Career: Industry that doesn't make you want to burn everything down and walk out the door?

Posted by AlyssaAlyssum@reddit | sysadmin | View on Reddit | 28 comments

Most of my IT career has been in large(er) corporate businesses. Where usually the money isn't 'real', everyone's job title has at least 1 buzzword and only 3/100 people do anything tangible anyway.

I consider myself pretty "get stuck in and figure it out", the stereotype "swiss-army knife sysadmin".... The other week I was running around with an oscilloscope, probing an Analog signal (equipment synchronisation) from some of our lab equipment to debug a problem and "It's nobody else's job".

The longer I spend in these environments, the more bitter and frustrated I find myself at how much nonsensical and general wastes, of time, equipment and resources that seems to occur in these companies from the many layers of bureaucracy.
As a current example. We currently have more than we know what to do with, of these specific industrial Supermicro servers (Not GPU). Which today cost us around 20k each, that I have an actual pile of them on the floor (I've already used a couple as 20K ballast for some racks).
But when I ask for a 'measly' 2K budget to buy proper shelves to put them and a bunch of other assorted equipment? Denied (Floor it is then). "Sorry, that's not in the budget. But we're spending 50k on Thing because we need to spend That 50k before the end of the year. It doesn't really offer any benefits though."
I don't think I can handle the stupidity forever. I could give sooooo many examples of utterly stupid shit I've seen in my current job alone.

Anyway. Trying to get to the point.
I was wondering, if anybody had any suggestions of industries for advice about trying to find a mythical company where reality actually exists in one form or another? But simultaneously, I don't have to go dumpster diving on the weekend to replace PC's.
Even better if it's an Industry that actually pays a living wage.
I'd love to help out smaller charities, or organizations that are admirable and need support, I keep looking at volunteer things. But simultaneously, I'd like to have the option to buy a house one day.
Does the fabled land exist?