Tips on managing longish term self projects?

Posted by teapeeheehee@reddit | ExperiencedDevs | View on Reddit | 5 comments

I have a generous amount of time to finish up a set of tasks. I'm confident I can do it, tho it is novel for me so there's some ambiguity I'll need to work thru but for the most part confident.

I have like 4 months to finish thesd tasks up. In reality they should take about a month each. Ive always been the type to procrastinate and be motivated to only truly start when it comes down to the wire, but I want to change and become a better and do thing incrementally and ahead of schedule. (plus it would be wish to finish this sooner to give more time for qa and testing and possibly adjust to changes).

So yes it's a lack of discipline on my part. But that aside, does anyone have any tips, advice (mental/prsctical/any advice welcome) on how to start longer solo projects and work on them in a smart, incremental way that keeps me accountable to myself?