Pass rate of your flight school?

Posted by AcrobaticLevel5471@reddit | flying | View on Reddit | 42 comments

I’m just curious how many students pass on their first try for ratings at your flight school. I have 2 check ride failures but I have my PPL and instrument rating. I am getting a bit discouraged since I know I can’t fail anymore. And I know it will only get more difficult from here.

I am currently at a 141 at a university. Every semester about 70% of us fail either ground or the flight portion of the class. Usually the flight portion. Each semester the classes are cut in half because it’s a combination of the 30% that make it, and the hold overs from students retaking the class. My first semester of 30 students had a 100% fail rate. I was the last one remaining from my original flight class, but now I’m among the 70% who has to retake something. Is that typical at your flight school?

This is how my class sizes played out per semester. Each semester it was a majority of hold overs.

PPL 1 - 30 students (100% fail) PPL 2 - 16 students Instrument 1 - 7 students Instrument 2 - 4 students CPL 1 - 3 students (100% fail) CPL 2 - 2 students