Notes on my car, what would you do?

Posted by Fun_Fox4074@reddit | AskUK | View on Reddit | 41 comments

I (21f) live with my parents on the main road in our village. Our house has a driveway that fits two cars and, naturally, my parents both park on it.

I park my car on a residential street opposite our house, which is also the same street that I work on. Last week, I found a handwritten note on my windscreen asking me to park elsewhere, as I was “restricting people from parking outside their own houses”. The house I was parked near has a driveway (as do all the houses on this street) which I was not obstructing and is filled by a large caravan. The homeowners park their two other cars on the street outside their house.

Today there was another note, basically the same but perhaps less polite and this time written in thick black sharpie. A work colleague also told me she has had similar issues parking in this area, and has received verbal abuse from the owners of the caravan in the past. The residents’ two cars are still parked outside their house, with my car parked in front of their house and the house next door (sort of in the middle), causing no obstruction whatsoever. It just seems they aren’t keen on parking across their own driveway as this makes getting their caravan on/off of it more difficult.

Am I missing something here? The road is generally pretty busy due to it also being home to a primary school, but I don’t see a problem with my parking and am getting quite fed up with the notes.

For the record, my car of course holds valid tax, MOT and insurance.