What are your favorite ways of dealing with software code reviews?

Posted by rag1987@reddit | ExperiencedDevs | View on Reddit | 23 comments

we are a team of 15 members in a big tech org and building a map positioning service which have many different feeds like (login, dashboard, map, drivers, vehicles etc..) it's bit complex system and more I participate in code reviews in my engineering team, more I believe that the main goal of a code reviewer is to ensure code quality and maintainability while giving a collaborative learning environment to team.

This is why I really appreciate approaches that focus on constructive feedback, clear communication, and continuous improvement rather than just finding faults or enforcing personal preferences and gate keeping.

Some of the highlights from me:

• The Pragmatic Programmer by Andrew Hunt and David Thomas - a classic that emphasizes the importance of code reviews and offers practical advice.

• Clean Code by Robert C. Martin - provides excellent insights on writing readable and maintainable code.

• GitHub's pull request features - especially the ability to comment on specific lines and start discussions within the PR.

• Pair programming sessions - not a direct replacement for code reviews, but can significantly reduce issues before the formal review process.

• Code review checklists - helps maintain consistency and ensures important aspects aren't overlooked.

• Code Complete by Steve McConnell - offers a comprehensive guide on software construction, including valuable sections on code reviews.

• Regular team discussions on code review practices - helps in aligning the team and the process.


but some these days some of team members saying we (team) should start thinking about AI code reviews at least for simple PRs where complexity is less and we can train the local LLM.

What are your experiences or opinions on AI code reviews?