To the pedestrian I almost hit

Posted by FirstDish9181@reddit | driving | View on Reddit | 1 comments

Hello, I want to apologize for this, but don’t know where or how to. You were crossing the road in a parking lot, and I made a reckless turn. I thought I could get through the turn before you got close to my car, but by the time I was turning you were very close, and very obviously startled. I sped up to try avoiding you, which only made things worse. By the time I passed you you were inches away from my car. I wanted to stop and make sure you were okay, but I was scared and shocked. I was in a bit of a hurry and in turn made one of the stupidest mistakes I could’ve. I have been thinking about my poor decision making ever since, and have been worried about your mental wellbeing, as the experience was undoubtedly scary for you. Words cannot express how sorry I am for my actions, and how sorry I am that I did not stop to check on you. I have really taken my mistake to heart, and have been trying to be a more careful and responsible driver ever since. I can’t stop worrying about you. I promise that I won’t do anything as irresponsible as what I did ever again, and I am so sorry for any trouble that I may have caused for you.