Another CFI Feeling Lost

Posted by throwaway42253@reddit | flying | View on Reddit | 6 comments

Hi All. Looking for some advice on a future as a professional pilot.

I'm a CFII w/ \~400hrs who's about to graduate college, thinking about what direction to go in after. I did my instrument and commercial at a large 141 school in the southeast, everything else part 61. 141 was a struggle. 1 EOC failure during IR, 3 on the CPL EOC flight (clean pass on the checkride after as the school doesn't have self examining authority).

I've read all about the hard and soft limits on checkride failures and the debate on if 141 EOCs count as checkrides. I know opinions are mixed and constantly changing.

Regardless, am I employable? At an airline? Cargo? 135? I love being a CFI but it doesn't pay the bills. If I can continue to fly for a living that's great, but I've got big bills that will have to paid eventually.