Questionable Flight Club and Checkout rules??

Posted by randytc18@reddit | flying | View on Reddit | 13 comments

I just recently changed flight clubs and went to get instruction/checkout on a c182 today. The clubs owner said they usually just start checkouts on a c182 and give endorsements down from there for people with plenty of c172 flight time. I've been flying for about 3 years now. "If you can fly a c172 you can fly a 182" is how it was worded to me.

Met the instructor in person for the first time today and again, he seemed like he remembered nothing about me even though we had spoken on the phone multiple times. Again I informed him I had no c182 time and was nervous learning the new procedures for flying it. we finally jump in the plane and get going after him criticizing(multiple times) me for carrying a checklist while preflighting. "Preflight requires 2 hands". Well yeah some of it, but the ground holds stuff nicely when I need to set it down. We taxi to the runup and he seems just grumpy. Let's me work on the runup then starts into me again about something I missed even though I hadn't. He wasn't paying attention and starts questioning me why I'm performing the flight control check. By this time I'm thinking this is not going like I planned but continued on with the flight. We depart and head to another airport for tng's and he's not explaining anything and really getting snippy with me when I ask questions. Pulled out a checklist for pre landing stuff and he jumps on my again for the "paper" I shouldn't need. At this point I'm questioning decisions I made back to when I was in 1st grade. Really I am just kind of confused. Checklist, checklist, checklist is how I learned and this 30000 retired captain is ripping me for it.

Not sure how to followup. I keep going back and forth on requesting a different instructor and am wondering if their 182 endorsement down is a actual thing. This instructor kept telling me it's not even though the owner said otherwise.

Typical flight club shenanigans?