Tips for Command Line Project

Posted by Vova____@reddit | Python | View on Reddit | 10 comments

Hello! I'm making a short project to have a little experience creating a command line tool, as well as getting a project onto PyPI. Mainly, I'm doing this because I think it's cool, and it would be awesome if a friend could pip3 install my project and just have a CLI tool off the install, similar to how the `qrcode` Python library comes with the `qr` CLI tool when installed. If you have any tips **AT ALL** for anything you see, like project organization, overall Python usage, or too many commits (is that possible), please tell me, I'm a sponge for info!

Off a google search, I understand there is already a PyPI project [Jonathan Löfgren]( made some time ago for converting paces into different distance paces. The purpose of my project here is to get a little experience creating a CLI tool I could use along with the overall process of getting something onto PyPI that works. If what I'm doing is majorly wrong, however, please tell me, I don't know!

PyPI Page:

GitHub Source Code link: