The Stop Having Children Thread.

Posted by harpyeaglelove@reddit | collapse | View on Reddit | 2 comments

Seriously, this is an emergency. Stop having children. If you and your partner are trying to make a baby cancer ape, I would encourage you to stop immediately. There are currently 7.6 billion cancer apes on this planet. You may think that your little baby ape isn't anyone else's business, but the truth is that your little ape is contributing to:

  1. CO2 release by existing in a 1st world country
  2. Resource depletion, your little cancer ape is going to require tons of carbon, pesticides, fertilizer, steel, etc over its lifetime - there are a finite number of resources on this planet, your little ape is not helping the situation.
  3. Species extinction - to provide food for your little cancer ape, habitat must be cleared and native species killed and displaced so it can eat steak with the rest of your family.
  4. Financial burden on society: your little cancer ape contributes to the tax burden of the residents in your city for the services it needs to survive - it needs police, fire fighters, and schools - all of which have carbon and resource costs.
  5. The future is grim, your little baby cancer ape will not likely live to reproductive age, or if it does you'll get to watch your little cancer ape make its own little apes and then watch the whole lot of them starve to death - do you really want to watch an ape (s) starve to death in your living room?

In conclusion, cancer apes have already done enough damage to this planet - at this point there's going to be, at minimum, extreme financial hardship and resource wars in the near future. At worst, we're heading for a full-scale collapse of every biome on the planet within the next 30 years (probably sooner).