Pentagon using online bots to potentially steer public opinion
Posted by Jedi-Skywalker1@reddit | PrepperIntel | View on Reddit | 161 comments
TLDR: We all know online narrative control bots are prevalent. This represents an official acknowledgement of them along with stated motives. The public's perception of future occurences may be heavily manipulated by "the powers that be" using these bots.
The United States’ secretive Special Operations Command is looking for companies to help create deepfake internet users so convincing that neither humans nor computers will be able to detect they are fake, according to a procurement document reviewed by The Intercept.
The plan, mentioned in a new 76-page wish list by the Department of Defense’s Joint Special Operations Command, or JSOC, outlines advanced technologies desired for country’s most elite, clandestine military efforts. “Special Operations Forces (SOF) are interested in technologies that can generate convincing online personas for use on social media platforms, social networking sites, and other online content,” the entry reads.
The document specifies that JSOC wants the ability to create online user profiles that “appear to be a unique individual that is recognizable as human but does not exist in the real world,” with each featuring “multiple expressions” and “Government Identification quality photos.”
In addition to still images of faked people, the document notes that “the solution should include facial & background imagery, facial & background video, and audio layers,” and JSOC hopes to be able to generate “selfie video” from these fabricated humans. These videos will feature more than fake people: Each deepfake selfie will come with a matching faked background, “to create a virtual environment undetectable by social media algorithms.”
The Pentagon has already been caught using phony social media users to further its interests in recent years. In 2022, Meta and Twitter removed a propaganda network using faked accounts operated by U.S. Central Command, including some with profile pictures generated with methods similar to those outlined by JSOC. A 2024 Reuters investigation revealed a Special Operations Command campaign using fake social media users aimed at undermining foreign confidence in China’s Covid vaccine.
Last year, Special Operations Command, or SOCOM, expressed interest in using video “deepfakes,” a general term for synthesized audiovisual data meant to be indistinguishable from a genuine recording, for “influence operations, digital deception, communication disruption, and disinformation campaigns.” Such imagery is generated using a variety of machine learning techniques, generally using software that has been “trained” to recognize and recreate human features by analyzing a massive database of faces and bodies. This year’s SOCOM wish list specifies an interest in software similar to StyleGAN, a tool released by Nvidia in 2019 that powered the globally popular website “This Person Does Not Exist.” Within a year of StyleGAN’s launch, Facebook said it had taken down a network of accounts that used the technology to create false profile pictures. Since then, academic and private sector researchers have been engaged in a race between new ways to create undetectable deepfakes, and new ways to detect them. Many government services now require so-called liveness detection to thwart deepfaked identity photos, asking human applicants to upload a selfie video to demonstrate they are a real person — an obstacle that SOCOM may be interested in thwarting.
There was a vice documentary I have been trying to find “The VICE News Documentary: The Pentagon’s ‘Online Propaganda’ Program” it has been completely scrubbed, if anyone can find this please message it describes a military wing the gov have specifically for spreading propaganda it has vanished online we are living in wild times
There was a vice documentary I have been trying to find “The VICE News Documentary: The Pentagon’s ‘Online Propaganda’ Program” it has been completely scrubbed, if anyone can find this please message it describes a military wing the gov have specifically for spreading propaganda it has vanished online we are living in wild times
I've been noticing a change in reddit in the past year where it seems like it's becoming less diverse.
What else is new? You can always move to a different country
And how does that solve the problem? Love it or leave it is such a fucking stupid thing to say when your country is by far the largest meddler on the global stage. Like gee what a great point you're right I could go somewhere else where US foreign policy is somehow even worse than it's domestic policy.
lol they are tired of paying actual people to argue their imperialist propaganda
Yup. Poor keyboard warriors at Langley better get unionized!
By law (Title 10) the DoD cannot run these types of operations against the US (citizens, corporations, etc). They certainly do against others. If you’re concerned about this kind of thing being used to influence US, you’re looking at the wrong department. DHS is where I’d be most concerned.
Damn Department of Human Services at it again!!
Yeah that sure stopped the CIA
I think years down the road when everything is declassified you will find that organizations like the NSA went to enormous efforts to assure actions they were ordered to perform that fell outside Title 50 laws had legal top cover. Often, this cover was via a mechanism like the FISA court, but the President, the NSC, and the DoJ (and Attorney General) would have had to be on board for these controversial actions to take place.
The CIA is a somewhat different beast as far as authorities go. The President can issue a finding, with the assistance of the NSC to authorize their covert operations. They DO have those findings as a legal basis for what they do however. It’s not the Wild West out there. The IC takes their legal restrictions seriously because people can go to jail if they don’t. Just because YOU can’t see the classified legal mechanisms doesn’t mean they’re not there. But I’m not going to say that everybody in all these agencies is perfect either. I’ve heard of disciplinary actions being taken, but that kind of thing is also classified, so the public don’t actually see it.
This comment should be higher. MI/Psyops cannot conduct collection or deception on US citizens.
Most bots are foreign, typically paid for or operated by Russia/China. The information war is well and alive and has been since 20...15?
War in 140 characters was a good read to understand the wave tops of how there are now many more levers or domains to conduct warfare and how they've affected the US and Israel.
It really kicked off with Steve bannon and his Chinese bots and useful idiots with gamergate. That was a test run for the 2016 election.
The problem is that the internet is global. It blows back.
This is being used by politicians and PAC's.
Everyone talks about Russian bot farms….imagine how much more advanced ours is
Unfortunately, if everyone else is doing it, you have to do it and do it better or you will be disadvantaged, influenced and left behind. If one side fights dirty you are going to have to get down in the mud.
That's an extremely naive post hoc rationalization that we see a lot in US parapolitics lol. We didn't WANT to massively dose people with LSD without their knowledge and spend twenty years trying to create a mind control slave... But those damn commies started it so we just had to do it!!
The Gov tells lies, the media tells lies, etc.
People tell lies, companies tell lies, police tell lies. They really turned freedom of speech (to speak out against tyranny and criticize the Government) into be able to say w/e you want unless it fits this narrow libel or slander BS. Need to go back to lying isn't protected speech.
You mean, a Constitutional Amendment?
Who gets to decide what is a lie, anyway?
Bringing back the fairness doctrine would be a good start
It was really only in 2012 that the supreme court stated that lying is protected speech - meaning that it was "without reproach" - with the idea that so long as lying doesn't cause immediate harm or immediate harm to a government function its ok. In 1964 stating falsehoods was given protected speech under libel/slander laws. You had to make them recklessly and know they were false. Which is utter shit - If you do not know something, the idea that you would speak on it is reckless and since you don't know, its obvious that your words are false. I don't know how electromagnetic forces interact with dark matter. Why is me talking about how they interact not reckless or false? I know nothing about it. We go to 1988 where false statements of facts are valueless and it should be the CONSUMER to determine what they believe. Again, utter hogwash. Knowingly publishing false statements is reckless in any situation.
Lying only has consequences for peasants - so yea I think a constitutional amendment or going back to how the framers intended is warranted. Jefferson said that newspapers should only publish true facts and sound principles. Madison said that lying undermines political culture and is a threat to voters by robbing them of the ability to make rational choices.
I believe in first principles for our constitution - it should be equal and measured across all rights and freedoms.
All fine and noble.
I ask again: who decides what is and isn't a lie?
We already evaluate whether things are lies, it’s just not punished as it should be.
What lies, and who decides?
Lies about Covid? Lies like.....cloth masks can protect people against the dread disease?
Nah, I'm afraid it's all over, we live in a post truth society.
Grade school level distinctions between facts and opinions are no longer viable.
I’m sorry it seems that way for you. Best of luck
I'm a big fan of Bertrand Russell, I don't like it.
Best of luck to you as well.
Courts - like they did prior to those rulings if someone sued/brought a case. If its egregious enough - congress can investigate - al la Enron style
I don't trust the system, and it floors me that people in this subreddit kind of do.
I am FINE with this threshold:
I can understand your position, I think trust is not a word I would use to describe how people (or just myself) view that. But its not a topic about that.
I disagree with the idea that they are protected speech, and I disagree that speech in any kind should be protected via anything except Government. You have a right to criticize the government, you have a right to say good or bad things about political figures. I think we went WRONG when we pushed that right into our every day lives. You see this a lot in free speech topics - its that the Government can't punish you. Exactly, and that is the standard that should have been kept.
I see where you're coming from.
I took a class on the history of the First Amendment over a decade ago and was raised in Wyoming: I go a bit further than most on this topic.
Honestly (and this is not directed at you) the Twitter Files really seemed to make folks take a stand on all this, one way or another.
And because one way gets one lumped in with Orange Man, we are.
Fair assessment - I just wish they (Supreme Court) treated the rights - especially in the first fucking paragraph (The same paragraph) the same. I'm free to practice my religion as I see fit and my work can't do shit about it. Same for the other rights (Speaking about X/Twitter and firing people for not agreeing with the new owner)
I am stoked you seem to see the dynamic of the dangers of being perceived of as a Trump supporter, how that has been driving a lot of behavior, and how that spell is breaking.
We live in interesting times.
Aren't the Chinese and Russians doing it too? I wonder how much of peoples thoughts are even theor own nowadays
They obviously are but I feel like we hear about them so much as a deflection anyways, and they'd obviously be very crude in comparison to US propaganda or intel
So a…JSOC puppet?
Handled by a JAG OFFicer
The way social media, bloated government agencies like the DOD and FBI become more intertwined with corporations, and AI eventually we will live in a hybrid simulation where what we can see directly In front of us is real, but things we can only read/view through media (like national/global politics, etc) will just be a vivid illusion.
Excellent comment and yeah that's definitely the overlords wet dream. Breaking news Cuba has shot down US airliner over Maine, ground invasion imminent!! Theres already been versions of that basically happening for the last century so it would just be a fine tuning of that technique.
I've done some digging in research on this and even tried sending it to some reporters to no avail. The program you are looking for is called operation Ernest voice and the company is NTrepid.
This was originally created to be used in foreign languages only against terrorists. When the Smith mundt act of 2012 was passed it allowed for the propaganda arm of the US government to disseminate information to the US population domestically.
With the Smith act they are able to run these softwares on the American population as long as there is an emergency declared.
I would also look into the death of Michael Hastings who was a reporter. He died when his car accelerated rapidly and slammed into a tree in the middle of the night. He told his neighbors that he thought his car was compromised and even asked to use their car instead.
If you want to find the accounts that are being used in this program the thing you have to know is it needs a human operator to be online. I took the US Air forces leave calendar and lined up the days off with accounts I suspected. If you do this over two or three years of comments and posting you can get a pretty good idea of which accounts are bots.
P these accounts tend to just stop posting during the holidays, which is strange compared to the normal activity.
I just checked out Michael Hastings. Hadn't heard about him before.
The wiki indicates his brother thought he was manic and using.
But I've seen a campaign that seemed to involve these people.
They are able to covertly stalk someone and spin them out, even convince and use the people around them to help do so, get them using again and keep pushing. Some dirty shit.
The concerns he voiced about everything and then everyone just dropped it.
When I see shit about these sorts of programs I think of all that power to control people and them using it for bad, when it could be used to help people and make things better for people. It's disappointing.
Even if he was, his death is really fucking weird. One of the many that has always bugged me along with Danny Casolaro, Gary Caradori, Gary Webb, Gary DeVore, Max Spiers... Too many..
I just want to add that with Max Spiers I was following him while he was alive and while I don't subscribe to everything he said it really bugged me that he was talking a LOT about Michael Aquino right before he (Spiers) died and warning that Aquino was very much still active.
Might I ask how you came to "see a campaign" like this? I agree with what you've said. Just curious.
This conservative group from a rural area where they recruit and have strong connections fucked with this guy for years.
Dude developed a nervous disorder couldn't get help and they just kept pushing and isolating him, try to make it worse. Laughing at him the whole time because he trusted them for so long while they kept trying to effectively brainwash him.
And he couldn't figure out why he was so messed up.
Heard they even bugged him, like placed something on him.
OK interesting. It is my opinion that the F B I has and continues to run such operations. They seem to try very hard to vietnamize groups like the one that you're describing. Plausible deniability, shifting of blame, they might do something like tell such a group that they have intelligence to suggest but cannot prove that their chosen target is responsible for whatever crime they can cook up. They'll impersonate people to create scenarios, etc. If not the Feds I can't imagine who.
This is one of the main reasons I don't have smart devices in my house and why I'm distrustful of cars that are overly reliant on computers. I want a dune style heart kill switch that I can just yank on to cut all power to the vehicle.
Im curious how you're commenting here then...
Small mice carry notes to bigger mice with better hands to type.
Excellent comment, and yes as many people here probably know the US has been formally in a state of emergency since 9/11 hasn't it?? That's why that recent thing about a "100 Mile Border Enforcement Zone" was so creepy to me.. I live along the great lakes lol, and 2/3rds of the country falls into that jurisdiction.. makes me think of REX84 and all that sort of continuity of government bullshit
Any examples of these accounts?
Check out all of the pro-war comments from recent posts in this very sub. Probably at least a handful of those would qualify, don't you think? I personally have never met a single organic human being who has been at all enthused about the US bombing Yemen.
I've posted a couple but they always get removed because it identifies someone specifically. I mostly look for these in the UAP space. I have seen accounts that are from 2012 and 2013 that qualify. There was even a reddit article back in 2013 talking about the most reddit addicted towns in America. It listed an Air Force Base in Florida as the number one addicted town, but it was quickly taken down.
So no, you don't have any examples.
Now, they'll add English support and use it against domestic terrorists.
The fact that they stop posting on Holidays is what makes me thing this whole thing article/thread bullshit. I've managed a lot of major social media profiles for celebrities and brands over the years and we still post over the holidays, it just becomes automated. We had programs to autorespond basic messages to people based on what they say.
If it's stopping on Holidays that is just highly partisan people posting when they're at their computer.
If you want evidence of this sort of thing, look at Russia's social media programs. They tried to stay away from bots to offer "authentic" interaction that would be more bespoke per person. But, when Russia invaded Ukraine those responding accounts all vanished and were flooded with bot traffic. The bots were easy to fool and you could ask them bizarre questions and they'd respond in Russian instead of English. The screenshots of this popped up all over at the time and there were a ton of news articles about it.
womp womp
Edward Snowden sends his regards.
Damn all those poor State Department and IDF keyboard warriors better unionize before their asses are out of a job!!! Nobody is safe from automation and AI lol
I don’t get why this should even be an issue. America’s enemies are doing this ,social media is a very real influence on politics and policies. In any future war controlling the social media perception of that war will be key.
Deepfake meets deep state. The amplification of fake news to sway public opinion is about to go on steroids. I’m afraid of the side effects, causing world society to disintegrate even faster into turmoil.
Like the 2020 election being stolen? Fake news already lead to a coup attempt
Like Putin and Elon do?
Of course they are. Corporate media screams about Russian interference meanwhile the scale of the U.S. influence operations most likely dwarfsother nations in comparison.
Reddit is a deep state bot cesspool
tbh I just assumed that they were already doing this
They've been doing it for over a decade. I first started noticing in 2014, and if that's the case it was probably happening for years prior. If this is news for anyone, I'd assume they are in their mid 20s or younger.
I’d argue that Gen Z is a Gen more aware… the boomers however…
Boomer as you call them grew up in a completely different world - this is why many people are careful to keep family members informed.
Is there another common term for baby boomers? And I totally agree, I just thought it was an interesting take that younger generations were the ones that wouldn’t understand they’re likely to be arguing with a bot when they have grown up with the internet and social media as a staple.
Gen Z are not always that great with tech, which I assume comes from being born into this environment of tech. Millennials, on the other hand, matured with the environment and have probably the best understanding of tech.
Just my thoughts. I may be wrong.
GenX is not at all surprised to be ignored again ;-)
Omg, I'm sorry. Gen X is in such a weird spot. Prevented from taking power — boomers won't let go— to shape their world in accordance with their beliefs.
As long as they keep ignoring us we can slip around and flankem
I mean I sure hope so. If there’s nothing to counter all of the Russian, Iranian, and Chinese bots after this long, it would just be depressing.
In the early 2000's, they had software for human operators to manage multiple online accounts, a menu would open a dossier with ongoing discussion notes, back stories, friends & family. One person could manage 20 or 30 accounts
But, nowdays that's not enough so AI is amplifying these efforts
I had programs doing that back to 2005 that I used in my marketing job.
Not just for governments anymore though, big and small contractors run computerized influence operations with real people amplified by bots, chat bots, now ai, for corporate intersts and politicians and everything.
Israel and the US are certainely running the state of the art versions. When they upgrade those contractors will use older versions for paying clients.
If you think the Internet is enshitified now, give it ten years. The ability to mimic people convincingly with AI and fabricate audko and visual opens new ways of manipulating us and we are already quite misled as a whole.
They have been trying here on Reddit the past year, but it is easy to break the bots if you keep arguing with them. Their answers get more and more nonsensical and formulaic according to the persona they are assuming.
Lol sounds ✨illegal✨😂 but I find it hard to believe they aren’t already doing this. I think they just want more help from AI companies to mass produce very convincing profiles and outwit deepfake spotting software, of course because our adversaries have that and because controlling the narrative on social media is increasingly important. The issue for governments world wide is deciding how to deal with populations of people on social media who are easily manipulated by false info, propaganda, conspiracy. And at the same time, they must control the flow of information that’s honest but goes against their agenda because they can’t control social media like mainstream media. It’s very scary, most of what we see online is propaganda or ai content now
Absolutely every single post about Trump is horrible inflammatory fake headline and everything about Kamala is like sugar and spice and everything nice it's absolutely appalling what is going on I hate Reddit now it's just gotten progressively worse. It was always bad during election years especially but I can barely stomach going on Reddit these days. The mainstream media & social media in general but reddit is one of the worst.
I wish there were more links to statements this post. Here is one I found quickly,
Part of this article said the intent was to "fight back against China's propaganda" over Covid, slamming Chinese made masks and the vaccine to the Philippines creating mistrust and less use of these.
It also said the following.
"The military program started under former President Donald Trump and continued months into Joe Biden’s presidency......The Biden White House issued an edict in spring 2021 banning the anti-vax effort, which also disparaged vaccines produced by other rivals....".
My view is this was a spit in the wind type of situation for the US.
Yeah, I think they failed pretty hard with that one. Misinformation won.
I saw someone still arguing that Ivermectin "was proven to work" just yesterday.
You would be surprised the number of people that take it and swear by it.
Lots of people have parasites and when they take ivermectin, it kills them, and they do feel better. When I went to Thailand, I had been suffering from "IBS" (which is hella common in the US) for years and a doctor said that there, it's recommended that people do antiparasitics twice a year so I did a round. IBS cured within days for $12. I think our medical industry is less about curing and more about profiting off of American misery.
Maybe I should look into that...
This is why I say away from r/all
At least 80% of Reddit are bots. 99% of the top subs.
Bots are here too. I might be a bot. You might be a bot. Glory to Skynet!
Glory to the Klingon empire!
The worst.
If you are hearing about it, they were probably doing it 5-10 years ago.
This guy psyops
So? So is Russia. And China. And anyone selling anything. Just stay off the Internet and talk to real people who also stay off the Internet.
Well they suck at it because the Russian and Chinese and rich right wing assholes are winning the propaganda war hands down
How do you know our programs aren’t or weren’t pushing the same shit? Most of the COVID vaccine misinformation came from our government, it was just aimed at the Chinese and blew back on us.
The anti vax propaganda, I am certain, started with Republicans and the russians. Remember the lableak conspiracy that was started by Steve bannon? Remember the fort Dietrich conspiracy? I think that was also started by our own side.
Then, a month to a few months after that, I started seeing new Chinese bots parrot the fort Dietrich conspiracy. They definitely weren't the ones who invented it, they just propagated it in response to the Wuhan lableak conspiracy.
I believe, and I mean isn't it obvious?, that we have a very deep divide in the ruling class here. Our country is divided from the top down. We had republicans inside our national security institutions pushing propaganda with ruzzians to hurt Americans. And the, Biden ended the program when he took office.
Russia's also winning the Ukraine war.
Remember when everyone said that Ukraine would collapse within weeks at most?
Here's a wild thought: Ukraine didn't fold because American arms and personnel were decisive, proving the point Ukraine actually did represent a threat to Russia.
Look, I've been saying since the early 90's that we should have treated Russia better, as they were the ones who ultimately collapsed the Soviet Union, not us.
Our arrogant triumphalism is why hundreds of thousands now lay dead.
Again, for the millionth time: to oppose American actions in Ukraine, and I mean going back a long time, is tied closely to being a fan of Orange Man.
We very much didn’t (politically) spike the ball, though the temptation was great.
Maybe American corporations who saw newly collapsed Russia as fertile ground for their various schemes didn’t have their best interests in mind tho
I agree entirely. The New York Times in February of this year described exactly how after the 2014 revolution/coup, the CIA literally rebuilt the Ukrainian intelligence services.
Russia was right to feel threatened.
Yeah the US was gonna use Ukraine to stage their invasion of Russia. We were gonna invade and turn them into slave to train our AIs
It wasn't going to be an invasion, but another revolution/coup.
The lack of paranoia in this sub kind of freaks me out.
Have you read any of the Mueller Report?
Did you notice that the thread of the story picks up in spring of 2014?
With Yvegeny Prigozen? Yes, that one?
Did you pick up on how the Russian marching orders were to do anything to harm Hillary Clinton, including by supporting both Bernie and Trump???
Ever wonder why Putin wanted to hurt Clinton specifically?
I understand these things. I also am a fucking grown up man and understand the nation I live in has every right and even a responsibility to promote its interests across the world. If that hurts Putin’s widdle feelings I could give a shit. He is also a grown up man who presumably knows history and probably saw how Vietnam serially humiliated France, the US, and China and could have checked himself before he wrecked himself by invading Ukraine. That shit ends badly and he coulda chose differently
What American interests, outside of those in the military industrial complex, was being promoted in Ukraine?
Of course, Putin knows history. What is the "Mother of Russian cities?"
Kiev. In his interview with Tucker Carlson (who I never liked and was milquetoast in this event), Putin said this whole thing has a civil conflict dynamic that Americans simply don't understand.
If I could discern any reason for the US to have pushed this way, I would be relieved.
But all I get are emotional appeals.
And then I hear American politicians call for lowering the draft age in Ukraine from 25 to 18, which is damned close to genocide.
If we gave a damn about Ukraine or Ukrainians, none of this would have ever happened.
So this is about Vlad’s emotions about his mother? Try harder. Good day sir.
Sure Vlad, whatevs
Yeah I just assume this is what's going on and it's difficult to find an actual person online.
Wait I thought only Russia, Iran, Palestine, and China are capable of this? Are you saying the US could also be spreading misinformation via online troll bots!? ****Gasps in sarcasm
How long before these identities can vote?
Who says they’re not?
Imagine the government admitting to a plan to create robot replica people who's only purpose is to decieve you into thinking they are real so that you will listen to it's "opinion" and believe it's coming from an actual person. That's basically what they are doing but online, and people are cool with that....
Has anyone at all said they are cool with it? Every single person said it's awful if it exists.
I think everyone uses bots for this purpose now
Every government does this. We’re already in World War III and it is taking place on social media.
Yup, they're everywhere. Comically sad how easy they are to identify as well..
Put another dollar in the jar for “conspiracy theorists”. The “Dead Internet Theory” is real.
This is not a new idea, prior to the era of bots there was something called Sock Puppet Accounts ( Sock puppet account - Wikipedia )
Basically by using specialized a single individual can manage multiple fake profiles / account. Then use those accounts to push certain ideas or simply to drown out dissenting ideas.
Bots just automates that practice.
Here is where this will get scary, by applying recent advances in AI (some polish still needed) you will be able to create fake users. Once this technology is perfected, you cant tell the fake users apart from real users.
Now imagine that these fake users (AIs) would have specific mission objectives, such as steer online discussion in a certain direction. Lets crank this up a notch, what if the AIs mission is to befriend humans with the purpose to influence them. AI is infinitely patient, its in no hurry. It can slowly build a psychological profile and a cognitive model of the human they've targeted. Using that detailed insight, the AI can slowly influence the human to adopt whatever beliefs that the mission objectives.
AI powered propaganda is next level, it will be personalized, invasive and invisible.
It does not have to work on everyone, just enough of a critical mass that will allow for the modification society and common norms and beliefs over time.
we can't have a bot gap with Russia
This hasn’t really been a secret for a while.
I’ve seen job announcement for what amounted to professional social media shit posters.
The big obstacle for the US is that we’re a (mostly) free country. Censorship is frowned upon. So foreign influencers have an open shot on goal toward the population.
China? Less so. If a SM platform is problematic, the PRC will just shut it down and/or arrest anyone propagating misinformation within their jurisdiction.
In the US? Motherfuckers become rich and famous by taking a fake Twitter post and blasting it on their podcast as “news”. Hell, they can become the President. Lol.
Russia and China have been doing this for years, us doing this is playing catchup to counter their online capabilities. It's clearly going to be nefarious in wrong hands but this is a necessity for possible cyber warfare with our adversaries.
Well pretty soon im going to have to cut off the internet
This article makes me wonder about evidence in future court cases. Video footage can be altered or completely faked now. Remember the movie War Games? They thought the attack was real. What happens when a made up story from another country causes mass panic using the same tech? AI has advanced too far for our ape brains. There needs to be a line we won't cross, and a damn shutoff switch.
Well, if you wanna get real creepy and put wargames in a modern context, what’s to say that sabotage could not occur in an AI context and cause a country like North Korea who possesses Chinese nuclear weapons, which are probably completely loaded with Chinese malware, To completely lose control of its weapons and begin firing them at Will at countries? How easy would it be to blame Kim Jong Un? He’s an idiot and a fool, and everyone would easily except that he chose to shoot those missiles when in reality it could be the CCP, the cia, or some other super power that decides for whatever reason its time to shake up the global economy and population
“An idiot and a fool”…
And what do you base that on? Personal experience with him or what these same people have told you to think of him?
They’ve been playing this game way longer than AI has been around. Are you sure that what you “know” is actually true?
Yes lacking common sense and behaving impulsive and irrationally.
Kim Jong is a murdering violent psychopath. It is extremely well documented. How much do you know about the DPRK regime? Why dont you vacation in the DPRK and pull a propaganda poster down and bring it home with you. Tell us how they educate you on the Korean war and give you an extraordinary sense of autonomy as a tourist.
All I’m saying is consider the source for your opinion and maybe take it with a grain of salt.
I know nothing about DPRK. That’s my point.
I don't know a whole lot but I've read about them probably more than most. The guy you're replying to is making up his story wholesale. But if you wanted to read about the Korean war and the wider conflict we have with NK you will likely come out with a better understanding for why NK does what no does.
I made it very clear that i proposed a scenario, is there confusion about that? I have a deep comprehension of the DPRK, my suggestion was based on the current status of north korea.
I am not going from one source. I exhaustively research the byproduct of failed leadership and train on the impact and destruction created by various forms of leadership. Its important to train psychologically on mass populous effects and on individual leaders. How did they rise, how did they fall? What traits did they possess? I can go on and on. I suggest you deep dive the hermet kingdom and watch as many documentaries as possible. The byproduct of failed leadership is millions of lost lives. Mass destruction snd mayhem.
We need KYC for social media. Every account that can post or message must be linked to a government ID or business filing. Then we can put a national flag symbol next to the username of every post.
Imagine seeing one of the following tied to the post
BackyardByTheP00L 🇺🇸 BackyardByTheP00L 🇷🇺 BackyardByTheP00L 🇨🇳
You know the result of such a level of control by the government.
But what if there was a platform that we could opt into that did this?
Yeah it’s about the tradeoffs. We would end up with less foreign bots influencing our politics, because we could quickly define the source, and it would be harder for domestic bots to get an account in the first place. Our politics could become less extreme
Perhaps the worst of all outcomes..
Found the NWO bot.
Prosecutors and courts and police would not be above convicting on deepfake fabrications in all instances. Not above commissioning the deepfakes themselves either.
The courts and cj system are corrupted and aristocratic and will follow the political mood if it becomes more let us say persecutorial.
r/worldnews is filled with those bots
Gaza posts are great examples of what modern day Astro-turfing looks like.
well ...snot.
Nothing should be trusted on the internet in general.
Not surprised at all. Russ, Chyna, and Eye-ran are doing this already to cause discord within the US so it makes sense that US will have to do it to counter their bot armies. I've already seen arguments on social media that appear to be multiple bots debating.
They are late to this game, sheesh! Russians got it locked up.
Yeah, kremlin too. What’s new?
Good lesson here. Don't get your information off the Facebook comment section guys.
If the topic or comment is of high enough value to influence, they can tilt it for positive or negative depending on the amount of resources they wish to bring to bear on it.
Simplest system would be key phrases and terms. And upvotes.
Ka-mala Harris. Tru-mp. Dem-ocrats. C-hina. C-CP. Vo-ter Fr-aud
Russia has been doing this to great effect in the West. Many three letter government agencies have pointed to Russian bot farms that sway public perception via misinformation on everything from vaccines to current elections. A certain segment of U.S. citizens have used this information to bolster their fight with the government on various public matters over the last decade or so.
Wow, if you think that's something, wait till you hear what Russia and China are doing.
Russia and China already this, except no AI. Bots are bots, AI or otherwise.
The Chinese military has a similar program, but their bots are tuned to distribute state malware. They are damn convincing, I wouldn't trust any strangers at all with social accounts these days. Even the Google play store is flooded with apps that are just a standard game algorithm, reskinned and packed with hidden crap.
You would be surprised but Russia pushes irans agenda against Israel 24/7. Whole Palestine garbage just to drown out Ukraine war Crimes and get Iranian munitions as a bonus.
Touch grass, Jesus Christ.
i feel like you're a bit behind the curve
I know I am. And no my names not Hal.
Jedi-Skywalker1@reddit (OP)
I've known about this, the information has been public. I only posted this article since it was newer and informative.