most schools and community centres), so the queue is less than 5min and suburban people can walk from home; and it’s an enjoyable experience coz the schools fundraise selling cheap hotdogs hotdog (aka Democracy Sausage) and cake stalls etc.
Omg, youre kidding? What a shitty sneaky but not at all sneaky Snidely Whiplash bullshit thing to do.
Has the GOP ever done anything to make it easier to vote? It says so much that they constantly get called out and shut down for trying to undermine this basic right.
Schools are already closed on Election Day (public schools in the US) because they use the buildings for voting. Not disagreeing that that’s an issue, just saying that many are already finding solutions.
Voting should be done by ballot with your income taxes. Period. No booths no holiday no fraud.
Why? People do fraudulent tax returns, i think, more than actual voter fraud. What if your taxes are wrong? How about if you amend them, do you get to change your vote? Also, why do we even file taxes? Like the government already knows what we made and what we owe, shouldn't have to file anything.
You think fraudulent tax submissions are more common than voter fraud?
No revotes, we don't allow them now, why would you allow it in the future?
Why file taxes? To know how much you owe and to make adjustments (credits, etc) so you don't just trust the Govt. I am all for a flat tax but that's another topic.
I do, and I'm tired of people saying "they made a mistake" isn't fraud. Fraud isn't just being malicious or whatnot - ignorance is a form of decepition, and the amount of people who lie/cheat on their taxes is enormous. In 2022 - there was 2,550 convictions for tax fraud vs 1465 voter fraud in 2020. And that's just convictions, that's not IRS finding out taxes were wrong and people just amending it after being caught
I used to think the Holiday route until moving to Oregon. Now I believe scratch that, vote by mail in your underwear (I drop mine off at the local library). You have like all month to fill it out and lots of time to decide and research names on a ballot. I could never go back to voting in person. I would be a hurried mess, feel rushed and be indecisive.
Who is working the polls etc.?
Right on. Australia has it right. Vote. Go to the beach.
More importantly, compulsory voting. If it is difficult to vote then a bunch of people vote against whoever they blame for this. Voting becomes easy. Difficult to vote on behalf of someone else given that the other person will vote anyway.
"We need a fucking holiday for election day."
Right wingers won't allow it. That would bolster turnout of people working 2-3 jobs to survive.
I think it would have the opposite effect - like all other holidays the office worker class would have the day off and go to food, entertainment, and retail places (think like how Labor Day weekend is a busy weekend for groceries, drinking establishments, mattress stores for some reason) - so everyone working 2 or 3 jobs would have to work on the “holiday” because it’s so busy.
Meanwhile the professional jobs (lawyer, doctor, accountant, banking, execs) would have the day off to go vote
A real holiday. A truly National one. Not a fake one for retail.
I’m not sure of any holiday we have that closes everything- look how many places are open on thanksgiving and Christmas.
Very few places near me are open either, a handful of ethnic restaurants, really. A couple of bars will open late.
I think employers are going to need to give people a couple days off after the election. Half of us need to take a big sigh of relief, and the other half are going to be drunk as shit.
Don’t make it a holiday. That works great for office workers, but not those in the service industries, which are generally poorer and those that are underrepresented.
It needs to be a longer period, and mail in is also a pro (though that harms the homeless).
There's a process for the homeless. All they need is a location for registration (an intersection works well enough) so they can get the correct ballot, and they can register. The ballot gets sent wherever they specify.
I think for me, part of it being a holiday is the celebration and recognition of it's importance. It's one day a year where people are to use their voice. Have workers do 4 hours, and they get holiday pay. I dislike because it helps one group more, that we should not move forward. Like mail in ballots don't help the Amish, so let's not do them. How about instead, service industries get a full day pay. What about tips? What about Eskimos? What about Indigenous people? Does getting a day off benefit retired people? Too many what about and not enough, let's start with this. Let's increase voters turn out, let's start with, it's important, it's vital and deserving of a holiday.
I honestly think universal mail in ballots would be less disruptive and have more positive impact than a national holiday. It also eliminates the need for a national holiday and encourages educated voter decisions.
Heya Fox, I’ve ALWAYS SAID Election / Inauguration Day should be a National Holiday, with Banks closed, as well as the markets.
ONE: One less reason to not vote (sometimes life gets chaotic and busy AF)
TWO: It’s two extra days every 4 years, in a ‘perfect World’ that would be a “no brainer”.
The national holiday will not apply to retail workers and county employees and countless others that I can’t think of right now. Most states have early voting for a reason.
It's not supposed to cover everyone. It's supposed to increase voter turnout. Which is will. There is no solution that will affect every single person
what we REALLY need is 100% mail in ballots for ALL states so you can vote when you want. just like we do in Washington State. Everyone, handicapped, poor, immobile, infirmed. they can all vote at their convenience. They can drop it in to any ballot box, or mail it in free. Anything less than this, in my opinion, is voter suppression. we must fight to have this.
Yeah that would make sure the democrats could cheat their way into every office across the whole country good idea
It's only cheating if you have to use vote suppression and gerrymandering to keep everyone from voting including people who don't vote for the same people. If the gopc wants to start winning federally then get off the cross. We all need the wood
No it's cheating when you have mail in ballots ,it's cheating when you have dead people voting, it's cheating when flood the country with illegal aliens and then try to make it so they can vote. The democrats are notorious for the be honest about it . There is no way biden won the last one fairly everyone knows it just because you want to deny it . The end of the day he cheated. And this time it's going to be such a huge landslide that the democratic party is shitting themselves because they know even with the bullshit they pulled last time it won't be enough. That's why they have tried to kill him twice. That's why they now are saying that they won't certify the election. And you say trump is trying to destroy democracy.
I'm intrigued what are your sources?
Sources for what ,use your eyes or maybe instead of just going to CNN or the other libtard news networks go to somewhere eles . Hell Alex Jones, tucker Carlson, Rogen, there's lots of good Sources. And yeah before you run your mouth about Alex this or Alex that remember he is been right far more then he is wrong. Just look at the crap they pulled with kicking biden to the curb and putting her as the nominee. Not one person voted for her to run ,did they? That alone is unconstitutional. The democrats are crooked and dirty as fuck. They are actively trying to destroy the republic. You all worry about trump an him destroying the democracy when infact it'd the dems that are trying to take your rights. The 1st and 2nd amendment are top of their list.4 more yrs with her and the rest of the dumbacrats will be it for this country. That is unless the start ww3 which is looking more and more likely every hr
If you believe this then we should also allow mail order guns. Because if it is impossible to commit fraud by mail then i shouldn’t it be safe for our other constitutional rights?
thats quite a large straw man argument
So yes for legacy voters.
But there is no excuse we don't have online voting with heavy MFA.
I think that a national day off for elections is a sentiment shared by BOTH parties, and there's absolutely NO reason to not have this. And even service jobs / retail should be mandated that nobody work more than 4 hours on election day to allow adequate time to vote.
Election Day holiday would be great, as well as expanded mail-in voting and ballot drop-offs. I’ve lived and voted in Arizona and Colorado and their systems seem to work fairly well. Or we just move Election Day to a weekend since the reason it’s on a Tuesday is so that farmers in the era before cars could be at church on Sunday, then travel Monday, vote on Tuesday, then get back home.
Write letters to leaders folks. They do get read. They are public officials.
I agree with a holiday for election day, but Veteran's Day is the 11th of November for a reason.
The Armistice that ended the fighting in WW1 was signed came into effect at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month in 1918.
That day was chosen to honor the military forces who fought in that war.
Vote by mail like civilized people
Everyone is never off. Doctors, nurses, firefighters, police all have to keep working
I’m not saying your plan isn’t a great idea. Just wanted to point off there’s never a holiday where everyone is off.
True, but it shouldn't be a barrier to not go forward with it.
I understand, just pointing out that there are certain professions that can never take the day off as a group.
It’s really not that big a deal, most states allow anyone to vote early.
Most states actually have laws on the books saying that employers have to allow for time to vote. Its just not paid in most states and most people aren't aware of the laws. I know in my area, the schools are used as polling places so the schools are always closed. This puts working parents in a hardship because it is not a holiday. Although, not all jobs offer paid holidays, nor are they legally required to.
Sounds like we are beginning to understand why it's such an issue. Companies not offering paid holidays, if only people could vote on laws that enforce that. If only people could vote for paid time off to vote. Which is why there is such a stubborn resistance to making it a holiday
If we could vote to enforce corporate regulations and individual company policy then that would be a socialist economic plan, not capitalism. Don't get me wrong, I support it. However, when the GOP calls even strong supporters of capitalism Marxist if they are democrats, it will not happen. At least not for a very long time.
We need national mail in ballots and drop boxes like in Oregon. I am going to sip my coffee and vote, then walk it to the ballot drop off location.
Too many issues with that. We already have issues on where. Why complicate an already burdened process. It works in populated areas cause you can walk to it. For most of America, they are not within walking distance like that. Like most folks will be driving, and adding in more effort vs having a day off to get it done, very different.
This doesn't work though. Plenty of employees still have to work on holidays. Even if you made it so drastic as to say holiday for everybody "non-essential", still people have to be at the controls of the critical systems, run critical infrastructure and services.
I really don't see Not having election day off as a barrier to people being able to vote. Particularly when in most states they'll have some kind of early voting. I think it would make sense to have a mandated 2-hour paid time off to go vote sometime within the main or early voting period.
When elections are held on a national holiday, voters turn out is higher. We have data from other countries to support that. We have Veterans day just a week or so after election day. We could simple shuffle it around.
I don't think "cause someone is working that day" should be a barrier to stop it. Nor do I think because some things still need to run is anything more than a defeatist mindset. We can't please and help everyone. Would it help the vast majority of people, yup. And that should be enough to make it work. Some places do early voting, some don't. So make just a blanket holiday to celebrate our most fundamental right. Hell, we get the 4th of July off, and Thanksgiving are way less important than voting.
The Biden administration attempted to make it a national holiday but it was blocked by the republicans in congress. It’s almost like they want it to be as difficult as possible to vote…
But an Election Day holiday would get more people to vote.
This won't happen as Republicans rely on retired class to out represent the working class and if you allow this they will be out numbered in every election. But I agree we need a national holiday
The rich donors/captains of industry would never allow any kind of law to pass giving their worker drones a day off to vote or an increase in labor cost
that would make too much sense, and the government can't have that.
Some states have a holiday in place for election day but I don't live in one so can't say how it is. But with the proliferation of early and mail-in, I'm definitely taking that holiday for myself
How do we make it possible to make the election day switch official?
Stop the common sense! Make it a holiday like those Commie Europeans?! SCOFF I say!
Make veterans day election day. They fought for our right, so by voting we'd be celebrating them even more
We need to make it a super national holiday like Christmas. Otherwise, all the restaurant workers and retail workers will still be not only working, but swamped. As a former employee of both at times in my life, when everybody pretty much but us had the day off, we were slammed. It was the longest day ever. It was a day that was banned from calling in, no days off etc.
Around here where I live even the grocery stores and the fast food restaurants are closed on Christmas.
I imagine if you makenit a holiday connected to a weekend, people would just go on vacation. Murica. Mail in ballots 100% - it's great in oregon. Add a none of the above field for all elected positions so politicians can see how unhappy we are with our choices and make voting mandatory for everyone qualified. Australia fines people who don't vote unless they have a legitimate reason, like they are in a coma.
Australia makes it pretty easy to vote even if you’re on vacation. Rules
Plus the stuff in my other comment that details why the actual process is quick, easy and enjoyable.
One thing about having a election holiday is they would need less machines to implement the system. Divide the day up and assign people randomly chosen appointments to show up at. So not everybody shows up at the same time. There are many instances where they know who votes for what and intentionally give more or less voting booths or machines in certain districts to prevent or allow certain individuals from voting. I have heard that there are some places that have long lines that when the polling center closes there's thousands of people that weren't able to cast their vote. Or they purged certain people from the registration that had every right to vote.
Voting Reforms
National Voting Holiday
Automatic Voter Registration
Voter Registration In Every Government Office
Free Nationwide Voter ID
Guaranteed Citizen Voting Rights
Voting Booths Per Person
Ban Voter Roll Purging
Overturn CItizens United
Total Ban On Political Advertising
Government Funded Debates
Centralized Candidate Information
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Term Limits
Open Primaries
Ranked Choice Voting
Community Ballot Initiative
Blockchain Voting
Ban Gerrymandering
Independent Redistricting
This is a great idea. I also like the idea of elections being held on the 4th of July. So we celebrate our independence/freedom/democracy by exercising our most important/basic right. Either way I think the vast majority of people would be good with Election Day being a holiday.
I'm not opposed, but it would make for a much longer lame duck period. I think I'd be inclined to say we vote on Jul 4 but vote validation and counting continues until November. We'd all hate that, but it would be better than having lame duck elected officials for 6 months.
Why should it be a holiday when you have early voting for a week or two ahead of time.
Some places don't do that. Why is celebrating one of our most vital, necessary and important rights not deserving of a holiday? We celebrate the 4th, we celebrate President's, we celebrate the new year. Are any of those objectively more important than voting? I don't think so. A holiday will dramatically increase voter turn out, which is the end goal. Start there, start on what would get the most people to vote, and it would be a day off. Then work your way up to higher %s
Having a week or two of early election would increase voter turnout more than making one single day of voting a holiday, wouldn't it?
National holidays benefit white collar workers most, medical facilities, power plants, factories, etc often can’t be shut down…
A better option would be national absentee ballot availability.
I understand your position. A absentee ballot is one solution, but the idea that voting is a integral part of our democracy and many people want to vote in person as well. I think making it a national holiday to both celebrate and cultivate that fundamental right as important is key. It's a bit defeatist IMO to not want one because it doesn't help the Amish, or homeless or airline pilots. We can't help everyone, and stopping things just because power plant workers somehow can't work 4 hours one day a year is odd to me. Have people work 4 hours, it's 1 day a year.
Too much common sense in this post for the internet. You're going to catch a ban!
All this has been discussed, and the last time it was addressed at a congressional level, Mitch McConnell laughed at it and said as long as he lives, this will never ever happen. It won’t even make it to discussion in the senate.
Or a basic civics or iq test. Hate to have my vote nullified by nitwits
There is no shortage of opportunities to vote. We have mail-in, early, and day of voting for weeks ahead of time and including Saturdays. We need a civil society, not another excuse.
Definitely not true everywhere and our regional mail center just had a massive fire that'll have it closed for months. I didn't even realize other states had an option for you to vote anywhere in your county, since we are assigned one local polling location near our address. While I'll be voting early, my state only allows that during presidential elections so most people don't even know it's an option. No excuses mail-in ballots only started for us in 2020 too, so not everyone knows that's an option.
That's not true of every state. I wish it was.
Unfortunately, I think the presidential Election Day is specified in the constitution. But, it should be a national holiday for sure. I'm so glad my state allows early voting in presidential years. I'm going to vote this week so I can work the polls without spending hours waiting in line.
I'd lean more toward a weekend, to cover most people. Still has problems for people that work weekends, but the majority would be covered without a holiday.
Doing it on a weekend now makes it more difficult for the vast majority of service employees; restaurant staff, grocery workers, retail, hospital employees... all of them are busier and work longer hours on the weekends.
Major threat. Trump wins, Republicans take over seats, the libs go crazy and pay thugs to destrouy cities ... threat is real.
Is this based on the idea that Harris wins and the maga pieces of crap are going to come out with guns and shoot people randomly out of their never ending anger? Or is this ALSO a concern if Trump wins that liberals will bring their pile of guns out and go nuts?
RiffRaff028@reddit (OP)
I don't know the specifics, but if I had to guess, it's a general concern about possible civil unrest after the election regardless of who wins.
The difference is.. the majority of liberals would NOT go to violence if the election is found fair. I would hate it, but I certainly have no desire to start attacking political figures, neighbors, etc.. if Trump wins and the election is fair. If it turns out however there are valid/factual/proof of maga doing things like stealing votes, throwing away tons of liberal votes, etc.. I'd be just fine supporting a movement to ensure democracy is held up, guns and all.
The opposite would not be the case. If Trump loses, you can bet a shit ton of maga nuts with their guns/etc are going to do all sorts of bad shit.. though I really hope random deaths of innocent people aren't one of them.
What region are you in?
RiffRaff028@reddit (OP)
FEMA Region 5.
Thank you. Stay safe
It's a smart move, but it doesn't mean any threat is present. Take that to heart if you can.
RiffRaff028@reddit (OP)
I recognize that, and I'm hoping it's just a general precaution rather than a specific threat. What's sad is that they need to do it for any reason.
They know trumps leads a terrorist cult who would attack the country if their cult leader commands.
It's not like they were targeted and killed already during 2017 - 2019 summer of love. During COVID, and are being targeted and killed yet again.bu unhinged lunatics linking them to the brown shirts.
white fascists are always the victims. They had to wear a mask in the grocery store! They were so targeted! lol
You're not going to like the retribution that is long overdue..
Is vanilla Isis about to declare war?
The only disruption is going to come from more bs like the last election. Mysterious machine failures, out-of-state trucks sneaking in ballots after counting was supposed to be concluded, dismissing count watchers and resuming counts without them, cases of fake ballots emerging from under desks, windows papered over to avoid prying eyes, and more. People won’t buy that bullshit this time around. FAFO this time.
Good luck with your battle against reality.
There has been zero proof of any of what you say.
Every one has a camera in their pocket but no one has pictures of any of what you say.
Look at the pillow guy or Rudy they lied and lied and lost everything.
Your gonna lose your shit when you figure out the truth. Big brains always take a lil longer.
Election Day? Low. Election night? Exercise caution. Day after? Call in sick, keep kids home, be alert.
Stay frosty
This is only if a certain person doesn’t achieve what his followers say is his already.
As a DoD employee, we have not heard anything like what the OP has stated.
Oh dod huh what you hear about the dod authorizing lethal force on American citizens?
if the armed forces want to shoot American citizens dead, they'll make up a cop-style excuse about national security and reaching for a gun when it happens, even if we don't believe it. they're not "authorizing" anything like that months in advance to look scary
Not one word on that. They are too worried about China and Ukraine at the moment.
Cia here. Nothing so far
DOD=External Fears
DHS=Internal Fears
Did you happen to get a reminder about National Guardsmen and how when called up they are legally obligated and team leaders should be prepared to account for that absence of workers?
We don't get those memos. I do have a reservist that works for me that occasionally goes on orders, but that routine.
That's odd. I definitely got a memo on it. Was just curious if it was across the DoD or specific to us.
Who knows. It's the fed .gov
Nothing they do makes sense.
Well that's exceptionally true
I only vote while drunk there’s no law against it. Then I buy a lottery ticket.
I’m sober but I support this method
I’m methed but I support sober
I don't drink much, but I may try this.
Socrates is in agreement with your strategy
I'm curious why? The news is already laying down the narrative that a decision won't be made until Saturday at the earliest.
RiffRaff028@reddit (OP)
I'm not privy to whatever intel their departmental security might or might not have, but my guess it's just an abundance of caution since there are high-value targets in that building. My spouse isn't one of them, but they've notified everyone in the agency. I can't speak for any other agency. I do know that area was affected by riots in 2020 after the George Floyd incident, and they took similar precautions with all staff back then.
If I had to guess, they don't have any credible or specific threat; but they might be aware of a general threat.
Better to be safe than sorry in that circumstance.
America has already fallen.
That was my plan anyways.
Was planning to do early voting next weekend to avoid the crowds.
Then on election night I'm going to stay up all night watching the results come in. My wife's never done that before, and I figure it's an experience everyone needs at least once.
Day after election, I'm planning to sleep in till noon. Already have the vacation day approved.
We won't know anything that night :/
Oh, we'll probably "know" just fine. I doubt it'll be close, no matter how long the news pretends it's close by not saying. The issue will be how many challenges are made after the fact like they did and plan to do.
But, I don't think it'll be close, regardless of the breathless hours and hours of news casting.
We didn’t think the last two elections would be close, but they were. In 2016, many people went to bed “knowing” Clinton was going to win, and she didn’t. In 2020, it was “known” that Biden would win by a significant margin. In both cases, the election was painfully close.
Yeah known that he would win alot longer then that ,at least by the democrats that set up the cheat....
I don’t think it will be close either. Trump I think is gonna win convincingly.
If it's lopsided enough, we'll know. I'm 41 years old, and for most presidential elections I've lived through they were counting votes Tuesday night, news agencies would call each state when it became obvious who would win that sate, and usually one candidate would publicly concede sometime during the late evening.
2020 was very exceptional.
It also helps to be on the west coast. I always stay up and watch. By midnight or 1am there's almost always enough votes counted to determine the winner.
We always do pizza and wings (and sometimes Chinese takeout) with wine and assorted "beverages" and watch the election coverage all night.
Two words; Steve Kornacki
I’m going to try to shut my phone off until February and then see what happened in those last 3 months
Maybe check this sub a few times justttttt in case
It used to be fun, but now “we can’t count them all, it could take weeks”. We had 4 years to fix that but neither party wanted to. Weird, huh?
Well republicans in PA refuse to let us start counting mailed in ballots until the polls open, so blame them.
Not sure why you got a downvote. This is pretty factual. This is a rule supported by Republicans.
You left out the obvious part… it’s to sow doubt in the results as more Democrats in PA vote by mail.
Exactly. People can downvote all they want, but it's very much on purpose. Republicans controlled our legislature for like 20 years. Way before covid, they negotiated with democrats to allow no excuses mail-in ballots in order to remove the option on ballots to vote straight party. Then covid hit as it was finally going into effect and trump freaked out about mail-in ballots, so they've been trying to limit what was ultimately their decision ever since. Just facts.
it's always been like that- most years someone pulls far enough ahead to call it within a day though. I can remember a few in the previous decades that were close enough to take longer.
not really. It’s at the state level so they all got their own systems.
Man I am not gonna be able to sleep for this election
Even if this IS a troll, well played. You’re going to get so much crap from partisans because they’ll assume you support the other candidate.
Well done
RiffRaff028@reddit (OP)
It's not, and I don't. I almost always vote third-party because I can't stand what the Democrat and Republican parties have morphed into. Honestly, if I would have known in advance how many so-called preppers would accuse me of posting bullshit I wouldn't have posted anything about it at all. It will make me think twice before I ever post anything else in this sub.
Sorry you had this experience. Bots, trolls, and sh--posters are through the roof right now since we're so close to the election. I know people are jumpy.
Coming back through and reading the comments was disappointing. I appreciated your post.
RiffRaff028@reddit (OP)
Thank you for that. I forgot some of the comments could be from bots.
Thank you for posting!!!
I think as long as you aren't in a democrat-run city with lots of shoe stores and elderly-owned small restaurants, you'll be safe.
I’m a government employee.
I took the following day off.
I plan to take Inauguration Day off as well.
Too many violent idiots on both sides, even though no one admits it.
Both sides? Nahhhh…
That and honestly who wants to have to hear coworkers gossip about crap all day regarding the results
I work in an outpatient medical facility. I’ll have to hear it constantly from the patients 😬. I should have thought this through better and requested a couple of days off.
Public librarian and I realized the same thing a few weeks ago.
I am genuinely so sorry for how annoying that will be for you. Godspeed.
I voted today. Easy peasy, wish everywhere was like Colorado’s voting system.
Colorado is my home and it's constant fear and tension everywhere.
Huh we must live on different planets then
I guess. It's not the world I grew up in, that's for damn sure .
I’m more worried about the days following the election. This is coming from a life long republican voter.
Seeing what happened last time Trump lost, I fear for our country if he does again, which I see happening.
I fear for it more if he wins
I work for gov and have recieved no such notice
RiffRaff028@reddit (OP)
That's great, but it doesn't invalidate my report. You don't work for the same agency my spouse does. You're probably not even in the same state we are.
I will be using the Waffle House Index to assess threat level.
Are we at WaffCon 4 or 5?
Sir we’ve reached WaffCon 6, implement the I.H.O.P. protocol.
Excellent, what does it stand for?
International House of Preps?
Yes sir, it also activates the Dennys Division to enact special, hammy, covert operations.
Missed opportunity. Let’s call it WaffleCon instead
Thar just makes it sound like a convention like Comic Con
Ok but now we absolutely need a waffle convention. Imagine all the delicious breakfast booths to hit up!
And have Wafflebrities like Waffle House Wendy there to sign autographs and take pictures. Waffle House Response Team members there for the same and sharing "war stories" about responding to disaster areas.
That sounds awesome but I bet the hotel stops doing free breakfast for the whole event!
I will be at the location with Waffle House Wendy, cause I know she can manage any situation.
This isn’t a joke.
Neither is the Waffle house index
As we should be friend. As we should be
I'll be in my underground bunker for the next six months. Anyone who doesn't do the same is going to be sorry...
Overreact much?
Mine has done the same everyone can WFH the day of and after.
Someone knows something.
But it’ll probably be nothing
It’s most definitely a thing of some
What a state this country is in. I have friends from Bosnia and N. Ireland that are old enough to remember how their civil wars began and they are ready to leave here to return back to their homelands. This all due to their strong feelings of Deja vu. Their thoughts are that the current situation of such a polarized USA is a powder keg waiting to blow.
Violence won't happen the day after election day. By then it will still be unclear who the winner is and will be contested through the courts for weeks.
Someone may say they one before the ballots have been counted. If I remember correctly, that happened in the 2020 election. Correct me if I'm wrong.M y memory isn't what it used to be.
You’re right. And he’s gonna pull that this election as well. He could lose every state and the popular vote by50 million and he will still say he won.
When asked recently if he thought there would be a fair election, the dope actually said, "IF I WIN." The right is preparing for a loss. Along with making it more difficult to vote. BTW, illegal immigrants can't vote. It's a felony. They are even working people up to think they are being paid to vote. Anything to start trouble between the Rep. And Dems. Remember when you could talk about politics like civilized people. Our country needs to get along. Black white brown male female republicans democrats we are all AMERICANS FIRST.
Trump will lose, and his worshippers will attack the US Government. Oklahoma City x 100.
Pass the pipe ......
And the popcorn. This is better than binging on GoT.
As a Canadian, most people I know are also a bit concerned about the US election bringing on issues, no matter who wins. We live right by the border and travel there multiple times a year. We purposely went a couple weeks ago on a shopping trip to stock up on items only available in or cheaper in the US, because we don’t want to go around the election or after. Quite a few of our friends and family did the same.
In recent years we have noticed people we meet in the US are very quick to start political discussions with strangers, chatting with people in a bar and politics get brought up a lot, we try to avoid the subject or won’t state an opinion because we don’t care and don’t want it to get contentious. A lot of Americans seem to have very strong political opinions these days and some seem to be looking to start arguments over it for no real reason. Those are the people that make me worry about unrest or violence after the election.
Nah… Canadians are subjects and will lick up the crap Trudeau is sprayin’ down.
I work in a federal building and haven’t heard anything. Those dumbasses were protesting for that orange shit gibbon for months after Election Day 2020. I told a coworker they made me nervous and she replied “oh you don’t have to worry about them.”
They went away after January 6th.
The perfect storm of a desperate and dying news media finding their golden goose. Pushing his bullshit all the way to the White House. Bing bang boom. Here we are again. A country of idiot children willing to die for spray tanned pussy.
Yeah, the thing is...conservatives are dangerous
There was the Jan 6th insurrection...
There was the Arizona democratic headquarters that was shut down because people kept SHOOTING AT IT...
There was the weapons cache found on Jan 6th hidden by the oath keepers....
There's the fact that the FBI has said far right domestic terrorists are the biggest terrorist threat the US faces for YEARS now, I believe even before Trump came along....
Must of never heard of CHOP, or watched democrats protest.
Must not have fallen for common lies and invested my personality in lies, so I reject outright reality. .
Since 1990, far-right extremists have committed far more ideologically motivated homicides than far-left or radical Islamist extremists, including 227 events that took more than 520 lives.[1] In this same period, far-left extremists committed 42 ideologically motivated attacks that took 78 lives.
Far right violence is much more common....
Fascinating article, thanks for posting it
Socialists and coopted government agencies labelling the opposition a threat? When has that happened previously, hmmm? Now I do support the view that the losing side in this election poses the risk of domestic violence, especially if MAGA loses. But the FBI is full of shit at this point, as are socialist groups that use labels to describe the opposition.
Lol prove that socialist and cooped government agencies actually did anything first...making shit up whole cloth is called lying....who are these conspiratorial groups....name them, and prove they have done anything wrong...or you're just lying...
Nope, the fbi is still reputable, just not to conservatives...because domestic terrorists don't like the police...stop lying about the fbi's reputation, it is still just as good as it was before Trump lied about it being bad....
Thing is, there is absolutely no evidence democrats will be vioent...there was no jan 6th when Trump won ...
When trump lost...there was the Jan 6th insurrection he unleashed....and people died....
So yes, there is evidence for conservatives becoming violent, aka domestic terrorism, over a lost election, just no believable data about democrats doing the same...
Ah I see you have no idea what you are talking about, and using partisan screens as "information"
This should be simpler...and explain why you are wrong...
This is also showing exactly why the steel dossier was not some hoax....
Anyway, care to discuss why Republicans are violent domestic terrorists and democrats aren't? Becuase I don't remember democrats attempting an inssurrection...but Republicans did!
It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of concerns over privacy and the Open Web. Fully cached AMP pages (like the one you shared), are especially problematic.
Maybe check out the canonical page instead: https://thehill.com/opinion/national-security/3698839-the-steele-dossier-has-always-been-misunderstood/
^(I'm a bot | )^(Why & About)^( | )^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)
Yes, because Lindsey Graham is always truthful about Trump.
I work at a university and we get election day off when it's a presidential election. KY has stuck with the early voting thing since COVID and I am thankful for that.
Honestly I wish every employer gave Election Day off. It would encourage more people to vote, for one thing. I plan to do early voting simply because I won’t have time before work to go, and I know I won’t want to face long lines after work to do it.
A close personal friend of mine just got out of the Reserves about 6-9 months ago. He was a combat medic and was recently contacted about possibly being reactivated in early November and due to his job, was told he would not have a choice.
Take this with a grain of salt, but after reading these comments, it makes it more likely than not in my mind.
Years ago I had a friend who was a combat medic. He basically went into hiding to avoid being recalled. It's a pretty serious racket.
You gave away too much information. Your Husband is Harry Dalton, a Volcanologist. You live in Pikes Peak. Which is a Washington- or Idaho esque town.
RiffRaff028@reddit (OP)
Damn. I've said too much...
While your original post does not reveal much, the combination of everything you ever posted onto this Reddit account dumped into a text file and uploaded into a local LLM might reveal more. Either way, no scandal, no press, and no breach means no investigation.
So, is there going to be a volcano eruption the day after the election, Mrs. Dalton?
Grandma, noooo
Because of that movie (saw it when I was a little kid for some reason) I refuse to swim in a natural hot spring for fear of being randomly boiled alive like that couple
Ditto. Was permanently scarred by that scene (but not as bad as grandma’s legs)
I will never in my entire life understand why she did that.
I haven’t seen the movie in about 20. However, if I recall correctly, the motor crapped out before they reached shore and the acid in the water was starting to eat through the boat. She jumped out to drag the boat to shore.
She lived there all her life so she had to... burn her legs off... or something
Look we'll all be ok, as long as we have coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee! Cappucciiiinooo, java!
So, is there going to be a volcano eruption the day after the election, Mrs. Dalton?
"Put this town on alert!"
Well, I’m in private sector and as long as local chipotle and gas station stay open I will be working lol
Gas station closed where you normally go after chipotle?
Drake meme:
Presidential election: wave off Shareholders: Point
Look at this post, it’s all engagement farming nonsense lol
Sounds like hyper concern with no decernable threat. But hey take it for what it is, an unsubstantiated, unverified, panic reaction.
Were you not on this planet for j6?
Where you on this planet between 2020-2021 ?nobody died during Jan 6th but one of the attendees very small amounts of damage happened and it lasted like 3 hours after they toured the capitol leftist rioted almost every night for a year and a half ruined small businesses community’s over 8 billion in damages 80+ people murderded 1000s beat up or ya average mom or dads car destroyed with kids in the car from rioters innocent people dragged out of their car and beat/killed etc etc constant civil unrest robberys theft arson rape assaults destruction must I go on ?
And storming of state houses by militias. Or those nazis did security for a TN mayor al candidate.
Cry harder!
That’s your job clown 🤡
Clowns are scary, libs, not so much.
Unfortunately libs/leftists can be scary and display a propensity for violence. Steve Scalise was nearly killed when a radical shot up the Congressional softball game. Then you have the 2 attempts on Trump’s life. And of course all the destruction that was caused by BLM and Antifa.
One attempt was by a registered Republican.
Plenty of armed leftists throughout world history, Mate. None of them liberal.
Are leftists anti-gun?
Some are, some aren't.
Oh, you mean the protest, not unlike Ferguson, George Floyd etc, yup.
America has had many protest and many riots. We’ve only had one fascist coup attempt.
I guess that excuses all the death and destruction brought by "many protest and many riots". See Watts, OJ riots, et al.
Again - none of those are coup attempts. Only Trump attempted a coup.
If that's your belief, so be it.
Trumpers didn’t learn the difference between beliefs and facts
The BLM protests were actually peaceful, unlike Jan 6 (terrorism and violent)
Yeah, all the fires must have been set to keep warm! Fu*kin fool.
they were proven to be set by white supremacists and police that were posing as BLM
"Proven" by the leftist demagogs that permeate the media and create division among the people, those guys, right?
oh yeah, its a conspiracy lol
Fiery but mostly peaceful.
hell they tried to kidnap a governor before that too. I can believe it.
lol riiiiiiiiigtht. You do remember Jan 6th? Don’t you?
Asked and answered.
If you think this is all going to go down peacefully…………then I can’t help you. The trumpers are frothing at the mouth and once they realize it’s all over u think they are just gonna go oh ok I guess we lost, shrug! They have proven they are violent time and again and I for one will not be naive to allow my brain to think these people have any will to live peacefully after November 5ths this isn’t hyperbolic rhetoric, this is reality. Stay safe.
If the right wins I see the left losing their shit.
If the left wins I see the right losing their shit.
The key difference this cycle is that people on all sides are mad, tired and out of patience from the constant stress of what has been happening. This isn't a left or right issue either since I'm seeing everyone saying some wild shit should they feel their side was cheated. In either case I'll be ready and hopefully the rest will be too.
lol no not both siding this. The only ones who have proven themselves violent to the extent of coup deta on their own country and chant hang mike pence is the only side I’m worried about getting violent.
Sorry dude, I call it like I see it and love when people try to hurr durr both sides me to try and derail a legitimate concern. This shit has been a long time coming and I'd rather it not happen but who knows at this point. I understand what you're saying but it's almost as if I'm basing this off of what I've seen and heard from actual people's mouths. It's been a game of back and forth now for quite some time and people are way more ramped up with it. I'll be watching them both because I sure as fuck won't be blindsided by anyone.
It’s one sided assault on democracy from the GOP. Period.
LOL, ok sure chief. Dumping your presidential candidate who got 14 million votes in the primary after he bombed his debate with someone who got zero votes is undemocratic. So is wanting to pack the Supreme Court because you don’t agree with their decisions. As is weaponizing the justice system to go after your political opponents. Such is today’s Democratic Party
Omg I would be embarrassed to write this horseshit out in black and white. 🤦♀️good luck.
I was more talking about the respective voter bases who are increasingly pissed off with what's going on and getting very vocal about it but yes, it's only one side no one else. My team good, your team bad lmao
Only one side attempted a coup when they lost.
But that’s just me. 🤷♀️
See Ferguson, New York, Georgia, Cali...the "whose the threat?", Question has been asked and answered.
You must listen to a lot of Jason Aldean, try that in a small town yeah?
To fail to understand the origin of dissatisfaction breeds unpleasant results. Sometimes to train a stubborn mule, you smack them in the head to get their attention. Lesson one in animal training.
Are you calling American citizens animals ?
I did not, i submitted an allegorical statement using animal training to illustrate the point. Thanks for your "true american" assertion.
Omg ur so very welcome sweetie
But, they are one too. Thats why they're being dismissive and weird.
Yeah Trump supporters got pretty violent when they lost last time. I think the government is just taking the correct anti-Nazi-terrorist precautions that they weren't able to take when there was a Nazi as president.
Probably trying to avoid another situation like Jan 6th, the SCOTUS attack in Colorado or other violence like we've seen from Trump supporters when they become mentally ill. They're pretty unhinged they're even trying to shoot at Trump himself now.
Everybody stay safe, may want to make a list of Trump supporters in your neighborhood and make sure you're prepared for incidents from them. In a lot of places Trump supporters are sharing lists like this about pro democracy people, so make sure you're stocked with supplies and defensive material in case your property gets attacked.
“Violent” buddy nobody died during Jan 6th but one of the attendees very small amounts of damage happened and it lasted like 3 hours after they toured the capitol leftist rioted almost every night for a year and a half ruined small businesses community’s over 8 billion in damages 80+ people murderded 1000s beat up or ya average mom or dads car destroyed with kids in the car from rioters innocent people dragged out of their car and beat/killed etc etc constant civil unrest robberys theft arson rape assaults destruction must I go on ?
How do you work from home the day after Election Day? It would be weird to take any ballots home or count ballots from home?
Ballots? The mysterious OP did not say their spouse was an election worker.
I'm going to go ahead and say you're just spreading bullshit to cause a stir.
Friends that are feds had their toddler moved out of DC, states away.
Our agency is refusing to address anything like that. Personally I am going to be either working from home or on leave.
Historically it is the left that has a problem with election results, The right has learned to endure many presidential outcomes.
Which one???
Then there will be no violence, because Kamala will win in a landslide.
Ahh ketamine.........
I am fearful what will happen after Election Day. I will be stocked up on food water & something to defend myself. Praying for peace
Sensible idea.
Did you see the ISIS guy in Oklahoma that got busted for trying to buy illegal firearms off an undercover FBI agent that he intended on using to commit acts of violence on Election Day? I legitimately think I may take a couple days off and lay low glued to my phone, mobile prep kit on and ready to go make sure my parents are safe.
I have an event cross country from me the weekend before the election. Normally I will stay a few days afterwards. As I was booking my plane tickets I had a lightbulb moment and realized I’d be flying on Election Day from a major city and laying over at a major airport. Nope to that plan and am coming home Monday now. I do not want to be in any of that circus. Even just threats could wreck havoc on air travel and lead to me getting stranded. Nope I’m going to come home the day.
Smart move, sad but smart.
I think the whole fuckin thing is fixin to pop off somewhere between nov and jan or there abouts.
I wouldn't get to worked up.
It is a whole lot easier for most businesses to just let people work from home then clean up the mess.
The dumbing down of America has been going on for a long time, and it's a real problem. When my children were in school, I had serious discussions with the school board and the teachers. They quit teaching a lot of things and reverse history on others. All things should be taught without bias either way. As a parent, you get frustrated because the school thinks they have more rights involving your children than you do. I'm not a big proponent of homeschooling for social development reasons, but I see why people do it.
I think that’s hard for people when the highest court in the land is widely viewed as corrupt, which trickles down to the rest of the courts. Not a good situation for the legal profession.
Seems more like government agencies starting up nonsense
Pfwahahahhahaha! No.
I wouldn't know why..../s Something along the lines that Americans are not going to fall for a "4am surprise" , this go around..?
Who are you claiming to be communists?
Claim? No claiming.. I call it as I see it. Hell, I even had a communist from the old soviet union stay at the house once.. He was quite entertaining. Complained the dog ate better than most soviets.
That is what a claim is,you saying something. So who are you calling communists, anyone in particular?
Claim? Naw.. I know a guy that walked a 1000 miles to get away from you fuckers. Killed his uncle by beating him to death with the butts of their rifles and starved to death 2/3rds of his extended family. You know what? He grew up remembering what people like you did to his family. He did 3 tours in Vietnam to kills fucks like you.
Yes it’s such a scandal when mail in votes are counted. We should throw out those votes since they go against king Trump
Yep.. just like running suitcases of ballots through over and over again unaware security cameras recorded the whole event, then denying it. Keep hating, It's makes it easier later. :)
The diapers were supposed to go on your ears, not your eyes!
👉 🔥
There were riots and demonstrations in 2016 and 2020, there’s no reason to believe there won’t be in 2024. It’s a good idea to keep people home that can be in order to avoid and protests. Especially key cities, DC, Portland etc.
This is typical. Happens every four years. Depending on area, it could be to keep traffic lower.
My work is making me travel that day. Shit.
This doesn't surprise me at all, And If it surprised you, you need to be paying more attention. The tension on the rope for this election is so high that regardless of who wins there's going to be a lot of nonsense with people disputing it. Both sides have a non-trivial activist base that consider The winning of the other person as an existential problem, with them believing that it either proves the election is rigged, or that fascism is real.
You just got to keep your head low and on a swivel, and maybe stay out of government centers for a bit
And all these fears are placed squarely on the shoulders of Trump and his supporters. A tragedy what they have done to this country.
I assume this is regional because nothing has been said to me or my place of employment.
Some people don’t like to vote because they don’t want to be called for jury duty.
This is why dangling a flag in front of your house, bumper stickers, and making a presidential candidate your entire aesthetic/personality is foolish.
Agreed, I live in a swing state and I’d love to put out a Harris/Walz sign but I just had a baby and I’m not gonna advertise my political leanings so the neighborhood psycho can pay a visit.
I’m also in a swing state and retaliation from an unhinged person is why there is no Trump sign in our yard. We don’t need the house vandalized or our dogs poisoned.
It’s a shame that politics has become so tribal and demonize the opposite party. My brother in Alabama is forced to protect his Harris signs.
It's kind of different when your guy is a literal Nazi though.
Do you know what the word literal means ? Don't make me defend the orange man, please, I beg you.
Maybe not a literal Nazi. But he sure says the same stuff about immigrants that the Nazis said about Jews in the 1930s…
There’s a whole lot of crazies out there these days.
Some loony was loose in the neighborhood walking around in body armor with a rifle and visible ammo strapped to him. He was literally pointing his weapon around and looking through a scope. Dude got arrested and immediately let out on $2000 bond. They might as well have done nothing. Why do we all have to worry about this type of stuff now?!
Well, 99.9% of those personality types are only of one ilk.
I can confirm. In my Seattle suburb I haven't seen a single sign or bumper sticker for one side, but it seems every other house has something for the other. Some leftover signs from the 2020 protests as well. Very few flags though.
There is one dork that has been flying and upside-down flag since the last election. Now I noticed it's also black.
Weird, I live on the east side and it’s not uncommon at all to see yard signs, flags, bumper stickers etc. I’ve seen one Trump sign in sammamish though and a few Reichert signs sprinkled around. I wonder why Seattle of all places would be afraid to support our candidate
Jan. 6th zealots at it again
Pelosi & Co
I thought you said Pepsi Co at first, and that was honestly probably more accurate.
I'm not as concerned about November 6 or 7, as I am about the weeks after that. Especially if there are very close outcomes in battleground states that get challenged, and take time to resolve.
Your second point is my main concern. Specifically around foreign influence through targeting grids in locations that historically vote in a specific way in order to influence outcomes by reducing voters.
I foresee a lot of people talking about threats to the polls to scare people from going to the polls. Planning on voting early and keeping my schedule clear afterward.
I was thinking the same thing. Plan on watching out for the roads I choose to drive thru, and avoid them. Just generally avoid people those few days after .
I shared my thoughts before, but it wasn't Intel like OP's. ...I screwed up the other day. I posted on here rather than the other preppers sub when I didn't have any intel. Whoops.
RiffRaff028@reddit (OP)
That's exactly what we're doing.
I take this to mean you're Planning on voting early and keeping your schedule clear afterward not talking about threats to the polls to scare people from going to the polls. lol you're response could be taken both ways.
RiffRaff028@reddit (OP)
LOL. I suppose you're right. We're planning on voting early and then staying home until the dust settles. I'm too old to scare anyone.
Also old, but old enough to be scary again.
wish you all well and thanks to your spouse for doing the good work
Not to be a nay-sayer but my bullshitometer was recently calibrated and it's definitely saying this is bullshit!
I expect to see efforts to disrupt or stop the counting of votes through threats or riots. It worked in (Florida back in 2000](https://www.thenation.com/article/politics/brooks-brothers-riot/).
It's so crazy that a little over 500 votes, I feel like 514 is what's stuck in my head without looking it up, decided that election. I could almost make a man in the high Castle style show about that now. I wonder if 9/11 would have happened, I wonder what our environment would be like, I wonder a lot of things about that.
My recollection of that election is that it took WEEKS to determine a winner, and we later found out the results were wrong.
Now youre going make me look this up ;) I'm probably going to wait till I go to bed, I don't have time to fall in the rabbit hole right now.
One thing I do remember for sure, HANGING CHADS lol That was such a weird time in the world.
But yeah, imagine not only did this happen, but the governor of the state that was the Make It or break It state, just happened to be the brother of the guy who got elected.
The US Supreme Court decision to reverse the Florida Supreme Court’s recount order was on December 12, 2000. Gore conceded on 12/13/2000.
There were a lot of studies afterwards. I recall reading something about how if a full recount of the entire state were done, Gore would have won. But recounting an entire state is not something that was ever realistically going to happen.
Ty! Appreciate the legwork:) Gore was pretty gracious about the whole thing too.
and scotus is even more partisan now.
I early voted because I expect the Republican party to try some violent shit AGAIN when they lose
A lot of people that I've talked to are afraid of what's going to come with the results of this election. I recommend everyone prep your vehicles and houses/apartments just in case.
Yeah, a lot of nut jobs will only accept an election that goes their way.
And I have complete confidence that Trump will be banging the drums for Insurrection 2.0 if he doesn’t win, because his victory is divinely ordained. It’s not really up to the voters to decide, he’s decided for us.
I’ve already voted, in a swing state. I just wish I could turn off all the election ads.
So I'm registered as a Democrat, and for the first time ever, my phone has been blowing up with texts about some video that no one wants me to see, but Trump is sending it so I'm informed. I haven't even watched it. I just keep sending it to spam. I just find it interesting considering I didn't get anything like that in 2016 or in 2020. I have not moved, or changed anything voter registration wise. I did vote in the primary back in spring, but I could only vote for Democrats.
Reply STOP to every unwanted text.
I’m in Arizona, my mailbox and TV are filled with campaign ads, but I barely get any texts because I reply STOP to every one, even when I agree or support the candidate.
Just leave me the F alone; your text wasn’t going to change my mind before, and I’ve already voted so it’s 100% pure annoyance now.
I've always heard replying stop just validates your phone number and they'll use a different phone number to contact you. Most of them automatically go to the spam folder on my phone. One of them slipped through, and that's when I looked in that section and realized I was getting a ton of them. I just went ahead and blocked and reported them. But I'm glad it works for you.
I’ve blocked all callers not in my Contacts. They can try calling me from any number they want, they’re extremely unlikely to get through.
You’re imagining the political groups sending the texts don’t already know everything about you, including your number.
You’d be stunned to see what every political group knows about you. A relative works for a data broker - they know everything about everyone. I quizzed him once, “Do they know this about me?” Everything I could think of, he said “yes.”
Pay to get a report on yourself sometime, the kind that says you can’t use it to make lending or housing decisions (e.g., landlord). The more you pay, the more wide-ranging and detailed the data they share about you. Anyone with a credit card can get these reports, and I guarantee every political group has everything their billionaire donors can afford. Kind of depressing.
I'm pretty well versed about all of that. That wasn't really the point of my comment. The information you relayed just now is very important to know! A lot of people may not understand exactly how easy it is.
I was just reflecting on the fact that this is the first time it has ever happened. Of course I get texts from the Democratic party because I'm a registered Democrat. That's nothing new. I have never ever once gotten anything from the Republican party. It just started recently.
What's kind of funny though, and I'm not really sure how it all happened, when I do look myself up, so much stuff is wrong. I thought maybe my identity had been stolen but no. Some parts of the internet think I'm 15 years older than I am and have a little bit of a different name than I do. Anyway, I don't even have a credit card. And I keep a pretty low profile.
A few years ago on a job interview, I guess the interviewer try to look me up before I got there and they were very concerned I had very little internet presence. Really shocked they couldn't find any social media, any tagged photos, the whole nine yards. That interview did not go very well to say the least. I didn't realize keeping a low profile was a red flag nowadays. If I see a camera, I bolt. I hate having my picture taken. There are very few pictures of me that exist in the world at all. I have been this way since I was a little kid.
The ads are the worst! I hope AI can fix it. Someday I want to be able to tell my TV that I voted. Then all political ads will be blocked.
Oh, AI will be “fixing” something with the ads very soon. Just not what you’re wanting.
BLM will riot after the trump win and the media will keep saying the Republicans cheated.
I am going to be out of state the week of the election. Gonna be honest... I am a little nervous.
Federal employees receive a hybrid remote workday weekly, dude. Day after the election is normally a pretty popular on to use, as is the day after Super Bowl Sunday.
Definitely not true, most federal employees still have 5 day work weeks. But slowly some groups have adopted remote working and condensed schedules.
remote work is part of a 5-day work week.
Yes that’s true, but when I’m talking about 5 day work week I think most people think 5 days at the office. But you’re right in the literal sense. My federal job has approximately 14000 employees and only around 3000-4000 get to remote work.
The office vs. remote battle remains in flux. We refer to those who view remote work openly with disdain at my office (and who aren't bean counters who simply want an easier to control/monitor workforce) as the Parking Lot Chalklines crew. They'll "air tag" and follow you, regular ass employees.
Severe control issues, yep. They want to know where u are, what you're doing, when, how long , what you are wearing, how your mood is for the day, if you're having family or medical things, and all the other things that are not the business of any other soul on earth. Get your work done yourself and get out of my face. But they can't.
I got really lucky with my boss. I'm hybrid, only because the work we do is in people's homes. So sometimes I'm on location, the rest of the time I work from home.
When I got promoted to the position, she told me to just keep track of my hours however I feel is easiest for me and just to let her know at the end of the week. And she reminded me that breaks are still paid, even though I'm at home. And not only is she paying me to do initial consultations, which we do not charge for, the clock starts when I leave my house and it ends when I get home. It is so nice to work for someone who trusts me, respects me, and encourages boundaries and break time. Because trust me, our clients and potential clients will call text and email all hours of the day. It's nice to know I'm not obligated to even respond if it's the evening or the weekend.
No this is not at all accurate to all Federal employees.
Caveat: every agency, department job title is different. Didn't expect to have to include the obvious.
you were arguing OPs partners office isn't taking security precautions because some federal jobs do remote work day once a week.
Or how else should we read this
I'm not arguing shit, jack, I have the day after the election off. Not arguing a fact.
So why did you tell OP he is wrong and this has to do with libations since federal employees get a remote day?
I'm not arguing. You factually said op was wrong because
You factually are wrong and got triggered when someone pointed out you are making assumptions based on no information outside of your workplace.
You clearly started off saying that OP is wrong.
Then your caveat basically was "I don't know the job or agency OP is referring to but i was right to tell them they are wrong"
Yeah, and ehonin the world is going around partying on election night like it's a thing if you're not directly in an election returns watching organization? Wtf ? Weird.
You mean you don't plan on taking a fuck ton of drugs and drinking yourself into a coma to watch the extremely exciting activity of checks notes waiting for people to count and report ballots?
Whoever is into that must think baseball is beyond exciting.
Oh now you stepped in it...don't hate on baseball!
Hate on paint drying.
I will have you know I am a grandmaster In competitive staring at drying ceramic glaze. How dare you even bring up such an inferior sport in my presence.
Well, i can watch it dry with my head in the kiln.
How about that ?
Who's the captain NOW ??
? People getting drunk and partying on election night? What ?
Election day is a Tuesday, so the day after is a Wednesday. Many federal employees have core days Tues/Wed/Thurs and even core hours, 8-4. Getting days off or making those core days remote/telework always requires an extra permission step. In my experience, T/W/Th aren't typically as easy to take as they are on Mondays and Fridays.
They are a popular target for remote work and/or day of leave during election week.
RiffRaff028@reddit (OP)
This is not the norm for the agency in question, so no, it definitely has to do with security concerns.
There are going to be riots and widespread pandemonium no matter who wins.
Election is rigged anyways, why even waste your time when you know DEMONcrats are just going to steal the vote again. Better to stay home and avoid the WOKIES
This vagueness is not information at all!
Lmfao ok Q. Thanks
Yep. AZ here. I'm working from home that day. Of course I always work from home. In about the safest suburb in the state. I dropped my watch and the cops were at my door in 3 min (true story). So I'm personally not worried about myself. But the rest of the country? Could be a wild time.
You live in a Battleground state. Someone fired shots at a Democratic Party campaign office in Tempe on September 24th The same thing happened at the same office, later that week.
They closed that office didn't they?
I went looking for an answer and found out that the office was shot at three times.
It appears that the candidates and staffers aren't working out of the office currently, but this doesn't mean the violence will stop. It means the shooters will have to find other targets.
Source: trust me bro
I have always kept my kids home and stayed home after Election Day. I’m not worried about any big threats or terrorists….im just worried about some random person who was probably up all night waiting for results or maybe was up all night arguing or something. It’s just a lot of tired angry drivers will be on the road the next day and I don’t want to deal with that mess 😂
I’m a teacher and my main concern is the potential for violence at the polls for purposes of intimidation by certain groups, because schools are often used as polling sites. I know my school is a polling site. I won’t be there on Election Day (I’m having surgery the day before) but I worry for my colleagues and students.
Of course my other concern is that I’m having surgery out of town and I hope our return travel isn’t disrupted and that my dog and house sitter doesn’t have anything come up that would cause her to have to leave.
Watch the other hand. I believe the agents of chaos have crossed the border and are waiting until election day to hit us with drone terrorism, arson, shootings, and financial attacks to online symptoms. While MAGA and Libs start fighting, Russia and China will make their move. I would bet 11/7 will be the worst day in human history. I'm bugging out.
Wow Trump has really left the country quite vulnerable I guess
NC has both early and mail in voting and voters of all affiliations take heavy advantage of it. While I do have strong misgivings about anybody waiting too late to mail their ballot in due to the fuckery from both the GOP controlled legislature here as well as my distrust of the ability of the USPS to get it delivered on time. That doesn't preclude people from actually taking it to their local board of voter registration for a hand in.
Out here in flyover country, everything feels real calm. We're better red than ahead out here, of course, so there's some homogeneity contributing to it. But there's not very many giant candidate signs this time, very few hats and shirts and swag. No one is preemptively freaking about election integrity. Of my friends who were very enthusiastic about a specific candidate in previous elections, none of them are fanatical this time around. I'm cautiously hopefully everything stays pretty calm
I think after results come out it will be violent regardless of the outcome. I do believe if Trump loses it will probably be more violent and we will see a more exaggerated Jan 6th. If he wins I think antifa and the far left getting violent is very much in the cards as well. The way this election has been postured is that Trump is a threat to our democracy and on the other side the narrative is that they will do anything to keep Trump out of office whether it’s cheating or killing him. Both sides have done a really poor job of calming down the rhetoric.
I'm preparing for the worst (riots, looting, property damage, this is an excuse for more Soros mayhem). I'm in CA. Preparing for the worst, but hoping/praying for the best. Expecting martial law.
This is why forced RTO is cancer. Remote work is far superior in every way, especially for personal safety.
Of course something like this gets upvoted here.
This person is not even the government employee and has no idea why they are doing WFH. OP is making leaps and bounds in logic. Please stop upvoting stuff like this.
I don’t work in anything like government, and I blocked my calendar for 11/6 months ago. No matter what happens, I’m not gonna have the brain power to work.
Really hope the current government has plans behind the scenes to crush a very obvious violent attack that will come.
I'm sure they do. A biracial woman winning the election will spin a subset of people into insanity, I'm sure there's plenty of plan. Just like there used to be a pandemic plan. One that would have worked.
The attack only happened bc he knew it was planned and it was all written out with all sorts of contingencies. Pence ruined it for all of them, and I'm sure this administration is prepared for all the bullshit being whipped up in the dark corners of Russian and cult trapped worlds.
I hope this happens at the government agency I work for
I can tell you my kids won't be going to school for at least 2 days around the election day due to that same threat assessment
sounds like better safe than sorry, which is fair
Premium clickbait I love it!
The usual vague scary "intel", about as useful as "Costco ran out of TP in my small town" and "there was a solar flare yesterday".
Well duh. Most unnecessary statement of the quarter
As a retail establishment, corporate just asked every location how much plywood we had available to prepare for political unrest. People are being told something or know something is going to happen.
Takes one to know one. How sad for you.
I’m also a government employee, local gov in WA state. I haven’t heard anything about WFH after the election. I was going to take the rest of the week off, but one of my team members is coincidentally being called up for National Guard duty that entire week…
A lot of salaried employees were asked to “help out” at ballot drop boxes that day (WA is a mail-in ballot state). I think things will be fine in my area, but I’m not sure I want to go as far as hanging around a ballot box wearing a government employee badge and vest.
I see retired people in red vests emptying the ballot box at my local post office. I wish for their safety, since someone tried to light one on fire a month or so ago.
Oh, and we have yet to receive our ballots. They were mailed to us on the 17th and 18th, so maybe today.
Marius and Sulla all over again... if we could just get a Gaius Julius to make Pompey capitulate with enough money from Crassus then I think we'll be alright...
In this day and age you don't even have to pay for professional rioters, they do it for free ... lolz
I am sure there's going to be turmoil no matter what happens for at least a few days. I plan to stay away from the usual protest areas in my neck of the woods.
Location matters for this sort of thing. I don't think your local coffee shop is in great danger on November 6. FWIW, I work in a very visible government building that regularly attracts protestors and we haven't been given any sort of security threat assessment yet.
The Democrats are 100% going to flip a bit when Trump wins. Mostly peaceful winter incoming.
The polls are literally located in my office, I pass by people in their voting cubby on the way to the copier. Just crossing my fingers for no bullshit and avoiding leaving my personal workspace that day. If all else fails I can escape through the basement door. Thats my plan anyway. My workplace has not brought up any concerns for that day. Our active shooting training is scheduled for mid November.
This is bullshit
I’ll be careful too. Government employee here. Our team is very nervous to come to work the week of election. We work adjacent to the Secretary of State building and are concerned about protesters or threats. We were denied work from home for the week and will be onsite. We had a security incident 2 weeks ago involving someone leaving numerous unattended backpacks against the building. We left and they were not there the night before (last person out at 7pm). Then we came in next morning (earliest person came at 6am) and there they were. He went down at 630am, still there. He called it in to security and asked security to pull footage of who left them there. Security admitted there are NO cameras on that side of the building or at that access point with a main door. Security didnt even take further action other than to collect the backpacks and toss them!
Federal, state or municipal government? I work in municipal in NYC and I wish they would tell us to stay home that day.
I know you can’t say where this is located but if it’s in any major city I would think it’s a logistics/ abundance of caution issue. Employers due this all the time when possibility of disruption, weather, etc exists. Just happened at RNC and DNC and no major issues at either. Without more you are probably reading a bit too much into it.
RiffRaff028@reddit (OP)
It is in a major city, so you might be correct.
Lol. You feel this is important information? You told us nothing. Lol. Trust me, you could say exact department and location and nobody would care. You're just fucking with us.
Are you the Canadian Prepper?
I don't know many places that DON'T want the offices low-key the next day. They know the ongoing returns and dreams will be distracting.
Lol, everyone had been told to stay home that I know, but it's better they know it will be a distraction all day: the returns and whatnot
Horse shit. No agency, anywhere, is directing their people to stay home because of a credible threat. If there was, it wouldn't be limited to just one agency, and the news would be spread across the whole gov with verified sources.
Quit spreading nonsense.
Election will be over early because Trump is already projected to win.
Uh huh
Look after yourselves, friend.