Having a difficult time deciding if I should fly home for a funeral.

Posted by zumdeutschlernen@reddit | expats | View on Reddit | 39 comments

My grandmother passed away this past weekend and the funeral won't be held for another week and a half so I do have time to make it home. It was a long time coming as she'd been in decline this entire year but I was really close to her and I really want to attend the funeral. The issue is, I'm worried about jeopardizing my current residency status in Germany as I've just immigrated here a year ago. I have a temporary residency permit that is valid for 3 years and from looking into it I should be fine to travel but I'm afraid that with Germany's boarders being a lot stricter lately that I may run into trouble upon returning. I've already spoken to my family about the situation and they're okay with either way I decide but I'm so torn. I worked so hard to get to this point to be living here that I don't want to risk something going wrong but at the same time I'm afraid I'll regret not being there. Funerals don't really do much for me and I can attend virtually but I want to be there for my family. I just have no idea what to do.